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62nd Session of the Legal Subcommittee Committee on the Peaceful

Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS)
March 24, 2023, Vienna, Austria

COLOMBIAN INTERVENTION Ambassador Miguel Camilo Ruiz

Permanent Representative of Colombia in Vienna


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Madam President,

For Colombia, capacity building, training and education in space

law is essential to promote national, regional and international

initiatives aimed at continuing to develop the practical aspects of

space science and technology.

Thus, to advance the development of space law, we consider

that universities should be encouraged to establish courses,

diplomas or specializations on space law, and encourage

research focused on generating contributions for the

formulation of public policies and frameworks. legal provisions

at the multilateral and national levels.

In this sense, we find it necessary to encourage the participation of

professionals and students in space law research, which could

undoubtedly generate important contributions from academia to

the development of space activities.

On the other hand, in order to strengthen the institutional
capacities involved in space activities in a technical and legal
manner, it is proposed to increase the participation and inclusion
of developing countries in different scenarios, in order to increase
the transfer of knowledge and international cooperation to deepen
knowledge of the framework
legal framework in which space activities are carried out and
exchange experiences and lessons learned in the matter.

In the case of Colombia, we are promoting space capacity through

academia, by offering different courses in the universities of our

country on space law, as well as the participation of Colombians in

different universities around the world that specialize in this

subject. .

Thank you so much.

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