Adjective Gradability

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Adjective gradability

Positive - Comparative - Superlative

Gradable and Non-Gradable Adjectives
Describe nouns or pronouns. Showing us quality,
quantity, possession and a lot of other
Adjectives are Gradable and Non-Gradable
First rule! Don’t try to understand does the adjective gradable or not, just try to
feel the context! If it doesn’t make any sense, also in your language don’t try
to change the adjective!

Second rule! Imagine that you have from temperature from -10 till +100 in the
bottom you will have the strongest definition and in the highest point that will
be the second strong definition. They are Non-Gradable! Between -10 and
+100 there are mostly Gradable Adjectives! (Next page)
Look at the temperature
It’s the easiest example of Gradable and Non-gradable

Let’s try to learn some new words!

Positive - Comparative - Superlative
Here we will have a bit more theory.
So, Positive Adjective is normal adjective in a standard form - good, white, drunk,
Comparative form mostly has at the end of the word “er”:
1) Nice - Nicer (you already have “e” in this word add only “r” and that’ll be good.)
2) Big - Bigger (when you have consonant stressed vowel and consonant - double the
last letter and add “er”.)
3) Lazy - lazier (you have “y” at the end of the world? Make it i and add “er”.)
4) More/less beautiful (can’t understand should you use previous rule or you have a
big word, or this word physically couldn’t be used under previous circumstances use
“more/less” with positive adjective and you are good.
Superlative The top of the Adjectives

Well, it’s simple:

Just copy the rules form Comparative and change “er” into “est” and this is it.

Long - the longest, big - the biggest, lazy - the laziest, but!

Instead More/less you will have:

The most / the least and positive form as before:

The most beautiful, the least beautiful.

Here you will have some examples of exceptions:
Let’s check adjectives!

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