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Assessment Record

Student MEL2000694 - Rachana KARKI Status Submitted

Location Funding Type
Test Trainer
Intake IS 2022 - I - Certificate III in Individual Support - International Commenced 29/04/2023
Assessment 2. CHCCCS011 - WW - Assessment Task 2 – Written Work Submitted 29/04/2023
Revision 2 Assessed
Attempt # 1 Assessed By


Student Assessment - Version 5. Create Date: 26 May 2021

Assessor Guide - Version 6. Create Date: 26 May 2021



This information which is in the online Student Assessment is to be provided to each student to outline the assessment requirements.

Student Instructions
1. This assessment task requires you to answer the questions below.

2. To achieve a satisfactory result, you must answer all questions correctly.

3. Do not plagiarise the work of others. Anyone caught with plagiarism will automatically be marked Not Yet Competent for this unit. There are
NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule.

4. This assessment task is to be completed via the college’s online platform in a classroom or online. Your submissions must be made in written
form unless reasonable adjustments are approved by your assessor.

5. Once completed, your assessment will be marked accordingly.

6. Your assessor will provide you with the feedback on your assessment result.

This assessment will be due on:



Please complete below

Student Name:
Rachana Karki
29/04/2023 19:53 Record ID: 17764546 1
Student ID No:

Student Declaration:
I declare that the work submitted is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source.

Student Signature:


Please refer to the instructions below regarding completing this assessment

You are to answer all of the following questions. Make sure you:

Print or type clearly.

Answer all questions.
Do not plagiarise the work of others. Anyone caught with plagiarism will automatically be marked Not Yet Competent for this unit. There
are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule.

Questions (1 - 5)

Multiple choice Select the correct answer.

True or False Select the correct answer.

1. In order to provide support to meet a person’s care needs you need to have an understanding of their support requirements. The person’s
care needs are included in a personal care plan which may include:

a) A stand alone personal care plan

b) Personal care aspects embedded in a wider individualised plan

c) Personal care aspects of the person’s neighbour

d) Both a) and b)

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)
29/04/2023 19:53 Record ID: 17764546 2
2. Fill in the missing words in the messages below with one of these listed words:

emotional care plan privacy preferences do

a. Always read the client’s _________________ to find out appropriate care and support requirements.
b. Find out what your client can _____________ for themselves.
c. Think about your client’s personal ___________________ and the benefits of being as independent as possible.
d. Remember everyone’s rights to _________________, dignity and respect.
e. Watch carefully and report any physical or ______________ changes in your clients.

a. care plan
b. do
c. preferences
d. privacy
e. emotional

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Marking Outcome:

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)

3. Give an example of a context where you may be required to give a person personal support.

Residential aged care facility

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Marking Outcome:

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)

4. Our skin is the largest organ of our body.



None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory
29/04/2023 19:53 Record ID: 17764546 3
Assessor Comments:
(If required)

5. Give three (3) examples of personal support requirements that may be included in a personal care support plan:

1) Showering and grooming

2) Feeding
3) Mobility

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Marking Outcome:

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)

Questions (6 - 10)

6. What is Dysphagia?

Dysphagia is a swallowing problem that originate in the throat or oesophagus and can range from minor issues to very severe and painful

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Marking Outcome:

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)

7. Give an example of how to consider the specific cultural needs of a person while providing personal care to someone in a workplace.

Same gender care in giving support for personal hygiene

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29/04/2023 19:53 Record ID: 17764546 4
Marking Outcome:

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)

8. When providing personal care, you need to be aware of situations of risk or personal risks that may be associated with the provision of
support. Select the following example/ examples of a situation of risk or personal risk that you may encounter.

 a) Evidence of self-neglect

 b) Behaviours of concern

 c) Impaired judgment and problem-solving abilities

 d) Impaired cognitive functioning

 e) Sudden or unexpected change in health status including sensory loss

 f) Home environmental hazards

 g) Social rights infringements

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)

9. Give an example of a home environmental hazard.

Spilled water on the floor.

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Marking Outcome:

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)

10. Give an example of how a potential impact or how a person may feel if they are receiving personal care.

The person might feel awkward and ashamed while receiving personal care.

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29/04/2023 19:53 Record ID: 17764546 5
Marking Outcome:

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)

Questions (11 - 15)

11. At times you may need to share aspects of the client's health status or care needs with others in the health care team. At all times this must
be done in a respectful manner and only the relevant facts revealed.



None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)

12. The following statement/ statements about a duty of care is correct:

a) As a worker you have a duty of care to provide for the safety and wellbeing of yourself, other people who may be affected by the client's actions
and to the client themselves.

b) Where you are concerned the client may be purposely placing themselves at risk of self-harm then you are obliged to prevent them from acting.

c) A client who asks you to remove the lid from their medication so they can take an overdose may be angry at your refusal but the legal
consequences to you of performing the task requested would be severe.

d) All a), b) and c)

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)

13. Give three (3) examples of equipment, processes and aids that you may be required to provide assistance and promote independence.

1. Wheel chair
2. Hearing aids
3. Continence aids such as pads

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29/04/2023 19:53 Record ID: 17764546 6
Marking Outcome:

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)

14. What would you do if you were in a situation that required the use of equipment that you had not yet received training on?

a) Attempt to use the equipment anyway

b) Let the person attempt to use the equipment by themselves

c) Seek appropriate support

d) All of the above

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)

15. It is important to provide support to a person and involve them in the decision making as much as possible. What can you do to encourage
participation from the person you are providing support to?

a) Confirm procedures with the person

b) Confirm how much the client can participate in helping to meet his/her needs

c) Confirm the person’s preferences

d) All of the above

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)

Questions (16 - 20)

16. It is not recommended that you provide the person with information to enable them to meet their own personal needs.



None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)

29/04/2023 19:53 Record ID: 17764546 7
17. It is not important to conduct a visual check of equipment before use.



None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)

18. What do you consider important when you are preparing to use a piece of equipment to transfer the resident/client?

a) Is there enough space to complete the task?

b) Explain what you are going to do with the resident/client.

c) The equipment is in good working order.

d) Is the battery charged?

e) Does the client/resident give permission?

f) All the above

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)

19. A person’s care plan may require you to provide support or assistance with technical care activities. Give two (2) examples of technical skills
you may need to have knowledge of when providing support to meet personal care needs.

1. Catheter care
2. Bowel stoma care

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Marking Outcome:

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)

20. Explain in your own words why routine is important to elderly people.

For elderly individuals, routine is important because it helps them stay safe and stable by planning and preparing their day. In addition, if they
have any memory or cognitive problems, they can manage if they perform the same tasks at the same time each day.
29/04/2023 19:53 Record ID: 17764546 8
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Marking Outcome:

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)

Questions (21 - 25)

21. If you have identified variations that may be required to a person’s care plan you need to report them to your supervisor. Give an example of
how you could do this.

Verbal reporting: Face to face explaining the condition to the supervisor.

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Marking Outcome:

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)

22. Use the words in the table below to complete the following sentence.

aids support change

Changes in a person’s health or ________________(A)__requirements may also mean a ________________(B)__ is required in the processes
and _______________(C)__ that are used.

A) support
B) change
C) aids

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29/04/2023 19:53 Record ID: 17764546 9
Marking Outcome:

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)

23. The following statement/ statements is correct:

a) Subjective involves the resident/client's perception of their health problems.

b) Objective is the factual information of the client/ resident’s abilities and needs.

c) Both a) and b)

d) None

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)

24. Communication skills are, of course, important as you interact with clients to collect data. Select communication techniques that is not

a) face-to-face contact for listening and talking

b) observation of body language

c) answering your phone while talking to your client/resident

d) active listening skills

e) appropriate questioning

f) giving feedback

g) awareness of physical and emotional barriers to communication

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)
29/04/2023 19:53 Record ID: 17764546 10
25. To maintain correct documentation related to individual residents, it is important to collect indicative data in many areas of a person’s life

a) Physical Health

b) Mental Health

c) Social Circumstances

d) Religious, spiritual and cultural circumstances

e) Community, family and social support and rights.

f) All of the above

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)

Questions (26 - 31)

26. Name three (3) tips for writing progress notes.

1) Use a pen with blue or black ink.

2) Notes must be written legibly and neatly.
3) Indicate the proper time and date.

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Marking Outcome:

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)

27. What information about your client is to be kept confidential?

Name of the client

Medical and psychological health condition
Financial details

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29/04/2023 19:53 Record ID: 17764546 11
Marking Outcome:

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)

28. Standard precautions for infection control in health care settings consist of the following work practice/ practices:

a) Aseptic technique for all invasive procedures, including appropriate use of skin disinfectants.

b) Personal hygiene practices, particularly hand washing and drying before and after all significant patient contacts.

c) The use of 70% alcohol-based chlorhexidine (0.5%) hand rub solutions as an adjunct to handwashing.

d) Use of personal protective equipment, which may include gloves, impermeable gowns, plastic aprons, masks/face shields and eye protection.

e) Appropriate handling and disposal of sharps and other clinical (infectious) waste.

f) Appropriate reprocessing of reusable equipment and instruments, including appropriate use of disinfectants.

g) Environmental controls, including design and maintenance of premises, cleaning and spills management including appropriate use of disinfectants.

h) Appropriate provision of support services such as laundry and food services.

i) All of the above

None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)

Before you submit your written assessment, make sure that you:

1. Re-check your answers and make sure you are happy with your responses

2. Have written your Name, Student ID and Date and signed it.

Assessor’s Judgement:


None  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Comments:
(If required)

Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.

Assessor Name:
29/04/2023 19:53 Record ID: 17764546 12
Assessor Signature:



Overall Assessment Outcome

29/04/2023 19:53 Record ID: 17764546 13

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