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On the backs of chairs - Make City Church Home QR Code showing

On chairs - SDCLC, Monthly card, Invite Card

-Reserve the two back rows with a rope
-Ushers should always seat people towards the front and center

Announcements looping on slides

Welcome - Tami - (2 min)

Note to Emcee: Let the congregation respond. If people begin to applaud ,wait until they are
done to begin speaking again.

Welcome! Pastor Jerry has been preaching a powerful series on Faith and Miracles! We
believe God wants to do a miracle for you. That’s what the scriptures promise us.

Here are a couple of the scriptures PJ is teaching from - we should make these our memory
verses. Let me read them to you.
● Hebrews 11:33 Through faith (we)...gain what was promised.
● Matthew 17:20 Faith…can say to this mountain, ‘Move’ - and it will move.

Declaration - Tami - (1 min)

We'd like to start our service by making a faith declaration together - believing God for
miracles. Can you read this with me?
Note to Emcee: Begin reading the declaration and then pull the mic away so the congregation
can lead the reading of the declaration.

DECLARATION: My church is a place of faith and miracles. I will see miracles in my family,
finances and health. I declare God is good. God is working. Good is coming!

God’s goodness will not be limited, hindered or stopped in my life. I declare I am blessed,
loved, valued and favored by God and others.

I am prosperous, successful, smart, healthy, strong, free from addictions and forgiven. I am
happy and at peace because I’m headed towards victory.

(Joe comes on stage while emcee reads scriptures)

Last Week Segment: Teams - Tami - (2 min)
It takes 100s of people to make this church work every Sunday. And I want to introduce you to
one of these people who recently signed up to help.

Interviewee will be Joe Pascua

Emcee: Question about Teams

Joe Pascua: ….
Emcee: I just love what God has been doing in our church and how He’s changed your life. And
I want to thank you again for giving back.

Amen. Thanks, guys! If you want to join a team text TEAMS to 97000 or just show up any
Sunday at 8:10am!

SERVICE COORDINATOR: Emcee will hold the mic the whole time. Interviewee does not need a

TECH: Ready with Teams Slide

If people don’t stand…Andy says: “We invite you to stand up as we worship together.”

Worship - (20 mins)

Note to Worship Leaders: Singers/Leaders are asked to refrain from talking or exhorting during
worship unless instructed otherwise.

Song 1 - I Believe - Brittne

Song 2 - See A Victory - Izzy/Andy

Song 3 - Worthy - Andy

Thank God Moment - Kris - (2 mins)

Kris prays - thanking God.
Amen. I’ve learned a really important lesson in God that I wanted to share with you. When
you’re thankful for what you have, God gives you more. I had a tired, worn-out, too small
house for my family of six plus our Mother-in-law who lives with us. And I found myself
complaining - “when, Lord, are you going to give me a bigger and better house?” and I heard
this principle: when you’re thankful for what you do have, God gives you more. So I started
thanking God for my house, and all the memories, bringing my babies home, xmases, birthday
parties celebrated there. And just this past year, God gave us a new home - the house of my
dreams with a swimming pool. AND a master suite area for my Mother-in-law. So what have
you been complaining about that you could turn around and start being thankful for? Is it an
old car, old job, old wife/husband (laugh)? Can we just pause together and say thank you to
God so He can bring new things into our lives. God gives more to the grateful person. That
reminds me of a scripture…

1 Thessalonians 5:16 - “Give thanks in all circumstances”

Giving - Kris - (3 mins)

New Language
We want to say THANK YOU to all of you who faithfully tithe every month. And those of you
who use online recurring giving - thank you!

If you’re just getting started with giving we want to celebrate you! Maybe the tithe (10%) feels
far off. Start where you can. If you’ve never started the journey of generosity, today is a great
day to start whether it's $10 or $10,000!

You can setup online recurring giving in less than 30 second right now by texting GIVINGSD to
97000 or scanning the QR code on the screen.

Ushers receive offering here.

If you’re new here, welcome to the City church. We like you already. My husband and I are the
Young Professional Pastors here. If you’re a Young Professional we’d really like to meet you.
We meet weekly at our house every ________ (Wednesday/Thursday?). Thank you!

Tech: Young Professionals Slide

Slides - SDCLC, Group Hosts, Men’s Business Prayer, FAME Prayer, Volunteer, Marriage Class,
Check In to Church

Message - Pastor Jerry - (40 min)

Salvation - Jenny - (2 mins)

Keep your eyes closed and head bowed let me pray with you-
If you don’t know Jesus or feel close to him let us pray with you to ask Jesus to come into your
life and make himself real to you.

If that’s you, raise your hand…

Repeat this prayer after me: Jesus I believe you are God. Please forgive me of my sins
and mistakes. I accept you as the Lord and leader of my life. Help me to get planted in a
good Bible believing church, like City Church, and grow as a Christian. Amen

If you prayed that prayer we believe you are a Christian and we encourage you to be faithful to
church where you can grow as a new Christian.

Make City Church Home (45s)

Connect Class : If you’re new, we would love you to make City Church your church home. We
have Connect Class every Sunday at 10:15 in room 102 and we will serve you hot coffee and
light breakfast brunch. At Connect Class you will hear our vision and find out God's purpose for
your life.

The Big Event Announcement - Marriage Class - (1 min) - Jenny

When your marriage is at peace it affects your entire life! This class is life changing and only
lasts one month. Starts next Sunday at 9:00am in Room 102. Text MARRIED to 97000 to
reserve your spot.

(Tech: Ready with Marriage Class slide)

The Last Thing (30s) - Jenny

Stand as we close…

(Tech have Sep 11th Invite Sunday slide ready)

Next week is our Invite Sunday will be September 11th - honoring First Responders. Every week
is a great week to invite someone to church but these Sundays are special - we do them so we
can reach people who are far from God and connect them to the love of Christ.
Come back next week as we continue the series on Faith: How to Get Your Miracle. Expect God
to bless you this week!

Announcements looping on slides directly after service as well.

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