Plant Kingdom Unit Test

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The Plant Kingdom Unit Test

Directions: Use the life cycle below to answer questions 1 – 4.

1. Label each of the lettered structures.












____________________________________2. What is the name of this organism?

____________________________________3. To what group of plants does this organism belong?

____________________________________4. What is the dominant generation in this life cycle?

Questions 5 – 9: Fill in the Blanks:

____________________________________5. Strengthening tissue found in the cell walls of plants.

____________________________________6. Name given to the diploid phase of the life cycle.

____________________________________7. Name given to the haploid phase of the life cycle.

____________________________________8. Plants produce spores by what process?

____________________________________9. Name given to the body of the liverwort.

Copyright © Amy Brown Science

Directions: Use the life cycle below to answer questions 10 – 17.

10. Label each of the lettered structures.












____________________________________11. What is the name of this organism?

____________________________________12. To what group of plants does this organism belong?

____________________________________13. What is the dominant generation in this life cycle?

____________________________________14. Which generation is shown at Roman Number I?

____________________________________15. Which generation is shown at Roman Number II?

____________________________________16. Is the plant at Roman Number III the male or the female
____________________________________17. Is the plant at Roman Number IV the male or the female gametophyte?

Questions 18 – 23: Fill in the Blanks:

____________________________________18. Waxy outer covering that helps to prevent water loss in land plants.

____________________________________19. Root like structures that do not contain xylem or phloem.

____________________________________20. The young gametophyte plant in the mosses.

____________________________________21. What type of vascular tissue carries water from the roots to the
Copyright © Amy Brown Science
____________________________________22. Plants are composed of _____ cells, which means that each cell has a
nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.
____________________________________23. The plant life cycle that includes both a sexual phase and an asexual
phase is called _____.

Directions: Use the life cycle below to answer questions 24 – 31.

24. Label each of the lettered structures.




















________________________________25. What is the name of this organism?

________________________________26. To what group of plants does this organism belong?

Copyright © Amy Brown Science
________________________________27. What is the dominant generation in this life cycle?

________________________________28. What generation is represented at Roman Numeral I?

________________________________29. What generation is represented at Roman Numeral II?

________________________________30. What process occurs at Roman Numeral III?

________________________________31. What process occurs at Roman Numeral IV?

________________________________32. In all three life cycles seen above, how do sperm cells reach the egg cells?

Use the key below to answer questions 33 – 39.

A. True of Ferns C. True of Neither Mosses nor Ferns

B. True of Mosses D. True of Both Mosses and Ferns

__________33. These plants are tied to a watery environment ONLY because of their reproduction.

__________34. These plants are tied to a watery environment because of a lack of vascular tissue.

__________35. These plants are bryophytes

__________36. These plants are producers of pollen and seeds.

__________37. These plants have motile gametes.

__________38. These plants have a dominant gametophyte generation.

__________39. These plants are tracheophytes.

Questions 40 – 46: Fill in the Blanks:

____________________________________40. Tissue in a plant that is capable of nearly unlimited cell division

causing growth of roots and stems.
____________________________________41. A polymer that strengthens the walls of xylem vessels.

____________________________________42. Name given to an underground stem.

____________________________________43. The leaf of a fern.

____________________________________44. The young gametophyte plant of a fern.

____________________________________45. The first leaf or pair of leaves produced by the embryo of a seed plant.

____________________________________46. Name given to a root system that consists only of a mass of smaller
Copyright © Amy Brown Science
Questions 47 – 62: Multiple Choice
__________47. All of the following provide evidence that the green algae were the ancestors of the land
plants EXCEPT:
(a) The algae carry out photosynthesis using chlorophylls a and b. (b) The algae have
cellulose in their cell walls. (c) The algae have true roots, stems, and leaves.
(d) The green algae are multicellular and are composed of eukaryotic cells.

__________48. All of the following are advantages to a life on land EXCEPT:

(a) There is an abundance of available water. (b) There is an abundance of light.
(c) Carbon dioxide is plentiful. (d) The soil is rich in mineral nutrients.

__________49. The sporophyte generation in mosses begins with:

(a) spore formation (b) growth of the protonema (c) fertilization of the egg and
formation of the zygote (d) the germination of the spore.

__________50. Ferns are considered intermediate between the tracheophytes and the bryophytes
(a) ferns require water for fertilization (b) ferns do not have a dominant sporophyte
generation (c) ferns do not have true roots, although they do have true stems and leaves
(d) ferns do not have conducting tissue.

__________51. In the bryophytes, the zygote develops inside a multicellular structure called the:
(a) sporangium (b) antheridium (c) archegonium (d) sporophyte (e) ovary.

__________52. Bryophytes have all of the following characteristics except:

(a) multicellular (b) specialized cells and tissues (c) lignified vascular tissue
(d) walled spores in sporangia (e) a reduced, dependent sporophyte.

__________53. In the life cycle of all land plants, there is true alternation of generations. Consequently:
(a) haploid sporophytes make haploid spores (b) gametophytes produce spores that
develop into gametes (c) sporophytes and gametophytes are typically similar in
appearance (d) meiosis in sporophytes produces haploid spores (e) in plants, either the
gametophytes or the sporophytes are unicellular.

__________54. Plant spores give rise directly to:

(a) sporophytes (b) gametes (c) gametophytes (d) zygotes (e) seeds.

__________55. Which of the following statements is true of archegonia?

(a) They are the sites where male gametes are produced.
(b) They may temporarily contain sporophyte embryos.
(c) They are the same things as sporangia.
(d) The are the ancestral versions of animal gonads
(e) They are asexual reproductive structures.

__________56. Which one of the following was not a problem for the first land plants?
(a) sources of water (b) sperm transfer (c) desiccation (d) animal predation
(e) support against gravity.

__________57. The following plant structures are all adaptations specifically for a terrestrial environment
except: (a) roots (b) xylem (c) cell walls (d) waxy cuticle (e) seeds.
Copyright © Amy Brown Science
__________58. The following are all true about the life cycle of mosses except: (a) external water is
required for fertilization (b) flagellated sperm are produced (c) antheridia and
archegonia are produced by gametophytes (d) gametes are directly produced by meiosis
(e) gametophytes arise from the protonema.

__________59. Plant spores are produced directly by:

(a) sporophytes (b) gametes (c) gametophytes (d) gametangia (e) seeds.

__________60. In bryophytes, water passes from cell to cell by:

(a) absorption (b) transpiration (c) osmosis (d) water conducting tubes.

__________61. Which of the following is not common to all phyla of vascular plants?
(a) the development of seeds (b) alternation of generations (c) dominance of the
diploid generation (d) xylem and phloem (e) the addition of lignin to the xylem wall.

__________62. In plants, which one of the following is produced by meiosis?

(a) haploid sporophyte (b) haploid gametes (c) diploid gametes (d) haploid spores
(e) diploid spores

Use the key below to answer questions 63 – 70.

A. True of angiosperms C. True of Neither angiosperms nor gymnosperms

B. True of gymnosperms D. True of Both angiosperms and gymnosperms

__________63. Plants that produce seeds.

__________64. Plants that have vascular tissue and true roots, stems, and leaves.
__________65. Includes the cone bearing plants.
__________66. Are tracheophytes.
__________67. Have motile gametes.
__________68. Includes the flowering plants.
__________69. Deliver the sperm to the egg via pollen grains.
__________70. This group has leaves reduced to needles to reduce water lost from the leaf.

__________71. In tracheophytes, the products of photosynthesis are transported by the:

(a) xylem (b) phloem (c) tracheids (d) cuticle.

__________72. Which one of the following is the egg producing structure in a bryophyte?
(a) sporangium (b) archegonium (c) antheridium (d) rhizome.

__________73. All of the following are parts of a seed except:

(a) pollen (b) a food supply (c) a seed coat (d) an embryo plant.

__________74. What is the dominant generation in the vascular plants?

(a) sporophyte (b) sporangium (c) gametophyte (d) protonema (e) prothallus.
Copyright © Amy Brown Science
__________75. Seeds provide all of the following advantages to plant reproduction except:
(a) protection to the plant embryo (b) a method of dispersal for the plant (c) a means
to deliver the sperm to the egg (d) a source of nutrition for a developing embryo.

__________76. Some plants are placed in a group termed “nonvascular plants” because of which one of the
following? (a) They have no protection from dehydration. (b) They do not produce
pollen or seeds. (c) They do not contain xylem and phloem. (d) They always have a
dominant gametophyte generation.

__________77. Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of ALL plants?

(a) composed of eukaryotic cells (b) are multicellular (c) produce seeds (d) contain
cellulose in the cell wall.

__________78. All of the following are haploid structures except:

(a) spores (b) protonema (c) gametophyte plants (d) antheridia (e) zygotes.

__________79. The number of cotyledons distinguishes:

(a) mosses from liverworts (b) the classes of the angiosperms (c) angiosperms from
gymnosperms (d) vascular from nonvascular plants (e) bryophytes from tracheophytes.

__________80. Which one of the following is the sperm producing structure in a bryophyte?
(a) sporangium (b) archegonium (c) antheridium (d) rhizome.

Use the key below to answer questions 81 – 92.

A. True of Monocots C. True of Neither Monocots nor Dicots

B. True of Dicots D. True of Both Monocots and Dicots

__________81. Plants whose leaves have netted venation.

__________82. Flower parts are present in multiples of 3.
__________83. Fibrous root system is present.
__________84. The vascular tissue in the stem is arranged in a ring.
__________85. Plants that produce seeds.
__________86. Plants whose seeds have one cotyledon.
__________87. These plants have vascular tissue.
__________88. Taproot system is present.
__________89. The vascular tissue in the stem is scattered throughout the stem.
__________90. Flower parts are present in multiples of 4 or 5.
__________91. Plants whose leaves have parallel venation.
__________92. Plants whose seeds have two cotyledons.

Copyright © Amy Brown Science


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