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522 • Mechanics - I 1

. • ·th a constant tangential acceleration

6. A point2 moves along a circle having a radi~s 20 c~ WI h ormal acceleration of the point
5 cm/ s • How much time is needed after motion begms for t e n
to be equal to tangential acceleration?
(a) 1 s (b) 2 s
(c) 3 s (d) 4 s
· of mass (2x) kg and of radius • 0.25 m IS· 300 .rpm. about an axis
7. A nng . . through
tel its
perpendicular to its plane. The tension (in newton) developed m rmg IS approxima Y
(a) 50 (b) 100
(c) 175 (d} 250
8. A car is moving on a circular level road of curvature 300 m. If the coefficient of friction i$ 0.3 and
acceleration due to gravity is 10 rn/ s2 , the maximum speed of the car can be
(a) 90 km/h (b) 81 km/h
(c) 108 km/h (d) 162 km/h
9. A string of length 1 mis fixed at one end with a bob of mass 100 g and the string makes
(!) rev s- 1 around a vertical axis ·through a fixed point. The angle of inclination of the string

with vertical is
(a) tan-1 (~) · (b) tan-

10. In the previous question, the tension in the string is

(a)~ N (b) ~ N
8 5
8 5
11. A small particle of mass 0.36 grests on a horizontal turn-table at a distance 25 cm from the axis
of spindle. The turn-table is accelerated at a rate of a=..!. rad s- 2• The frictional force that the
. 3
table exerts on the particle 2 s after the startup is
oow~ OOM~
~w~ oooo~
12. A simple pendulum of length land bob of mass m is displaced from its equilibrium position Oto
a position P, so that height ofP above O is h. It is then released. What is the tension in the string
when the bob passes through the equilibrium position O? Neglect friction, vis the velocity of the
bob at 0.
(b) 2mgh
(a)m(g+ ~)

(c)mg(l + ~)

13. Two particles revolve concentrically in a horizontal plane in the same direction. The time
r~uired 1":<> complete one revolution for p~icle A i~ 3 min, while for particle Bis 1 min. The
time reqwred for A to complete one revolution relative to Bis ·
(a) 2 min (b) 1 min (c) 1.5 min (d) 1.25 min
Chapter 10 Circular Motion • 523
e particles A, B and C move in a circl . . '
1'- ~ 1
-1 and 2 ms- , respectively. The initiale m _9:11ti-clockwise direction with speeds 1 ms-1,
2· . 5of distance travelled by Band Cb th ~ositions of A, Band Care as shown in figure. The
r11,tio Y e 1n stant A , B and C meet for the first time is

A -------()~------ C

(a)3:2 - (b)5:4
(c) 3: 5 (d) data insufficient
e ratio of angular speeds of minute hand and h our h and of a watch 1s
15. Th
(a) 1 : 12 (b) 6 : 1
(c) 12 : 1 (d) 1 : 6

16. A car moves along an uneven horizontal surface with a constant d t all • t Th 1
reaction of the road on the car is spee a pom s. e norma

W~=~=~=~ M~>~>~>~
00~>~>~>~ 00~>~>~>~
17. Aparticle moves in a circular path of radius R with an angular velocity co = a - bt where a and b
are positive constants and tis time. The magnitude of the acceleration of the particle after time
(a) a (b) a 2R
(c)R(a 2 +b) (d) R ✓a 4 + b2
1B, Acoin, placed on a rotating turn-table slips, when it is placed at a distance of 9 cm from the
centre. If the angular velocity of the turn-table is tripled, it will just slip, if its distance from the
centre is
wn~ 009~ ooa~ ~1~
19•Am~ss of I 00 g is tied to one end of a string 2 m long. The body is :ev~lving in a horizontal circle
~aking a maximum of 200 rev per min. The other end ?f the str~g 1_s fixed at ~he ~entre of the
circle of revolution. The maximum tension that the stnng can bear 1s (approximately)
(a) 8.76 N (b) 8.94 N
(c) 89.42 N (d} 87.64 N
20, To~ cart tied to the end of an unstretched string of length a, ~hen revolved m_o~es in a
~ 0 nzontaI circle of radius
20 with a time period T. Now, the ~y cart 1s speeded up until 1t moves
in a horizontal circle of radius 3a with a period T '. If Hooke s law (F = kx) holds, then
(a) 'l"=t T (b) T=( ~)T (c) T=mT (d) T=T
524 • Mechanics - I
· • h z hi h · point 0. The mas8 •
2 1. A mass 1s attached to the end of a stnng of lengt w c 18 tied to a fixed . t O t h t . . 18
released from the initial horizontal position of the string. Below the pdom d' a ~b a nununUtn
ut p an can escn e a comp! te
distance a peg P should be fixed, so that the mass turns abo e
circle in the vertical plane?
(a) (~) l (b) (~) l
l (d) 2l
(c) -
3 3
22. A small body of mass m slides without friction from the top of a hemisphere of radius r. At what
height will the body be detached from the centre of the hemisphere ?

r r
(a) h =- (b) h =-
2 3
2r r
(c) h =- (d) h =-
3 4
23. A frictionless track ABCDE ends in a circular loop of radius R. A body slides down the track
from point A which is at height h = 5 cm. Maximum value of R for a body to complete the loop
successfully is

(a) 2 cm (b) 10 cm
16 18
(c) -cm (d) cm
4 3
24. A circu~ar disc of radius R is ~otating about it~ axis O with a uniform angular velocity ro as
s~o":1 m the figure. The magrutude of the relative velocity of point A r~Jative to point Bon the
disc 1s

(a) zero (b) Rwsin (1)

(c) 2Rw sin(~) (d) ./3 Rwsin (~)
Chapter 1O Circular Motion • S2S
tring oflength l fixed at one end carri 2
~ 25, }.s es a mass mat the other end. The strings makes - rev/s
~ und the axis through the fixed end h • ?t
aJ'O as s own m the figure, the tension in the string 1s


,,,, . .----- :r ------

''................. ------41
r ... ,,'
(a) 16 ml (b) 4 ml (c) 8 ml (d) 2 ml
26, Aparticle of mass m describes a circle of radius (r ). The centripetal acceleration of the particle is
.!2· The momentum of the particle is
(a)- (b) 2m
r Jr
(c)- (d) 4m
r Jr
27. Inside a smooth spherical cavity particle A can slide freely. The block having this cavity is
moving horizontally with constant acceleration a 0 = 10 m/s 2 •

ao =g

The particle is released from its initial position as shown in the figure. The angle 8 with the
vertical, when the particle will have maximum speed with respect to the block is
(a)30° (b)45° (c)6O° (d)9O°
28· Apoint P moves in a counter-clockwise direction on a circular path as shown y
in the figure. The movement of Pis such that it sweeps out a lengths = t 3 + 6, B
where s is in metre and t is in second. The radius of the path is 20 m. The
acceleration of P when t = 2 sis nearly, is
(a) 13 ms- 2 (b) 12 ms-2
(c) 7.2 m 8 - 2 (d) 14 ms-2 o,....___ _ _Ai..........x
•A mass -m is fixed at x = a on a parabolic wire with its.axis vertical a~d y
v:rtex at the origin as shown in the figure. The equation of parab~la 1s
The wire frame is rotating with constant angular velocity ro
.t ::: 4ay.
about Y-axis. The acceleration of the bead is
(a) ~CO2 2
(b) aco
(c) zero (d) ~
528 • Mechanics - I

11. The sphere at A is given a downward velocity v0 of magnitude 5 mis and s~gs in a Vertical
plane at the end of a rope of length l = 2 m attached to a suppor_t at 0. Det~rmme the angle eat
which the rope will break, knowing that it can withstand a maximum tension equal to twice the
weight of the sphere. ·

M?o )
............... _____ ._.,,'
12. A toy car is moving on a circular path ofr~dius 10 m on an inclined plane of inclination 30°. The
coefficient of friction betwe~n the tyres and the inclined plane isµ= la· Find maxim\llll

constant speed of car such that car does not slip. Assume that the width of a car is negligible
with respect to radius of circular path. ·

Objective Questions
Single Correct Option
1. A collar Bof mass 2 kg is constrained to move along a horizontal smooth B:
and fixed circular track of radius 5 m. The spring lying in the plane of
the circular track and having spring constant 200 Nm-1 is undeformed
when the collar is at A If the collar starts from rest at B, the normal
reaction exerted by the track on the collar when it passes through A is
(c) 1440 N (d) 2880 N
2. A particle is at rest with respect to the wall of an inverted cone rotating with uniform angular
velocity ro about its central axis. The surface between the particle and the wall is smooth.
Regarding the displacement of particle along the surface up or down, the equilibrium of
particle is

(a) stable (b) unstable (c) neutral (d) None of these

Chapter 1O Circular Motion • 529

}\rough horizontal plate rotates with angular velocityro about a fixed vertical axis. A particle of
3, . h 1 di 5a
mass m hes on t e P ate at a stance from this axis. The coefficient of friction between the
plate and the particle is ½- The largest value of ro for which the particle will continue to be at

est on the revolving plate is

r 4g
(c) 4 g (d) 4g
(a) .1. (b) -5
a 9a 15a
,. Aball attached to o~~ en~ of a strin_g swings in a vertical plane such that its accelera tio~ at
pointA(extreme pos1t10n) 1s equal to its acceleration at pointB(m ean position). The angle01 s

(a) cos-1

(c) COS-lrn) (d) None of these

5. Askier plans to ski a smooth fixed hemisph ere of radius R. He starts from rest from a curved
smooth surface of height ( ~ The angle 0 at which he leaves the hemisph ere is




----------- ------------

(a) cos-1(~) (b) cos-

· Asection of fixed smooth circular track of radius R in vertical plane is shown in the figure. A
bl~k is released from position A and leaves the track at B. The radius of curvatu re of its
traJectory just after it leaves the track at Bis

(a) R R (d) R
(b) R (c)-
2 3

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