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Narrator: A pleasant evening, everyone. Please Narrator: As expected, Lam-ang is indeed a

sit back and relax as we begin our shadow play. gifted child. However, the happiness of the
We are the group 1, and allowed us to bring to family died when his father was unjustly killed
life the story of Lam-ang. A young hero by the Igorots. The burning range inside him
embarked on series of adventures which lead brought him to his adventure. It is because Lam-
him to his heroic death and resurrection. ang really wanted to avenge his father and make
those people suffer the same fate his father
Scene 1
Narrator: On his journey, he met Sumarang.
Narrator: In a faraway land of Nalbuan, there is Looking on its feature, Lam-ang do not stand a
Don Juan and Namongan. You will see in their chance against him. But, the courageous Lam-
eyes how much they love and treasure one ang decided to fight him.
another. The townspeople in their land
Sumarang: Do you really think you had a chance
respected them because they never failed to
against me?
show kindness in everyone. Because of that,
Bathala sent them a gifted child as a result of Lam-ang: I will not allow anyone to get into my
their love to one another way on killing those Igorots. I will make sure
that every people who will come into my way
(Namongan giving birth to Lam-ang)
will suffer the same way my father does.
Lam-ang: Mama
Narrator: Lam-ang and Sumarang tried to kill
Narrator: Upon hearing the voice of their child, each other. But in the end, Sumarang lose
Don Juan and Namongan rejoiced. And they against him as he was blown away when Lam-
know to themselves that this kid is indeed ang pierced his spear on his stomach.
different and special compared to others. It is
unbelievable that a newborn could speak
immediately and it possess an immeasurable
strength as well.
Scene 3
Mother: This is unbelievable! Did you hear that?
Narrator: His encounter with Sumarang, led him
Father: This is a miracle; we must thank Bathala to met the nine-headed serpent. Just like
for this blessing. Sumarang, he tried to dissuade him to keep on
going. However, the will of Lam-ang to keep his
Mother: Indeed! But wait, how we should call
promise on avenging his father made him to
keep on going and never stop to persuade
Father: Let us call him, Lam-ang. I know that he justice.
will grow into a young fine man in the future. I
Lam-ang: No one will ever stop a son, who lost
hope I could watch him grow with you, my love.
his father unjustly.
(The mother and the father will shower Lam-ang
Narrator: At the end of the day, the only one
with love at this scene)
remained standing and alive is Lam-ang. This
gives him hope to continue with his journey. But
as he goes on, he found it necessary to take a
rest until he fell asleep.

Scene 4
Scene 5
Lam-ang: Father!
Narrator: Satisfied with his revenge, he went to
Narrator: Lam-ang was awaken by a nightmare. the town of Calanutian for him to wash his body
He dreamed of his father’s head being an object on the Cordan River. But, before that, he
of festivities of the Igorots. So. He immediately decided to pay Cannoyan a visit and invite her
arose and find the Igorot. lady-like friends to join him.

(Lam-ang continue to his journey. Until he found Cannoyan: I was afraid that I will not be able to
the Igorots with his father’s head) see you again. But I thank the gods for bringing
you back.
Lam-ang: What did you do to my father?
Lam-ang: You don’t have to worry about me.
Igorot: Who are you? What are you doing here?
Lam-ang: Would you like to go to Cordan river
Igorot: Who do you think you are for going here
with me?
Cannoyan: I’ll be glad to.
Igorot: If I were you, I will just leave or you will
end up like this guy? Narrator: When the sun was about to set, they
decided to went back home. On their way
Lam-ang: No! I will not leave until you
home, Lam-ang gave Cannoyan a gift.
experienced the pain, I go through for losing my
father! I will not leave, until I made you feel Lam-ang: I know, you were worried about me.
every pain that my father experienced with your But I am more worried about you. So, receive
filthy hands. this amulet and this must protect you on every
road you will go.
Igorot: You don’t stand a chance against us.
Cannoyan: This is beautiful. Thank you for this.
Lam-ang: Then, prove it
However, I know that as long as you were beside
Narrator: Despite being outnumbered, Lam-ang me, I have nothing to worry. I will be protected
did not think of it. He only wants the Igorot to by you.
feel the pain his father had to go through in
their hands. So, with all of his might and
supernatural powers, he fights against a
battalion of Igorots.
Scene 6
(At the end, Lam-ang had to deal with the last
Narrator: After the heartwarming encounter of
Cannoyan and Lam-ang on the Cordan River,
Lam-ang: As the last surviving Igorot, feel my they went home. As soon as they arrived, the
wrath and bring it upon your death. parents of Cannoyan were waiting for them.
They have shown their strictness because they
are confused with the real intention of Lam-ang
towards their daughter.
Cannoyan’s Father: What brought you here?
And why are you with our daughter?
Scene 8:
Cannoyan’s Mother: What is your real intention
Narrator: After the heartwarming kisses shared
to our daughter?
by Cannoyan and Lam-ang, they went to
Narrator: The interrogation of Cannoyan’s Nalbuan to continue the celebration. The
parents continued. Meanwhile, Lam-ang was people desired to taste the delicacy made of
terrified that he remained silent. He does not rarang fish. That is why, Lam-ang dive into the
know how he will explain why they went to water to catch it.
Coradn River this late at night. Luckily, he had
Narrator: However, his pet-cock, warned him
his spokesman, the cock. However, it told them
that he should not dive into the sea. It is
the reason that they were together is because
because something might unpleasant to
Lam-ang wanted to ask for the hand of their
happen. However, Lam-ang did not wanted to
daughter, Cannoyan.
spoil the happiness of everyone. So, he ignored
Cannoyan’s Mother: Are you sure with that? the warning and dive down in the ocean.

Cannoyan’s Father: I will only allow this, if you Narrator: The warning proved true, when Lam-
will be able to match the wealth that we have. ang was swallowed by the bercacan fish. That
event, shattered the heart of Cannoyan into
Cannoyan’s Mother: I hope you understand
this. Cannoyan is our one and only daughter and
we only wanted the best for her. Cannoyan: No! This can’t be true.

Lam-ang: I truly understand and I will be willing Cannoyan: Bathala, if you will take him away
to do anything for Cannoyan. from me. Take me as well. I can’t live without

Cannoyan: Please, bring him back to life. I will

do everything. Just please…
Scene 7
Narrator: The prayer of Cannoyan was heard
Narrator: At the end, Laam-ang received his when the cock told her that there is a way for
happy ending with Cannoyan. Their marriage Lam-ang to be resurrected. The only she has to
was celebrated with the townspeople and do is to collect all of his bones deep down the
everyone rejoiced and they are all happy for ocean.
Narrator: Cannoyan did not bother to waste
Priest: I now pronounce you, husband and wife. anytime and find a diver that will collect the
You may now, kiss your bride. bones of his husband.

Lam-ang: I will love you until the rest of my life, Cannoyan: Marcus, help me to bring back my
Cannoyan. husband. If you succeed gathering all his bones,
I will assure that I will give you everything. Just
help me, please, help me.
Narrator: Marcus agreed with it and he dive
deep down the ocean to collect all the bones of

Marcus: Here are all the bones of Lam-ang

Cannoyan: I know that my words is not enough,

but I am grateful for this Marcus.

(Once it is all collected, the lights will be out)

Scene 9

Narrator: When all bones were settled. The

roaster crowed and the bones started to move.
And when the dog barked, Lam-ang arose and
resurrected from death.

(Lights will be open and it will show, Lam-ang

and Cannoyan hugging each other.)

Narrator: And that is the heroic adventure of

Lam-ang that ended between the warm arms of
his wife, Cannoyan.

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