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College of Letters & Science

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trn:oid:::1:2773140490 8 Pages

Submission Date 2,746 Words

Dec 5, 2023, 12:52 AM CST

16,929 Characters

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Dec 5, 2023, 12:53 AM CST

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How much of this submission has been generated by AI?

Caution: Percentage may not indicate academic misconduct. Review required.

It is essential to understand the limitations of AI detection before making decisions

about a student's work. We encourage you to learn more about Turnitin's AI detection
capabilities before using the tool.
of qualifying text in this submission has been determined to be
generated by AI.

* Low scores have a higher likelihood of false positives.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the percentage mean?

The percentage shown in the AI writing detection indicator and in the AI writing report is the amount of qualifying text within the
submission that Turnitin's AI writing detection model determines was generated by AI.

Our testing has found that there is a higher incidence of false positives when the percentage is less than 20. In order to reduce the
likelihood of misinterpretation, the AI indicator will display an asterisk for percentages less than 20 to call attention to the fact that
the score is less reliable.

However, the final decision on whether any misconduct has occurred rests with the reviewer/instructor. They should use the
percentage as a means to start a formative conversation with their student and/or use it to examine the submitted assignment in
greater detail according to their school's policies.

How does Turnitin's indicator address false positives?

Our model only processes qualifying text in the form of long-form writing. Long-form writing means individual sentences contained in paragraphs that make up a
longer piece of written work, such as an essay, a dissertation, or an article, etc. Qualifying text that has been determined to be AI-generated will be highlighted blue
on the submission text.

Non-qualifying text, such as bullet points, annotated bibliographies, etc., will not be processed and can create disparity between the submission highlights and the
percentage shown.

What does 'qualifying text' mean?

Sometimes false positives (incorrectly flagging human-written text as AI-generated), can include lists without a lot of structural variation, text that literally repeats
itself, or text that has been paraphrased without developing new ideas. If our indicator shows a higher amount of AI writing in such text, we advise you to take that
into consideration when looking at the percentage indicated.

In a longer document with a mix of authentic writing and AI generated text, it can be difficult to exactly determine where the AI writing begins and original writing
ends, but our model should give you a reliable guide to start conversations with the submitting student.

Our AI writing assessment is designed to help educators identify text that might be prepared by a generative AI tool. Our AI writing assessment may not always be accurate (it may misidentify
both human and AI-generated text) so it should not be used as the sole basis for adverse actions against a student. It takes further scrutiny and human judgment in conjunction with an
organization's application of its specific academic policies to determine whether any academic misconduct has occurred.

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Request for Proposal: Upgrading the Beartracks System at the University of Alberta

1. Organization Overview

The University of Alberta is a top-ranked university located in Canada, famous for its
research environment and education quality. It has a high reputation in the world along with
other Canadian universities like the University of Toronto, McGill University, and UBC.
Currently, the University of Alberta utilizes the Beartracks system as a Student Management
System. However, due to the innovation of the technology and evolving needs of the education
environment, the university seeks to explore advanced functions and upgrades for this system.
So this Request for Proposal (RFP) aims to identify potential upgrades or replacements that
better align with the university’s commitment to providing a technologically progressive and
efficient educational environment.

2. Problem Statement for the RFP: Upgrading the Beartracks System

The motivation for this Request for Proposal (RFP) arises from the urgent necessity to
replace or significantly enhance the current Beartracks system at the University of Alberta. The
motivation behind this endeavor stems from a confluence of variables, namely the swift
progress in technology, the expanding requirements of students and faculty, and the
inadequacies of the current system in addressing these shifting expectations.

The existing system incorporates both manual and automated elements in the management
of student-related activities. The system handles tasks such as course registration and graduate
application. Nevertheless, several components of the system continue to depend on manual
interventions, such as the filing of additional academic demands and the administration of
specific student activities. Additionally, as the student group grows, the system faces challenges
in maintaining efficiency, especially during peak periods like course registration.

The need for an upgrade is also underscored by technological advancements that have
rendered some aspects of the current system less efficient or obsolete. Students and faculty now
expect more streamlined, user-friendly interfaces with enhanced capabilities, such as mobile
access and real-time updates. Therefore, this RFP seeks proposals for a system that not only
addresses these immediate gaps but also positions the Beartracks system to adaptively evolve
with future technological trends and educational needs.

3. Description of the Proposed System for the Beartracks Upgrade

The University of Alberta is planning a substantial upgrade on modernization and

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enhanced efficiency to its Beartracks student management system. The envisioned system is
designed to be more advanced and user-friendly, significantly aim on improve the user
experience for both students and faculty staffs. It will maintain essential functionalities of the
current Beartracks system, including course registration, academic record management, and
graduation tracking. However, the new system will set itself apart by introducing a range of
improved new features, along with a more intuitive user interface. Key manual processes,
particularly those involving special academic requests and the management of high-volume
activities such as course enrollments, are set to be automated. This will ensure greater efficiency
and make a significant shift in the system's approach to automation and user interaction, thus
aligning with the university's commitment to technological advancement and operational
In terms of the technical environment, the university is exploring options that combine
both on-premises and cloud-based solutions. The focus will be on ensuring compatibility with
the current IT infrastructure, while also providing scalability and security to accommodate
future growth and technological advancements. The operating systems under consideration
include mainstream enterprise solutions, likely Linux, or Windows Server, given their
reliability and widespread support.
Regarding software type, the university is considering both commercial off-the-shelf
(COTS) solutions and custom-built systems. The decision will hinge on which option can best
meet the unique needs of the university's diverse community and align with our long-term
technological strategy. The aim is to ensure that the new system not only addresses current
challenges but is also adaptable to future advancements and changing academic environments.

4. System Stakeholders
In the proposed upgrade of the Beartracks system at the University of Alberta, a diverse
group of stakeholders is identified, each with a vested interest in the system's functionality and
performance. The primary stakeholders include the students, who interact with the system
regularly for various academic purposes, faculty members who utilize it for course management
and student assessment, and administrative staff who rely on it for efficient student record
management. Additionally, alumni and prospective students are key stakeholders, as they
engage with Beartracks for services like transcript requests and the application process,

Beyond these direct users, other important stakeholders include the university's leadership,
who make strategic decisions regarding the system's role in the university's broader educational
mission. IT teams are important as well, given their role in maintaining and troubleshooting the
system. However, External partners such as educational collaborators and the government, may
also interact with the system for various initiatives. Lastly, parents and younger students also
have an interest in certain functionalities of Beartracks, such as accessing academic records or
financial information. Each of these stakeholders plays a significant role in shaping the
requirements and expectations for the upgraded system, ensuring it meets the diverse needs of
the entire university community.

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5. Tender Process for Beartracks Upgrade at the University of Alberta

The University of Alberta has established a detailed tender process for the upgrade of the
Beartracks system. The Request for Proposal (RFP) will be released on May 1, 2024, and we
will require all submissions by July 15, 2024. Prospective vendors wishing to partake in this
project are required to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) by June 1, 2024, as a formal declaration
of their intention to compete for the bid.

Please submit all ideas, including the Letters of Intent (LOIs), electronically to
beartracksupgrade@ualberta.ca. In order to streamline the review process, we kindly ask that
pricing details be provided in a separate document that accompanies the main proposal. The
deadline for vendors to submit their inquiries is scheduled for June 15, 2024. The answers to
these questions will be gathered and shared with all parties by June 30, 2024, to guarantee a
transparent and equitable bidding atmosphere for everyone participating.

The evaluation of proposals will be conducted based on multiple criteria, encompassing

technical proficiency, cost-efficiency, vendor expertise, and the caliber of support services.
Each of these factors will be assigned a precise weight to accurately represent its significance
in the overall assessment. A heterogeneous committee of individuals from the university's IT
department, administrative personnel, and student representatives will supervise the process of
selecting the most promising proposals, guaranteeing a thorough and equitable evaluation of
each submission.

Selected contenders will thereafter get an invitation to personally deliver their proposals
and engage in a question and answer session with the panel. The presentations are set to begin
on August 1, 2024. The completion of this final stage is crucial for promoting thorough debates
and empowering the panel to reach educated choices.

6. Functional Requirements for the Beartracks System Upgrade

The functional requirements for upgrading the University of Alberta's Beartracks system
are a collection of necessary characteristics that the new system should have, in accordance
with the ideas discussed in the lecture notes on requirements formulation. The purpose of these
requirements is to outline the desired functionality of the system, without going into the
technical details of how these functionalities will be achieved. The responsibility of providing
the technical specifications lies with the system specifications.

Critical Requirements:
1. Course Registration: The new system should efficiently manage the whole course
registration process, allowing a large number of users to access it without experiencing delays
or system failures.
2. Academic Record-Keeping: It should establish a reliable system for preserving precise
and protected academic records that can be easily accessed by both students and faculty.

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Important Requirements:
1. Transcript Requests: The system should optimize the procedure for requesting and
issuing academic transcripts for both current students and alumni.
2. User Interface: An interface that is both user-friendly and intuitive is crucial for
facilitating effortless navigation and seamless access to system functionalities.

Nice to Have:
1. Mobile Accessibility: Ensuring compatibility with mobile devices to enable convenient
access while on the move.
2. Customizable Dashboards: Enabling users to customize their interface according to their
specific preferences and requirements.

Future Requirements:
1. Integration Capabilities: The system must possess the ability to seamlessly integrate
with other educational tools and platforms, hence facilitating potential future expansions.
2. Advanced Analytics: Includes data analysis capabilities that aid in making
administrative and academic decisions.

The purpose of these requirements is to articulate the University's business processes and
procedures in a formal manner, thereby establishing clear specifications for the desired
functionalities of the new system. The objective is to guarantee that the enhanced Beartracks
system not only fulfills the present requirements of its varied user population but also possesses
the capability to accommodate future technological and academic progressions.

7. Non-functional Requirements for the Beartracks System Upgrade

Non-functional requirements (NFRs) are essential in determining the overall quality and
performance of the Beartracks system update at the University of Alberta. Although not directly
tied to specific features, these requirements guarantee the system's effectiveness, dependability,
and user contentment. Every NFR has been classified according to its priority level: critical,
significant, desirable, or for future consideration.
Critical Requirements:
1. Reliability/Availability: The system must be highly reliable and available, particularly
during peak academic periods, to ensure uninterrupted service.
2. Security/Privacy: Robust security measures are essential to protect sensitive student and
faculty data, complying with privacy regulations.
3. Technical Support: Continuous and effective technical support is crucial to promptly
address any system issues or failures.

Important Requirements:
1. Look and Feel: The system should have an intuitive and appealing interface that aligns
with the university’s branding and is easy to navigate.
2. Interoperability: It should seamlessly integrate with existing university systems and

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3. Documentation: Comprehensive documentation, including user manuals and system

maintenance guides, is necessary.

Nice to Have:
1. Accessibility: Features that make the system easily accessible to all users, including
those with disabilities.
2. Audit: Capability to track and log user activities within the system for security and
compliance purposes.

Future Considerations:
1. Capacity/Scalability: The system should be scalable to accommodate future growth in
the university's student population and evolving academic needs.
2. Operating Environment: Adaptability to various operating environments, considering
potential shifts to more cloud-based operations in the future.
3. Training Provision: While not immediately critical, future considerations for
comprehensive training programs for users to maximize the system's utility.

These non-functional requirements are designed to ensure that the upgraded Beartracks
system not only meets the operational needs of the University of Alberta but also provides a
sustainable, secure, and user-friendly experience. They address the broader aspects of system
performance and user interaction, crucial for the long-term success and adaptability of the

7. Non-functional Requirements for the Beartracks System Upgrade

Several essential non-functional requirements (NFRs) have been recognized as crucial for
the update of the University of Alberta's Beartracks system, in order to ensure its effectiveness
and user satisfaction. The NFRs are classified according to their importance for the system's
functioning and potential for future expansion.
Critical NFRs:
1. The system must exhibit unwavering reliability and availability, especially during high-
demand periods such as course registration. It should be accessible at all times, with redundant
mechanisms in place.
2. Security/Privacy: It must comply with rigorous security protocols and privacy rules to
safeguard sensitive student and faculty information.
3. Technical assistance: It is crucial to have strong and continuous technical assistance
from the vendor, as well as the transfer of knowledge to in-house technical professionals for
system maintenance.

Important NFRs:
1. Look and Feel: The interface should be user-friendly and visually align with the
university's branding, offering an intuitive user experience.
2. Interoperability: It should easily integrate with other existing university systems,
possibly including open-source solutions.

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3. Documentation: Comprehensive user and development documentation will be required

for effective system use and maintenance.

Nice to Have:
1. Accessibility: Accommodations for users with disabilities to ensure the system is
inclusive and accessible to all.
2. Audit: Features to track system access and usage, like what is often required for health

Future Considerations:
1. Capacity/Scalability: The system must possess the ability to manage future growth in
terms of both user numbers and data volume.
2. Operating Environment: Ability to function under many settings, including the
capability for mobile accessibility.
3. Installation Process: Precise instructions regarding the installation process, including
specific responsibilities and deadlines.
4. Training Provision: The vendor should provide sufficient training resources, both before
and after installation, to allow a seamless transition and efficient utilization.

These non-functional objectives are intended to guarantee that the improved Beartracks
system not only fulfills the operational requirements of the University of Alberta but also
delivers a sustainable, secure, and user-friendly experience. They focus on the wider elements
of system performance and user engagement, which are essential for the long-term success and
flexibility of the system.

8. Questions for the Vendor in the Beartracks System Upgrade Tender

A set of specific questions has been created to assess potential bidders as part of the
contract process for modernizing the Beartracks system at the University of Alberta. These
questions are designed to comprehensively assess the vendors' qualifications, comprehension
of the project, and their ability to deliver a successful solution.
References Requirement:
- Vendors are required to provide references from previous projects. These references will
be used to verify the vendor's track record in successfully implementing projects of a similar
scale and complexity.

Vendor Evaluation Questions:

1. We will investigate the company's background, aiming to comprehend their history,
areas of specialization, and past involvement in projects of a comparable kind.
2. Inquiries will also encompass the composition and proficiency of the project team
assigned to this enhancement, with a particular emphasis on their technical aptitude, prior
experience, and responsibilities in previous endeavors.
3. We will explore the company's technological proficiency, particularly in regards to
student management systems or comparable initiatives within the educational industry.

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Challenging Questions:
1. To gauge their deep understanding and capability, vendors will be presented with
challenging scenarios related to the project. This might include how they would handle specific
technical challenges, scalability issues, or integration with existing systems.
2. We also plan to ask questions that assess the vendor's ability to innovate and adapt, such
as their approach to incorporating new technologies or adapting to evolving educational needs.

These questions are designed not only to assess the technical qualifications of the vendors
but also to evaluate their strategic thinking, problem-solving abilities, and their commitment to
providing a robust, efficient, and future-proof solution for the University of Alberta.

9. Appendices for Internal Use Only in the Beartracks System Upgrade RFP

Appendix 1: Candidate Vendor List

- Search Process:
A thorough search was conducted using keywords such as "educational system providers,"
"student management systems," and "university software solutions." Tools used included online
search engines, academic software directories, and industry publications.
- Candidate Vendors:
1. “EduTech Solutions”: Chosen for their extensive experience in providing
comprehensive educational software solutions, particularly in higher education.
2. “Academia Systems Inc.”: Selected based on their reputation for innovative and
scalable student management systems.
3. “Global Campus Technologies”: Included for their global reach and proven track
record in implementing large-scale academic software projects.
- These vendors were chosen not only for their relevant expertise and experience but also
for their ability to potentially meet the specific needs of the University of Alberta.

Appendix 2: Budget Inclusion Recommendation

- Recommendation:
After considering the arguments presented by Patrick Parato, it is recommended to include
a budget in the RFP. This approach ensures that the proposals received are within the financial
scope of the university and allows vendors to tailor their solutions accordingly. While this might
limit the range of proposals, it ensures more realistic and viable solutions are presented, aligning
with the university's financial constraints and project goals.

Appendix 3: List of Consulted Sources

- A variety of sources were consulted in the preparation of this RFP, including academic
journals on educational technology, websites of similar universities to understand their system
requirements, and discussions with IT experts within the university. Specific sections of the
RFP where these sources were used include:
- Functional Requirements: Academic journals and university websites.
- Non-functional Requirements: Discussions with IT experts and industry best practices

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from educational technology publications.

- Tender Process: Best practices from procurement and project management literature.

These appendices are intended for internal use only to assist in the evaluation and selection
process of the vendor for the Beartracks system upgrade. They provide a structured approach
to vendor selection, budget considerations, and source referencing, ensuring a comprehensive
and informed decision-making process.

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