AI Intro & Tools

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Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially

computer systems. Specific applications of AI include expert systems, natural language
processing, speech recognition and machine vision.

Artificial Intelligence Platforms involves the use of machines to perform the tasks that are
performed by human beings. The platforms simulate the cognitive function that human minds
perform such as problem-solving, learning, reasoning, social intelligence as well as general

Google AI Platform, TensorFlow, Microsoft Azure, Rainbird, Infosys Nia, Wipro

HOLMES, Dialogflow, Premonition, Ayasdi, MindMeld, Meya, KAI, Vital A.I, Wit,
Receptiviti, Watson Studio, Lumiata, Infrrd are some of the top Artificial Intelligence
According to the current system of classification, there are four primary AI types: reactive,
limited memory, theory of mind, and self-aware.

The main 7 areas of AI?

7 Major Types of AI That Can Bolster Your Decision Making
1. Narrow AI or ANI.
2. Artificial general intelligence or AGI.
3. Strong AI or ASI.
4. Reactive machines.
5. Limited memory.
6. Theory of mind.
7. Self-awareness.
AI works by combining large amounts of data with fast, iterative processing and intelligent
algorithms, allowing the software to learn automatically from patterns or features in the data.
Artificial Intelligence has always been used for making smarter business decisions. AI
technology can coordinate data delivery, analyze trends, develop data consistency, provide
forecasts, and quantify uncertainties to make the best decisions for the company.

These can be abbreviated as 7 Cs of AI i.e.,

1. Clear
2. Concise
3. Concrete
4. Correct
5. Coherent
6. Complete and
7. Courteous.

AI is a rapidly evolving field, and there are always new concepts and tools being developed.
Some of the recent developments in AI include: Deep Learning: Deep learning is a subset of
machine learning that uses artificial neural networks with multiple layers to model complex
relationships between inputs and outputs. Deep learning has been used to achieve state-of-the-art
results in image recognition, natural language processing, and other fields.

I. Deep Learning: Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks
with multiple layers to model complex relationships between inputs and outputs. Deep learning
has been used to achieve state-of-the-art results in image recognition, natural language
processing, and other fields.

II. Reinforcement Learning: Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning where an agent
learns to make decisions by interacting with an environment and receiving feedback in the form
of rewards or punishments. Reinforcement learning has been used to teach robots to perform
tasks such as walking and grasping objects.

III. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): GANs are a type of neural network that consists of
two parts: a generator that creates new data samples, and a discriminator that tries to distinguish
between real and fake samples. GANs have been used to generate realistic images, videos, and

IV. Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP is a subfield of AI that focuses on the interaction
between computers and human language. Recent developments in NLP include language models
such as BERT and GPT-3, which have achieved impressive results in tasks such as language
translation, question-answering, and text summarization.

V. Explainable AI (XAI): XAI is an approach to AI that emphasizes the importance of making AI

systems transparent and interpretable, so that humans can understand how they make decisions.
XAI techniques include visualizations, natural language explanations, and other methods that
help humans understand the reasoning behind an AI system's decisions.
VI. Federated Learning: Federated learning is a machine learning technique that allows multiple
devices to collaborate on a model without sharing their data with each other or with a central
server. Federated learning has been used to train models on sensitive data such as medical
records and financial transactions.

VII. AI Ethics: As AI becomes more prevalent in society, there is growing concern about its potential
ethical implications. AI ethics involves developing guidelines and principles for the ethical
design, development, and deployment of AI systems, and ensuring that AI is used in a
responsible and ethical manner.

VIII. Deep Motion:

These are just a few examples of the new concepts and tools in AI. As the field continues to
evolve, we can expect to see many more exciting developments in the years to come.

Here, let’s learn about the numerous AI automation tools that are used in the industry today.
This blog covers the following tools:

1. Scikit Learn
2. TensorFlow
3. PyTorch
5. Caffe
6. Apache MXNet
7. Keras
8. OpenNN
9. AutoML
10. H2O

1. Scikit Learn

This is one of the most widely used libraries in the machine learning community. There are
certain factors that make it the go-to library for developers, such as cross-validation, feature
extraction, supervised learning algorithm, etc. However, it runs on a single processor CPU. This
library is built on SciPy, which includes Numpy, Matplotlib, Pandas, Sympy, IPython, and
SciPy. It’s focused on modeling the data, rather than manipulating it.

With this, we have discussed some of the most used tools in Artificial Intelligence in recent
years. There are other AI tools that are growing in popularity like Google ML kit, Theano, Swift
AI, Deeplearning4j, etc. These Artificial Intelligence techniques can further the advancement in
the field and have the potential to optimize human effort in every possible area of application of
AI in real life.
2. TensorFlow

Currently, TensorFlow is the most sought-after deep learning library. This machine learning
framework by Google is a Python-friendly open-source library. It is one of the best AI
development tools that facilitate numerical computation making future predictions much easier
and more accurate. But how?

Instead of getting entangled in the nitty-gritty of algorithms, developers can focus on the logic
part of the application. TensorFlow takes care of everything that goes on the back end. The tool
allows developers to construct neural networks and create graphical visualization using
Tensorboard. TensorFlow applications can be run conveniently on your local machine, cloud,
Android, and iOS devices. As it is built on a deployable scale, it runs on CPU AND GPU.

3. PyTorch

Next in competition for AI tools is PyTorch, which is also built on Python. This is similar to
TensorFlow in terms of the nature of the projects chosen. However, when the priority is for faster
development, PyTorch is the better choice. TensorFlow is gone in case the project involves
larger and more complex projects.


This is a Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit, that is also built on similar lines as TensorFlow, but is not
as easy to deploy. It has a broader range of APIs such as Python, Java, C, and C++ and mainly
focuses on creating deep learning neural networks.

5. Caffe

This open-source, developed at the University of California, has a Python interface. It has its best
application in academic research projects and industrial disposition. It is among the best tools
used in Artificial Intelligence. This is attributed to its processing power which exceeds 60
million images per day.

6. Apache MXNet

This Artificial Intelligence tool is adopted by Amazon as its deep learning framework on AWS.
Unlike other tools, this is not directly owned by a major corporation, which provides a conducive
environment for an open-source framework.
It can run smoothly on multiple GPUs and machines. Also supports a range of APIs like Python,
C++, Scala, R, JavaScript, Julia, Perl, and Go.
Now, you will learn about Keras which is among the most frequently used Artificial Intelligence
7. Keras

This is a high-level open-source neural network library that has a Python interface. This
extremely user-friendly tool is built on top of TensorFlow and is comparatively easier to use as
well. It is used for fast prototyping that facilitates the completion of state-of-the-art experiments
from start to end with little or no delay. Keras run seamlessly on CPU and GPU. Keras is one of
the best open-source Artificial Intelligence tools used today.

As the back end is dealt with by the tool itself, it attracts developers from a wide range of
backgrounds to get their hands on creating their own scripts, putting no limitation on skills for
using the tool. So, it all comes down to your intentions. If what you need is to create a
functioning prototype, Keras is your call. Else if you need to get into the low-level computations
of it, then TensorFlow is your way forward.

8. OpenNN

Open Neural Networks library is another open-source library that is used to simulate neural
networks and is hence an important component of deep learning research. This library is written
in the C++ language. This offers a platform for developers wanting to upgrade to advanced

9. AutoML

This is one of the top Artificial Intelligence tools currently at the disposal of a machine learning
engineer. It automates the processes involved in articulating a real-world problem using machine
learning techniques. This helps a data scientist to shift his focus from mundane repetitive tasks
like modeling to handling problems at hand. The tool has cleared the way for machine learning
for everybody, as someone without much ML experience can easily navigate in the field.

10. H2O

This business-oriented Artificial Intelligence tool is an open-source deep learning platform. It

helps draw insightful decisions on business from the data at disposal. H2O is written in Java and
includes interfaces for Python, R, Java, Scala, CoffeeScript, and JSON. The tool finds
application in predictive modeling, risk analysis, healthcare, and insurance analytics.


Companies that have realized the potential of AI in their business early on have been able to
achieve greater heights. AI not only powers the business but also makes it more efficient within a
short period. The trend of AI in businesses can be compared to the digital process that was
introduced taking away the pain of paper-based processes. This revolution brought in a major
change, similarly, AI is also going to bring in a huge change across all industries.

At the heart of this change are the AI-powered tools that help businesses to focus on efficiency
and find better ways to generate revenues. However, one herculean task that companies need to
pull off is finding suitable Artificial intelligence tools based on their needs. The right AI tool can
help businesses make bigger leaps in terms of saving costs and increasing net profit.

Machine Learning is applied to almost every area and it is a powerful tool that opens up
numerous opportunities. People with Machine Learning Certification have the chance to kick-
start their careers in the field of ML.

There are other AI tools that are growing in popularity like Google ML kit, Theano, Swift AI,
Deeplearning4j, etc.

In general, most entities' AI principles to develop safe, ethical, responsible, trusted, and
acceptable AI have coalesced around a set of five areas (though they may go by different
names): fairness and bias, trust and transparency, accountability, social benefit, and
privacy and security.



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