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01 06
The Path Time and Space:
Discover Your Destiny The Balance
Page 6 Page 90

02 07
Our Ancestors The Laws:
The Tree of Life The Truth
Seite 21 Page 109

03 08
The Potential: Consciousness:
Merkabah Projections
Page 41 Page 129

04 09
Creation: The Divine:
Metatron Universe
Page 58 Page 146

I am:
The Ego
Page 75

How does the universe express
itself within your body?

In this course, Matías De Stefano shares his insights with
you. The history of our planet is marked by numerous ebbs
and flows. It becomes evident that highly advanced societies
may decline while less developed ones rise. This pattern
mirrors the various dimensions of existence. Societies
sometimes transition into lower vibrations, only to ascend
once more, connecting us with the stars. We, as individuals, The planet‘s memory is like
act as conduits for the planet‘s energies. While the planet a vast public library.
undergoes its transformative processes, we are akin to small
cells, receiving and processing the information it imparts.

Our past lives are more of an information

repository than individual experiences.

You can access the data Our chakras are portals
in various ways. to the universe.
It is a network of information, and you can start from In his system, there are 9 chakras – the seven main
wherever you currently are. Each of us possesses chakras and additionally, the chakras in the knees
a unique key to unlock something meaningful. We and feet.
are a projection of the universe. Everything within
us is but a reflection. In the universe, there is no
distinction between external and internal.

We can understand everything Following specific steps on this soul

in the universe through journey can open up more potential.
the functions of our bodies. You proceed step by step, like following a map,
There are twelve steps through which we can to find your own path.
organize our inner selves, activate the cosmos in our
lives, and step into action. In this process, we connect
memories and fragments that are separated,
bringing them together within our hearts. You find
your center and gather all the information into one

The Path:


In this lesson you will learn:

The significance of your feet for your spiritual body

The connection between movement and destiny

How movement arises in the universe and why it is essential

Why coherence is important

How to change your network

Foot Chakra

How are our feet connected to
the universe, and what purpose
do they serve here?

During meditation, we often forget about our feet.

However, they are important for our spiritual
body. They hold memories of our movements
– memories of our destiny. Through them, we
connect with the ground.

Energetically, destiny is encoded in our ankles,

and through them, we connect our bodies with the
Earth. When we think of our feet, the mind is often
not the first thing that comes to mind. However,
the spiritual journey begins by walking toward the
horizon. In this way, the concept of destiny was
developed. The idea of destiny has evolved over
millennia. We believe it to be a place to which we are
meant to go.

In reality, though, it means:

Moving from where you currently are. It‘s not a
place that exists; it‘s something you develop.
Human beings perceive themselves as individuals,
Destiny – you don‘t arrive if you don‘t depart. encoded by biology. We are echoes or reactions
Humans have crafted diverse paths of destiny. to the decisions made by those before us. Society
Movement became a tradition: someone shows
and the people around us continue to shape us.
how and where to go. Thus, the idea emerged that a
higher being designs a destiny for each. Biologically speaking, we lack absolute free will. We
add something, but we don‘t make decisions from
scratch. We aren‘t entirely free to determine our


Take a moment to think about how you • Do you feel your life is fateful?
perceive destiny. • Do you feel free in your decisions?
• What concept of destiny have you developed?


Your Thoughts

The universe is one.

Within our universe, future and past intertwine within the same moment. There is
no predetermined destination, no cosmic fate guiding our path. We often project our
individual perspectives onto the vast canvas of the universe. Our destiny, in essence,
is but a fractal within the grand mosaic – the universe encompasses all. It harbors no
singular mission or purpose. For humanity, the mission lies in the act of movement, in
the quest for security and understanding amidst the cosmic vastness.

In the vast tapestry of the universe, there exists

a fundamental law: diversity is the essence of
movement and life. It is the dance of unity within
duality that gives birth to existence. The interplay
of two forces seeks equilibrium within the magnetic
fields of creation. Each unique path carved within
these magnetic realms represents a mission in
the grand tapestry of the cosmos. Purpose and
mission, in their truest forms, unfold in the realms of
polarity and duality. It is not merely about achieving
greatness; rather, it is the act of doing, of embracing
diverse experiences, that grants us profound
perspectives and a deeper understanding of our

When you add the neutral, you have a trinity:
Three purposes and three missions. The spirit aims to reach the soul and the
body. In this context, the body represents neutrality. The universe creates
a triangle. If we strive for just one point, we only achieve duality and lose a
dimension. You can move forward and backward into eternity. There‘s no end if
you focus on only one purpose. The deeper you go into division, the closer you
get to unity. We multiply the triangle.

In the matrix, we perceive all tasks collectively.

Here, all triangles are connected:
You are here, but you also have one from a much earlier time. They are merely
different vibrations, for in the universe, there is no forward or backward. You
begin to see yourself as a point or purpose within the web. You are a pattern
within a matrix. The missions you fulfill are a part of the matrix. The places you
must reach are the patterns of the web.

You can become your own mission and purpose by seeing it.
It‘s all about coherence.

What do I think? Spirit

What do I feel?

What do I do? Body

Coherence in your everyday life.

Pay conscious attention this week to how much • Are you acting according to your
you are in harmony with yourself. Feel free to jot feelings?
down any patterns or situations where you find it • Are your thoughts and emotions
challenging. closely aligned?


Your Thoughts

When everything is connected, you sha-
pe your own triangle and stop seeking
answers from the outside.
You become your own mission. You stop searching for things and start being found.
You are no longer a fly but a spider with your own web.

Small changes in your actions can Free will doesn‘t mean

support you in this process. escaping the system but
We are the consequence of past decisions. When seeing it from a different
we go home, we often follow the same path – our perspective and utilizing it
brain is in automatic mode. To see and transform for yourself.
the triangle, we need to do something different. For
instance, for six days, take a different route home.
This creates new connections because in automatic
mode, your brain doesn‘t register new data. You The human journey is a tool, and you become your
miss out on information that could alter your web. own destiny. Make a choice where you are and
create a new path to your purpose. They are just
To break free and create a new reality, you must lines and dots in the matrix, and you move within
break the triangle and invent a new task. You can go them. You benefit from an entire network. You see
at different times. You can go with another person. all the possibilities you can have.
You can use different modes of transportation. You‘ll
notice many more details in your surroundings. By Destiny is your decision where you are, opening
making such changes, you create a new path and see yourself to purposes that bring you into the matrix.
a bigger picture. You allow your mind to perceive
something new, constructing a larger web. Destiny is not a place you go; it‘s the place you are
and choose. You decide which mission you take on.
Through coherence among the three levels, you can
unlock your own mission. Until then, you are being
used. You can use the tools to create coherence and
become your own destiny.

In the next few days, consciously choose a different
route home every day.

Don‘t always take the same path. Talk to someone you never talk to. Do something
different along the way. Feel every step. Change the way you travel. Your brain opens up
to new information, not just echoes. Write something down or surprise yourself on the
journey. Your body is preparing for every adventure that comes.


Your Thoughts


Your Thoughts

Our Ancestors:


In this lesson you will learn:

What the knees symbolize

How the tree of life and the tree of wisdom are

related to them

How you solve the codes

What nourishes you

Which three main tools you can use

Knee Chakra
Knie Chakra

We often forget the potential of our
legs. We don’t use them as a part of
our spiritual routine.
They reflect our relationship with our history and
our ability to be flexible. The links in our knees show
if we are capable of adapting, of transcending our
reality today, and represent our stability in life. One
knee stands for the feminine and the other for the
masculine: the earth and the sky. They’re a symbol
of transformation and connectivity. This is often
represented by two towers or two trees. The left
knee stands for the feminine and represents the
tree of life and the earth. The right knee stands for
the masculine and represents the tree of wisdom
and heaven. Together, they represent the tree
of creation that connects us all. These two trees
together compose one tree. They are the beginning
of everything, they’re the source. They represent
good and evil. Duality creates life and meaning.

Our knees are

connected to our
ancestors and our

REFLEXION Create a spontaneous mind map for
the term duality. Without thinking or
questioning it, write down everything you

associate with duality.


Your Thoughts

A magnetic field takes
the shape of a tree,
a fruit, a flower.

They are all contained in a magnetic field. The planet carries

this shape within it. Paradise is what is hidden in this shape. All

potential is hidden there. The elements in our DNA are all the
possibilities. All the information of our ancestors is within us.

The tree of life depicts a pattern that spreads For the universe, wisdom
throughout the universe. Neutrality is in the middle is connected to every
and the tension between the positive and the package.
negative holds the portal of recreation. This creates
the structure of an atom, a molecule – it creates by
replicating the pattern.
Potential is the power that holds
Everything that is energy and particles is the tree every vibration.
of life. It’s an anatomy that constantly vibrates and It’s the power of sound. The package of powerful
expands. The resonance in the universe helps us information. We are a consequence of creation.
understand that there is no disconnection. Every There are cells in our body with the information
note and every particle is the same. There is no from the tree of life and the tree of wisdom. Since
division in vibration. It’s constant. we’re only a fractal we have to connect on a higher
level. We need connections with others. All informa-
tion is connected. Nobody in a human body can ever
have the whole truth.

EXERCISE Make a drawing of these entangled trees
the way you imagine them. They can be
entangled like in a spiral or only meet

The Tree of Life

at one point. They can share roots or
their treetops can grow together. Center
yourself and come up with your personal
symbolic image of these trees and then
make a drawing of it.


Your Thoughts

In order to get a complete idea
of the truth you need different
parts and aspects.

Access to the tree

is gained by solving
the code.
You can access the tree by breaking the code of
the cells. You can access it through aspects that
are associated with the feminine, like food and
culture, or through aspects associated with the
masculine, like light and religion .

Cultural belief is feminine because

it’s connected to the needs of the earth.
A family is originally a group of people trying to survive by hunting or harvesting together. We become
what we eat. What do we eat and how do we eat it? Through culture we found various ways of understan-
ding, of growing. The relationship with our mothers represents our relationship with every cell. The power
of recreation comes from the feminine side.

Religion is masculine.
It’s a connection with light. Light can transform molecules. Hunger gave us a way to find light until our minds
found light in another way. Light exists in stars, in ideas, in philosophies, and in religion.


These are the two external
ways in which our lives can be
We can take the feminine side and change the way we eat. We Which foods open
can learn what our body is saying. We don’t only eat food but also us up and unlock
emotions and ideas. What are we absorbing from the world, from the information
other people? What do we eat only because of culture and not of the tree of life?
because we need it?

We need to think flexibly.

Your Nourishment

Reflect on the things in your life that • What about your psychological nourishment?
nourish you. • How do you provide emotional nourishment
for yourself?
• Which ideas do you absorb?
• What media do you consume?
• Who are the people you surround yourself


Your Thoughts

The Tree of
– represents our ideas as well as how we relate to our
higher self. Food and meditation help us to find balance.
We modify the information through the way we live.

The four elements of nature

– fire, water, air, and earth – can be
transformed in the concept of the mind
through a process of four:

1 2
What do I express? What do I experience?

3 4
What do I integrate and how? What should I transcend?

Just by realizing that everything has
a cycle, we can comprehend our
experiences in a new way.
When you complete a cycle, you can move forward. The tree of life is close to us. It’s in our bodies. The
You have to pay attention to the details of your life. key to this information is understanding what is
What do we need to transform? What aren’t we within us: the code of the universe. We can harvest
expressing? These things can show us which stage in the universe. We only need to do simple things in
we are in. order to open ourselves to the tree of life.

Transformation is in our knees.

– What do you eat?
Whatever we eat or drink, determines our information.
We become what we eat, what we take in – be mindful of
your nourishment in its different forms.

Pay attention to
what you take in.
The body interprets things differently than the mind. What does your body
need? What are you like? Cultural conditioning can go against this. Try to feel
what and when you should eat.

Breath is related
to spirituality.
How do you breathe? We tend to believe spirituality is related to religion. Spiri-
tuality is our connection to our bodies. The energy our cells need is oxygen.
Breathing is how we create energy for our cells. Breathing unlocks informa-
tion. The body designed the nose as the perfect tool for breathing. When we’re
stressed, we breathe more quickly and inhale through our mouths. When we’re
in balance, we learn to breathe through our noses.

Laughter is a tool
that connects these two.
It relaxes the body. To laugh or smile for no reason sends a signal. It activates the
body and it raises its frequency. The reaction to laughter is an energetic pattern.

These are the three main tools for balancing the knees and Remember that your legs
being flexible. This is how we honor our ancestors and the are important. Connecting
two trees of our existence. with the universe isn’t only
about your higher self.
How flexible are you in

Change your diet for one week.

Be mindful of how your body reacts to this. How do your emotions react? Stop watching
the news and go for a walk in the forest. See what happens.

Pay attention to how you breathe. For one minute a day, pay close attention to what
you breathe with. Don’t pressure yourself to breathe perfectly. Try to feel what type of
breathing you’re used to. Change it according to what you feel. What do you feel most
comfortable with?

Find something about yourself to laugh about. For example, find something that would
usually be dramatic for you and try to find a way to laugh about it.


Your Thoughts


Your Thoughts



In this lesson you will learn:

How duality creates movement

What the Merkaba is

What the function of a tetrahedron is

The four ways of activating it

Root Chakra


Egyptian word for light and how humans can connect to

light. The so-called vehicle of light moves energy. It’s a spiri-
tual vehicle that is surrounded by humans and fueled by
the energy that exists in everything. The Merkaba contains
everything. It’s not only a vehicle of light or spirit but also a
structure. How does it appear?

In the beginning
of the universe,
was one.
In the beginning, there was unity that
bent toward itself constantly coming
back to the core of its own reality.
In order for it to start moving it needs to divide. When you open it, a wave into the cosmos is created.
Duality allows two different options and various This vibration is the first step toward the outside.
experiences. The former unity tries to go back Resonance or dissonance creates constant waves
to what it was. The neutrality in the middle is of energy that begins to manifest. Vibration creates
necessary for the system to move and avoid a energy and energy creates matter. Matter is trans-
binary state. Neutrality is the core that prevents formed through vibration. This sacred trinity can be
the positive and the negative from touching. It found in all cultures and its origin is a cosmic system.
creates trinity. The first step of this is that everything vibrates.

This is a law of the universe

Everything exists because it vibrates. This vibration has different rhythms in accordance with the echoes.
Space is vibration. Time only exists because of the echoes, so-called frequency. This enables energy. The
different movements equal different amounts of energy. The higher the frequency the higher the energy.
The lower the frequency the lower the energy meaning less potential. These two options of the universe
create patterns. Resonance occurs when frequencies resound on the same level. Dissonance occurs when
they don’t have the same pattern. This is how networks of vibration are created. These are called matrices
which create shapes through space and time.

The tetrahe-
dron is a perfect
system and the
basic structure
of the universe.
If you go deeper into any structure, you’ll find this shape.
This is the most relaxing structure for the universe. A
triangle with an eye in its center is a tetrahedron. It’s the
first concept of the universe projecting itself toward the


Trinity is created by action. In These are three aspects of action.

relation to vibration, we call it Coherence requires all three.
love. In relation to energy, we call There are two tetrahedrons called twin flames
it wisdom. In relation to matter, we that constantly try to reach each other. The first
call it will. element was fire and manifests light. They reflect
each other. We have developed the romantic idea
that there is a person who completes us. However,
the other person doesn’t complete us. They have
the tools to ignite our inner fire. Sometimes our
spark has a low frequency and we need a higher
frequency from someone else.

What are these three aspects
expressed by the universe?

is a translation of
the vibration
in our body.
It’s a chemical reaction. Love is no different from
vibration. There isn’t only one kind of love. There
are different frequencies. Fear and hatred are low
frequencies. Joy and ecstasy are high frequencies.
They’re different links of energy.

Love should be unconditional.

What does this mean? You liberate the other person’s vibration. You don’t condition them. It’s freedom and
acceptance of existence. There is no unconditional love if we are in duality. Then we protect and don’t allow
them to develop. If we are attached to something, it isn’t unconditional. In order to activate this machine we
need to practice unconditional love. This is about balance and about not going to extremes.

How do you love?

Reflect on the intimate relationships in your life. • What is your love like?
• Do you have expectations of people?
• How do you feel about development in your
intimate relationships?


Your Thoughts

isn’t knowledge.
It means allowing yourself to be what you’re
supposed to be at the right time and in the right
place. It can sometimes be an action that is inaction.
You just need to be completely yourself.

How much are you yourself?

Observe yourself in your day-to-day life. • How much are you yourself?
• How aligned are you with yourself?
• Do you pay a lot of attention to other people
and their opinions?


Your Thoughts

represents the
intention of things.

This doesn’t mean you have to work hard. Will is the The creation of the vehicle of light allows us to
intention. It creates the right tension inside you. You connect with the core of the universe. Its activation
take the right actions. You act according to what requires coherence. You need to activate all the
you feel and what your wisdom tells you. frequencies within you. This is how you become the
creator of your own reality.

By projecting the manifestation of I AM THIS you

change the frequency of your vibration toward this
reality. By moving and changing your intention,
you change your energy. You create something for
yourself and change the intention of your action.
The action will come according to the intention.
You change matter by acting differently.

This can mean learning something new that you’ve

never thought about. Coherence also means
accepting every outside reality. If you see with
love, you will see love.

We tend to believe that the crown chakra
connects us to the spirit. It is, however, the
root chakra in our genitals that establishes
this connection. The shame associated
with our genitals disconnects us from the
power of the spirit. The Merkaba is the
machine that ignites the twin flames and
is connected to sexuality. Kundalini is born
in the root chakra when the Merkaba is

The four different

ways of igniting it:

1 2 3 4
Meditation Breath Fever Sex

It can be activated consciously

or unconsciously.

This week, sit down to meditate
every day.
Crossing your legs in the meditation position can hold. This is how you activate your Merkaba
creates a triangle. The second triangle is created by and the six directions of your Merkaba. This is how
following the lines to your head (your spine and your you activate the pattern and the structure. Take five
arms on your knees). The center of the head is the minutes every day to activate this machine. This
eye of the tetrahedron. Imagine a light expanding little space is where you connect to the divine. Feel
outward from your heart and wings like those of an this posture and inhale and exhale deeply for five
angel on your back. Take deep breaths and increase minutes.
your breathing rhythm to the fastest rhythm you

For the next six days, take time for the six attributes of the Merkaba:

vibration, energy, matter, love, wisdom, and will.

• How do you vibrate? Increase your vibration through your breathing.

• What is your energy like? Pay attention to your posture.

What information is your body sending you? Massage or stretch the body parts you need to.

• Think about love. What do you wish for in love? Make it unconditional with your breathing.

• Wisdom – what are you for others?

• What do you reflect for others? Think about your will. What are your intentions? Do you take action


Your Thoughts


Your Thoughts



In this lesson you will learn:

What our third brain is

Why a crisis is an opportunity

The original meaning of father

How mother and matrix are connected

Which structures contribute to this

What role deconstruction plays in development

Sacrum Chakra

The sacrum
chakra is related
to creativity.
It’s our third brain.
When we receive information from the outside,
we first perceive it through our nervous system, In the universe, we can associate the
our first brain. We know what we need to absorb womb with the center of the galaxies.
through our five senses. Our heart is our second It has so much energy that time and space disap-
brain. It distributes all the information received by pear and everything becomes heavier. In the
the five senses. Through the blood, it is carried into universe, there is no creation without destruc-
the intestines and from there into the cells. The tion. All the forces come back to the center where
third brain is the emotional brain. It determines they create enough intensity to collapse and then
which energies are good for our body. This is where explode, thus creating something new. Crises
our potential is created, where potential from the and traumas in our lives are related to a tool of
outside is absorbed. This is where all the forces come destruction of old patterns. Experiencing these is
together to create something new. In the feminine a way for our selves to try and find transformation
body, the womb is the sum of this manifestation of through destruction. A crisis is a new opportu-
energy. Projects, philosophies, intentions, creativity nity. This is difficult to understand when we are
all originate in the sacrum chakra. Even if we give a emotionally attached to one of the patterns that is
lot of weight to the idea that these things come from being broken.
the mind of the brain, the strength and energy they
require come from this region of the body.

What are these two forces
– creation and destruction
– that define our daily lives?
Biologically speaking, mother and father are the two polarities
that merge in order to create a new person. They manifest a new
energy from the place where these two forces come from.
This creates the balance of creation.

The polarity in the universe

is needed for creation.
It needs to separate in order to integrate and see the
connections in the different parts. After the separa-
tion, it’s possible to understand their potential and
put them back together. Putting them back toge-
ther is the sacrum’s task. It tries to find balance and
beauty in this polarity. This is how art is created. In
order to create something, you need patterns. The
question is where these patterns are born and how
you can apply them in your own life.

The word
pattern comes
from the word
pater, father,
with power.
The father was originally someone,
whom we follow.
The father was the head of the family that would
guide us to a safe place. Following someone or
something creates a pattern. In the universe, there is
a negative energy that receives something from the
outside and a positive energy that sends something
toward the outside. This creates a frequency of
vibration toward the outside. Without the negative,
there is no pattern. The reason we move forward
is a void within us. When we have a goal, we do
things because we think we lack them. A pattern is
something that serves to create a forward movement
to fill this void.

If there was only positivity in the universe
it would be toxic. It needs negativity to have
a goal and a purpose. This is how a bigger
pattern is created:

the matrix

Matrix comes from the

word mater, mother.
It is the origin of the
word reality, of material
It contains everything that receives ideas of what Getting rid of all the patterns
to create. It is a network of negative aspects that can have only one result:
receive information. Without patterns, we don’t
exist and never move. non-existence.

It’s impossible to escape patterns. The only

Today, we have this idea of eliminating thing you can do is to become the pattern
patterns and setting ourselves free and the matrix.
from the matrix.

The first pattern created is the void exhaling toward the outside, forming the
magnetic field that connects the positive and the negative:

Vibration – energy – pattern, positive – negative – neutral: the holy trinity.

This is where the fire of the cosmos is ignited. The expansion of the universe created the Big Bang, the first
spark that ignited the universe. This creates the spiral of light that goes through the entire universe. This
first fire expands and suddenly contracts and comes back. It creates and destroys and, in its movement,
takes on the shape of the Merkaba.

The structure that

connects the potentials
of the Merkaba is
called a hexahedron.
It creates the structure of the womb.



Once the fire finds gravity and time and space spin around
each other matter itself is created. Light slows down, creates
The opening of a point of gravity, and contracts. Positive and negative move
toward the center. This causes the creation of matter and

Metatron’s cube everything that the universe is made of.

allows the light The speed of light determines diversity. All this is the

to come out,
machinery of creation. The center of every atom is the center
of the universe. It is not a place outside but within. Each line of

thus creating a
the cube of Metatron radiates a different color. The different
frequencies create the idea of colors.

It has the shape of twelve beings with
different colors and tones:
twelve archangels. These colors and notes are
powerful messages of the geometry opening the
cube of Metatron.

Every living being based on
water reflects the power of Meta-
tron. We carry the power of the
twelve archangels in us. Meta-
tron’s cube is a fire that is positive
and expands and which through
time reflects into its opposite and
creates the Merkaba. The rays
of light coming out of Metatron’s
cube create the dodecahedron.

When these rays of light reflect back toward

the inside another shape is created:

the icosahedron.

All the light from the rays comes back to the

nodes of the dodecahedron. These become
the centers of a icosahedron. Everything
comes back to the center to nourish the

Crisis • What possibilities have crises created for you?
Draw a timeline of your life and mark all • What developed in your life at that moment or
crossroads and crises on it. afterward?
• Would you still describe these moments as negative


Your Thoughts

All this information is the basis
and the structure of creation.
It’s all connected to us.

Elements and
Each one of these structures
needs to destroy the previous
one in order to exist.

There is another box
in our stories:

Pandora’s box
– all the gifts of reality are in it.

When it’s opened, all its power is released. Without our own creation and destruction. We can destroy
purpose, this power becomes destruction turning ourselves or create from within ourselves every day
the opening of Pandora’s box into all the evil coming depending on what we perceive around us. Instead
out of the womb of creation. Why are the beings of of seeing conflict try to see art.
light also the ones creating darkness and destruc-
tion? Light destroys structures in order to trans- Every moment of destruction is an opening in Meta-
form them. Darkness is a system designed to allow tron’s cube trying to show us a light. We can feel this
light to exist. The constant process of creation and light. If we don’t, we will be destroyed. The ray of light
destruction can be chaotic if we don’t follow the is like a sword that goes through us and destroys us
matrix. It can lose its meaning. The idea behind if we don’t know how to handle it. We receive poten-
understanding Metatron’s cube is to find balance. tial we need to know how to handle.

The power of creation and destruction is the power

of our emotions hidden in our sacrum. The third

brain contains all the potential of this box. The
emotions created in the sacrum are the reflection of
all the archangels within us. There are no good and
bad emotions, only different energies in different
frequencies. We need to find harmony in the song
of all these emotions. When all the patterns are in
balance, they create the shape of the cube.

Emotion is the key to creation. It’s important to We can be destroyed by the

understand every emotion and where it comes power that creates.
from. The way we perceive and absorb outside
information in our daily lives is how we react in

Try to do something creative with the worst things that have
happened in your life.

For example, find songs that talk about your trauma and feel their melody in relation
to this trauma. Make a drawing of a crisis you have or had. Decorate or rearrange your
home while thinking about a conflict you’re having. Use the power of conflict to bring
something artistic into your life. Make small changes. Use something that represents
something destructive for something creative.


Your Thoughts


Your Thoughts

05 I am:


In this lesson you will learn:

Why the solar plexus and not the heart is our center

What the ego is

What egoism is

What is behind egocentricity

Plexus Chakra

This is the center
of our existence.

Our solar plexus connects us to the Earth and the sun.

Together with the pancreas, it’s the center. It pulses energy and
balances emotions. It gives us the power to move on. It’s the most
important one for our existence.

We tend to believe the

heart is the center. this the path of the hero. Mythology tries to explain
We feel everything through the heart. The heart is this path. It’s a void that needs to be filled. To do this,
the point of expansion. It connects with others. The a person leaves their home and overcomes chal-
solar plexus constructs who we are in connection to lenges on their adventure, thus becoming a hero
others. It’s associated with the ego. The ego repre- who returns home and is recognized as another
sents the idea of the self. Through the ego, you can being. For the universe, this is the point of gravity –
understand who you are in the universe. It helps every particle comes from a frequency which then
you to understand yourself as an individual being expands. All frequencies will try to find a point of
and activate your potential. The ego of the universe balance through harmony, thus creating a melody
is what we call the point of gravity. In order to exist that takes you back to unity. All the different parts
you have to come from one point and go to another will make sense again.
point. Origin and end are the same. In order to reach
the point of unity you need to step out of this unity.
The point that helps you to get back is the ego. From
there, you exist.
This neutral point, the point of gravity, exists into Everything comes from
the positive and moves toward the negative. We call this source of power and
returns to it.


We are born, expand
toward life, connect with
others, and then come back
to ourselves to see what
others have given us.

The solar plexus

represents the sun.
The sun is the ego of the solar system.
It’s the highest point of gravity, which creates
everything and pulls it back. It’s the point where time There would be chaos. When you try to kill your
has a meaning. Time goes slower as the universe ego, you destroy your point of gravity and eliminate
expands. And faster as it collapses. We are pushed yourself. We tend to attach that ego to the strongest
to find the center. All the forces in the universe have ego near us. This tendency to nourish the ego of
a timeframe in which they need to come back to the others takes away our own creative power.

If the center of gravity isn’t in alignment, it can

start attracting things that aren’t good for the
surrounding planets. The ego is the point of
reference of our personality. Without the ego, we
cannot move. There would be no path: no going out,
no path of recognition, no going back. Without ego,
we are no one. The ego is a point of gravity rather
than something moral. In terms of morality, we
tend to think of the ego as the bad guy controlling
our lives. Many traditions have tried to destroy the
ego to create community or balance with the spirit.
Eliminating the uniqueness of every being doesn’t
work because, without a point of gravity, there
would be no life on Earth.

Create a mind map for the term ego.
Without pre-selecting, write down what
pops into your head. Be honest here and
also include any judgments of the ego that
come to mind.


Your Thoughts

There is a very
human reason
behind our fear
of the ego.

For us, everything pure and good is above.

Everything bad is below. We believe that to be spiritual beings,
we need clarity of light. We want to rise and go to heaven and This is egoism and is a
expand towards the universe. Thus, we believe that what disease of the ego:
pulls us down and toward ourselves instead of toward the
sun is a conflict. By saying, “I am God”, you identify with the You forget that the ego is the sun and try to
sun. Instead of trying to reach the sun, you become the sun. reach the light of the sun in different ways.
Thus, you nourish the ego with light. Otherwise, you’re just
nourishing a movement of the ego outside the center.

An egotistic person is someone who constantly tries to show However, what happens here
they have and are more than others and who needs the is that we’re using it wrong.
constant approval of others. Egoism describes an ego that
is outside and moving toward something. It uses the energy People who do this move outside, thus
of others to survive. This is why the ego is seen as something losing their center.

There are also people who make
themselves the center of everyone.
This disease is called egocentrism. Here, people try to eat
as much ego as possible outside in order to fulfill something
they cannot find within. This is about needing everybody’s
attention: “I will survive because all other egos are supporting
me.” These kinds of people need other people’s attention all
the time. Egocentrism is a lack of ego. Egocentric people do
not understand the center. They don’t understand how to be
themselves and try to pull in the egos of others in order to be
in the center.

The real ego doesn’t

have a point of
reference in matter.
Meaning the higher self is a pure spirit that is a ray of light. But
in the case of matter, the ray of light needs another point of
reference in order to experience. Otherwise, it cannot create.
A high spiritual being needs an ego in order to experience, to
acknowledge its different parts and potentials. Returning to the
source fast means losing the chance to be a creator.

Integrity means nourishing an ego that is a sun that

shines and gives light to others instead of using the
light of others. It’s about finding a balance between
the outside and the inside. Some people have been
born to work with the ego their entire lives. In others,
it was already integrated.

Your Goal

Take a moment to think about your goal. • What is your goal?

• Are you a being that wants to rise quickly?
• Would you like to live in this reality fully to help
the universe to keep experiencing?


Your Thoughts

Both ways
are perfect.
The ego is responsible
for its own creation.

We cannot leave this reality

unless we find balance in our ego.

We need to be in the place we

belong and accept it as such.

Everyone is the center of

Be who you have to be in

your own center.

You’re always part of the circle of others and you’re always the center of your own circle.
In our culture, we‘re always trying to complete the circle of others and want others to
complete ours. However, the reason our planets surround the sun is that it shines and
has its own strength. It’s not wondering if the Earth is spinning around it the right way.
Its attention is not on others.

Imagine yourself as the sun.

Think of the people you love as your planetary system. Try to let them represent the
planets around you. Try to perceive if you are moving toward them or if you are pulling
them to you. In a five-minute meditation, think of these different people and feel whether
your body leans toward them, leans back, or stays in the center. Picture your loved
ones sitting in front of you. Try to perceive where the point of gravity is. Are you in the
center? If you feel you are not in your center, take a deep breath, pull back, and integrate
the center in front of this person. When you’re in the center there is no leaning outward
and no pulling inward.


Your Thoughts


Your Thoughts

Time and Space:


In this lesson you will learn:

What the heart is (and what it isn’t)

Why we need a pulse

What echoes create

The role of your alignment with your heart

That the expression of your heart changes

That transformation takes time

Heart Chakra

As humans, we
relate to our heart
chakra the most.
For everything that happens in our physical struc-
ture and for every activation, we need a pulse. The
activation of this energy requires hormones that
are sent through the bloodstream which in turn is
pulsed by the heart. When a portal in our body is
open, hormones need to get there to resound and
open the frequencies within us. When we feel a
connection with other dimensions or other people,
the bloodstream needs to be faster, thus the heart
beats faster and stronger. That’s why the heart
starts to beat faster whenever we have a connection
experience. In such moments, we can feel the heart
expanding. Which is why we relate anything that
happens in our body to the heartbeat.

The heartbeat is not the center of the universe, the ego is.

However, from the point of gravity, the heart creates

the pulse. The pulse of gravity enables the expan-
sion and expression of the universe. The pulse helps
us to see the beauty of things. As emotional beings,
it is easier for us to relate to the contrast of reality.

When we’re talking
about contrast in
terms of the universe,
we’re talking about
the first pulse of all.
This first pulse creates a wave of vibration that creates energy
that manifests matter. This expanding frequency is the sound of
the creation of the universe. This is the pulse but once it reaches
matter it comes back toward the center like an echo.

The perception
of the echoes creates
something new
in the universe:

The universe expands and contracts. Expansion
toward the outside is vibration, also called space.
This space creates echoes that come back to the
center as frequency, also called time. The frequency
of the vibration comes in different levels, thus
creating the idea of past, present, and future.

This up and down is the
heartbeat of the universe.
It’s the pulse of time and space. It’s the creation of
more space and more options, and thus different

The being saying “I AM” is
always in the present. This
frequencies or times. present is held by all the
possibilities of the future.
The first time created in the universe is the future.
When everything was one, there was no movement
and therefore no space and no time. The only exis-
ting possibility was the unknown – the future. The
future is a vibration that moves so fast that it seems
it doesn’t exist. The void is all the possibilities toge-
ther at the same exact moment. The present moment
is when one of the vibrations collapses and expands.
It expands toward one of those options. The pulse
created this way conditions a vibration, thus crea-
ting a specific future. The present is to feel that you

When a point of gravity is created in the

void, in the future, it divides into different
options of “I AM”.

The present is the zero point of creation held in place by the potential of all the forces
that haven’t moved yet, i.e., the future. This zero point will start to pulse and condition the
future. The first pattern ever created is called a path, or past, moving from the present to
the future. While the universe expands it creates the past, trying to reach the future. We
are living an expression of the past.

Every pattern of the matrix

is an echo of the past.

Your Idea of Time

Take a moment to think about your idea of time. • How do you imagine time?
• How do you feel time?
• How do options unfold in front of you?


Your Thoughts

Every heartbeat
in the universe
pulses along

The reflection of all these

frequencies creates a song.
Time doesn’t exist if there is no pulse. When everyt-
hing is one in the center, we call it present and, in the
present, there is no time. Being in the present can
only be achieved in deep meditation. You stop exis-
ting and are only in the present. This is the starting
point of everything that exists. The past is a pathway

to find the present. Once you find the present, you
can perceive all the possibilities of the future.

We try to live in the present

in order to find the future.

Go back to
the heart.
There, you can feel the future and create your own
reality. When you remember all the codes of the past,
you go back to the heart. From there, you can access and
transform the future.

How do we connect
with all this in our
own hearts?
We need to connect
to our sensations.
The five senses of our body record every memory.
We can touch, smell, taste, hear, and see things.
This creates a pattern connected by the five senses.
When you start to remember information from past
lives, you create sensations in the present. You start
organizing your inner library, thus connecting all
the data to find a sense and the right information in
the future. The future manifested the past to build
the present.

To find meaning, a song in the future you need the
patterns of time to connect the chords in the song.
The future creates the patterns of the music so you can create the
melody that will connect all the information of the universe. Everything
is organized in the rhythm of frequencies. The lower we vibrate the
longer it takes until we see a result. The higher we vibrate the faster we
see a result. Higher vibration is called future. Here, we receive answers
faster. If we vibrate lower, we connect with old data.

The Earth resounds in a very low vibration. The sun has a high
vibration which is light. Light shows all the options and can change
and manipulate DNA quickly. This takes the Earth millions of years
of adaptation.
The law of attraction –
In a low vibration, change will take years. Higher vibrations allow for which is related to many
faster solutions. It’s about how you tune your heart to the beat of this other laws – means:
You will attract what beats
in your heart.

If you want to
live in perfect
harmony, you
have to find
perfect harmony
in your heart.
In Your Heart • Do you give them the space they need?
Fill your heart with all the people, things, • Do they have the same importance in your daily life as
and activities that are important to you. they do in your heart?
Next, think about what role they play in • Are you living in alignment with your heart?
your daily life.


Your Thoughts

Love is the concept
the universe translates
into gravity.
The act of remembering is what we call love. Love is the energy
created when two things unite. To attract something in my life
I have to fall in love with that something or someone. Falling in
love can be created from any vibration. When the vibration is
high, falling in love is unconditional. However, if you need love, it
comes from a low vibration, it’s conditional. This type of love only
creates more need and isn’t healthy.

Time is the ability of

space to manifest something.
This is how realities are created. We can transform
and create our own realities through the resonance
and vibration within us. Remembering doesn’t only
mean remembering the past. It also means trying
to find logic and connection between everything
happening in our lives.

Religion says that our destiny is in God’s hands,

thus we hand over our responsibility.

Science says no one is controlling anything

and everything is separated. It says we need to
understand each part separately in order to live it
fully. We forgot that they’re all part of one thing.

The universe
is everything
– we’re responsible for all parts
of creation because
everything is connected.

Remembering means finding the
inner logic and the connection.
Coming back to the heart means knowing how to
create a net of information. You are the center of
this reality; you can be the result and thus you can
also modify it.

You use your knowledge to create a map to yourself. Be aware that life changes.
From there you can start tuning your heart into Every expression of the
a new reality. All the reality around you that isn’t heart will change.
on the same frequency will start to disappear. You
can imagine it like a radio. You have all the different The resonance changes
radio stations but you can only listen to one song at a and this can feel like a
time. The information will be there for you when you broken heart.
tune into a different station but it will be organized
differently. We feel safe in one reality and are afraid
that it will disappear when we change frequency.

Without remembering, we experience a crisis. By remembering we recognize meaning. Instead of only

changing your heart to change your life, take the long path of remembering. Recall everything that happened
in your life. Often, we want a quick change. Crises like accidents or near-death experiences can be results
of needing to change the frequency of the heart quickly. Here, the weight is on the heart and it suffers.
Recognition and acceptance are a long but worthwhile path.

When we tune in to our hearts, we realize the planet
is already living what we want. Many people believe
we are currently living in the worst phase of the
Earth. But if you connect with the past and look at
the history of humanity, this is the best moment
in history. A lot of people are going through an
awakening and are becoming themselves. The
internet offers new possibilities for passing on
information and connecting.

If you tune your heart

into a different time, the way you see
reality will change.

We’re moving closer to a time that will be so fast and

so connected that there is only one path for us:

The right harmony. We have to go back to the heart. This is an old tradition that is often interpreted
romantically today. Harmony isn’t about high vibration but about balance. Our dark sides keep us in reality.
When we move close to the light, we also move closer to darkness. We need a constant harmony to tune into

the center and weave the net of space and time.

We love change but we hate


Try to feel your heart.

Before going to sleep, meditate for one minute and feel your heartbeat. Feel the
transformation when thinking about something you love or hate. It’s an awareness

In addition, do something you really love but never do. Even if it’s silly, do it to change
your frequency. Your heart needs it to tune. Act as if you were a child, not an adult.


Your Thoughts


Your Thoughts



In this lesson you will learn:

Why the laws of the universe are important

The seven basic laws

Why knowledge sets you free

Throat Chakra

This chakra is
the point
of connection
– the connection of
heart and mind.

It’s the expression of polarity:

Mind and Emotion.

The trinity is encoded here. It’s an aspect of manifestation. Every note created in the expansion of the
cosmos establishes a path or system for how the universe is communicated from one side to the other. The
polarity is formed by the forces holding the magnetic field. This is why most cultures have traditions saying
the universe was created by singing or a single word. The word is the vibration that creates the universe.
This creates a system called the laws of the universe. We need to know the laws of the universe because they
rule our lives. As long as we don’t know and use them, they will rule our lives. There are more than seven laws
but these seven make up the foundation and are connected to the notes and colors of the rainbow. Other
laws of the universe emerge from these seven laws. The law of attraction, for example, comes from polarity.

Crown Chakra
– Law of Mentalism

Third Eye
– Law of Correspondence

Throat Chakra
– Law of Vibration

Heart Chakra
– Law of Rhythm

Plexus Chakra
– Law of Cause and Effect

Sacrum Chakra
– Law of Polarity

Root Chakra
– Law of Generation

These seven manifest all the other laws.

Regardless of our actions, everything depends on these laws.
Knowing these laws lets us understand what is happening in our lives.

This is about movement of the mind.
Why is everything mind? Because everything goes
through the mind first. Everything existing in the
universe is a perception of the mind. Everything in
the universe is just an idea. In the center of every
particle, there is a void and a vibration. Going
deeper into any particle you will find that everyt-
hing is only a perception. Our perception of touch,
smell, sight, etc. is just a conjunction of vibration in
different frequencies that are pulsing because of
an exchange of data.

The mind creates a projection in an expanding

brain. It’s an idea being projected toward the
outside. It’s the void creating the positive in order to
find the negative.

Law of
Law of
Everything in the universe is a
projection and is related.
The interior corresponds with the exterior. This
correspondence means we constantly relate to each
other. Everything in the universe reflects something
in the universe and everything is related. Nothing
we do is free. It’s a wave and an echo. Everything we
live corresponds with what has been. Everything is
connected with the essence of being.

We divide the universe
into tiny particles.
The closer we go the easier it is to see vibrations and
connections. All particles that vibrate are the same.
Everything is vibration and nothing is separate.
We are a wave of vibrating energy.

Law of
We live our reality according
to the level of frequency.
In the case of a low frequency, we’re slow and a high
vibration creates speed. The rhythm of the universe
is in the waves of frequencies. In the beginning,
everything is vibration. The planet’s circular move-
ment around the sun creates waves of space and
different frequencies. The warp of time depends
on gravity. Everything happening in the universe
creates a rhythm. We create ripples in space when
something happens that defines our lives. Waves of
space create waves of time. If the wave repeats, the
same thing happens as when it was first created. A
repetition is created and therefore a cycle. Every
time there was a war or conflict in history, a ripple
was created in the universe. A wave of tides through
time. Everything comes back to us like the tides.

Law of
Rhythms in Your Life

Apply this law to your life and take a • Are there rhythms here?
close look. • What are they?
• What emotions do they trigger in you?


Your Thoughts

Any movement we create in the universe comes

back to us. Every action and every decision has an
effect and because of gravity, it returns to us.

Everything we live is an
effect of something we
have done in the past.

Every decision creates an effect that goes on

forever. What we do in life comes back to us. This
is not meant from a moral perspective. Everything
comes back as a lesson. We’re responsible for every
step we take. Everything comes back to us.

Law of
Cause and Effect
Cause and Effect in Your Life

Think about your life’s path and maybe make a • Which decisions have had which effect?
drawing of some of its phases. • What may have come back to you?
• How well can you waive the moral component
in this?


Your Thoughts

Polarity is often
confused with duality.
A pole is one of the two opposing sides of the same Duality is a concept of the mind. Two things that
thing. They are two opposite aspects that belong have been separated and are against each other.
together. They are extremes of one reality. It’s diffi- Like two different things. It represents division and
cult for extremes to find each other. Planets move conflict. Polarity means connection. With polarity,
because of these two forces. Polarity creates cons- everything is connected and in motion.
tant movement.

Law of
Law of
Genetics describes the origin. Knowing these laws helps to
Everything in the universe cons- understand how everything is
tantly generates something new. connected.
Nothing can be still and forever. What are you thinking to be living in this reality?
There are always new ideas and What are you projecting into reality? In which
realities – everything in the rhythm are you moving? Are you going too fast?
universe changes constantly. We Too slow? Pay attention to your actions in order to
are reborn to experience as much create a good effect. Try to understand your own
as possible. polarity, respect your light and your dark side, and
bring them into balance. What are you looking for
and what do you have to give?

It’s important to learn to use the seven laws, so you

can modify your reality. If you don’t understand how
to handle the seven laws, you cannot become a free
person. This is the only way you can set yourself
free from the control of others. If you don’t know
that everything that exists is just your mind and its
projection, you will live the ideas of others. Others
project onto us, judge us, and then we start living and
shaping our lives according to the ideas of others.
Everything we think comes true. If we see ourselves

as victims, we will recreate this.

We cannot be ourselves
and activate our power
if we live according to others.

In order to use the mind

you have to become
the mind.

If you want to be free, you have to believe in it.
Freedom or being loved is a state of mind – it’s not the
reality around you but what you believe and project.
What you believe is what you project into the world.

If we lose ourselves in questions like why we

experience something, we will not get an answer.
We lose time while creating more confusion. We’re
waiting for someone else to create our lives.

Our ancestors aren’t separate beings. There are

no individuals in the consequence of the universe.
There are only waves with packages of information.

Why is this happening to me?

Is a common question in our lives. Why do I suffer even though I’m a good person? The answer to all these
questions is within:

Even the worst things in your life come from a void, a need, a decision within you. Be responsible in every
decision you make because it will come back to you like tides.

Polarity means that in order for us to be positive there must be something negative ahead. Polarity constantly
creates a path for us to improve. It’s the natural way of finding balance. You cannot be positive all the time
and attract positive things to your life. The law of polarity requires that you move and develop. You need the
opposite of your energy. You receive more responsibility in order to improve. We need to do something new
every day to generate something new. Tiny actions can change our entire lives.

Every day of the week pick one of the seven laws.

For example, think about an idea in your mind that appears repeatedly. Take this idea
and think about how you project it onto others. Do you communicate this idea in a good
way? Do you repeat this judgment or idea a lot? Do you take action or does it stay in
your head? Does this idea suggest you should do something new?

If you take time to think about the seven laws every day, you will learn how to connect
with this reality. You will start to know how to interpret your interactions with others.
Your point of view and perception will change. You stop creating a reality outside.
You can change this idea by thinking something different. Take the idea and modify
it. Change your idea about a person in your life. Think of a disorganized person in
your life and think about where they are organized. Verbalize this. By verbalizing it,
you change the idea’s frequency. You rise up by changing your point of view. This is
transforming. Allow yourself to do the opposite of what you usually do to receive the
tools you need at that moment.

Take action. Create something you’ve

never created before. Do something
new. A new frequency for your body.
Understanding it more deeply can help
you to better understand reality and
become your own creator.


Your Thoughts


Your Thoughts


Third Eye

In this lesson you will learn:

How the inner eye works (and how it doesn’t)

Why sleep is important for your connection with yourself

What daydreams are there for

How subconsciousness, consciousness, and unconsciousness work


How important imagination is

Third Eye Chakra

This is the location
of the gland that
regulates sleeping
and waking.
This point between your eyes regulates the
communication between all the dimensions and
the body – like a compass. Biologically, it’s designed
to restore energy through sleep and activate it
through waking up. Physically, this gland is like
an inner eye that can look toward the inside and
organize information in our bodies. This center
gives the signal on how to organize every emotion
and data received, according to our awareness. This
is how our dreams are created. The brain finds the
information and projects it.

When we’re young, sleep is even more important
because there is more information. There is a
multitude of new impressions and information that
has to be organized every day. When we’re older, we
sleep less because we have patterns with paths and
don’t need to sort as much information anymore.
We’re more awake. However, this also means we
can lose touch with our inner guide or spirit. Our
imagination of spirit is often wrong. It’s not an old and
wise person. A guide or spirit is born to experience.
It’s like a child looking for a lot of new information.
That’s why we have a stronger connection with

spirit as children. We’re very open to information at
this time. When we have all the data, we lose touch
a little bit. We no longer dream when we’re awake.
Our culture sees dreaming as something bad. We
lose the ability to imagine. When we stop imagining,
we close the space to our imagination and absorb
others’ data instead of creating something in us.
We’re merely functioning.
We can sleep like a zombie
in our lives or awaken
our potential.

Sleep is important
because it’s the
greatest connection
with ourselves.
Some people are physically
and biologically awake
but sleeping inside.
This isn’t bad but it separates us from our potential. When people wake
up with the Third Eye, they’re often confused. Reality is limited while
the Third Eye sees only potential. The five senses open up further to
the dimensions and other possibilities. Opening the Third Eye means
amplifying the five senses. It’s often equated with seeing something
that can’t be seen. It’s not only about seeing though, it’s about the five
senses. It’s the tetrahedron within us. Consciousness is like an onion
with layers, dimensions, and possibilities for us.

Science is cutting something into pieces

to make sense of it. You can find logic in its
parts. Different dimensions are an aspect
of consciousness.

The eye is the main symbol
of creation
– it’s the reflection of light. By sleeping we can holds our existence because we ignore it. In the
create abundance. Our brain doesn’t get into details subconscious, there is no division between beings.
but bundles information into packages. When we Everything happening in the ocean is encoded in
get used to these packages of information, we lose the concept of ocean. The currents push us forward
our eye for detail. The older we get the less we worry and make us react instead of act. That’s why the
about details. The problem with this is that we no unconscious is related to our emotions. This is an
longer use our consciousness and don’t understand energy that pushes us forward and prevents us from
the individual parts anymore. As children, we’re making our own choices. If we follow the patterns,
scientists because we always want to understand we’re following the unconscious. Unconsciousness
the small things. When we’re older, we no longer isn’t wrong. It’s the eye that sees energy. The captain
pay attention to the small things but to the entirety, – consciousness – knows where they want to go but
interpreting it according to established patterns. needs energy to get there. People who are conscious
The loss of curiosity and imagination is also a loss of their goals can use the energy of others to move
of spirituality. Consciousness – unconsciousness – forward. The conscious part uses the power of
subconsciousness: all this creates a trinity within us. energy to reach its goal. The unconscious generates
However, we often stop living with consciousness energy and makes life in the ocean possible. The
and only use the other two parts. Imagine the ocean currents take conscious beings somewhere.
is the subconscious. The ocean is full of currents
– the unconscious. They’re created by the sun
warming the water on the surface which then sinks
below. The currents, the energy of the ocean moves
the living beings. Consciousness can decide where
to go. However, it’s only a tiny part of the universe.
The universe is mostly subconsciousness. It’s scary
to go into the subconscious. It rules our lives and

The Third Eye is the boat and the captain who knows where they
want to go. This is how decisions can be made and the power of the
ocean can be harnessed consciously. The Third Eye is the opening
part of consciousness and has the power to harness the other two. The
conscious being isn’t there to overtake the other two consciousnesses. It
needs them. The subconscious creates the playground for the spirit, the
characters are created by the unconscious, and the conscious is the one
writing the play.

– writer

– characters

consciousness – This trinity creates every being. Together, they create

coherence when they’re in balance. It’s important to
recognize the Power of Three in our lives. We need

the three eyes to see the entire picture.

Your Eyes

Observe how you handle your life and your • How much do you use the different eyes?
awareness. • Which may have too much influence on you?
Which may have too little?
• How can you connect more equally?


Your Thoughts

The eye of God is
the unity of all eyes.

It represents the inner eye of existence, which created the saying:

God sees all.

As humans, we never get this close to the center. We need to use our imagination to connect with God.
We complement our memory with imagination.

The truth is that

there is no truth.

Every truth is completed with imagination. You’ll never have the whole truth. Whatever you
Everything that has been created was invented express is only one side, a part of the truth. The rest
because someone imagined something that didn’t is invented so you see logic or a meaning in it. That’s
yet exist. the ability of imagination.

Train Your Imagination

Open your imagination. Allow yourself to imagine • Where are your five senses taking
possibilities to reach parts of your consciousness. Think you?
of an idea. Imagine it in detail. Stare at it with your open • What is waking up?
eyes. Envision it until you feel that every detail is right.
This is how you teach your brain to imagine something.
Follow your brain as it’s imagining something. Close your
eyes and start feeling where the image takes you. Navigate
through the emotions in your body. You stop being in your

Move your body without a goal, without sense and
condition. Start crawling, dancing, or shouting. Allow
your subconscious to take over without instruction. Allow
yourself to move. If you do this every day, you’ll notice
that your body always takes you to where something is
suppressed. You’re healing your body, the energy of the
unconscious, and locating what is stuck.

Allow your body to be guided by the subconscious and follow it.

Allow emotions to appear and rub your hands.

Locate it and work on it as if it were made of clay. Let your subconscious guide you.


Your Thoughts


Your Thoughts



In this lesson you will learn:

Why deep roots are important for enlightenment

How this is connected to sexuality

Why our culture often separates sexuality from spirituality

How you can connect again

The three main tools to support you

Crown Chakra

The ninth chakra
contains the power that
regulates everything.
It knows what is happening and provides balance. It The deeper a plant’s roots are the more minerals
perceives and sees everything. It’s our connection to it can absorb to nourish its leaves which in turn
the magnetic field. It’s our connection to the higher absorb light. Therefore, photosynthesis starts in the
levels of consciousness. This chakra is associated dark. Understanding this helps us recognize that
with the colors gold and white. They shine like a only a deeply rooted person can find enlightenment.
sun and bundle everything. Everything goes back These are people who can understand others’
to unity. This is the highest chakra, regulates the processes. Someone who contains a lot of light
hormones of sexuality, and brings our bodies the can receive light from other cultures and share it
pulse of life. without limitations. Being a master is about how
you walk this Earth. A tree can illustrate this image.

Its roots are essential for its growth. They absorb,
retain, and transfer.

Enlightened beings in
history weren’t enlightened.
They were just doing
beautiful things and were
so centered in what they
were that they forgot that
there was a God outside.

When you’re able to see the beauty in the world, you start to see the reflection of the
true divine. The light of the aura – not directly visible to most – shows that the divine is
everywhere. This light is everywhere, in every atom. It shines in every part of existence.
This energy is everywhere because we’re a product of the sun. The light moves in a
spiral. In order to move with the divine in us our photons have to move in a spiral in a
certain direction. All the light from the crown chakra opens like a flower, creates the
seed, and goes back to our genitals. This creates a pattern of movement of light that
activates the engine in our genitals.

The spirit wants to

experience this
movement of energy.
The light wants to experience
matter and constantly has to think
about reproduction.
Many ancient traditions have instructions for sex. When it reaches the crown chakra, it opens the
When energy reaches the genitals, instructions flower again. In the universe, everything is recycled.
are required so the light moves in spirals. Without You don’t need to get rid of anything. Everything
guidance from your inner self, it explodes in your that happens, every pain – all these are compo-
root chakra. This chaos creates needs and craving. nents of life. If we give them a purpose, they can be
Our lack of knowledge about how to handle this the key to opening our flower. If we don’t know how
energy creates the idea that everything under the to handle them, they can be toxic.
belly button is a sin. This is why the connection to
sexuality was severed culturally because we believe
it takes us away from our spiritual connection.
However, this taboo contains the most powerful
tool of creation.

It’s a source where the negative and the positive

come together to create something new. From here,
the energy goes to all chakras in the body in the
shape of a double helix of negative and positive.

The spiritual world tries to create more ways in which the
spirit can be experienced. That’s why the spiritual world
designed a way for us to experience love for others, feel
a connection, and start reproduction. The negative and
positive connect and create a new being.

Your Sexuality

Take a moment to reflect on your relationship • What words were used for genitals in your
with your sexuality childhood?
• Did you experience trauma related to this?
• How are you able to touch yourself today?
• How do you live your sexuality?


Your Thoughts

Our sexuality
determines our
connection with
our spirit.
Without this connection, spirituality becomes a dogma. Sexuality has
been destroyed culturally – mainly female sexuality. When women are
connected to their sexuality, they’re a portal for the fifth dimension.
Women receive the information of the Tree of Life before men. In
patriarchal societies, a woman knowing more than a man could be a
threat. In many cultures, the idea was to sever our sexuality and direct
connection to the divine. The encounter with God is equal to an orgasm.

The process of light going up from the depth
and dark side of our bodies toward the tree
is called the Kundalini process.
In its movement, it takes on a shape reminiscent of a snake.
The movement of light is reminiscent of a snake with wings.
Everyone living on this Earth can touch the divine. You have
to connect heaven and earth. In religions, a dogma with a
complicated path was created that only some can follow. If we flee from this
Here, most people rely on others who can walk the path. Our supposed hell, we take
earth traditions were cut out. Everything that takes us to the away our chance to
ground, to earth became hell. Only the connection to heaven connect to our sexuality,
was right. the Kundalini, and to find
our own path.

This way, the mind cannot be empowered but can only be filled with others’ ideas.
Without the energy from the root chakra, there is no energy going to the divine.
We depend on others and don’t create. We cannot feel the power of our own energy.
The deeper you go into the earth the more you connect. Gravity takes you to
the inner sun.

There are four

ways for us.
1 3
Fever is a possibility to increase our temperature When we realize we’re losing energy, we can start
and vibration. Our bodies try to reach a new level. looking for a master or guide who helps us to
We think it’s a problem and stop it. It’s good to allow meditate.
oneself fever.

2 4
In teenage years, sexuality is the discovery of Meditation or Kundalini activation helps us connect
one’s own sexuality. The growing connection with to the divine and feel our bodies. This doesn’t only
ourselves activates Kundalini and creates power mean sitting down and connecting in silence but
in us. This isn’t only true for you as a biological but also going for a walk in the rain and getting dirty.
also as a mental being. Our heads start to open to
new realities, new ideas, new concepts. We form our
personalities during this time. This is why sexuality
was taught from the age of 10 in ancient times.
You need to learn how to handle it before it happens
so you can direct the energy.

Take action this week and introduce
small Kundalini activations.

Produce a little fever. Go to a sunny place, absorb the sun, and become aware of it.
How does the sun get into your body? Look at it. Allow yourself to feel the sun’s energy
on your face and body. Feel the light and energy within. Absorbing the sun is good for
you and your hormones. The softer morning or evening light is ideal for this.

Connect with your sexuality. This is something you don’t do with others but exclusively
by yourself. Touch yourself differently. Don’t look for pleasure but for energy. Where is
the energy flowing? Where does it hurt? Where is it blocked? Explore your genitals as if
you were touching them for the first time. Notice what you feel and why you’re feeling it.


Breathe. Go to a dark place in a quiet room. Concentrate on your

breathing. Sitting is ideal. This way you help the energy find a way
toward the sky. Inhale deeply while thinking about the root chakra. Hold
your breath as long as you can. Feel the color of the chakra brighten
while you do this. Exhale through your nose and send the energy to the
next chakra. Once you reach the crown chakra, exhale and go back to
the root chakra via the outside.

Take time to create this circuit for the light.

This circuit can be activated
in your daily life.


Your Thoughts

In order to reach the divine you
have to feel the light.
We’re made of light.
The only thing you need to do is
bring order to the light.

It’s a long path that isn’t completed

in one course.
You will learn. This is a key and map to understand the path.
It’s not the whole truth. There is more you can learn which
will give you more insights. The universe has many ways of
giving us information. You need to be open. The main key to Maybe not the entire
transcendence in the universe is to learn to be in flow and package is for you but only
stay open. Don’t despair thinking you’re doing it wrong or a part of it. Take the part
you’re not good enough. Stop limiting thoughts. Go step by that is useful for you.
step. There isn’t only one path. The universe comprehends
different paths. If you don’t understand it yet, you’re not at We always start something
a place where you can integrate it yet. You have to find your new. Don’t expect to be
own path before you can use other paths. There is no end to complete one day.
this process.

There are
three main tools:

Eat better. Breathe Laugh more.


Think about these things every day. This can open Laughing is a key to raising your vibration. Make a
your system to new information and help to orga- joke. Watch something funny. Find a reason to laugh
nize yourself. Eating better means you should integ- every day.
rate the seven colors of your chakras into your food.
You become what you eat. You need to be aware of These three tools are very easy and don’t belong to
what you eat physically and emotionally. any dogma. From here, you can add whatever else

you like or need.
In breathing, the nose is for conscious breathing. We
breathe to supply our cells with oxygen from the air.
We need it to awaken the potential in them. It’s good
to try to breathe through the nose as much as we can.
Inhale for as long as you can and keep count, hold for
the same count, and then exhale for the same count
in order to have the right energy.
Stay open and discover
the possibilities.


Your Thoughts


Your Thoughts


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