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1. Tame (v) (adj): thuần hóa

Ex: This turtle has become so tame that it could not be released back to the wild.
2. Solitary animals (fox, tiger, rabbit) >< social animals (wolf, sheep)
3. Domestic animal (n): động vật nuôi
4. Livestock (n): gia súc, gia cầm
5. Terrestrial animals (n): động vật trên cạn >< ocean/ sea/ marine/ aquatic animal =
6. Extraterrestrial (adj): ngoại lai
7. Slaughter (v) (n): giết, sự giết mổ --> the slaughter of animals for the meat.
8. On the verge/ on the brink of extinction: trên bờ vực tuyệt chủng = endangered species
9. Poaching (n): illegal hunting --> poach (v)
10. Rare animal (n): động vật quý hiếm
11. Impose strict regulations/ rules (v): áp đặt luật nghiêm khắc + on sb/ sth
Ex: The government should impose stricter regulations to prevent poaching and the
slaughter of endangered animals.
12. A cold fish (id): lạnh lùng, indifferent, ignorant
Ex: He’s a bit of a cold fish. He’s rarely opened up about his feeling with others.
13. Have bigger/ other fish to fry (id): have sth more important to do
Ex: Quit playing around! I’ve got you bigger fish to fry. Cram (v): học nhồi for exams
14. Let the cat out of the bag (id): expose secrets = spill the tea
Ex: I was trying to keep it in the dark (= keep it secret) but Mary let the cat out of the
15. Like a cat on hot bricks (id): bồn chồn, nervous, như trên đống lửa = have butterflies in
one’s stomach
Ex: She kept pacing around the room, like a cat on hot bricks!
16. I’m stressed = This stresses me out = I’m having anxiety = I’m wound up = This drives me
mad/crazy/ nut!
17. Violate (v): xâm phạm
Ex: Human has no right to violate animals’ right so bluntly (adv): trắng trợn like that.
18. Like, keen on, fond of, enjoy, love = I am a big fan of = avid = I’m into … = junkie = I’d go
for …
Part 1
 Do you like to watch TV programs about wild animals?
 Did you learn something about wild animals at school?
 Where can you see wild animals?
 In which country do you think you can see many wild animals?
It feels like the nature there still remains intact and unspoiled so I reckon there would be a lot
of wild animals there.

Part 2: Describe a time when you saw a wild animal.

You should say:
- What kind of animal was it?
- When was it?
- Where was it?
- What was it doing that time?
- Your feeling back then.
In the central of my city = in the city centre = at the heart of my city
Have the chance to see the tiger in real life = get to see tigers for the very first time
when I was knee high to a grasshopper = small
Tiger, which is a solitary animal at the zoo.
Nervous = have butterflies in my stomach = like a cat on hot bricks
I was really nervous, like a cat on hot bricks
--> it looked giant, and kinda fierce
Two colors: orange fur with black stripes

To the best of my recollection, when I was knee high to a grasshopper, …..

I don’t remember/ I can’t recall exactly when it happened but I do remember my feelings back
Part 3
 Do you support animal experimentation?

 Should we teach children to protect wild animals?

Day by day, the wild animals are one step closer to extinction so…
We can …
 Do you think zoos are suitable places for keeping wild animals?
Keep at the zoo = kept in captivity = kept in cages
Live more comfortably and more freely

Be released back to the wild.

Reproduce (v):
For the sake of/ on purposes of reproduction and population growth
Such animals as tigers, rhinoes,… are kept in captivity for the sake of reproduction and
population growth.
Protect = be put under better security/ be under safety
Provide houses = provide shelters/ habitats

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