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Subj. ALLAN T. BENITO Week: 4

Activity 1. Accessing the BIOS Setup

Direction: Read each item carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is not a common function keys used to access BIOS?
a) F1 c) Del
b) F2 d) Enter
2. Which is the correct meaning of POST?
a) Power-On Self Tool c) Power-On Self Technology
b) Power-On Self Trade d) Power-On Self Test
3. It determines which device the motherboard will look at for an operating system or
a) BIOS setup c) BOOT device
b) BIOS access d) BOOT order
4. Which statement is relevant in saving a configured bios setup?
a) press f2 to save & exit c) press f8 to save & exit
b) press f10 to save & exit d) press f4 to save & exit
5. What steps is not used in entering BIOS Setup?
a) Power on, F2, Boot menu, Boot device priority, F2
b) Power on, F1, Boot menu, Boot device priority, F1
c) Power on, Del, Boot menu, Boot device priority, F8
d) Power on, Del, Boot menu, Boot device priority, F10
6. What command is used in creating boot sector on F: (USB drive)
a) bootsec.exe/nt60 E: c) bootsect.exe/nt60 E:
b) bootsecexe/nt60 E: d) bootsectexe/nt60 E:
7. Which is not included on the function of BIOS?
a) driver loading c) handle the system setup process
b) operating system booting d) scanning errors
8. What information will you see when you type the command LIST DISK on Creating a
USB bootable device?
a) Active disks shown is Partition 1 c) Active disks shown is Disk 0
b) Active disks shown is Disk 1 d) Active disks shown is Disk 0
9. What consistencies in making Bootable ISO File?
a) Run, Action, Add, New, Save c) Run, New, Action, Add, Save
b) Run, Action, New, Add, Save d) Run, New, Add, Action, Save
10. What is the main idea of Creating a USB bootable device using Rufus Software?
a) create a USB image c) create an ISO image
b) create a JPEG image d) create an OS image
Activity 2. Creating a USB bootable device

Direction: Fill in the blanks with the correct commands or steps.

Insert your (1) ____________________________to your running computer.
Type (2) _____ in the search box on Windows Start Menu. After search result for 'cmd'
appears, right click on it and select (3) __________________________.
Type (4) ____________ on Command Prompt (CMD) and hit Enter.
Type (5) ___________to view active disks on your computer and hit (6) __________.
Your active disks shown is Disk 1 for your USB flash drive with its total capacity.
Type (7) _______________________ to determine that disk 1 then hit Enter.
Type (8) _____________ and hit Enter to remove all of data in the drive.
Type (9) __________________________and hit Enter.
Type (10) ____________________ and hit Enter.

Activity 3. BIOS VS. USB Boot Device

Direction: Explain in your own words and support with evidence.

1. Why do you need to configure your BIOS setup?
2. In Creating USB Bootable Device, What is the difference between Step1 and Step 2?


1. What concepts or skills did you learn well?


2. What concepts or skills was difficult to understand?


3. What activities did you enjoy the most?


4. What activity was hard to execute?


5. Did you ask help from your teacher? (Yes or No).

If Yes, did you immediately receive the needed assistance?
Was the given assistance helpful for you to understand better the lesson?

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