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U niversity o f C ape C oast

C ollege o f A griculture and N atural Sciences

School o f P hysical sciences

D epartm ent o f Statistics

End o f First S em ester E xam ination (2019/2020 A cadem ic Y ear)

STA 3999: R esearch M ethods

D uration: T w o (2) hours

Instructions: A n sw er A L L Q uestions in Section A and A ny T w o (2)

Q uestions in Section B

(B oth S ections C arry Equal M arks)

•Good Luck-
Section A: A n sw er all Q uestions from this section.
(T his sectio n carries 30 m arks)

1. E m piricism is acquiring know ledge and facts through the observation o f

our w orld.
A. T rue B. False

2. The list o f references m ust be on a new page at the beginning o f your

A. False B. T rue

3. W hich o f the follow ing is a style for citation?

A. C itation Legal B. A M L C. A A P D. C hicago

4. The nam es o f groups that serve as authors (e.g. corporations, associations,

governm ent agencies, and study groups) are usually not spelled o u t each
tim e they app ear in a tex t citation and abbreviated thereafter.
A. T rue B. False

5. R esearch is an organized scientific investigation to solve problem s, test

hypotheses, develop or invent new products.
A. False B. True

6. The follow ing are typ es o f research questions, except

A. Type 1 error B. R elationship C. D ifference D. D escriptive

7. The follow ing are m ethods o f co m m unication, except

A. A lm anacs B. R eports C. Interview D. D em onstrations

8. W hich o f the follow ing is a type o f Print source?

A. S econdary B. M asters C. D octoral D. P ost D octorial
Section A c o n t’d: A n sw er all Q uestions from this s e c tio n
(T his section carries 30 m arks)

9. R eference list entries are not arranged alphabetically by the a u th o r's first
nam e according to th e A PA style.
A. False B. True

10.In an ideal w orld, H ypotheses m ust lead to Laws and Law s m u st lead to
A. T rue B. False

11 .The three kinds o f inductive reasoning are perfect, im perfect an d partly

A. T rue B. False

12. W hen citing a paper in the list o f references, according to the A P A style,
w hich com ponent o f the reference is italic?
A. D ate o f publication B. Title o f paper
C. N am e o f author D. N am e o f journal

13. The follow ing can be used to introduce quotes, except: the au th o r...
A. R eveals B. D em onstrates C. A rgues D. K now s

14. The follow ing are classifications o f research, except

A. N on-experim ental B. B asic C. Q ualitative D. S eco n d ary

15.The follow ing help in m aking a good delivery during a p resen tatio n
A. Eye contact B. V oice quality C. Stance D. P o p u larity

16. In an ex-post facto r type o f research, the researcher has control o n the
A. False B. T rue

17. A bstract is a m ain part o f an oral presentation.

A. False B. True

Section A c o n t’d: A n sw e r all Q uestions from this section
(T his sectio n carries 30 m arks)

18. The basic assum ption o f scien tific m ethod is that every effect has a
A. False B. T rue

19. The follow ing serve as a purpose o f presentation, except

A. E ntertain B. D ialo g u e C. Persuade D. Inform

20. The follow ing are not ty p e o f hypothesis, except

A. A lternative B. D ifferen ce C. U nequal D. Equal

2 1 .W hen d isplay in g tex t on a slide (Pow erPoint), the follo w in g are used,
A. G ram m atical parallelism B. B ullets C. C ue card D. Short phrases

22. R esearch is classified into tw o m ain types nam ely

A. H istorical and D escriptive B. Purpose and B asic
C. A pplied and B asic D. Purpose and m ethod

23. The follow ing are exam ples o f Prim ary source o f inform ation (P rint
source), except
A. S urveys B. S peeches C. B ooks D. L etters

24. Falsifying data to prove a po in t is not a m anifestation o f

A. Ideal research B. A lternative research
C. G ood research D. Bad research

25. O ne o f the fo llo w in g is a step involved in scientific m ethod o f inquiry

A. Interview B. oral presentation C. Form ulating a h y p othesis

Section A c o n t’d: A nsw er all Q uestions from this sectio n
(T his section carries 30 m arks)

26. H ypothesis is based on deductive reasoning w hilst theory is b ased on

inductive reasoning.
A. False B. True

27. P araphrasing is stating an idea in

A. Q uotes B. Y our ow n w ords
C. Peoples w ords D. O thers w ords

28. T opics for y ou r research are refined from narrow to broader concepts.
A. False B. True

29. Q uotations are not the exact w ords o f an author, copied directly from a
source, w ord for word.
A. False B. True

30. W hich o f the follow ing is an attribute o f cue cards?

A. Few key w ords B. N o eye contact
C. Full text D. R eading all the tim e
Section B: A n sw er only tw o (2) Q uestions from Section B
(Section B carries 30 m arks)

3 1 .A nsw er the follow ing:

a) State tw o (2) alternate term inologies for a research proposal?

b) E xplain the term research proposal.

c) State four (4) purposes o f a research proposal

d) W hat is the im portance o f

i. B udget
ii. W ork plan
to a research proposal?

e) State the three (3) m ethods o f giving p ro p er credit to an original

source o f inform ation.

32. A nsw er the follow ing.

a) P araphrase the follow ing quote:

“ Kafui, m y love, my all, my sweet, if you find it in yo u r heart to

forgive me, and to do so would make m y heart pound with ferocity, I
will guarantee that my father, the noblest o f all kings, will give you a
large rew ard ” (V orsah, 2019).

b) State the type o f reference and citation style used in the follow ing


A m p on sah, J. (2000). Review: Epidemiological Basis for Particulate

Air Pollution Health Standards, Aerosol Science A n d Technology.


c) State tw o (2) exam ples o f technical w riting reports.

Section B c o n t’d: A n sw er only tw o (2) Q uestions from S e c tio n B
(Section B carries 30 m arks)

33. A nsw er the follow ing:

a) D efine:
i. P lagiarism
ii. Sum m arizing
iii. Q uoting
iv. Paraphrasing

b) D efine a report?

c) State and explain the tw o factors that differentiate oral p resentation

and w ritten form s o f com m unication?

d) M ention five (5) logistics (physical) needed to ensure a successful

oral presentation.

e) M ention five (5) properties o f a high quality research.

f) E xplain the four (4) classifications o f reports.

g) D efine tw o elem ents o f the scientific m ethod.

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