Comparative Forms of Adjectives

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Comparative forms of

How can we compare?
What is positive adjective?
a) 2 forma porównania
b) forma standardowa przymiotnika
c) 3 forma porównania

Example of positive adjective?

a) The rapidest
b) Rapider
c) Rapid
What is comparative adjective?
a) 2 forma porównania
b) forma standardowa przymiotnika
c) 3 forma porównania
Example of positive adjective?
a) Old
b) Older
c) The oldest
What is superlative adjective?
a) 2 forma porównania
b) forma standardowa przymiotnika
c) 3 forma porównania
Example of positive adjective?
a) The coldest
b) Colder
c) Cold
Does it look like the comparative form in your

Look at your language, take some adjectives from your language and use
all 3 comparative forms in your language and in English.
Comparatives and colours

What if you have different things but they slightly different.

How can you call them?
Are you Crazy?

How can we change our emotions while we comparing

something or somebody?


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