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Philidor Defense

We take the center!

The most important things to remember:

If 3…ed4, we play like Scotch.
If 3…Nd7, we play 4.Bc4 trying to finish the game using the “f7” square.
If 3…Nc6, we go 4.Nc3 with Bb5 next

3…Nd7 – we try to finish fast!

If 4…Ngf6 5.de5 – it’s over.

If 4…Be7 5.de5 again.

4…c6 is the best (covering the d5 square (No Qd5)

We go 5.0-0 Be7 6.de5 and then Ng5!

And either win the game right away, or win the Bishop pair and the game later

Getting a Bishop pair It’s over!


We play 4.Nc3, 5.Bb5 and plan to castle long.

It’s a bad move. We take on e5
We take on e5 and then Qd5!

Good luck!
Best wishes,
GM Avetik


#Right Mood – Right Move


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