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Q1. It has been observed that about 25% of young adults smoke. If you are sitting next to a
young adult on a park bench, what is the odds that he is a smoker?

Correct Answer

Q2. To predict whether a goal was scored by a player in an international match , logistic
regression is fitted. Y = 1, if the goal was scored, 0 otherwise. The following model is found
to be adequate

Ln ( P(Y=1) / P(Y=0) ) = 9.5 - 0.3*Age + 0.57*MinorInjury [here 'ln' stands for natural
logarithm (i.e. logarithm to the base e)]

Where MinorInjury = 1 if the player is playing with a minor injury and 0 otherwise. Find the
percentage probability of a 40-year old player with no minor injury will score an
international goal.

**Assume P(Y=0) is probability of scoring an international goal**

Correct Answer

Q3. The following table shows the cross-tabulation of actual and predicted response after a
logistic regression model fit. What is the accuracy of the logistic regression?
Correct Answer

Q4. What do we plot (in the X-axis and the Y-axis) in the Receiver Operator Characteristic
(ROC) curve?

Correct Answer

Q5. Performance of a logistic regression is often measured by its sensitivity (recall) and
specificity (precision). Which of the following statements do you agree with?

1. Sensitivity and specificity are inversely proportional to each other.

2. If AUC corresponding to an ROC is 50%, the logistic regression model is no better
that a random model which classifies an observation into positive or negative class
with equal probability

Correct Answer

Q6. To answer the question, please follow the instructions given below:

• Use the given dataset

• Drop the "Prisoner Ids" Variable
• Do not scale the data
• Do not split the data into training and test.
Build a Logistic Regression Model on the data set.
What is the value of the accuracy score on the data?

Note: Please do not pre-process the data in any way before fitting the logistic regression

Correct Answer

Q7. To answer the question, please follow the instructions given below:

• Use the given dataset

• Drop the "Prisoner Ids" Variable
• Do not scale the data
• Do not split the data into training and test.

Build a Logistic Regression Model on the data set.

What is the value of the True Positives predictions based on the confusion matrix?

Note: For this question, use the whole data to build the model, then use the independent
variables to predict the same whole data and then build a confusion matrix.

Note: Please do not pre-process the data in any way before fitting the logistic regression

Correct Answer

Q8. To answer the question, please follow the instructions given below:

• Use the given dataset

• Drop the "Prisoner Ids" Variable
• Do not scale the data
• Do not split the data into training and test.
Build a Logistic Regression Model on the full data set.

Select True or False for the following statement.

The value of the intercept of the model is greater than 1.

Note: Please do not pre-process the data in any way before fitting the logistic regression

Correct Answer

Q9. To answer the question, please follow the instructions given below:

• Use the given dataset

• Drop the "Prisoner Ids" Variable
• Do not scale the data
• Do not split the data into training and test.

Build a Logistic Regression Model on the data set

Obtain the predictions for the data set.

What is the Area Under the Curve Score on the Data?

Note: Please do not pre-process the data in any way before fitting the logistic regression

Correct Answer

Q10. ______ the value of AUC, ______ is the prediction power of the model?

Correct Answer

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