Muscle Contraction

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Muscle contraction
● Excitation contraction coupling and mechanism of muscle contraction :
■ Definition: - It means the process by which the action potential of themuscle fiber initiates
•The exact mechanism of muscle contraction is not known but walk along theory
[sliding filament theory] is the most accepted one to explain muscle contraction.
■ Occurrence of muscle action potential (AP) and its propagation along sarcolemma.
Action potential is then transmitted to the interior of the muscle fibers through the T tubules.
This occurs at a velocity of 0.1 m/sec. about 1/50 the velocity along the sarcolemma.

○ Step 1: Release of Ca++ ions from the cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. T tubules action
potential causes current flow through the cisternae leading to opening of the voltage gated
Ca++ channels in these cisternae and release of Ca++ into the surrounding sarcoplasm.


○ Step 2 :Activation of actin by Ca++:

■ During the resting state of the muscle, the active sites of actin filaments are physically
covered by troponin tropomyosin complex thus inhibits the union of actin with myosin.
■ Ca++ ions released from the cisternae binds to troponin C leading to lateral displacement
of troponin tropomyosin complex causing uncovering of the active sites of actin.

○ Step 3:Interaction between activated actin and cross bridges

of myosin to cause muscle contraction:
■ Immediately after lateral displacement of troponin tropomyosin
complex, the ATPase activity of the myosin head splits ATP
into ADP+ Pi+ Energy.
■ Myosin head is then attached to active sites of actin.
This attachment leads to tilting of the myosin head centrally
(towards the arm) dragging actin along with it.
(called power stroke that pulls actin).

○ Step 4: ■New ATP molecule binds to myosin head leading to detachment

of the myosin head from actin and returns to the perpendicular position.
■ Then ATP splits by ATPase into ADP ,Pi and energy ,then myosin head
binds to new active site on the actin filament and the cycle is repeated.
■ Thus, the cycle of attachment tilting and detachment is repeated
again and again until the head of the cross bridges of myosin pulls the
actin filament towards the center of myosin filament (pull the Z line
up against the ends of myosin).
● NB:
■ATP also required for cross bridge release.
■ Lack of ATP = no release.

■ Upon death ,no ATP available, rigor mortis (state of constant fixed contraction).


○ Step 5:Relaxation:
■ It is an active process [ Needs ATP].
■ As soon as action potential stops, Ca++ are actively reuptakes from the sarcoplasm back to
the cisternae of sarcoplasmic reticulum by Ca++ pumps present in their wall leading to lowering
of Ca++ and release of Ca++ from troponin. Troponin tropomyosin complex covers the active
sites of actin inhibiting the union of actin with the cross bridges of myosin thus relaxation

● Excitation contraction coupling and mechanism of muscle contraction :


● Sarcomere is the contractile unit :

■ When a muscle contracts ,the actin filaments move, causing the sarcomere to shorten.
■ A muscle contraction at the microscopic level is “shortening" of the muscle fiber.

● Sarcomere changes during contraction :

■During contraction, the thin filaments slide inward toward the M-line, the thick filaments
stay in place.
■ Overall, this makes the H-zone smaller, the I-bands smaller, and moves the Z-lines closer
together, the A-band and M-line don't change.


● Types of muscle contraction:

Muscular contraction involves shortening of the contractile elements, but because muscles
have elastic elements in series with the contractile elements, it is possible for contraction to
occur without an appreciable decrease in the length of the whole muscle thus, we have 2 types
of contractions.
Isotonic contraction Isometric contraction
● Length Decreases (shortening) Constant.
● Tension Constant . Rises markedly.
● Example Contraction of biceps Contraction of
to lift an object. quadriceps to stiff the
● Work Is done. No work is done.
● Mechanical 20 – 25 % Zero
● Duration of Long due to inertia & Short.
Contraction Momentum.

● Energy More energy . Less energy.

● Muscle metabolism:
The chemical energy released by the hydrolysis of ATP is necessary for both muscle contraction
and muscle relaxation.
■ During rest: Muscle consumes energy for:
○ Maintaining RMP by Na-K pump.
○ Synthesis of chemical substances as glycogen.
○ Keeping muscle tone.
■ During muscle contraction, muscle consumes energy for:
○ Power stroke and detachment of cross bridges.
○ Pump ca++ into cisternae of sarcoplasmic reticulum.
○ Restoring RMP by Na-K pump.
■ During muscle contraction, energy consumption Increased:
○ ATP is the only source of energy for muscle contraction.
○ ATP is hydrolyzed anaerobically into ADP +P.
○ ATP in the muscle is sufficient only for 5-6 sec. of
maximum contraction. So, ATP is rapidly resynthized
from other sources to maintain muscle contraction.


● Muscles can re-synthesis ATP from:

1- The phosphagen system:
■ It is ATP synthesis from creatine phosphate (CP) creatine kinase.
■ CP + ADP》 ATP + creatine
■ It is very rapid mechanism.
■ Each CP molecule supply 1 ATP.
■ It is sufficient for 8 to 10 seconds during the most strenuous exercise.
■ Training can increase the amount of creatine phosphate stored.
■ Creatine released during muscle activity excreted in the urine as creatinine.
■ The phosphagen system dominates in events such as the 100m dash or lifting weights.
2- Anaerobic metabolism[glycolysis]:
■ Glycolysis is used to provide ATP when O2 is not available for aerobic metabolism.
■ Glucose is broken down into 2 molecules of pyruvic acid , which converted into lactic acid in
absence of O2 with the release of 2 ATP . This process is known as glycolysis and it occurs in the
■ Glucose is supplied by the breakdown of glycogen or via uptake from the blood stream.
Glucose + 2ATP》 4 ATP + lactic acid. The reaction slows down as lactic acid accumulates,
leading to muscle fatigue.
■ The glycolysis-lactic acid system can produce ATP for active muscle cells for only about 1.5
■ Lactic acid typically diffuses out of muscles into the blood
stream and is taken to the liver, kidneys, or heart which can use
it as an energy source.
■ Anaerobic metabolism is inefficient. Large amounts of glucose
are used for very small ATP returns. Plus, lactic acid is a toxic
end product whose presence contributes to muscle fatigue.
■ Anaerobic metabolism dominates in sports that require bursts
of speed and activity, e.g., basketball.
3- Aerobic metabolism:
■ Aerobic metabolism fuels the energy needed for long
duration activity.
■ It uses oxygen (from blood or myoglobin) to convert
nutrients (CHO, fats and protein) to ATP.
■ Glucose + 2 ATP → 6 CO2 + 6 HO2 + 40 ATP
■ It is a slower than the anaerobic systems because it relies on the circulatory system
to transport oxygen to the working muscles.


● Types of muscle fibers are:

Slow oxidative ( type 1) fast glycolytic(type 2)
( Red Fibers). ( White fibers).

Fiber size Smaller Larger

Innervation Smaller Larger nerve fiber
ATP source Oxidative phospholration Anaerobic glycolysis
Mitochondrial content high low
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Less extensive Extensive
( Rapid calcium release )

Capillary density high low

Myoglobin content high: which gives it a red low

Glycolytic enzymes low high

Glycogen low high
Myosin ATPase slow rapid
Fiber diameter Small: Cannot develop high Large:they contain densely
tension – small diameter packed myofibrils, Can
means few myofibrils. develop high tension.

Intensity of contraction low high

Velocity of contraction Slow fast
Rate of fatigue fatigue resistant and has high fast

Body distribution Back &L.L muscles. Exraocular &U.L ms.

Function -Adapted for slow continuous -Adapted for very rapid
muscle activity(depends on intense contraction for short
aerobic metabolism). period(depends on anaerobic
- body position. metabolism).
- fine movement.

Thought questions: why do chickens have white breast meat and dark leg meat? What
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