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Bài 4: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs (Past Perfect or

Past Perfect Continuous)

1. I _____________ (wait) for hours, so I was really glad when the bus finally
_____________ (arrive).
2. Why __________ (be) the baby’s face so dirty? He_________ (eat)
3. I _____________ (see) John yesterday, but he __________ (run) so he was
too tired to chat.
4. It _____________ (rain) and the pavement _____________ (be) covered
with puddles.
5. When I _____________ (arrive), it was clear that she _____________
(work). There were papers all over the floor and books everywhere.
6. They _____________ (study) all day so, when we _____________ (meet),
they were exhausted.
7. The boss _____________ (talk) to clients on Skype for hours, so she
_____________ (want) a break.
8. I _____________ (drink) coffee all morning. By lunchtime, I _____________
(feel) really strange.
9. Lucy _____________ (hope) for a new car, so she was delighted when she
_____________ (get) one.
10. I _____________ (dream) about a holiday in Greece! I couldn’t believe it
when my husband _____________ (book) one as a surprise!
Bài 5: Choose the correct option (Future Simple or Near Future)

1. A: Did you buy bread?

B: Oh, no! I forgot to buy it. I will go back / am going to go back to buy some.
2. A: Why have you put on your coat?
B: I will take / am going to take the dog out.
3. If I meet him, I will tell / am going to tell him the good news.
4. The phone is ringing. I will answer / am going to answer it.
5. I’ve bought a new book. Tonight I will stay / am going to stay at home and
start reading it.
6. What will happen / is going to happen to her children if she doesn’t find a
7. I am not free tomorrow. I will see / am going to see the doctor?
8. I am so tired. I need some rest. I think I will take / am going to take a week
9. A: Coffee or tea?
B: I will have / am going to have coffee, please.

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