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Chuyên Anh 8

Module 22: Future tenses
Exercise 1: If a word or phrase in bold is correct, put a tick (✔). If it is incorrect, rewrite
it correctly on the line, including all possibilities.
1. The universe is going to continue to expand for billions of years. ___________________
2. Look out! You will hit the car in front of you. ___________________
3. I'm going to do the washing-up tonight. ___________________
4. Do you think that, in the future, people will live to be hundreds of years old?
5. Will I carry some of those bags for you, or can you manage? ___________________
6. I know! I'm going to have a barbecue on my birthday! ___________________
7. Are you going to just hold this door open for me for a minute? Thanks a lot!
8. We decided we will try that new restaurant after the play tomorrow night.
9. We’re going to fly to Jamaica in the summer. ___________________
10. Shall we invite Tony and Tim tonight? ___________________
11. Are we going to invite Tony and Tim round tonight? ___________________
12. Will you go to Jason's party tonight? ___________________

Exercise 2: Complete using the future perfect simple or future perfect continuous of the
verbs in brackets.

Chuyên Anh 8

Exercise 3: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between
three and eight words, including the word given.

Exercise 4: Write one word in each gap.


Chuyên Anh 8

Module 22: Travel & Transport

Chuyên Anh 8

Exercise 1: Complete each sentence with trip, travel or journey.

Exercise 2: Complete these sentences.

Exercise 3: Answer these questions about travel collocations.

Exercise 4: Write about 100 words describing a recent personal travel experience. Use
the collocations from this unit.

Chuyên Anh 8


You will hear part of a radio talk for young people about animals communicating with each
other. For questions 1-10, complete the notes below which summarise what the speaker says.

Bees do a (1) _______________________ to communicate where to find food. Although parrots

seem to speak, they are only (2) _______________________ the human sounds. Primates can
communicate a few (3) _______________________ using simple sounds. Monkeys have not been
observed to use any kind of (4) _______________________. Although dolphins can make vowel
sounds, they cannot accurately imitate our (5) _______________________. Amazingly, dolphins
demonstrate (6) _______________________ of when phrases should be used. The sounds made by
whales contain (7) _______________________ than human speech. The songs of the bottle-nosed
whale have many of the (8) _______________________ of human speech. The unique grammatical
nature of human language arose due to life in (9) _______________________. Indeed, a young child
needs enough (10) _______________________ with other people to develop speech.

Chuyên Anh 8


I. Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct tenses or forms.
When Roger Bannister first ran the mile in less than four minutes on May 6, 1954, he (1)
(break) ________________ a barrier which (2) (now, cross) ________________ hundreds of times.
Similarly, in other athletic events, the limits of the possible continue (3) (push)
________________ back as record after the record is broken.
In a less spectacular way, everyday skills such as riding bicycles seem (4) (become)
________________ easier to pick up, with many children (5) (learn) ________________ younger and
faster than their grandparents did. And recent studies have shown that average
performance in intelligence tests (6) (also, improve) ________________. Since the war, the
average IQ score of American children (7) (rise) ________________ by about 1 point every three
years, and even faster increases have occurred in Japan.
There are many possible reasons for these effects, such as better nutrition, (8) (improve)
________________ teaching methods, greater availability of facilities, and so on. But there may be
an important underlying factor which (9) (so far, ignore) ________________, namely an inherent
tendency for past experience to influence present performance through a kind of collective
memory to which everyone (10) (have) ________________ potential access.

II. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given words.
1. So ________________ was her passion for coin collecting that it wouldn’t run in her blood.
2. That the referee ________________ such a spectacular goad met with public opposition.
3. The candidate make a(n) ________________ speech that incensed all those who heard it.
4. ________________ beautiful, Hue, the former capital of Vietnam, is steeped in history.
5. Even a pilot with ________________ judgment can be surprised by sudden changes in the
weather. (ERROR)
6. The reckless driver was imprisoned due to his ________________ of the traffic law. (OBSERVE)
7. The room was ________________ disorganized. (CHAOS)
8. David and Jane are basically ________________ from here, so it’ll take about the same time to
get to either of them. (DISTANCE)
9. It’s astonishing that these criminals are free to walk the streets with ________________.
10. The prisoners have been held ________________ for eighteen years. (COMMUNICATION)
Chuyên Anh 8

III. Fill in each blank in the following passage with ONE suitable word to make a
meaningful passage.
In many countries of Europe, there has been a steady drift of people away from villages
to large cities. These people, many of whom have grown up in great poverty and
deprivation, hope to improve their standard of (1) _____________ and see the metropolis as the
solution to all their problems. In many ways, they find what they are looking for. Large cities
do offer a huge number of facilities, (2) _____________ which better education, better health
care and improved housing are perhaps the most important. Large companies and factories,
the vast (3) _____________ of which pride themselves on looking after the interests of their
employees, also open up any (4) _____________ of career opportunities for those willing to
work hard. Inevitably, however, (5) _____________ comes people begin to long for the
simplicity of the village or small town. a time when
Traffic problems and pollution, both of which affect most large cities today, cause the
most unhappiness. For people to whom fresh air, unpolluted water and beautiful
countryside are distant - (6) _____________ nonetheless painful clear - memories of a previous,
peaceful life in a village, the situation must at (7) _____________ be unbearable. The pressure of
overpopulation has meant that, in the last thirty or forty years, thousands (8) _____________
thousands of new flats have been built, often with (9) _____________ regard to architectural
beauty and the surrounding countryside has all (10) _____________ disappeared in many cases.
It is no longer such an easy matter to escape the noise and turmoil of the streets and find a
field or a forest where the children can play in safety.

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