Najim Al-Din Abed 2019 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1294 042008

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2nd International Science Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1294 (2019) 042008 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1294/4/042008

McLaurin series as a new technique to improve encryption


Basim Najim Al-din Abed, Salam Abdulkhaleq Noaman

Department of Computer Science, College of Education for Pure Science, University of Diyala-
Email :

Abstract. Now days many institutions and organizations needs to protect their information and
secret data from theft and many other attempts to destroy and fabricate these data and
information by unauthorized persons who tries to manipulate by the privacy of these institutions
and organizations. So, it is necessary to find a secure way to protect such a data and
information, therefore in this paper a new method proposed to develop the encryption
techniques through using the McLaurin series as a new cryptosystem, and through using
different cryptanalysis techniques and tools, the proposed method was inevitable against the
different attacks, it is also a one way function technique.
Keywords: McLaurin series, dictionary attack, one way function, mono alphabetic substitution

1. Introduction
The Taylor series, mathematically, is a representation of a function as an infinite sum of terms that are
calculated from the values of the function's derivatives. Brook Taylor formulated the Taylor series concept
in 1715 [1,2]. One of the most important benefits of the Taylor series is that it allows the express of any
mathematical function as a polynomial, fig (1), any approximate solutions to the question of whether the
exact solution is difficult, can obtain. As well as, Taylor series has a great importance in digital
mathematics, where many of the approved algorithms to solve equations depending on Taylor series. The
finite series use in all practical applications, so the requirement of the accuracy wanted in our solution to
the equation must take into account [3,4]. In Computer Science, Taylor Series pla used in many
applications such as rendering and sizing objects, for example, the values used in the computer graphics
are not stored numbers, but values calculated by the computer using calculus, the same principle will be
used in this proposed method for data encryption. This paper proposed a new technique for data
encryption depending on the benefits and Taylor series principle [5, 6].
2. Data encryption
Encryption is the process of encoding a data in such a way that only authorized parties can access it using
an encryption algorithm. An authorized recipient can easily decrypt the message with the key provided by

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2nd International Science Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1294 (2019) 042008 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1294/4/042008

the originator to recipients but not to unauthorized users [7]. There are a number of algorithms for
performing encryption and decryption. The most successful algorithms use a key. There are many modern
key-based cryptographic techniques. These are divided into two classes: symmetric and asymmetric (also
called public/private) key cryptography. In symmetric key cryptography, the same key is used for both
encryption and decryption. In asymmetric key cryptography, one key is used for encryption and another,
mathematically related key, is used for decryption.[8,9]

Maclaurin Series
A special case arises when the Taylor series at the point 0. When this done. Taylor series become
the Maclaurin series. The Maclaurin series is the Taylor series at the point 0. The general formula for the
Maclaurin series is:

 () (0) 
 (0)  (0)  (0)   (0)
 = (0) + ( )+ ( ) + ( ) + ⋯+ ( )
! 1! 2! 3! !

This formula is use in the same way as in the Taylor series formula. Through find the derivatives of the
original function, and use those derivatives in the series when it calls for it. The difference is using the
point 0. All derivatives are evaluated at the point 0.
An examples of the Maclaurin series:
To find the Maclaurin series for f(x) = ex, we first find the various derivatives of f(x) = ex. Notice that all
of its derivatives are itself. The first derivative is ex, the second derivative is ex, and so on. Evaluate this
function ex at the point 0. Since all the derivatives are the same, we evaluate ex at x = 0. We get e0 = 1. So,
all derivatives will equal 1. The Maclaurin series then becomes:

Since all the derivatives evaluated at the point 0 is equal to 1. So, the last two lines are answer. Then the
last line is the series written in summation form, and the line before that is the series expanded.
Key generation phase
1- a=0
2- Choose an equation formula and send it to the receiver as a key
3- Send the key into recipient in a secure way

2nd International Science Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1294 (2019) 042008 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1294/4/042008

Encryption phase
1- Let a=0
2- Let character = x
3- Substitute each ascii value of character (x ) and the value ( a=0) in the McLaurin series
() ()  ()  ()  ()  ()

= (0) + ( )+ ( ) + ( ) + ⋯+ ( )
! ! ! ! !

4- From the previous step we obtain the value (y) which represent the character after encryption
5- Y mode 95
6- Apply these steps on the all characters in the plain text to obtain the cipher text
Decryption phase
1- Using the key value ( x) and the equation formula received from the sender
(() ) () ( ) () ( ) ()
2- Compute Taylor inversion ∑
=   (0)
+ !
() +
() +
( ) ()  
( ) ()
+⋯+ () , where “ a=0” , and “x” represent the character value
! !
3- Apply these steps to all characters in the cipher text received from the sender
4- The result will be the original message
Key generation phase
1- Choose equation formula , let f(x)=4x2+3
2- Choose a key value , a=0
3- Send these equation formula into receiver in secure way
Encryption phase
1- Choose an plain text, P= INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
2- Apply McLaurin expansion for the first character which is “I”
3- The ASCII code of I=73 , and value of a=0
4- Substitute ASCII in McLaurin expansion
5- Find the n derivatives for the f function
6-  ( ) = 8 , ( ) = 8
() ()  ()  ()
7- ∑
( ) = (0) + !
( ) + !
( )
8- (73) = (3) + 
(73) + (73)
9- (73) = 3 + 0 + 21316 = 21319
Cipher text = 21319 24339 19603 24967 26899 23719 16903 28227 21319 24967 24339 28227 19047
17959 20739 24339 24967 23107 24967 20167 31687
Then the cipher text mod 95 = 39 19 33 77 14 64 88 12 39 77 19 12 47 4 29 19 77 22 77 27 52
Decryption phase
1- Find the inverse of the function f(x)=4x2+3

2nd International Science Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1294 (2019) 042008 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1294/4/042008

2-   () =  
3- (  ()) = ( 
)  (4)
4- (  ()) = −4(  ) 
(() ) ()    
5- Compute ∑
() = 
+ 2( 
)  () − 4(
)  ()
6- The result will be “73” which is the character “I”
7- Apply for all characters in the cipher text to obtain the plain text

3. Result and discussion

Through applying different attacks on the proposed method , the results appear the strength of the
proposed cryptosystem against these attacks , so the proposed method is very difficult to breaks
by any cryptanalysis technique because of its ability to generate series of polynomials that make
knowing the correct plain text or keys is very difficult as shown in the attacks bellow:
By using the frequency attack , the results showed that the failure of these attack type to guess the
correct frequent letters in the cipher text as shown in the figure (1) bellow :

Figure 1:frequency attack

From the results obtained above, we noticed that there is a complete difference between the frequency of
the characters in English language and the most common digraph and trigraph as well as the characters in
the cipher text. As a result, the frequency attack failed to break the cipher text of the proposed approach.
By using autocorrelation attack , the autocorrelation attack is used to calculate the similitude between two
sequences: the plain text and the cipher text. Also, the autocorrelation analysis can be used to determine
the secret key length in classical cipher methods.

2nd International Science Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1294 (2019) 042008 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1294/4/042008

Figure 2. autocorrelation attack

Figure 2 shows the autocorrelation of the cipher text. With a match between the characters in the
lag between the range (2 and 3)and between (4 and 5), so it is noticed that the autocorrelation of the cipher
text reduced compared to its uniform with the autocorrelation of the plain text. Therefore, the proposed
approach resists the autocorrelation attack.
By using another attack , monoalphabetic substitution appear that failure of this attack to guess
the correct plain text with 26 characters and 28 characters as shown in the figure bellow

Figure 3monoalphabetic substitution attack

By using ADFGVX dictionary attack , it fail again to guess the plain text

2nd International Science Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1294 (2019) 042008 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1294/4/042008

Figure 4ADFGVX dictionary attack

By using dictionary attack, the attack fail to guess the plain text as shown in the figure bellow:

Figure 5 dictionary attack

One way function

One way function is a function f such that its easy to compute but hard to invert So, in this paper we
will proof that the proposed scheme is a one way function

2nd International Science Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1294 (2019) 042008 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1294/4/042008

One way function

The most basic primitive for cryptographic applications is a one-way function which is easy to compute
but hard to invert. The concept of the one-way function is considered as a central importance in
cryptography (Bérczes et al., 2004; Beygelzimer et al., 1999).
Theoretical definition: The function f: {0, 1}* → {0, 1}* is called a one-way function if the
function f can be computed by a polynomial time algorithm. But for each algorithm A that runs in a time
polynomial n=|x|, every polynomial p(n), and all sufficiently large n

pr  f  A f x   f x   ................................................................................. (1)
Where, the probability is over the choice of(x) from the uniform distribution on {0, 1}n, and the
randomness of A (Bérczes et al., 2004; Beygelzimer et al., 1999).
Definition: a function (f) is a simple one-way function if (f) can be computed in PPT (Probalistic
Polynomial Time) and there exists no non-uniform PPT A such that

x 0,1 
pr A f x  f 1
 f x  1 .......................................................... ........(2)

Where {0,1}* forms the used alphabet. In which a PPT (Probalistic Polynomial Time) is a randomized
algorithm which for all inputs (x), M(x) takes at most (| |)steps no matter what random number is
generated, where (p) is a polynomial (Merkle, 1990).
Definition: A function ∑:  → " is negligible if ∀$, ∃ such that:(Merkle, 1990).

 n  n c
n  n0 ................................................................................................(3)

Definition: a strong one-way function is a simple one-way function and the definition for the complexity
(i.e. hardness ) of the strong/simple one way function is defined as follows: ∀&' *, ∃∈ such that
∀ ∈ 

pr x  0,1 , A 1n , f x 
 f 1
 f x   n .................................................. ....... (4)
And ∈ is a negligible value (Merkle, 1990).
Definition: (., /, ∈) − /5$&;5 one-way function is a one way function such that ∀* with runtime < . and
size <s the probability of inverting  is <∈ where ., /, ∈ are all constants (Merkle, 1990).
Definition: A function is a weak one-way function if it is easy to compute and∃>( ), ∀&' *, ∀ ∈ 
such that: (Merkle, 1990)

pr x  0,1 , A 1n , f x 
  f 1
 f x   1 1

2nd International Science Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1294 (2019) 042008 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1294/4/042008

Theorem 1: "If there exists a weak one-way function, then there exists a strong one-way function"
(Bérczes et al., 2004; Beygelzimer et al., 1999; Merkle, 1990)
The McLaurin expansion is in the range of (x) , ∈"

 () (0)
? =  ( ) ?

 (0)  (0)  (0)   (0)

@= (0) + ( )+ ( ) + ( ) +⋯+ ( ) @ ≤ 
,  ∈ " … (6)
1! 2! 3! !
From the definition of the absolute value equation:

 () (0)
− ≤= ( ) ≤ 
… . . (7)

taking the part when the equation equals (x), which is observed through the definition of the absolute
value of x

 () (0)
? =  ( ) ? = C  … … (8)

 () (0)  () (0)
→= ( ) = C  D;  =  ( ) = C  … … . (9)
! !

Then the McLaurin expansion will be

  (0) = C  D;   (0) = −C  … … (10)
 ()   () 
=C D; !
= −C … … . . (11)
( ) = C D; ( ) = −C ….(12)
So, the solving for the absolute value becomes
() ()
E = ∑
( ) E = C  … … (13)

Now to find the invers of the proposed method


 () (0)  (0)  (0)  (0)   (0)
 ( ) = (0) + ( )+ ( ) + ( ) + ⋯+ ( ) … … . (14)
! 1! 2! 3! !

It must find the invers for all polynomial

 = (0) → F =   () … … (15)

2nd International Science Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1294 (2019) 042008 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1294/4/042008

 = !
( )→F=
( (0)) … … . (16)
 = ( ) → F =  ( (0)) … . . (17)
! (H)

 = ( ) → F =  (  (0)) … . . (18)
! (H)

And since the values of the x & a are secret variables, so it is very difficult to find the inverse of this
So from all the above, it is clear that there is no inverse function for the proposed approach function.
Moreover, the function ( ) = | | is hard because it will take 2c time to write a valid inverse to
something such that ( ) = $.
The hardness definition is:(Bérczes et al., 2004; Beygelzimer et al., 1999; Goldreich, 2010)

x, 0,1 pr 1 , f x 
 f 1
 f x   1 .................................................................(19)

Where 1|H| is the string concatenation of 1 repeated | | times. This is just to ensure that the output of (*)
doesn’t shrink the size of its output too much as in the

f x   x ...............................................................................................................(20)

The hardness of the proposed function

f n (0)
( x)n  
x, 0,1 pr A1 , f  x  f  f x   1
n 0
n! 1
I (J)
LJ (H)
Where 1 ! is the string concatenation of 1 repeated
 ( ) times.

Another problem with this definition is the quantification of inputs (x) to (f). We don’t exactly
need that the hardness equation holds for all x. Such that, we want it to hold for almost all. This motivates
the negligible definition (1), and from definition (2) it is concluded that the proposed approach is a one
way function, so it means that it is NP − hard problem(P ≠ NP).
4. Conclusion
In this paper, a new mathematical concept applied to add more security to data transmitted over
the internet and store secrecy on computer to prevent the intruder from capturing data. Mclaurin series

2nd International Science Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1294 (2019) 042008 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1294/4/042008

used in this paper as a new cryptosystem and through applying different attacks on the secret message the
result show that the proposed method was very secure and the guessing of the key was very difficult, also
the proposed method is a one way function as shown through proof above, so it’s NP-hard problem.
5. References

[1 ]
[2 ] Taylor series,Chris Hooley, University of St Andrews ,first written 31st August 2006; last revised
13th September 2009
[3 ] Iftach Haitner, Foundation of Cryptography,(0368-4162-01), Lecture 1, One Way Functions, Tel
Aviv University , November 1-8, 2011
[4 ] Taylor Series,
[5 ]
INDIRECT DEMOGRAPHIC ESTIMATORS, Department of Biostatistics, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill,Institute of Statistics Mimeo Series No. 1412, August 12, 1982
[7 ] Goldreich, Oded. Foundations of Cryptography: Volume 2, Basic Applications. Vol. 2.
Cambridge university press, 2004.
[8 ] Moni Naory Moti Yungz, Universal One-Way Hash Functions and their Cryptographic
Applications , Revised March 13, 1995
[9 ] Adam J. Elbirt,Understanding and Applying Cryptography and Data Security, Auerbach
Publications, April 9, 2009


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