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A Report submitted to

Department of Biology

The Times Secondary School,

Dillibazar, Kathmandu, Nepal

For The Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirements For The Secondary Level
Education Of National Examination Board (Grade XII)

Submitted by

Kanchan Bohara

Grade: XII

Section: S1
Roll No: 18
Batch: 2080/81

Date: March, 2024

PROSPECTS AND CHALLENGES” Submitted by Kanchan Bohara, to the department
of biology, The times secondary school has been carried out under supervision and approved as
the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Secondary Level Education of National
Examination board (NEB).

……………………. …………………....

Mrs. Sita Adhikari Mrs. Prabha Chitrakar

Supervisor (Associate Professor)

Department of Biology Head, Department of Biology

The Times Secondary School The Times Secondary School

Dillibazar, Kathmandu, Nepal Dillibazar, Kathmandu, Nepal


The survey work entitled “Poultry Farming in Nepal and its prospects and challenges” was
conducted on basis of various source. The main objective of the project was to study about the
poultry farming. Both primary and secondary data were used for the survey. In Nepal, the main
source of income is agriculture, farming, animal husbandry and cattle rearing.
Farmingincludesfishfarming,poultryfarming,andvegetable farmingandsoon.
Poultryfarmingandvegetable farming is more practiced in Nepal. Poultry farming is the form of
animalhusbandry which raises domesticated birds such as chickens, ducks, turkeys and geese
toproduce meat or eggs for food. Poultry farming is the rearing of the poultry such as
chickens,ducks, turkeys, geese, pigeon, ostrich etc. in the farms for the commercial production
of eggsand meat. Poultry farming helps to fight against the problems of malnutrition, poverty
andunemployment. In Nepal, poultry framing includes the raising of chickens for meat, eggs
andmanures. Chicken is the widely eaten meat in Nepal. Chickens farmed for meat are
calledbroilerswhile those farmedforeggsare calledlayers(egg-layinghens).


I wish to express my deepest sense of gratitude and profound regards to my supervisor

Mrs .Sita Adhikari, The Times Secondary School, Dillibazar, Kathmandu, Nepal for learned
guidance, abiding interest and for all the pain she took to get my study work completed and
document prepared in time.

I express my gratitude and indebtedness to Mrs. Prabha Chitrakar, Head of Department of

Biology, The Times Secondary School, Dillibazar, Kathmandu for her continuous help and
encouragement throughout the study. I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all the
teachers for their support and encouragement to complete my project work. My sincere thanks
to all my friends and family for necessary support during the field work.

Kanchan Bohara

The Times Secondary School,

Dillibazar, Kathmandu, Nepal







1.1 General background........................................................................................1

1.2 Objectives of study..........................................................................................2
1.3 Study Area...................................................................................................... 2



3.1 Breed of poultry in Nepal.................................................................................5

3.2 Prospects of poultry in Nepal...........................................................................7
3.3 Challenges in poultry.........................................................................................9

4: DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION................................................................10



Table 1: Poultry scenario in Nepal..........................................................................4

Table 2: Poultry production of different breeds......................................................6

Charts1: Poultry industry in Nepal..........................................................................8

Figure 1: Semi intensive poultry.............................................................................11

Figure 2: Intensive poultry ………………………………………………………..12


1.1 General background

Poultry are domesticated birds kept by human for the purpose of harvesting useful animal products
such as meat, eggs or feathers.The practice of raising poultry is known as poultry farming. The
birds are most typically farmed includes chickens, quails, and turkeys species.
Recent genomic studies involving the four extant jungle fowl species reveals that the
domestication of chicken occurred around 8,000 years ago in Southeast Asia. The process may
have originally occurred as a result of people hatching and rearing young birds from eggs collected
from the wildbut later involved keeping the birds permanently in captivity. Domesticated chickens
may have been used for cockfighting at first and quail kept for their songs but people soon realized
the advantages of having a captive-bred source of food.
Selective breeding for fast growth, egg-laying ability, conformation, plumage and docility took
place over the centuries and modern breeds often look very different from their wild
ancestors. Although some birds are still kept in small flocks in extensive systems, most birds
available in the market today are reared in intensive commercial enterprises.
Together with pork, poultry is one of the two most widely-eaten types of meat globally, poultry
provides nutritionally beneficial food containing high-quality protein accompanied by a low
proportion of fat. Worldwide, more chickens are kept than any other type of poultry, with over 50
billion birds being raised each year as a source of meat and eggs. Traditionally, such birds would
have been kept extensively in small flocks, foraging during the day and housed at night.However
rising world populations and urbanization have led to the bulk of production being in larger, more
intensive specialist units. These are often situated close to where the feed is grown or near to
where the meat is needed and result in cheap, safe food being made available for urban
communities. Profitability of production depends very much on the price of feed which has been
rising. High feed costs could limit further development of poultry production.
The poultry farming in Nepal is an integral part of agricultural industry providing employment and
food providing essential amino acids to the geometrically devasting population of the country. In
context of Nepal, it is an innovative enterprise that has gained popularity within a short period of
time. It is a type of farming in which farmers having low economic background can set up the
business. Besides of this advantage, the farmers can obtain the profit within the short period of

time since poultry become ready for sale in market within forty five days and small land holding
farmers with a little knowledge about poultry can also obtain lots of advantages.

a) IdentificationoftheexistingselectedpoultrybreedsinNepal.
b) Tostudyeggandmeatproductioninordertosufficethehighdemandinthestate.
c) ToknowaboutexoticandnativechickenbreedusedforpoultryinNepal.
d) Tounderstand prospectsofpoultryinNepal.
e) Tosuggestappropriatemeasurestoovercomeitsproblem.

1.3 StudyArea
The study was conducted only in some poultry farms of Nepal It includes only
thosefarmswhichwereestablishedbefore2012A.D.Thecurrentinformationfromallbroilersand layers
farms, hatcheries and feed industries of not sufficient. There are many otherproblems remained to
study. Some included data are based on the remembrance of thefarmers. Present study includes
only meat chicks and eggs. Manure is considered as bi-product of the poultry production activities.
So the result of the study be reliable only forcertain purpose and time period. Althoughthe study
confined to analysis the cost,revenue and employment status of the poultry farming expenditure
and income variableareincludedhere andsome areleftbysome practicaldifficulties.


Bothprimaryand secondarysourceswereutilised tostudyaboutpoultryanditsprospectsinNepal.

 PrimarySource:Primarysourceofinformationwerecollected bygaining recordsandstudyfromvarious


 Secondary Source: Secondary source of information were collected from

were alsocollectedfromarticle publishedonthe Internet.

The number of fowls expected to swell up by 6.2 percent from lastyear 44610305 to47956078 this
year. the number of egg layers is estimated to be 8233091 and increase of 4.1percent
ascomparedtolastyear.Totalmeat productionisestimatedtoincreaseby2.6percenttoreach 295000 MT
in the current FY. Of the total meat produced, share of fowl is estimated at43112 MT and
remaining from other animals like buffalo, goat, pig, duck etc. Previously, fowlproduction was
taken only from the district livestock service office. However from this yearonwards,
animprovised counting method was applied by the Department of Livestock servicesbringing the
broiler chicken that is produced around 4 times a year into country. This was themain reason for
the increase in fowl meat production in particular and in general, for the rise inoverall meat
production. In the current FY, egg production is estimated to climb up by 4.7percent from 787.0
million units last year to 838.9 units this year. The share of fowlegg isestimated
tobe826.0millionunitsandthat ofduckeggs13.0millionunits[MOF],2069.


3.1Breedsofpoultry inNepal
H&N,Hyline,Marshall,andRose308.Three typesofpoultrybreedsare raisedinNepal:

• Localbreed
• Purebreed
• Syntheticbreed


Thenativebreedsofpoultryarehardyinnature,suitablefor scavengingand aredualpurpose,withhigh

meatquality.Following typesofnativepoultrybreedsarefoundinNepal.

 Shakini: Shakini is the principal chicken breed in the country. They are hardy and dualpurpose
suitable for meat (reputed for delicious meat) and eggs. They are foundthroughout the country.
They have been characterized on phenotypic level. They arenormal and are not at risk from
conservation point of view. The local shakini breed ofpoultryissmallinbodysize,
differentfeathercolour, hardyinnature.Theeggproductioncapacityis70-80/year.The average

 Ghanti Khuile: Ghanti khuile chicken is hardy and dual purpose suitable for meat and eggs. They
are hardy and good for scavenging condition. They are found throughout the country. Their
population is very low and needs conservation attention. The GhantiKhuile breed of poultry is a
typical bird with few feathers in neck, different feather color, hardy in nature, noted for delicacy of
meat. The egg production capacity is 60-80/year.The average adult body weight of male is 1.6 and
female is 1.30 kg.

 Pwankh Ulte (Dumse): Dumse chicken is hardy and dual purpose suitable for meat andeggs. They
have ruffled feathers. They are found throughout the country in a smallnumber. They are rarely
found and need immediate conservation attention. The PwankhUltebreed ofpoultryisatypicalbird

Descriptionofexotic poultrybreeds:

 NewHampshire:ItisanAmericanbreed, brownincolour.Theaveragebodyweightofadult male is 3.8kg

and female is 2.9kg. The egg production potentiality is200eggs/year. At present the breeds are
raised at Brooder Farm, Banke, LivestockDevelopment Farm, Pokhara, Agriculture Centre,
Khulmaltar, Agriculture ResearchCentre,TaraharaandParwanipur.

 Austrolorp: The breed is developed in Australia. The breed is black in colour. Theaverage body
weight of adult male is 3.8kg and female is 2.9 kg. The egg
ar,Tarahara andParwanipur.

 Giri Raja:It was introduced and tested by Pakhribas Agriculture Centre. At present thebreedsare

Table-2: Poultryproductionofdifferentbreed

Poultry meat and its products are highly consumed commodities in Nepal. Initially, birds used to
be raised in the house’s backyard in semi-urban and rural areas of Nepal. Subsequently, poultry
farming became commercial in the country as people developed a taste for chicken dishes.
Chickens are still raised in most households in Nepalbut poultry farming is more popular based on
the increasing demand for meat. According to the researchers, poultry farming is an integral part of
agriculture in Nepal; However, it is also challenging. The profitability of poultry farming depends
on the quality of chicken and the market it gets. Similarly, there are several challenges that have
often taken the business downhill. However, according to the CBS survey reports.
Poultry farming in Nepal has got a commendable turnover in recent years. Besides, poultry
farming is popular in Nepal because of the certain advantages that it possesses over other kinds of
businesses. Some of these advantages are:

 Poultry is a low-cost business; hence anyone can start up even with the smallest amount of
investment. Hence, it is quite popular in rural areas as well.
 It has a low generation Interval. The commercially produced broiler chickens are ready for
consumption within 40 days of rearing it, hence the profit generation period is very short which is
good for the small- scale farmers.
 Poultry is a low-cost protein source as it doesn’t require additional effort and cost to rear like other
 It requires a lesser timer, and land and is a low maintenance business.
 Poultry farming also has a complementary role to other farming practices as its wastage can be
used as a manure for fields.
 And the poultry farming industry in Nepal has promising prospects due to several factors like
Growing demands: The demands for eggs and chickens meat in Nepal is steadily rising due to
factors like increasing urbanizations, population growth, and rising incomes.
 Government support: The government of Nepal recognizes the potential of the poultry sector and
has implemented various programs to support its growth such as providing subsidies for feed and
 Unexploited potential: Nepal still has significant unexploited potential in poultry farming,
especially compared to neighbouring countries. This presents an opportunity for expansion and
growth in the sector.
 However it is important to acknowledge that the poultry farming industry also faces challenges,
such as disease outbreaks, competition from imports, and need for improved biosecurity measures.


countries like Nepal. It has several challenges that a farmer has to face to

 The unstable market for eggs and meat is a significant issue in making poultry farming a profitable
Business. The instability is due to factors like lack of proper transportation, seasonal viral diseases,
and unstable political conditions.
 Low Technical Efficiency is Nepal in animal husbandry is another problem that is affecting the
sustainability of poultry farming. It is challenging to maintain favourable growth conditions in
natural environments, and the availability of cheap technical provisions like temperature and light
control is good. However, a lack of suitable technical efficiency has often caused a loss in poultry
 New Challenging diseases are the major deal killer of the poultry business in Nepal. The mutated
version of the H1N1 virus that causes Bird Flu has been constantly affecting the poultry business.
 Adverse climatic conditions that have resulted due to climate change is also impacting the poultry
business in Nepal. The young chicks are susceptible to adverse temperature, light, and sound,
 The lack of genetic improvements in the traditional breeds is another reason for the lack of
sustainability in poultry production. The inability to improve the prevalent breeds has compelled
us to import the foreign breed, which is also causing high costs in the poultry business.


Nepal has great prospects in the poultry farming .The poultry farming helps our country for the
economical upgrades and development. It also creates employment opportunities and helps people
to uplift their livelihoods. Nepal also have greater potential in the sector of agriculture and
farming. Proper policy must be implemented by the government and government must provide
proper knowledge on farming through various programs. People who are involving
inanimalhusbandrymusthaveknowledgeaboutthediseasesandpreventions orthediseasesandproblems
related to it. The government must provide loan and financial supports to the

BothexoticandnativespeciesarefarmedinNepal includes Shakini, Ghanti Khuile and Pwankh ulte.

PoultryfarminginNepalis mainlydoneforproduction of meat and eggs by various methods like
intensive methods and semi intensivemethods. Poultry product also have numerous challenges and
problems which can be decreasedforgainingproperbenefitfrompoultryproduction.

11 11

Figure: semi-intensive poultry

11 11
Figure 2: intensive poultry


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