Lok Adalat by Sujay

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| Lok Alalats 4 Legal Ald = y the_fasttadion SE toh Ababa (fom =Tedsta tals) = fete volllnin oe “med _ondzt of legal alt —___ © ok, Chovadered 9S Pp. jie Pgoanne_ for Age Tae [eee ani a “k Baad_ou the conse vf _dapube solftetneat Bieces —-Lounsellieg persuasion and. concthiation 7 x pocebad mechani TR We SHR Higa E Tafa proces Salama ta onnvld ta waite Onl Spal ey Teles "land palin fo fon diap.te. | Rabichion of Srtigabion cask, slelays ond Hillenness : a bok Adalaks vedios Ja berden @1 sequdar coushe. ‘ Howey Wk Adalat Systm fa foo cpahtar han od 0 A Poy, 2 Unaanfcad + R[enetfine Jhast are Cotrdonamt or undve Pal lyase Ce antad e aeeaee n_teal d d SE prvallll Fpdiel spe gad inc aeaigend sok sepadar “arom afer Success © tok Aladad- 18 foo webilens, sporadic and prpeliat fo 1 nid 82 doo ely fo_say au ig about Sucess oF | ok Abalad 7 Repay ae ME Evolution of tok Alolot ahs ype of Spr @iel Fa Carlier Dlian atry en tua farm of Nyaa fandbayad or villege Foncloyod- aNd lok Adola} pbemad- Can Baik -b 62 head of ha neue duet nbsp ad_P0_ or. gts: Wome of the — rensuoned Pe balay and fee Gis. | Tore advocasel for 2 head vf tak Adplabs 24 certais _Setacsions - + lepl afd 78 maloniem JO Provide “equal acco toqustie” os mondodad by Als 14, 36 £394 of ea Bsbion Caurtthafion. | lok Atalay can be & Staatagé “Ligal a “4 Dh won alley be hail Alroke StapleReadsttes 08) yshee +b con Hak e—qpatice fo tite leeethep ee oey F "ear mf ae os APO A. ape: ei pd ans | Aefzafely, raladed do: assfalquee and _access_- tog enuerts «Scholes Mend Qetad AD Re Br ede epee 2 a the 26le SF Tactics Blggied? at tse cbabman sf ——— ert As Che. € comntifoe far Doptelabian f legah abl gst), od. lable 9m fe paseeute Haffeg. fe $$ _pansformobion Son fag woduc eycerouci? ok Me tn station & . _frcaeesol) operorranc Seaeaeeeee ye id fa 48: thle Place Nod fore RO tuccoce of ——+l2k 4 Atalajs _ ___A Stabe oF Gujaraf- began bokpa, (ek Adalods fy 7 Tension poitel deal clk As nae acs lot Gujerad tok Adalobs Apo) odbar Afabed foltored fos Qoor- — # | Befon 1946 E1988, CAs were Wade PamtlL politicians, zorernmad offiials and toe litany EA] gpl Set Tota det BEF pial ahd: reeeguition de Lu0 pecouk % qale ne Lotion ru em tok Alatod [ * gyifiance wf WR Adohads Se a Tasfthdion of Speedy Od cbeays waaldnsCamia ~ a dks on HO2 pradple of bh ee eqnsellfag. ancl pavsUabion ii a TE poked a cettewaliee gpl FF sade mld je ADK ao “porate warn rear Hear bi apes ome ty x dgesa't pollen fem z z 7 ~Gplance af afc. 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Adalad.s rs adjocay * K Janme Haare Pe uo cermomire /setflemenf- befiwenry too fi Wek = Atala” $4 cto conf fra lapse bak do ft Cueto vtbare Ff Poe peferenrees 7 hts sas nofa Dtiealed AuPt fran lok Adalah- _ —adbitas 4 —go Hecogheabead. Foc ga)a2inastte e _= A iSayaeme pert. has als bold Lab ted comun ode fovea ___ Leeine orf modadiforr Gn 2 ! 2 “Petre ab lake Albis 4 He pacedine “folitewale: af a “ok Aiaah fare — and fess Powoks a tt boke Adalat Pa pad a tpraatagalal pated —— offices as CDodrean WHA duo efter pander useab A Soucyer and Rocio) workers Ui _ are Usted tefere cach panels “The LR alos yoke /ponsltat eleferngine hud faa process cotlf at sabi fat si speak aad whee: Tay vfler haga) pricey HK Adiwcates qe __pemuttfed ve fone ta fetsnb.tele _9s2@_Qud dr fas agape con Faterach with Lokal age dry and. axploty toaiy and nea dieyeudie Qud oecpus. A SPace Ra ogpeemand- has fo be yoked fa YOu shok Pe as $42 oppeffucd of lok-Adolod qudge te tebe fer Foe - etal et or _pevied of feme. 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K lak Adalals 7 + et ewied Ay fottias AT BEF So Ely daimwe Jlipr axisfence, wenstthapion and Power FRM U0 aferesaid ddadube- | 4s Super coet Fae tas held flap fia (ek—Alalads Sale tare @ Concl fader. edly cot u8t- competent to undertake lt dala tiR _querd of tek~Adabe} “apisiot arotied cet bay flat sltid oe makSeh pmest. \ | = Perrone Lok- Adalods, ate — knee Ka oat awed bef Cok “Halo em — Rep of BE fe sad FO tippe bakty a ns xehoPt count: CF 9f was_vola Srttgaped sete At 2202 (Auenebinenct) —- ==) dee Berea» PlAs con dette fle ae _ Sate. “han” take Alabed _adyicas fOC_tigaf qeinecdish — EN FOS Caurt re ae _« on ereertoent uch aie _gabldem 2 OQ neud« clogley G4 Lar jaeemanenf-___ oe ek Adalod (tec. 224- 226) bas been tucerted .. — lea tot fret try fhe_legal Services Aude Phic& — & Purpose of (Use Fer pe Bt Se aud sBlomend wh tts pdey ouce rae nett of ff PF up satlaal ae ts aan “tase ee And gusy epee | polP fed fey at 7 4 vale “ak Aststties one EEE paride ak any. patie asec ah suclepricistiy— be nr gene ov Iuere Publfe ily cents. 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