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62nd Session of the Legal Subcommittee Committee on the Peaceful

Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS)

March 24, 2023, Vienna, Austria.
COLOMBIAN INTERVENTION Ambassador Miguel Camilo Ruiz Blanco

Permanent Representative of Colombia in Vienna



(To be checked against delivery)

Madam President, the delegation of Colombia would like to

make some comments on its national legislation relevant to the

exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes.

The “Treaty on the principles governing the activities of

Moon in the
and exploration
other celestial and use is
bodies” of outer space, including the
considered the cornerstone of modern international space law.
After a complex process of legal analysis against our internal

legislation, through Law 2107 of 2021, the Congress of the Republic

approved said treaty, and in 2022 the Constitutional Court declared

it enforceable. The internal consultation process prior to the

Deposit of the Instrument is currently underway.
for its corresponding Ratification and subsequent entry into force
for Colombia.

The 1974 Convention on the Registration of Objects Launched into

Outer Space was duly approved and ratified by Colombia since

2014. Precisely, regarding internal regulations, we would like to

highlight that through Decree No. 2258 of December 2018, it was

established the rules and procedures for the registration of objects

launched into outer space, in compliance with the provisions of the

international regulations of the United Nations, and this

Convention. In addition, the Unique Colombian Registry of Objects

Launched into Space (RUCOE) was established.

On the other hand, and considering the important role that the

State must play in the field of promotion and development of

the space sector, in October 2022, the Colombian Air Force

presented bill 380, “through which measures

to guarantee defense and territorial integrity in the space field

and other provisions are issued.”

Said bill, in accordance with the Constitution and the

international treaties ratified by Colombia on the matter,

encourages the execution of activities in outer space, including

the Moon and other celestial bodies, to be carried out in

conditions that do not constitute a risk to national security and

defense, air and space operations, and national sovereignty.

This law, in addition to the regulation of space activities, provides

guidelines for the protection of the environment, both on Earth

and in outer space; the obligation of registration, regulation and

liability for public and private for damages

caused to third parties; as well as proposes changing the name of
the Colombian “Air” Force to the Colombian “Aerospace” Force.

Madam President, For the development of its institutional capacity

and space regulations, Colombia attaches great importance to

multilateral and bilateral cooperation. In this sense, it highlights the

cooperation mechanisms with India and Brazil, as well as

negotiations that have recently begun with Chile on space matters.

Likewise, Colombia, through the signing of the Artemis

Agreements in 2022, wanted to join the renewed initiative to

increase the security of operations, reduce uncertainty and

promote the sustainable and beneficial use of space for all


These Agreements represent a political commitment to the

principles described in them, many of which provide for the

operational application of important obligations contained in the

Outer Space Treaty and other instruments.

Its clauses establish a series of commitments, principles and

guidelines related to the way in which cooperation activities in

the area of ​exploration and use of outer space are implemented;

commitments to carry out activities solely for peaceful purposes

and in a transparent manner vis-à-vis the other signatories; the

commitment to assistance in emergency cases; registration of

space objects; the dissemination of scientific information; the

preservation of outdoor space; the use of space resources;

respect for the principle of due diligence; the respect of

different principles relating to safe areas and space debris

Madam President, to conclude, we would like to highlight that

Colombia considers it essential that the regulation of activities

related to the development of space technologies in areas such as

science, research and innovation be developed under conditions

that do not affect or generate a risk to security. .

Thank you so much.

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