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UNIT XI The Nervous System: C.

Motor and Integrative Neurophysiology

Alert wakefulness (beta waves)

Quiet wakefulness (alpha waves)


States of Brain Activity—Sleep, Brain

REM sleep (beta waves)

Stage 1

Waves, Epilepsy, Psychoses, and Dementia Stage 1 sleep (low voltage and spindles)

Stage 2
50 µV
Stages 2 and 3 sleep (theta waves)
All of us are aware of the many different states of brain in young adults. When a person is extremely sleepy, each Stage 3
activity, including sleep, wakefulness, extreme excite- bout of REM sleep is short and may even be absent. As
ment, and even different levels of mood such as exhila- the person becomes more rested through the night, the
ration, depression, and fear. All these states result from durations of the REM bouts increase. Stage 4
different activating or inhibiting forces generated usually REM sleep has several important characteristics: Stage 4 slow-wave sleep (delta waves)
within the brain. In Chapter 59, we began a partial discus- 1. It is an active form of sleep usually associated with
1 sec
sion of this subject when we described different systems dreaming and active bodily muscle movements.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
that are capable of activating large portions of the brain. 2. The person is even more difficult to arouse by sen-
Time (hours)
In this chapter, we present brief surveys of specific states sory stimuli than during deep slow-­wave sleep, and
Figure 60-­1. Progressive change in the characteristics of the brain waves during alert wakefulness, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, and stages
of brain activity, beginning with sleep. yet people usually awaken spontaneously in the
one through four of sleep.
morning during an episode of REM sleep.
3. Muscle tone throughout the body is exceedingly
depressed, indicating strong inhibition of the spinal the dreams that occur in slow-­wave sleep and those that the midline. Nerve fibers from these nuclei spread
Sleep is defined as unconsciousness from which a per- muscle control areas. occur in REM sleep is that those of REM sleep are associ- locally in the brain stem reticular formation and
son can be aroused by sensory or other stimuli. It is to 4. Heart rate and respiratory rate usually become ir- ated with more bodily muscle activity. Also, the dreams also upward into the thalamus, hypothalamus, most
be distinguished from coma, which is unconsciousness regular, which is characteristic of the dream state. of slow-­wave sleep are usually not remembered because areas of the limbic system, and even the neocortex
from which a person cannot be aroused. There are mul- 5. Despite the extreme inhibition of the peripheral consolidation of the dreams in memory does not occur. of the cerebrum. In addition, fibers extend down-
tiple stages of sleep, from very light sleep to very deep muscles, irregular muscle movements do occur in ward into the spinal cord, terminating in the poste-
sleep. Sleep researchers also divide sleep into two entirely addition to the rapid movements of the eyes. BASIC THEORIES OF SLEEP rior horns, where they can inhibit incoming sensory
different types of sleep that have different qualities, as 6. The brain is highly active in REM sleep, and overall signals, including pain, as discussed in Chapter 49.
Sleep Is Caused by an Active Inhibitory Process.
described in the following section. brain metabolism may be increased as much as 20%. Many nerve endings of fibers from these raphe neu-
An earlier theory of sleep was that the excitatory ar-
An electroencephalogram (EEG) shows a pattern rons secrete serotonin. When a drug that blocks the
TWO TYPES OF SLEEP—SLOW-­WAVE eas of the upper brain stem, the reticular activating
of brain waves similar to those that occur during formation of serotonin is administered to an animal,
SLEEP AND RAPID EYE MOVEMENT SLEEP system, simply became fatigued during the waking day
wakefulness. This type of sleep is also called para- the animal often cannot sleep for the next several
and became inactive as a result. An important experi-
Each night, a person goes through stages of two major doxical sleep because it is a paradox that a person days. Therefore, it has been assumed that serotonin
ment changed this thinking to the current view that
types of sleep that alternate with each other (Figure 60-­1). can still be asleep, despite the presence of marked is a transmitter substance associated with the pro-
sleep is caused by an active inhibitory process, because
These types are called (1) rapid eye movement sleep (REM activity in the brain. duction of sleep.
it was discovered that transecting the brain stem at the
sleep), in which the eyes undergo rapid movements even In summary, REM sleep is a type of sleep in which 2. Stimulation of some areas in the nucleus of the trac-
level of the midpons creates a brain cortex that never
though the person is still asleep, and (2) slow-­wave sleep the brain is quite active. However, the person is not fully tus solitarius can also cause sleep. This nucleus is
goes to sleep. In other words, a center located below
or non-­REM (NREM) sleep, in which the brain waves are aware of the surroundings and therefore is truly asleep. the termination in the medulla and pons for visceral
the midpontile level of the brain stem appears to be
strong and of low frequency, as we discuss later. sensory signals entering by way of the vagus and
Slow-­Wave Sleep required to cause sleep by inhibiting other parts of the
REM sleep occurs in episodes that occupy about 25% glossopharyngeal nerves.
of the sleep time in young adults; each episode normally We can understand the characteristics of deep slow-­wave 3. Sleep can be promoted by stimulation of several re-
recurs about every 90 minutes. This type of sleep is not sleep by remembering the last time we were kept awake for Neuronal Centers, Neurohumoral gions in the diencephalon, including (1) the rostral
so restful, and it is often associated with vivid dreaming. more than 24 hours and the deep sleep that occurred dur- Substances, and Mechanisms That Can part of the hypothalamus, mainly in the suprachi-
Most sleep during each night is of the slow-­wave (NREM) ing the first hour after going to sleep. This sleep is exceed- Cause Sleep—Possible Role for Serotonin asmal area, and (2) an occasional area in the diffuse
variety, which is the deep, restful sleep that the person ingly restful and is associated with decreases in peripheral nuclei of the thalamus.
Stimulation of several specific areas of the brain can pro-
experiences during the first hour of sleep after having vascular tone and many other vegetative functions of the
duce sleep with characteristics near those of natural sleep. Lesions in Sleep-­
Promoting Centers Can Cause In-
been awake for many hours. body. For example, 10% to 30% decreases occur in blood
Some of these areas are the following: tense Wakefulness. Discrete lesions in the raphe nuclei
pressure, respiratory rate, and basal metabolic rate.
1. The raphe nuclei in the lower half of the pons and lead to a high state of wakefulness. This phenomenon is
REM (Paradoxical, Desynchronized) Sleep Although slow-­wave sleep is frequently called “dream-
in the medulla is the most conspicuous stimulation also true of bilateral lesions in the medial rostral suprachi-
In a normal night of sleep, bouts of REM sleep lasting 5 less sleep,” dreams and sometimes even nightmares do
area for causing almost natural sleep. These nuclei asmal area in the anterior hypothalamus. In both cases,
to 30 minutes usually appear on average every 90 minutes occur during slow-­wave sleep. The difference between
comprise a thin sheet of special neurons located in the excitatory reticular nuclei of the mesencephalon and

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Chapter 60 States of Brain Activity—Sleep, Brain Waves, Epilepsy, Psychoses, and Dementia UNIT XI The Nervous System: C. Motor and Integrative Neurophysiology

upper pons seem to become released from inhibition, Therefore, once wakefulness begins, it has a natural ten- Lack of sleep certainly affects the functions of the Alpha
thus causing intense wakefulness. Indeed, sometimes le- dency to sustain itself because of all this positive feedback central nervous system. Prolonged wakefulness is often
sions of the anterior hypothalamus can cause such intense activity. associated with progressive malfunction of the thought
wakefulness that the animal actually dies of exhaustion. Then, after the brain remains activated for many hours, processes and sometimes even causes abnormal behav- Beta
even the neurons in the activating system presumably ioral activities. We are all familiar with the increased
Other Possible Transmitter Substances Related to

become fatigued. Consequently, the positive feedback sluggishness of thought that occurs toward the end of a
Sleep. Experiments have shown that the cerebrospinal
cycle between the mesencephalic reticular nuclei and prolonged wakeful period, but in addition, a person can
fluid and the blood or urine of animals that have been kept Theta
the cerebral cortex fades and the sleep-­promoting effects become irritable or even psychotic after forced wake-
awake for several days contain a substance or substances
of the sleep centers take over, leading to rapid transition fulness. Therefore, we can assume that sleep in multiple
that will cause sleep when injected into the brain ven-
from wakefulness back to sleep. ways restores both normal levels of brain activity and nor-
tricular system of another animal. One likely substance 50 µV
This overall theory could explain the rapid transitions mal “balance” among the different functions of the central
has been identified as muramyl peptide, a low-­molecular-­ Delta
from sleep to wakefulness and from wakefulness to sleep. nervous system.
weight substance that accumulates in the cerebrospinal
It could also explain arousal—that is, the insomnia that Sleep has been postulated to serve many functions, 1 sec
fluid and urine in animals kept awake for several days.
occurs when a person’s mind becomes preoccupied with a including the following: (1) neural maturation; (2) facilita-
When only micrograms of this sleep-­ producing sub- Figure 60-­2. Different types of brain waves in the normal electro-
thought—and the wakefulness that is produced by bodily tion of learning or memory; (3) targeted erasure of syn- encephalogram.
stance are injected into the third ventricle, almost natural
physical activity. apses to “forget” unimportant information that might
sleep occurs within a few minutes, and the animal may
clutter the synaptic network; (4) cognition; (5) clearance Eyes open Eyes closed
stay asleep for several hours.
Role of Orexin Neurons in Arousal and Wakefulness. of metabolic waste products generated by neural activ-
Another substance that has similar effects in causing
Orexin (also called hypocretin) is produced by neurons in ity in the awake brain; and (6) conservation of metabolic
sleep is delta sleep–inducing peptide, a nonapeptide found the hypothalamus that provide excitatory input to many energy. There is some evidence for each of these func- Figure 60-­3. Replacement of the alpha rhythm by an asynchronous,
in the cerebrospinal fluid after electrical stimulation of the other areas of the brain where there are orexin receptors. tions, but evidence supporting each of these ideas has low-­voltage beta rhythm when the eyes are open.
thalamus to induce sleep. Several other potential sleep Orexin neurons are most active during waking and almost been challenged. We might postulate that the principal
factors, mostly peptides, have been isolated from the stop firing during slow wave and REM sleep. Loss of orexin
value of sleep is to restore natural balances among the neu- Their voltage is usually about 50 microvolts. During deep
cerebrospinal fluid or neuronal tissues of the brain stem of signaling as a result of defective orexin receptors or de-
struction of orexin-­producing neurons causes narcolepsy,
ronal centers, which is necessary for overall health. The sleep, the alpha waves disappear.
animals kept awake for days. It is possible that prolonged
a sleep disorder characterized by overwhelming daytime specific physiological functions of sleep, however, remain When the awake person’s attention is directed to some
wakefulness causes progressive accumulation of a sleep
drowsiness and sudden attacks of sleep that can occur, a mystery and are the subject of much research. specific type of mental activity, the alpha waves are replaced
factor or factors in the brain stem or cerebrospinal fluid by asynchronous, higher frequency but lower voltage beta
that lead(s) to sleep. even when a person is talking or working. Patients with
narcolepsy may also experience a sudden loss of muscle waves. Figure 60-­3 shows the effect on the alpha waves of
Brain Waves
Possible Cause of REM Sleep. It is not understood why tone (cataplexy) that can be partial or even severe enough simply opening the eyes in bright light and then closing the
Electrical recordings from the surface of the brain or even eyes. Note that the visual sensations cause immediate ces-
slow-­wave sleep is broken periodically by REM sleep. to cause paralysis during the attack. These observations
from the outer surface of the head demonstrate that there is sation of the alpha waves and that these waves are replaced
However, drugs that mimic the action of acetylcholine point to an important role for orexin neurons in maintain-
continuous electrical activity in the brain. Both the intensity by low-­voltage, asynchronous beta waves.
increase the occurrence of REM sleep. Therefore, it has ing wakefulness, but their contribution to the normal daily
and the patterns of this electrical activity are determined by Beta waves occur at frequencies greater than 14 cycles/
been postulated that the large acetylcholine-­ secreting cycle between sleep and wakefulness is unclear.
the level of excitation of different parts of the brain resulting sec and as high as 80 cycles/sec. They are recorded mainly
neurons in the upper brain stem reticular formation from sleep, wakefulness, or brain disorders such as epilepsy from the parietal and frontal regions during specific activa-
might, through their extensive efferent fibers, activate
SLEEP HAS IMPORTANT PHYSIOLOGICAL or even psychoses. The undulations in the recorded electrical tion of these parts of the brain.
many portions of the brain. This mechanism theoretically
FUNCTIONS potentials, shown in Figure 60-­2, are called brain waves, and Theta waves have frequencies between four and 7 cy-
could cause the increased activity that occurs in certain There is little doubt that sleep has important functions. It the entire record is called an electroencephalogram (EEG). cles/sec. They occur normally in the parietal and temporal
brain regions in REM sleep, even though the signals are The intensities of brain waves recorded from the sur- regions in children, but they also occur during emotional
exists in all mammals, and after total deprivation there is
face of the scalp range from 0 to 200 microvolts, and their stress in some adults, particularly during disappointment
not channeled appropriately in the brain to cause normal usually a period of “catch-­up” or “rebound” sleep; after selec-
frequencies range from once every few seconds to 50 or and frustration. Theta waves also occur in many brain dis-
conscious awareness that is characteristic of wakefulness. tive deprivation of REM or slow-­wave sleep, there is also more per second. The character of the waves is dependent orders, often in degenerative brain states.
a selective rebound of these specific stages of sleep. Even on the degree of activity in respective parts of the cerebral
Cycle Between Sleep and Wakefulness mild sleep restriction over a few days may degrade cogni-
Delta waves include all the waves of the EEG with fre-
cortex, and the waves change markedly between the states quencies less than 3.5 cycles/sec, and they often have volt-
The preceding discussions have merely identified neuro- tive and physical performance, overall productivity, and the of wakefulness and sleep and coma. ages two to four times greater than most other types of brain
nal areas, transmitters, and mechanisms that are related health of a person. The essential role of sleep in homeostasis Much of the time, the brain waves are irregular and waves. They occur in very deep sleep, in infancy, and in per-
to sleep; they have not explained the cyclical, reciprocal is perhaps most vividly demonstrated by the fact that rats no specific pattern can be discerned in the EEG. At other sons with serious organic brain disease. They also occur in
operation of the sleep-­wakefulness cycle. There is as yet deprived of sleep for 2 to 3 weeks may actually die. Despite times, distinct patterns do appear, some of which are char- the cortex of animals that have had subcortical transections
no definitive explanation. Therefore, we might suggest the obvious importance of sleep, our understanding of why acteristic of specific abnormalities of the brain such as epi- in which the cerebral cortex is separated from the thalamus.
the following possible mechanism for causing the sleep-­ sleep is an essential part of life is still limited. lepsy, which is discussed later. Therefore, delta waves can occur strictly in the cortex inde-
wakefulness cycle. In healthy people, most waves in the EEG can be classi- pendent of activities in lower regions of the brain.
Sleep causes two major types of physiological effects:
fied as alpha, beta, theta, and delta waves, which are shown
When the sleep centers are not activated, the mesen- first, effects on the nervous system, and second, effects on Origin of Brain Waves
in Figure 60-­2.
cephalic and upper pontile reticular activating nuclei are other functional systems of the body. Mammals, and even Alpha waves are rhythmical waves that occur at fre- The discharge of a single neuron or single nerve fiber in
released from inhibition, which allows the reticular acti- invertebrate animals, sleep more in the setting of infec- quencies between 8 and 13 cycles/sec and are found in the the brain can never be recorded from the surface of the
vating nuclei to become spontaneously active. This spon- tious as well as non-­infectious illnesses. Sickness-­induced EEGs of almost all healthy adults when they are awake and head. Instead, many thousands or even millions of neurons
taneous activity in turn excites both the cerebral cortex sleep has been suggested to be a beneficial response that in a quiet, resting state of cerebration. These waves occur or fibers must fire synchronously for the potentials from the
and the peripheral nervous system, both of which send diverts the organism’s energy resources from neural and most intensely in the occipital region but can also be re- individual neurons or fibers to summate enough to be re-
numerous positive feedback signals back to the same motor demands to fighting off infectious or injurious corded from the parietal and frontal regions of the scalp. corded through the skull. Thus, the intensity of the brain
reticular activating nuclei to activate them still further. insults.
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Chapter 60 States of Brain Activity—Sleep, Brain Waves, Epilepsy, Psychoses, and Dementia UNIT XI The Nervous System: C. Motor and Integrative Neurophysiology

At a basic level an epileptic seizure is caused by a disrup- Seizure focal region

tion of the normal balance between inhibitory and excita-
Surgical Sleep Psychomotor Relaxation Attention Tonic-clonic tory currents or transmission in one or more regions of the Propagation to Propagation to
anesthesia Deteriorated epileptics Fast component brain. Drugs or pathological factors that increase neuronal contralateral ipsilateral
of absence seizure excitation or impair inhibition tend to be epileptogenic (i.e., cortex cortex
Confusion predisposing a person to epilepsy), whereas effective antie-

pileptic drugs attenuate excitation and facilitate inhibition.
1 second
In cases in which a person has brain injury due to trauma,
Figure 60-­4. Effect of varying degrees of cerebral activity on the basic rhythm of the electroencephalogram. stroke, or infection, there may be a delay of several months
or years after the injury before the seizures begin.
waves from the scalp is determined mainly by the numbers despite markedly increased cortical activity, as shown in Epileptic seizures can be classified into two major types:
of neurons and fibers that fire in synchrony with one an- Figure 60-­3. (1) focal seizures (also called partial seizures) that are lim-
other, not by the total level of electrical activity in the brain. ited to a focal area of one cerebral hemisphere, and (2) gen-
Changes in the EEG at Different Stages of Wakeful- A
In fact, strong nonsynchronous nerve signals often nullify eralized seizures that diffusely involve both hemispheres of
ness and Sleep
one another in the recorded brain waves because of oppos- the cerebral cortex. However, partial seizures may some- Seizure focal region Activation of both
ing polarities. This phenomenon is demonstrated in Figure Figure 60-­1 shows typical EEG patterns in different stages times evolve into generalized seizures. hemispheres via
60-­3, which shows, when the eyes were closed, synchro- of wakefulness and sleep. Alert wakefulness is character- projections to
ized by high-­frequency beta waves, whereas quiet wakeful- Focal (Partial) Epileptic Seizures thalamus
nous discharge of many neurons in the cerebral cortex at a
frequency of about 12/sec, thus causing alpha waves. Then, ness is usually associated with alpha waves, as demonstrat- Focal epileptic seizures begin in a small localized region
when the eyes were opened, the activity of the brain in- ed by the first two EEGs of the figure. of the cerebral cortex or deeper structures of the cer-
creased greatly, but synchronization of the signals became Slow-­wave sleep is divided into four stages. In the first ebrum and brain stem and have clinical manifestations
so little that the brain waves mainly nullified one another. stage, a stage of light sleep, the voltage of the EEG waves that reflect the function of the affected brain area. Most
The resultant effect was low voltage waves of generally high becomes low. This stage is broken by “sleep spindles” (i.e., often, focal epilepsy results from some localized organic
but irregular frequency, the beta waves. short spindle-­shaped bursts of alpha waves that occur pe- lesion or functional abnormality, such as (1) scar tissue Thalamus
Origin of Alpha Waves. Alpha waves will not occur in riodically). In stages 2, 3, and 4 of slow-­wave sleep, the fre- in the brain that pulls on the adjacent neuronal tissue, (2)
the cerebral cortex without cortical connections with the quency of the EEG becomes progressively slower until it a tumor that compresses an area of the brain, (3) a de-
thalamus. Conversely, stimulation in the nonspecific layer reaches a frequency of only one to three waves per second stroyed area of brain tissue, or (4) congenitally deranged
in stage 4; these waves are delta waves. local circuitry.
of reticular nuclei that surround the thalamus or in “dif-
fuse” nuclei deep inside the thalamus often sets up elec- Figure 60-­1 also shows the EEG during REM sleep. It is These lesions can promote extremely rapid discharges
trical waves in the thalamocortical system at a frequency often difficult to tell the difference between this brain wave in the local neurons; when the discharge rate rises above
between 8 and 13/sec, which is the natural frequency of pattern and that of an awake, active person. The waves are several hundred per second, synchronous waves begin to
the alpha waves. Therefore, alpha waves are thought to re- irregular and of high frequency, which are normally sug- spread over adjacent cortical regions. These waves presum-
sult from spontaneous feedback oscillation in this diffuse gestive of desynchronized nervous activity as found in the ably result from localized reverberating circuits that may Primary
thalamocortical system, possibly including the reticular ac- awake state. Therefore, REM sleep is frequently called de- gradually recruit adjacent areas of the cortex into the epi- generalized
tivating system in the brain stem as well. This oscillation synchronized sleep because there is lack of synchrony in the leptic discharge zone. The process spreads to adjacent areas seizure
presumably causes the periodicity of the alpha waves and firing of the neurons despite significant brain activity. at a rate as slow as a few millimeters per minute to as fast as
the synchronous activation of literally millions of cortical several centimeters per second.
neurons during each wave. Seizures and Epilepsy Focal seizures can spread locally from a focus or more re- Thalamus
Origin of Delta Waves. Transection of the fiber tracts Seizures are temporary disruptions of brain function motely to the contralateral cortex and subcortical areas of the
from the thalamus to the cerebral cortex, which blocks tha- caused by uncontrolled excessive neuronal activity. De- brain through projections to the thalamus, which has wide-
lamic activation of the cortex and thereby eliminates the pending on the distribution of neuronal discharges, seizure spread connections to both hemispheres (Figure 60-­5). When
such a wave of excitation spreads over the motor cortex, it C
alpha waves, nevertheless does not block delta waves in the manifestations can range from experiential phenomena
cortex. This indicates that some synchronizing mechanism that are barely noticeable to dramatic convulsions. These causes a progressive “march” of muscle contractions through- Figure 60-­5. A, Propagation of seizures from focal regions of the
temporary symptomatic seizures usually do not persist if out the opposite side of the body, beginning most characteris- cortex can occur through fibers in the same cerebral hemisphere or
can occur in the cortical neuronal system by itself—mainly
tically in the mouth region and marching progressively down- fibers that connect to the contralateral cortex. B, Secondary generali-
independent of lower structures in the brain—to cause the the underlying disorder is corrected. They can be caused by
ward to the legs but at other times marching in the opposite zation of a focal seizure can sometimes occur by spread to subcortical
delta waves. multiple neurological or medical conditions, such as acute
areas through projections to the thalamus, resulting in activation of
Delta waves also occur during deep slow-­wave sleep, electrolyte disorders, hypoglycemia, drugs (e.g., cocaine), direction. This phenomenon is called Jacksonian march.
both hemispheres. C, Primary generalized seizure spreads rapidly and
which suggests that the cortex then is mainly released from eclampsia, kidney failure, hypertensive encephalopathy, Focal seizures are often classified as simple partial sei- simultaneously to both cerebral hemispheres through interconnec-
the activating influences of the thalamus and other lower meningitis, and so forth. Approximately 5% to 10% of the zures when there is no major change in consciousness or as tions between the thalamus and cortex.
centers. population will have at least one seizure in their lifetime. complex partial seizures when consciousness is impaired.
In contrast to symptomatic seizures, epilepsy is a chronic Simple partial seizures may be preceded by an aura, with The time after the seizure, prior to the return of normal neu-
Effect of Varying Levels of Cerebral Activity on the condition of recurrent seizures that can also vary from brief sensations such as fear, followed by motor signs, such as rological function, is called the postictal period.
Frequency of the EEG and nearly undetectable symptoms to periods of vigorous rhythmic jerking or tonic stiffening movements of a body Psychomotor, temporal lobe, and limbic seizures are
There is a general correlation between level of cerebral ac- shaking and convulsions. Epilepsy is not a single disease. part. A focal epileptic attack may remain confined to a single terms that have been used in the past to describe many
tivity and average frequency of the EEG rhythm, with the Its clinical symptoms are heterogeneous and reflect multi- area of the brain, often the temporal lobe, but in some cases of the behaviors that are now classified as complex partial
average frequency increasing progressively with higher ple underlying pathophysiological mechanisms that cause strong signals spread from the focal region, and the person seizures. However, these terms are not synonymous. Com-
degrees of activity. This is demonstrated in Figure 60-­4, cerebral dysfunction and injury, such as trauma, stroke, may lose consciousness. Complex partial seizures may also plex partial seizures can arise from regions other than the
which shows the existence of delta waves in surgical anes- tumors, infection, or degenerative changes. Hereditary fac- begin with an aura followed by impaired consciousness and temporal lobe and do not always involve the limbic system.
thesia and deep sleep, theta waves in psychomotor states, tors appear to be important, although a specific cause can- strange repetitive movements (automatisms), such as chew- Also, automatisms (the “psychomotor” element) are not
alpha waves during relaxed states, and beta waves during not be identified in many patients and several factors may ing or lip smacking. After recovery from the seizure the per- always present in complex partial seizures. Attacks of this
periods of intense mental activity or fright. During periods coexist, reflecting an acquired brain pathology and genetic son may have no memory of the attack, except for the aura. type frequently involve part of the limbic portion of the
of mental activity, the waves usually become asynchronous predisposition. Epilepsy is estimated to affect approximate-
rather than synchronous, so the voltage falls considerably ly 1% of the population, or 65 million people worldwide.
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Chapter 60 States of Brain Activity—Sleep, Brain Waves, Epilepsy, Psychoses, and Dementia UNIT XI The Nervous System: C. Motor and Integrative Neurophysiology

that the abnormal neuronal circuitry responsible for the at- cerebral cortex, showing that the seizure involves much or lose their appetite and sex drive and have severe insomnia.
100 µV tack strongly involves the basal regions of the brain that most of the thalamocortical activating system of the brain. Often associated with these symptoms is a state of psycho-
drive the two halves of the cerebrum simultaneously. In fact, animal studies suggest that it results from oscilla- motor agitation despite the depression.
Electrical recordings from the thalamus, as well as from tion of (1) inhibitory thalamic reticular neurons (which are Moderate numbers of norepinephrine-­secreting neurons
Generalized tonic-clonic seizure the reticular formation of the brain stem during the gen- inhibitory gamma-­aminobutyric acid [GABA]-­producing are located in the brain stem, especially in the locus ceruleus.
eralized tonic-­clonic seizure, show typical high-­voltage ac- neurons) and (2) excitatory thalamocortical and cortico- These neurons send fibers upward to most parts of the brain

50 µV
tivity in both of these areas similar to that recorded from thalamic neurons. limbic system, thalamus, and cerebral cortex. Also, many
the cerebral cortex. Therefore, a generalized tonic-­clonic serotonin-­producing neurons located in the midline raphe
seizure presumably involves not only abnormal activation Treatment of Epilepsy nuclei of the lower pons and medulla send fibers to many ar-
Absence seizure of the thalamus and cerebral cortex but also abnormal acti- Most of the currently available drugs used to treat epi- eas of the limbic system and to some other areas of the brain.
vation in the subthalamic brain stem portions of the brain-­ lepsy appear to block the initiation or spread of seizures, A principal reason for believing that depression might
50 µV activating system. although the precise mode of action for some drugs is un- be caused by diminished activity of norepinephrine-­and
What Initiates a Generalized Tonic-­
Clonic Seizure? known or may involve multiple actions. Some of the major serotonin-­secreting neurons is that drugs that block se-
Psychomotor The majority of generalized seizures are idiopathic, effects of various antiepileptic drugs include the following: cretion of norepinephrine and serotonin, such as reser-
which means that the cause is unknown. Many people (1) blockade of voltage-­dependent sodium channels (e.g., pine, frequently cause depression. Conversely, about 70%
Figure 60-­6. Electroencephalograms in different types of epilepsy.
who have generalized tonic-­clonic attacks have a heredi- carbamazepine and phenytoin); (2) altered calcium cur- of depressive patients can be treated effectively with drugs
brain, such as the hippocampus, the amygdala, the septum, tary predisposition to epilepsy, a predisposition that oc- rents (e.g., ethosuximide); (3) an increase in GABA activity that increase the excitatory effects of norepinephrine and
and/or portions of the temporal cortex. curs in about 1 of every 100 persons. In these people, (e.g., phenobarbital and benzodiazepines); (4) inhibition of serotonin at the nerve endings, for example, as follows: (1)
The lowest tracing of Figure 60-­6 demonstrates a typi- factors that can increase the excitability of the abnormal receptors for glutamate, the most prevalent excitatory neu- monoamine oxidase inhibitors, which block destruction of
cal EEG during a psychomotor seizure, showing a low-­ “epileptogenic” circuitry enough to precipitate attacks rotransmitter (e.g., perampanel); and (5) multiple mecha- norepinephrine and serotonin once they are formed, and
frequency rectangular wave with a frequency between 2 include (1) strong emotional stimuli, (2) alkalosis caused nisms of action (e.g., valproate and topiramate, which block (2) tricyclic antidepressants, such as imipramine and ami-
and 4/sec and with occasional superimposed 14/sec waves. by overbreathing, (3) drugs, (4) fever, and (5) loud noises voltage-­dependent sodium channels and increase GABA triptyline, which block reuptake of norepinephrine and ser-
or flashing lights. levels in the brain). The choice of antiepileptic drug rec- otonin by nerve endings so that these transmitters remain
Generalized Seizures Even in people who are not genetically predisposed, ommended by current guidelines depends on the type of active for longer periods after secretion.
Generalized epileptic seizures are characterized by diffuse, certain types of traumatic lesions in almost any part of the seizure, the age of the patient, and other factors, but cor- Some patients with mental depression alternate be-
excessive, and uncontrolled neuronal discharges that at the brain can cause excess excitability of local brain areas, as rection of the underlying cause of the seizures is the best tween depression and mania, which is called either bipolar
outset spread rapidly and simultaneously to both cerebral we discuss shortly. These local brain areas also sometimes option when possible. disorder or manic-­depressive psychosis, and fewer patients
hemispheres through interconnections between the thala- transmit signals into the activating systems of the brain to Epilepsy can usually be controlled with appropriate exhibit only mania without the depressive episodes. Drugs
mus and cortex (Figure 60-­5). However, it is sometimes elicit tonic-­clonic seizures. medications. However, when the epilepsy is medically in- that diminish the formation or action of norepinephrine
difficult clinically to distinguish between a primary general- What Stops the Generalized Tonic-­Clonic Attack? The tractable and does not respond to treatments, the EEG can and serotonin, such as lithium compounds, can be effective
ized seizure and a focal seizure that spreads rapidly. Gener- extreme neuronal overactivity during a tonic-­clonic attack sometimes be used to localize abnormal spiking waves origi- in treating the manic phase of the condition.
alized seizures are subdivided primarily on the basis of the is presumed to be caused by massive simultaneous activa- nating in areas of organic brain disease that predispose to It is presumed that the norepinephrine and serotonin
ictal motor manifestations which, in turn, depend on the tion of many reverberating neuronal pathways throughout focal epileptic attacks. Once such a focal point is found, sur- systems normally provide drive to the limbic areas of the
extent to which subcortical and brain stem regions partici- the brain. Although the factors that terminate the attack gical excision of the focus frequently prevents future attacks. brain to increase a person’s sense of well-­being and to cre-
pate in the seizure. are not well understood, it is likely that active inhibition oc- ate happiness, contentment, good appetite, appropriate sex
Roles of Specific Neurotransmitter Systems in drive, and psychomotor balance—although too much of a
curs by inhibitory neurons that have been activated by the Brain Disorders
Generalized Tonic-­Clonic (Grand Mal) Seizures) attack. good thing can cause mania. In support of this concept is
Generalized tonic-­clonic seizures, previously called grand Clinical studies of patients with different psychoses or dif- the fact that pleasure and reward centers of the hypothala-
Absence Seizures (Petit Mal Seizures) ferent types of dementia have suggested that many of these mus and surrounding areas receive large numbers of nerve
mal seizures, are characterized by an abrupt loss of con-
sciousness and extreme neuronal discharges in all areas of Absence seizures, formerly called petit mal seizures, usu- conditions result from diminished function of neurons endings from the norepinephrine and serotonin systems.
the brain—the cerebral cortex, the deeper parts of the cer- ally begin in childhood or early adolescence and account that secrete a specific neurotransmitter. Use of appropriate
drugs to counteract loss of the respective neurotransmitter Schizophrenia—Possible Exaggerated Function of Part
ebrum, and even the brain stem. Also, discharges transmit- for 15% to 20% of epilepsy cases in children. Absence sei- of the Dopamine System
ted all the way into the spinal cord sometimes cause gen- zures almost certainly involve the thalamocortical brain has been successful in treating some patients.
activating system. They are usually characterized by 3 to 30 In Chapter 57, we discussed the cause of Parkinson's Schizophrenia comes in many varieties. One of the most
eralized tonic seizures of the entire body, followed toward
seconds of unconsciousness or diminished consciousness, disease, which results from loss of neurons in the substan- common types is seen in the person who hears voices and
the end of the attack by alternating tonic and spasmodic
during which time the person often stares and has twitch- tia nigra, whose nerve endings secrete dopamine in the cau- has delusions, intense fear, or other types of feelings that
muscle contractions called tonic-­clonic seizures. Often the
like contractions of muscles, usually in the head region, date nucleus and putamen. Also in Chapter 57, we pointed are unreal. Many schizophrenics are highly paranoid, with
person bites or “swallows” his or her tongue and may have
especially blinking of the eyes; this phase is followed by a out that in Huntington's disease, loss of GABA-­secreting a sense of persecution from outside sources. They may de-
difficulty breathing, sometimes to the extent that cyanosis
rapid return of consciousness and resumption of previous neurons and acetylcholine-­secreting neurons is associated velop incoherent speech, dissociation of ideas, and abnor-
occurs. Also, signals transmitted from the brain to the vis-
activities. The total sequence is called the absence syndrome with specific abnormal motor patterns plus dementia oc- mal sequences of thought, and they are often withdrawn,
cera frequently cause urination and defecation.
or absence epilepsy. curring in the same patient. sometimes with abnormal posture and even rigidity.
The usual generalized tonic-­clonic seizure lasts from a
The patient may have one such attack in many months There are reasons to believe that schizophrenia results
few seconds to 3 to 4 minutes. It is also characterized by Depression and Manic-­Depressive Psychoses—
or, in rare cases, may have a rapid series of attacks, one after from one or more of three possibilities: (1) multiple areas in
postseizure depression of the entire nervous system; the Decreased Activity of the Norepinephrine and
the other. The usual course is for the absence seizures to the cerebral cortex prefrontal lobes in which neural signals
person remains in stupor for 1 minute to many minutes Serotonin Neurotransmitter Systems
appear first during childhood or adolescence and then to have become blocked or where processing of the signals be-
after the seizure attack is over and then often remains se-
Evidence has accumulated suggesting that mental depres- comes dysfunctional because many synapses normally excit-
verely fatigued and asleep for hours thereafter. disappear by the age of 30 years. On occasion, an absence
sion psychosis, which occurs in more than 8 million people ed by the neurotransmitter glutamate lose their responsive-
The top recording of Figure 60-­6 shows a typical EEG seizure will initiate a generalized tonic-­clonic (grand mal)
in the United States, might be caused by diminished for- ness to this transmitter; (2) excessive excitement of a group
from almost any region of the cortex during the tonic phase attack.
mation in the brain of norepinephrine or serotonin, or both. of neurons that secrete dopamine in the behavioral centers of
of generalized tonic-­clonic seizure. This demonstrates that The brain wave pattern in a person with absence seizure
(New evidence has implicated still other neurotransmit- the brain, including in the frontal lobes; and/or (3) abnormal
high-­voltage, high-­frequency discharges occur over the en- epilepsy is demonstrated by the middle recording of Figure
ters.) Depressed patients experience symptoms of grief, function of a crucial part of the brain’s limbic behavioral con-
tire cortex. Furthermore, the same type of discharge occurs 60-­6, which is typified by a spike and dome pattern. The
unhappiness, despair, and misery. In addition, they often trol system centered around the hippocampus.
on both sides of the brain at the same time, demonstrating spike and dome can be recorded over most or all of the

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Chapter 60 States of Brain Activity—Sleep, Brain Waves, Epilepsy, Psychoses, and Dementia UNIT XI The Nervous System: C. Motor and Integrative Neurophysiology

The reason for believing that the prefrontal lobes are in- disease approximately doubles with every 5 years beyond Iadecola C, Duering M, Hachinski V et al: Vascular cognitive impair- Mahoney CE, Cogswell A, Koralnik IJ, Scammell TE: The neurobiologi-
volved in schizophrenia is that a schizophrenic-­like pattern age 65, with about 30% of 85-­year-­olds having the disease. ment and dementia: JACC Scientific Expert Panel. J Am Coll Cardiol cal basis of narcolepsy. Nat Rev Neurosci 20:83, 2019.
of mental activity can be induced in monkeys by making Alzheimer's Disease Is Associated With Accumulation 73:3326, 2019. McCutcheon RA, Abi-­Dargham A, Howes OD: Schizophrenia, dopa-
multiple minute lesions in widespread areas of the prefron- Iadecola C, Gottesman RF: Neurovascular and cognitive dysfunction mine and the striatum: from biology to symptoms. Trends Neurosci
of Brain Beta-­Amyloid Peptide. Pathologically, one finds
in hypertension. Circ Res 124:1025, 2019. 42:205, 2019.
tal lobes. increased amounts of beta-­amyloid peptide in the brains of Irwin MR: Sleep and inflammation: partners in sickness and in health. Patel DC, Tewari BP, Chaunsali L, Sontheimer H: Neuron-­glia interactions
Dopamine has been implicated in schizophrenia be- patients with Alzheimer's disease. The peptide accumulates

Nat Rev Immunol 2019 Jul 9. doi: 10.1038/s41577-­019-­0190-­z in the pathophysiology of epilepsy. Nat Rev Neurosci 20:282, 2019.
cause schizophrenic-­like symptoms develop in many pa- in amyloid plaques, which range in diameter from 10 mi- Kisler K, Nelson AR, Montagne A, Zlokovic BV: Cerebral blood flow Poe GR: Sleep is for forgetting: J Neurosci 37:464, 2017.
tients with Parkinson's disease when they are treated with crometers to several hundred micrometers and are found regulation and neurovascular dysfunction in Alzheimer disease. Nat Rasch B, Born J: About sleep’s role in memory. Physiol Rev 93:681,
the drug called l-­dopa. This drug releases dopamine in the in widespread areas of the brain, including in the cerebral Rev Neurosci 18:419, 2017. 2013.
brain, which is advantageous for treating Parkinson's dis- cortex, hippocampus, basal ganglia, thalamus, and even Koch C, Massimini M, Boly M, Tononi G: Neural correlates of con- Sara SJ: Sleep to remember. J Neurosci 37:457, 2017.
ease, but at the same time it depresses various portions of the cerebellum. Thus, Alzheimer's disease appears to be a sciousness: progress and problems. Nat Rev Neurosci 17:307, Sweeney MD, Kisler K, Montagne A et al: The role of brain vascula-
the prefrontal lobes and other related areas. metabolic degenerative disease. 2016. ture in neurodegenerative disorders. Nat Neurosci 21:1318, 2018.
It has been suggested that in persons with schizophre- A key role for excess accumulation of beta-­amyloid pep- Krause AJ, Simon EB, Mander BA, et al: The sleep-­deprived human Thijs RD, Surges R, O’Brien TJ, Sander JW: Epilepsy in adults. Lancet
nia, excess dopamine is secreted by a group of dopamine-­ brain. Nat Rev Neurosci 18:404, 2017. 393:689, 2019.
tide in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease is suggested by
Lieberman JA, First MB: Psychotic disorders. N Engl J Med 379:270, Tononi G, Cirelli C: Sleep and synaptic down-­selection. Eur J Neurosci
secreting neurons whose cell bodies lie in the ventral teg- the following observations: (1) all currently known mutations 2018. 2019 Jan 5. https//
mentum of the mesencephalon, medial and superior to the associated with Alzheimer's disease increase the production
substantia nigra. These neurons give rise to the so-­called of beta-­amyloid peptide; (2) patients with trisomy 21 (Down
mesolimbic dopaminergic system that projects nerve fibers syndrome) have three copies of the gene for amyloid precur-
and dopamine secretion into the medial and anterior por- sor protein and develop neurological characteristics of Alz-
tions of the limbic system, especially into the hippocam- heimer's disease by midlife; (3) patients who have abnormality
pus, amygdala, anterior caudate nucleus, and portions of of a gene that controls apolipoprotein E, a blood protein that
the prefrontal lobes. All these areas are powerful behavioral transports cholesterol to the tissues, have accelerated deposi-
control centers. tion of amyloid and greatly increased risk for Alzheimer's dis-
An even more compelling reason for believing that ease; (4) transgenic mice that overproduce the human amyloid
schizophrenia might be caused by excess production of precursor protein have learning and memory deficits in as-
dopamine is that many drugs that are effective in treating sociation with the accumulation of amyloid plaques; and (5)
schizophrenia, such as chlorpromazine, haloperidol, and generation of anti-­amyloid antibodies in humans with Alzhei-
thiothixene, all either decrease secretion of dopamine at mer's disease appears to attenuate the disease process.
dopaminergic nerve endings or decrease the effect of do- Vascular Disorders May Contribute to Progression of
pamine on neurons. Alzheimer's Disease. There is also accumulating evidence
Finally, possible involvement of the hippocampus in that cerebrovascular disease caused by hypertension and
schizophrenia was discovered when it was learned that in atherosclerosis may play a key role in dementia associated
persons with schizophrenia, the hippocampus is often re- with Alzheimer's disease. Cerebrovascular disease is the
duced in size, especially in the dominant hemisphere. second most common cause of acquired cognitive impair-
ment and dementia and likely contributes to cognitive de-
Alzheimer's Disease—Amyloid Plaques and
cline in persons with Alzheimer's disease. In fact, many of
Depressed Memory
the common risk factors for cerebrovascular disease, such
Alzheimer's disease is defined as premature aging of the as hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia, are also rec-
brain, usually beginning in mid adult life and progressing ognized to greatly increase the risk for developing dementia
rapidly to extreme loss of mental powers—similar to that and progression of Alzheimer's disease. About 10% to 20%
seen in very old age. The clinical features of Alzheimer's of brains from individuals with dementia show evidence of
disease include (1) an amnesic type of memory impair- vascular dementia alone. In older individuals with Alzhei-
ment, (2) deterioration of language, and (3) visuospatial mer’s disease, vascular disease is common with about 50% of
deficits. Motor and sensory abnormalities, gait distur- patients having pathologic evidence of “silent strokes”—small
bances, and seizures are uncommon until the late phases of brain infarcts that cause no readily apparent symptoms but
the disease. One consistent finding in Alzheimer's disease could contribute to cognitive impairment.
is loss of neurons in the part of the limbic pathway that
drives the memory process. Loss of this memory function
is devastating. Bibliography
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