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Amount Date (ncome |Amount

Date Expenditure
09.06.22 traveling & stay expenditure 50000l01.04.22 |Opening balance in bank 172596.9
70000 Contribution Rec from corporate office AIGETOA Delhi 259405.4
|22.07.22 traveling & stay expenditure 70006)
|13.12.22 meeting
19.12.22 diary distributed exp.
02.01.23 diary distributed and other misx expenditure
Closing balance in bank 144984.3
31.03.22 432002.3
432002.3| TOTAL

date withdraw amt Expenditute remnark SN ArGETOA CEC EXPENOITURE Amount
09.06.22 S0000 taveling & stay expenditure 1AC Rhopat Nikr 6487
22 07.22 70000 tBveling &stay expenditure 2AC Rhopal Parvin amble 3502
13 12 22 70006| neeting 3cGM AMeoting A<hish 3380
19 12 22 S0006|diary distributed exp 1HO AGM New Delhi Ashish 6787
02 01 23 47006diary distributed bhid other misx expenditute 5CH0 AGM New DelhiPathak Agm Bill 9232
total withdrew 2870)8 6CHO AGM New Dolh Riyaz Patwakar 10617
7 DEC Mecting Chandrapur Phatak 8849
8 Misc Bouauet to Delegates (CMD, Dir HP, Dir CM, CGM MH CGM CNTAI 1500
9Misc Bulk SMS/ Whatsapp 10000
10 Misc Cake 1 Ke for DGM HR/Admn B'day 700
11 MiscCake 1Kg ofCGM Bday 700
12 MiscL0ading, Unloading,Courier of Calender &Dairy 1100
13 Misc New CEC Party, Bouquet, Tea, Sweets 1000
14 Misc Sweets after Strike 367
15 Misc Tea by CS to AUAB Members 260
16 Misc Website 3000
17 Misc RIM 300
18 SSA FundChandarpur for DEC forrnation meeting 3250
19 SSA FundCircle Office Mumbai for DEC expenditure 10300
20 SSA Fund Nagpur SSA spent on DEC body election meeting expenditure 15700
21 SSA Paid to Nashik DFS Against Bill Submission 570
22 Strike Ashish Bill(4 Days) 9757
23 Strike Jalander Travel Bill(4 Days) 7523
24 Strike Mathew (7 Days) 14299
25|Strike Niki Bill (7 Days) 14489
26|Strike Raju Pathak (6 Days) 15894
27 Strike Shantanu Bill (4 Days) 10729
28 Strike Vishal Ranjan Bill(4 Days) 9563
29 Diary payment 87100
30paid to ds mumbaispent on meeting ,gift a,stationery,misclenious 5000
31 paid to pune aigetoa 10000

32new District body formation meeting expenditure S000

total 23217C

Ccks ATçEToA) COS)

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