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Other company information with a cooperative relationship with Party A

Party B shall not disclose Party A's trade secrets to a third party at any time during
its employment with Party A or upon the termination or termination of this Contract.
Upon termination or termination of this Contract, Party B shall return the property
provided by Party A and documents obtained by Party A to Party A (such as
documents, materials, drawings, tapes, disks, notes, etc.) involving Party A's operation,
and shall not transfer them to others or destroy or bring them out by itself.
After the termination or termination of this Contract, Party B shall not disclose the
trade secrets obtained during the employment period, unless Party B makes a prior
request to Party A in the legal counsel or other designed and obtains the written
approval from Party A.
All confidential documents must be properly kept and must not be used for purposes
not belonging by the Company contract of labour.

company contract
1、 本合同一经签订,即具法律效力。任何一方违约,需承担违约责任。
This contract shall have legal effect once signed.If either party breaches the contract,
it shall be liable for breach of contract.
2、 本合同一式两份,由甲乙双方各执一份。
This contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy.

甲方(公章) 乙方(手印)
Party A (Employer) Party B (Employee)

first party 甲 方 second party 乙 方

年 月 日 年 月 日

If Party B causes the economic losses to Party A during the
employment period, Party A still reserves the right to claim compensation
from Party B after the termination of the contract.

3、 有下列情形之一,乙方可随时通知甲方解除本合同,并要求甲方按照合
Under any of the following circumstances, Party B may notify Party A at any time to
terminate this Contract, and require Party A to normally pay wages and commission in
accordance with the contract, and deduct the compensation. The remaining wages
shall not be paid on the same day.

Party A uses violence, threat, imprisonment, abuse or illegally restrict personal
freedom to force labor

Party A fails to pay labor remuneration or provide working conditions in
accordance with this contract.

六、 商业秘密和知识产权
Trade secrets and intellectual property rights

Party A's trade secrets include

All documents, materials, manuscripts, forms and other business information
generated in the company, such as the customer list, cooperation purpose, price,
turnover, marketing, employee compensation, whether oral, written or computer
documents, whether customers or the company are business secrets.

Contact information and address of the company's employees and leaders

The company's business model

Serious violation of labor discipline or Party A's rules and regulations

In the communication with customers, the service attitude is bad, causing
significant damage to the company's reputation

If Party A needs to adjust Party B's work content due to business operation,
Party B still refuses to accept it after being provided with the post transfer

Party B's reputation, image, business and other losses are caused to Party A
due to party B's personal immoral or uncivilized behavior

Violence, intimidation, and menace against colleagues

Stay late or leave early for continuous absenteeism

Deliberately incite employees to strike, or promote unreasonable
company statements


If an employee needs to terminate the employment relationship with the

company in advance due to personal reasons, he / she shall submit an
application to the direct department head one month in advance, and then
the department head shall hand it over to the company leader
If the resignation application is not made one month in advance, and the
work cannot be handed over, only the salary of the previous month will be
paid, and the salary of the current month will not be paid. In addition, the
employee who resigned in the current month will only be paid the salary of
the current month, and the commission of the current month will not be

4、 乙方在合同期间的所有工薪待遇根据甲方在签订合同时给出的规定执
All wages of Party B during the contract period shall be paid in accordance with the
provisions given by Party A when signing the contract.(The detailed salary and
treatment shall be specified in party A's company rules and regulations)

四、 劳动纪律
labour discipline

1、 乙方应遵守甲方制定的规章制度;严格遵守劳动安全卫生、操作规程和
Party B shall abide by the rules and regulations formulated by Party A; strictly abide
by labor safety and hygiene, operation rules and work norms; and take good care of
Party A's property.

2、 遵守职业道德;积极参加甲方组织的培训,提高思想觉悟和职业技能 ,
Abide by professional ethics; actively participate in the training organized by Party A,
improve ideological awareness and professional skills, and strictly implement the
rules of this Contract.

五、 劳动合同的变更、终止、解除
Modification, termination and rescission of a labor contract

1、 经甲乙双方协商同意,可以变更本合同相关内容或者解除合同
With the agreement of both parties, the relevant contents of this Contract may
be changed or terminate
2、 乙方有下列情形之一,甲方可以解除劳动合同,而无任何经济补偿,并
If Party B has any of the following circumstances, Party A may terminate the
labor contract without any economic compensation

During the probation period, it is proved not to meet the requirements for

Party B cannot meet Party A's employment requirements of the recruitment
(the superior of Party B's position has the right to determine whether Party B
meets the employment conditions)

During the period of employment with Party A, Party B shall always
guarantee to complete the delivered work tasks and perform its duties in
accordance with the requirements of Party A.

Party B shall not engage in other company work or private business in any
form during the contract period.

二、 劳动保护和劳动教育
Labor protection and labor education

1、 公司实行定时工作制度,每日工作 12 个小时,月休 1 日,由公司安排。

The company implements the regular working system, working 12hours a day, off 1
day per month, arranged by the company.If Party A has no monthly rest, Party B will
be rewarded for full attendance.In case of physical discomfort, the department
supervisor should be informed in advance, and the department supervisor should
allocate appropriate working hours to give him a rest.

2、 甲方负责对乙方进行业务技术、业务话术以及劳动安全,宿舍卫生及安
Party A shall be responsible for the education and training of Party B on the rules and
regulations concerning business technology, business skills, labor safety, dormitory
health and safety hazards.

三、 劳动报酬
remuneration of labor

1、 甲方按乙方的职责、绩效进行报酬分配。乙方在受聘期间必须遵守收入
Party A shall distribute the remuneration according to Party B's responsibilities and
performance.Party B shall abide by the income confidentiality system during the
period of employment

2、 甲方可以根据乙方的业务能力及为公司做出的贡献调整乙方的薪资。
Party A may adjust Party B's salary according to Party B's business ability and
contribution to the Company

3、 随着岗位的变动,乙方可享受甲方提供新岗位的对应标准薪资。
With the position change, Party B may enjoy the corresponding standard salary
provided by Party A for the new position


Party B shall submit the resignation during the contract period, and the
superior leaders of the company shall bear the expenses for Party B, such as: daily
necessities, Covid testing fee, isolation fee, introduction fee, fare, loan, fine, birthday
gift, and monthly subsidy (the remaining expenses paid by Party A) shall be borne by
Party B.If Party A violates any provision of Articles (5.2) of this Contract, Party B
shall be deemed to have unilaterally broken the contract, and Party A shall have the
right not to settle Party B's wages.

4、 甲方代为支付费用说明以及赔付期限
Party A shall pay the fee description and the period of compensation

Compensation for one month: daily necessities, living allowance issued,
and party A for the previous company for Party B

Not done for half a year to pay: Covid testing fee, isolation fee,
introduction fee, fare, reimbursement compensation fee, apply for the
month of borrowing, monthly fine

Those who receive holiday benefits and birthday benefits need to delay
payment of related benefits for three months without compensation.

5、 工作内容
job content

Party B agrees to undertake the work and responsibilities in the Company
according to party A's work needs

Party A may adjust Party B's work position according to the needs of the
company's operation and management and Party B's business ability and
work performance


contract of labour
Employer 甲 方 Employee 乙 方

年 月 日 年 月 日

Party A shall employ Party B as an employee of the company due to its work
needs.Party A and Party B agree to enter into this Contract and abide by the terms set
forth herein.

一、 劳动合同期限与规定以及费用说明
Labor contract term and regulations and cost description

1、 本合同期限类型以离职为固定期限合同
The term type of this contract is a fixed term contract

2、 本合同有效日期自 ( 年 月 日)至办理离职手续
终止。(其中 年 月 日至 年 月 日 为 30 天
This contract is valid from ( year month day) until the
termination of resignation procedures.
(where year month day to year month
day is the 30-day trial period)
试用期以 30 天为期限,若通过试用期,则为转正,按正常工资结算。未
The probation period lasts for 30 days. If the probation period is passed, the
employee will be promoted to a regular employee and will be settled according to the
normal salary. Employees who fail the probation period will receive no salary. (Please
check this article carefully to see if you have any objections. If you have no objections,
you can sign the contract, which will take effect immediately)
3、 乙方在合同期提交离职,本公司上级领导审批此期间甲方为乙方所承担费

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