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 DOI 10.1515/jmsp-2013-0010 J. Manuf. Sci. Prod.

2013; 13(3): 183 – 197

Ranjeet Kumar Sahu, S.S. Mahapatra* and Anoop Kumar Sood

A Study on Dimensional Accuracy of Fused

Deposition Modeling (FDM) Processed Parts
using Fuzzy Logic
Abstract: Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) is an additive 1 Introduction
manufacturing technology for rapid prototyping that can
build intricate parts in minimal time with least human To remain competitive in the market, reduction in product
­intervention. The process parameters such as layer thick- development time became a major concern for industries
ness, orientation, raster angle, raster width and air gap and hence, industries are looking forward to shift their
largely influence on dimensional accuracy of built parts focus from traditional product development methodology
which can be expressed as change in length, width and to rapid fabrication techniques. A wide variety of parts
thickness. This paper presents experimental data and a building methods have been developed but most of these
fuzzy decision making logic in integration with the methods require a long process cycle, laborious and/or
Taguchi method for improving the dimensional accuracy energy intensive. Obviously, new and effective fabrication
of FDM processed ABSP 400 parts. It is observed that techniques are highly desirable for prototypes. Applica-
length and width decreases but thickness shows positive tion of rapid prototyping (RP) technologies enables one to
deviation from desired value of the built part. Experimen- develop prototype parts quickly to a great extent [29].
tal results indicate that optimal factor settings for each Rapid prototyping refers to a number of automated ma-
response are different. Therefore, all the three responses chines or manufacturing methods like stereo lithography
are expressed in a single response index through fuzzy (SL), fused deposition modeling (FDM), selective laser-­
logic approach. The process parameters are optimized sintering (SLS), and laminated object manufacturing
with consideration of all the performance characteristics (LOM) which rapidly fabricate three dimensional (3D)
simultaneously. Finally, an inference engine is developed solid models from CAD data automatically without appli-
to perform the inference operations on the rules for fuzzy cation of tooling and least human intervention with rea-
prediction model based on Mamdani method. Experimen- sonable time and cost [26]. A Rapid Prototyping method
tal results are provided to confirm the effectiveness of the normally begins with creating a CAD file (in STL file
proposed approach. The predicted results are in good format) to represent the object geometry, slicing this file
agreement with the values from the experimental data into a multiple-layer data format representing the hori-
with average percentage error of less than 4.5. zontal cross sections of the part and corresponding to the
virtual cross section from the CAD model, each layer is
Keywords: fused deposition modeling (FDM), acrylonitrile- built on the preceding layer by a particular material fab­
butadine-styrene (ABSP400), dimensional accuracy, rication technology and are joined automatically to create
fuzzy logic, multiresponse performance characteristic the final model or part. In this study, the RP technique
uses fused deposition modeling (FDM) as an additive
manufacturing technology to fabricate 3D parts. Fused
*Corresponding author: S.S. Mahapatra: Department of Mechanical
Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela 769008,
deposition modeling, first introduced in the late 1980s,
India. E-mail: was developed to produce high quality 3D built parts with
Ranjeet Kumar Sahu: Department of Mechanical Engineering, complex geometries.
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela 769008, India Today, the fused deposition modeling processed parts
Anoop Kumar Sood: Department of Manufacturing Engineering, are widely used in automobiles, household equipments,
National Institute of Foundry and Forge Technology, Ranchi 834003,
aerospace industries, medical fields, computers, con-
struction of machines etc. Although advantages in terms
of reduction in time for production of complex shape
parts can be achieved but full scale application of RP

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t­ echnology has not gained much emphasis because influ- 2 Literature review
ence of various process parameters on part strength,
surface quality, build time and dimensional accuracy of A study made by Vasudevarao et al. [27] shows that when
built parts have not been adequately addressed [21, 9]. parts are fabricated using ABS 400 plastic on a FDM 1650
Hence, it is absolutely necessary to understand the short- machine, layer thickness and part orientation s­ ignificantly
comings of a process before recommending for industrial affect surface roughness. Es Said et al. [8] have observed
application. It has been proposed that improvement of that raster angle causes anisotropic behavior of FDM built
surface quality, part strength, build time, accuracy and parts and orientation influences alignment of polymer
repeatability are key issues to be addressed for successful molecules along the direction of deposition during fab­
implementation of RP technology [9]. For achieving better rication. Since semi-molten filament is extruded from
dimensional ­accuracy of FDM built parts, it is important to nozzle tip and solidified in a chamber maintained at
study effect of process parameters on responses. Usually, certain temperature, change of phase is likely to occur. As
the desired fused deposition modeling process parame- a result, volumetric shrinkage takes place resulting in
ters are determined based on experience or referring to weak interlayer bonding and high porosity. Khan et al. [10]
machine manual/handbook. However, this does not have identified important parameters and their levels for
ensure that the selected process parameters result in improving the flexibility of FDM built parts using design
optimal or near optimal response for that particular FDM of experiments approach. They have concluded that layer
machine and ­environment. thickness, raster angle and air gap influence the elastic
Therefore, an alternative approach based on the performance of the FDM ABS prototype. Anitha et al. [2]
Taguchi method is used in this study as an efficient uses Taguchi method to determine the effect of layer thick-
method to determine the optimal process parameters. ness, raster width and deposition speed each at three
This method provides a simple and systematic approach levels on the surface roughness of FDM part. The results
to optimizing designs for performance, quality and cost indicate that layer thickness is the most influencing
[22]. Parameter design, based on the Taguchi method, can process parameter affecting surface roughness followed
optimize the performance characteristic through the by raster width and deposition speed. Several attempts
setting of process parameters and can reduce the sensi­ have been made to improve the part accuracy, surface
tivity of the system performance to sources of variation. finish, strength etc. by proper adjustment of process
Taguchi method understand the process parameters and ­parameters by numerous researchers. Lee et al. [11] have
their interaction on responses like accuracy of dimensions performed experiments on cylindrical parts made through
in different directions of fused deposition modeling built three RP processes FDM, 3D printer and nano- composite
parts with minimum experimental runs [23]. However, deposition (NCDS) to study the effect of build direction
most published Taguchi applications to date have been on compressive strength. Experimental results show that
concerned with the optimization of a single performance parts build by NCDS are highly affected by the build direc-
characteristic. When multiple performance c­ haracteristics tion. When material is extruded from nozzle, it cools from
are considered, the Taguchi approach becomes unsuitable glass transition temperature to chamber temperature
because several problems are encountered in the optimi- causing inner stresses to be developed due to uneven
zation of a process with multiple responses [7]. Therefore, deposition speed resulting in inter layer and intra layer
in this study, the use of fuzzy decision-making logic to deformation that appear in the form of cracking, de-­
perform fuzzy reasoning of multiple performance charac- lamination or even part fabrication failure. These phe-
teristics has been used. It is shown that optimization of nomena combine to affect the part strength and dimen-
multiple performance characteristics can be transformed sion [15]. It has been observed that deformation is more in
into optimization of a single performance index through bottom layers than upper layers. Higher the stacking
fuzzy logic. As a result, the integration of fuzzy logic with section lengths, deformation becomes larger. If chamber
the Taguchi method can be used to solve optimization of temperature increases, deformation will gradually de-
the multiple performance characteristics. Optimization of crease and become zero when chamber temperature
multi-output performance measures such as change in equals glass transition temperature of material. There-
length, width and thickness of FDM built parts is studied fore, it is proposed that material used for part fabrication
using the proposed approach. All the responses need to be must have lower glass transition temperature and linear
individually minimized whereas overall multi-response shrinkage rate. Also the extruded fibre length must be
performance index, the multiperformance characteristic, small. Simulation of FDM process using finite element
is maximized. analysis (FEA) shows that distortion of parts is mainly

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caused due to accumulation of residual stresses at the Therefore, it is desirable to establish optimal parameter
bottom surface of the part during fabrication [6]. Pandey settings through a structured methodology for obtaining
and Ragunath [19] have shown that laser power and scan the better dimensional accuracy of FDM processed part.
length are most influencing process variables along X
­direction, laser power and beam speed are significant
along Y direction and beam speed, hatch spacing and part 3 Experimental details
build temperature are significant along Z direction while
studying shrinkage phenomena in SLS part. Zhou et al. FDM is one of the rapid prototyping processes that build
[31] have studied the effect of five control factors such as part of any geometry by sequential deposition of material
layer thickness, overcure, hatch spacing, blade gap, and on a layer by layer basis. Unlike other RP systems which
part location on build platform and few selected interac- involve an array of lasers, powders and resins, this process
tions on the accuracy of SLS parts. It has been observed uses heated thermoplastic filaments which are extruded
that the factor settings for maximum accuracy depend on from the tip of nozzle. The material used is preferably one
geometrical features in the part. Campanelli et al. [4] have which will melt at a pre-selected temperature and rapidly
recommended that hatch overcure and border overcure solidify upon adhering to the previous layer. FDM use sep-
must be set at their maximum level for improving part arate nozzles for part material deposition and support
­accuracy when layer thickness is maintained at high level. structural material deposition, both works alternatively
If low layer thickness is desired then hatch overcure [23]. In this process, the part material deposition nozzle is
should be maintained at medium level and border over- heated to melt and extrude out thermoplastic material.
cure at maximum level. These process settings not only The first layer of a solidifying material dispensed from the
improve part accuracy but also eliminate the necessity for nozzle is deposited on to a surface of the platform as
post curing the SLS parts. Venkata et al. [28] have pointed shown in Figure 1 and upon completion of the first layer, a
out that orientation is an important process parameter for second layer of material is then deposited onto the first
part strength, dimensional accuracy, surface finish, part layer and adhered thereto. These procedures are repeated
build time and cost in layered manufacturing. Sood et al. until the 3-D physical model is obtained [17, 26].
[23] have empirically show that mechanical properties like Previous research suggests that major part of quality
tensile strength and flexural strength uniformly decreases output of FDM processed part primarily depends on few
with increase in orientation angle. The major reasons for control factors [2, 10, 11, 27]. Based on this, five important
decrease in mechanical properties may be attributed to control factors such as layer thickness (A), part build ori-
void formation and thermally induced stresses in FDM entation (B), raster angle (C), raster width (D) and raster to
built parts. Such detrimental effects may be reduced by raster gap (air gap) (E) and each at three level are consid-
proper adjustment of part orientation along with other ered to study dimensional accuracy of FDM processed
process parameters. Bellehumeur et al. [3] have experi- component. They are briefly defined as follows [24, 28]:
mentally demonstrated that bond quality between adja-
cent filaments depends on envelope temperature and vari-
ations in the convective conditions within the building
part while testing FDM specimen strength. A number of
researchers suggest that quality of built parts can be sig-
nificantly enhanced without incurring any additional cost
in hardware and software if process parameters are prop-
erly adjusted during fabrication stage [5, 18]. The forego-
ing discussions reveal that properties of FDM processed
parts are sensitive to processing parameters because pa-
rameters affect meso-structure. Also non-uniform heating
and cooling cycles due to inherent nature of FDM build
methodology results in stress accumulation in the built
part resulting in distortion and dimensional inaccuracy
which are primarily responsible for weak bonding [15].
Based on literature study, it has been found that the effect
of process parameters in improving dimensional accuracy
of FDM built parts have been devoted to a limited extent. Fig. 1: A schematic representation of FDM process

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Table 1: Parameters and their levels.

Fixed Parameters Control Parameters

Parameter Value Unit Parameter Symbol Level Unit

1 2 3

Part fill style Perimeter/raster − Layer thickness A 0.127 0.178 0.254 mm

Contour width 0.4064 mm Orientation B 0 15 30 degree
Part interior style Solid normal − Raster angle C 0 30 60 degree
Visible surface Normal raster − Raster width D 0.4064 0.4564 0.5064 mm
X Y & Z shrink factor 1.0038 − Air gap E 0 0.004 0.008 mm
Perimeter to raster air gap 0.0000 mm

A. Layer thickness: It is a thickness of layer deposited by

nozzle and depends upon the type of nozzle used.
B. Orientation: Part build orientation or orientation
refers to the inclination of part in a build platform
with respect to X, Y, Z axis where X and Y-axis are con-
sidered parallel to build platform and Z-axis is along
the direction of part build.
C. Raster angle: It is the direction of raster relative to the
X-axis of build table.
Fig. 2: Linear graph
D. Part raster width (raster width): Width of raster
pattern used to fill interior regions of part curves.
E. Raster to raster gap (air gap): It is the gap between two confounding effect, assignment of factors and interac-
adjacent rasters on same layer. tions is made based on linear graph as shown in Figure 2.
Each dot in the linear graph represents the factor with
The selected control parameters and their values at differ- ­assigned column number in the bracket and line joining
ent levels are listed in Table 1 and other parameters (Table two dots corresponds to the interaction between the
1) are kept at their fixed level. factors assigned to the column numbers shown on the
Study of five factors at three levels requires 243 (35) lines. Out of several parameters, part orientation seems to
experiments if classical design of experiment (DOE) is influence to a greater extent than any other parameter.
used but same statistically valid results can be obtained if Therefore, in this study, interaction of orientation with all
Taguchi method is adopted with lesser number of experi- other factors is considered and so it is assigned to column
ments [25]. number 5. In order to change the layer thickness, nozzle
In Taguchi design, selection of orthogonal array is an has to be changed. Frequent change of nozzles is time con-
important issue for obtaining valid conclusions and this is suming and involves wastage of material. To prevent this,
used for design of experimental plan and experiments are layer thickness is assigned to column number 1. Factor C is
carried out according to designed plan. To select an assigned to column 2, factor D is assigned to column 9 and
­appropriate orthogonal array for experiments, the total factor E is assigned to column 10 as indicated by linear
degrees of freedom must be computed. Here, four interac- graph. The experimental layout showing the FDM process
tion effects are considered as there is more interaction parameters and their levels using L27 orthogonal array are
between FDM process parameters during experimenta- presented in Table 2.
tion. Since five factors each at three level and four inter­ 3D solid model of test part as shown in Figure 3 is
actions are considered in this study, the total degree of modeled in CATIA V5 software and exported as STL file.
freedom happens to be 26. Once the degrees of freedom STL file is imported to FDM software (Insight).
are known, next step is to select an orthogonal array to fit Here, control parameters (Table 1) are set as per exper-
the specific task. In this study, the appropriate orthogonal iment layout (Table 2) and other parameters (Table 1) are
array is L27 (313). This array consists of 13 columns for kept at fixed level. Three parts per experiment are fabri-
­assigning factors and/or interaction and 27 rows for desig- cated using FDM Vantage SE machine. The material used
nating the trial or experimental conditions. To avoid the for part fabrication is ABS Plastic 400. Three readings of

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Table 2: Experimental layout using an L27 orthogonal array with S/N 4 Analysis
ratio data

Exp. no. FDM parameter level S/N ratio (dB) 4.1 Signal-to-noise ratio
In the Taguchi method, a loss function is defined to calcu-
1 1 1 1 1 1 26.7448 24.4515 18.6660 late the deviation between the experimental value and the
2 1 2 1 2 2 20.3636 27.2702 16.1042 desired value. The signal to noise ratio (S/N) ratio is used
3 1 3 1 3 3 21.3810 21.5871 19.7180 to determine the performance characteristics deviating
4 1 1 2 2 2 28.2683 22.6979 19.4449
from the desired values. The advantage of using S/N ratio
5 1 2 2 3 3 16.3289 26.0380 16.2892
6 1 3 2 1 1 16.9972 27.2702 19.4449 is that it uses a single measure, loss function, which incor-
7 1 1 3 3 3 32.9178 25.4655 17.9513 porates the effect of changes in mean as well as the varia-
8 1 2 3 1 1 19.1721 23.5305 15.9176 tion (standard deviation) with equal priority. Moreover,
9 1 3 3 2 2 20.5374 23.9719 16.4840 the results behave linearly when expressed in terms of S/N
10 2 1 1 2 3 40.0873 33.9794 19.4449
ratios. The linear behavior of results is an assumption nec-
11 2 2 1 3 1 31.5024 22.3154 15.2240
essary to express performance in the optimum condition.
12 2 3 1 1 2 25.0362 26.0380 14.8945
13 2 1 2 3 1 22.2364 28.7304 16.6773 Usually, there are three categories of performance char­
14 2 2 2 1 2 18.9692 27.2702 14.2754 acteristic in the analysis of the signal-to-noise ratio, that
15 2 3 2 2 3 19.5021 28.7304 14.8945 is, the lower-the-better, the higher-the-better, and the
16 2 1 3 1 2 24.3505 28.7304 18.4246 nominal-the-better. Regardless of the category of the per-
17 2 2 3 2 3 22.6979 23.5305 15.3910
formance characteristics, the larger signal to noise ratio
18 2 3 3 3 1 28.4043 28.7304 16.6773
19 3 1 1 3 2 24.8369 34.0229 11.5910 corresponds to the better performance characteristic.
20 3 2 1 1 3 25.9170 27.5350 8.3292 Therefore, the optimal level of the process parameters is
21 3 3 1 2 1 18.4672 32.4320 8.4824 the level with the highest signal-to-noise ratio. Objective
22 3 1 2 1 3 29.5511 34.8945 9.2034 of experimental layout is to reduce the change in length
23 3 2 2 2 1 30.8727 27.9588 7.5350 (ΔL), width (ΔW) and thickness (ΔT) respectively. Hence,
24 3 3 2 3 2 20.2377 30.4866 11.8149
lower-the-better quality characteristic is considered. The
25 3 1 3 2 1 34.0229 31.0568 11.5910
26 3 2 3 3 2 26.2673 27.9588 9.2865 signal-to-noise ratio (ηij ) of lower-the-better performance
27 3 3 3 1 3 33.7227 27.9588 10.2686 characteristic can be expressed as:

ηij = −10 log(L ij ) (2)

1 n 2
L ij = ∑ y ijk
n K =1

where Lij is the loss function of the ith performance char-

Fig. 3: Test specimen for dimensional analysis (dimensions are acteristic in the jth experiment, n is the number of repeti-
in mm)
tions and yijk is the experimental value of the ith perfor-
mance characteristic in the jth experiment at the kth
length, width and thickness are taken per sample and
mean is taken as representative value for each of these
dimensions. Dimensions are measured using Mitutoyo
vernier calliper having least count of 0.01 mm. Change in
dimension is calculated using Eq. (1). 4.2 Analysis of variance

ΔX = | X − X CAD | (1) Experimental analysis is made using Minitab R14 soft-

ware. Main effect plot for S/N ratio is used to predict the
where X is the measured value of length or width or thick- optimum factor level. Furthermore, a statistical analysis
ness, XCAD represent the respective CAD model value and of variance (ANOVA) is performed to identify the process
ΔX represent change in X. Measured values show that parameters and interactions that significantly affect the
there is shrinkage in length (L) and width (W) but thick- performance characteristic. The percentage contribution
ness (T) is always more than the CAD model value. (%P) of various process parameters and interactions on

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the selected performance characteristic can be estimated

by performing ANOVA test. In addition, significance of
factors and interactions can also be determined by com-
paring calculated F-value with standard F-value at a par-
ticular level of confidence (95% in this study). Thus, infor-
mation about the effect of each controlled parameter on
the quality characteristic of interest can be obtained. Cal-
culations needed for ANOVA are shown from Eqs. (4)–(6).

 3  A2  T 2
=SS A ∑  l  − (4) Fig. 4: Structure of the three-input-one-output fuzzy logic unit.
 l = 1  ηAl  N
 x1: S/N ratio for change in length, x2: S/N ratio for change in width,
x3: S/N ratio for change in thickness, y: Multi-Response Performance
where SSA is sum of square of factor A, Al is sum of the Index.
observed data associated with lth level of factor A, ηAl is
number of observations associated with lth level of factor different responses in the Taguchi method, the S/N ratios
A, T is sum of all experimental observation and N total corresponding to the ΔL, ΔW and ΔT are processed by the
number of observations. fuzzy logic unit.
Without prejudice to the above general expression
(Eq. (4)), variation due to the other control factors can also
be determined. 4.3 Fuzzy logic unit
 c  (A × B)2  T 2 The structure of a three-input-one-output fuzzy logic unit
SS A×B  ∑ 
= m
 − − SS A − SSB (5)
m = 1  η(A×B)m  N is shown in Figure 4 [14, 30]. As outlined in Figure 4, a
fuzzy logic unit comprises of a fuzzifier, knowledge base
where SSA×B is variation due to the interaction of factors A (membership functions and fuzzy rule base), an inference
and B, (A × B)m represent sum of data under the mth condi- engine, and a defuzzifier. These components are described
tion of the combinations of factor A and B, c is number of below:
possible combinations of the interacting factors and –– Fuzzifier: The real input to the fuzzy system is applied
η(A×B)m represents number of data points under this to the fuzzzifier. In fuzzy literature, this input is called
­condition. crisp input since it contains precise information about
Without prejudice to the above general expression the specific information about the parameter. The
(Eq. (5)), variation due to the interaction of other control fuzzifier converts this precise quantity to the form of
factors viz., B × C, B × D and B × E can also be determined. imprecise quantity like ‘small’, ‘medium’, ‘large’ etc.
with a degree of membership to it. Typically, the value
T2 ranges from 0 to 1.
= ∑ yk2 − N (6)
–– Knowledge base: The main part of the fuzzy system is
k =1
the knowledge base in which both rule base and data-
where SST is a total sum of square, yk is experimental value base are jointly referred. The database defines the
of each observation from k = 1 to N. If error degree of membership functions of the fuzzy sets used in the
freedom becomes zero then factors and interactions fuzzy rules where as the rule base contains a number
having small SS values in comparison to maximum SS of fuzzy if-then rules.
present in the ANOVA table are pooled. –– Inference engine: The fuzzy inference engine or infer-
Three performance measures – change in length, ence system or decision-making unit performs the
width and thickness are considered with an aim to mini- ­inference operations on the rules. It handles the way
mize all these simultaneously at the single factor level in which the rules are combined.
setting. However, the Taguchi method is best suitable for –– Defuzzifier: The output generated by the inference
optimization of a single performance characteristic block is always fuzzy in nature. A real world system
whereas fuzzy logic unit combine the entire considered will always require the output of the fuzzy system to
performance characteristic (objectives) into a single value the crisp. The job of the defuzzifier is to receive the
that can be used as the single characteristic in optimiza- fuzzy input and provide real output. In operation, it
tion problems. In the present study, to consider the three works opposite to the input block.

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In general two most popular fuzzy inference systems ratio of change in length, width and thickness and output
are available: Mamdani fuzzy model and Sugeno fuzzy variable is multiresponse performance index. The uni-
model. The selection depends on the fuzzy reasoning and verse of discourse was also decided on the basis of the
formulation of fuzzy IF-THEN rules. Mamdani fuzzy model physical nature of the problem. In the selection proce-
is based on the collections of IF-THEN rules with both dure, the above mentioned inputs and output were taken
fuzzy antecedent and consequent predicts [13]. The benefit in the form of linguistic format which displayed an
of this model is that the rule base is generally provided by ­important role in the application of fuzzy logic.
an expert and hence to a certain degree it is translucent For example, S/N ratio of change in length = {small,
to explanation and study. Because of its ease, Mamdani medium, large}, S/N ratio of change in width = {small,
model is still most commonly used technique for solving medium, large}, S/N ratio of change in thickness = {small,
many real world problems. medium, large}. The output variable, multiresponse per-
formance index is divided into = {Tiny, very small, small,
small medium, medium, medium large, large, very large,
4.3.1 Development of Mamdani fuzzy model huge}. Linguistic variables are those variables whose
values are words in a natural or artificial language and
In the present study, an attempt was made to use fuzzy meaning remains same but form varies.
system (Mamdani model) to estimate the performance
index of multiple performance characteristics. With avail- S  election of membership functions for input and
ability of set of measured data, input and output of the
output variables
fuzzy system would be able to evaluate the output for any
Linguistic values were expressed in the form of fuzzy sets.
given input even if a specific input condition had not been
A fuzzy set is usually defined by its membership func-
covered in the building stage. The proposed Mamdani
tions. In general, triangular and trapezoidal membership
fuzzy model for evaluation of multiresponse performance
functions were used to normalize the crisp inputs because
index is presented in Figure 5. The given model was a
of their simplicity and computational efficiency. The trian-
multi input and single output model.
gular membership function as described in Eq. (7) is used
The methodology for the development of fuzzy model
to convert the linguistic values in the range of 0 to 1.
involved the following steps:
i. Selection of input and output variables,
0, x≤a 
ii. Selection of membership functions for input and  
output variables, x − a , a ≤ x ≤ b
 
iii. Formation of linguistic rule base, and triangle (x; a, b, c ) =  b − a 
iv. Defuzzification. c − x , b≤x≤c
c − b 
0, c≤x 
  Selection of input and output variables or more compactly, by
The first step in system modeling was the identification of
  x −a c −x  
input and output variables called the system’s variables. triangle (x; a, b, c ) = max  min  ,  ,0  (7)

In this study, the input variables for fuzzy system are S/N   b−a c −b  

Fig. 5: Structure of Mamdani fuzzy rule based system for evaluating multiresponse-performance index (MRPI)

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where a, b, c are the parameters of the linguistic value and 5 Results and discussion
x is the range of the input variables.
In this proposed model, each input have three trian- Experimental data on change in dimension based on the
gular membership functions, where the output of the pro- experimental layout is converted to S/N ratio value as
posed model has nine triangular membership functions. shown in Table 2 using Eq. (2) for lower the better quality
The system’s input variables as shown in Figure 4 are con- characteristic. Main effect plots for S/N ratio of three
verted to linguistic values depending on grade of member- ­responses as shown in Figure 6 gives the optimum factor
ship to the linguistic variable. Similarly, the output, MRPI levels which are presented in Table 6. The significant
is divided into nine output zones. The output is expressed factors and interactions (Table 6) are identified using
in linguistic terms based on grade of membership. ANOVA shown in Tables 3–5 for ΔL, ΔW and ΔT,
From Table 6, it has been found that change in length
is minimum at A3 = 0.254 mm, B1 = 00, C3 = 600, D2 = 0.4564 Formation of linguistic rule-base
mm and E3 = 0.008 mm, change in width is minimum at
The relationship between input and the output were
A3 = 0.254 mm, B1 = 00, C2 = 300, D2 = 0.4564 mm and
­represented in the form of if-then rules. As per the fuzzy
E3 = 0.008 mm and change in thickness is minimum at
system, the inputs x1, x2, x3 had three membership func-
A1 = 0.127 mm, B1 = 00, C1 = 00, D3 = 0.5064 mm and
tions each, hence 27 (33) rules can be made. In Mamdani
E2 = 0.004 mm. Table 6 also shows that A, B, C, B × D, B × E
fuzzy model, max-min inference was applied. The rules
are the significant factors and interactions for affecting
of the mamdani fuzzy system with three inputs, x1, x2, and
change in length; A, B, A × B, B × E for affecting change in
x3, and one output y, were generated in the following
width; A, B, B × D for affecting change in thickness.
From Table 2, it is observed that shrinkage is pre­
dominant in length and width direction but dimension
Rule 1: If x1 is A1, x2 is B1 and x3 is C1, then y is D1 else increases from its desired value in thickness direction.
Rule 2: If x1 is A2, x2 is B2 and x3 is C2, then y is D2 else Shrinkage along length and width may be attributed to the
.. development of inner stresses resulting from the contrac-
tion of depositing fibre. When cooling from extrusion
Rule n: If x1 is An, x2 is Bn and x3 is Cn, then y is Dn.
­temperature to glass transition temperature, the depos-
ited thermoplastic fibre may be subjected to contraction.
However, at this temperature range the deposited fibre
Ai, Bi, Ci and Di are fuzzy subsets defined by the corre-
can acquire a large deformation with less force and capac-
sponding membership functions, i.e. m Ai , m Bi, mCi and m Di .
ity to resist outside force is small. Therefore, in spite of
Further, larger the multi-response performance index is,
contraction, the inner stresses are not accumulated [1].
the better the performance characteristic and thus, gives
But when cooling from glass transition temperature to
the optimum factor levels.
build chamber temperature, stress (σ) given by equation 9
is developed. Defuzzification − Ea ΔT
σ= (9)
In this proposed model, a defuzzification method, called
the centre of gravity method [32], is adopted to trans- where E is Young’s modulus of elasticity, a is coefficient of
form the fuzzy inference output into a non-fuzzy value, thermal expansion and DT is change in temperature. But
that is in FDM, heating and rapid cooling cycles of the material
result in non-uniform temperature gradients. This cause
stresses to build up leading to distortion, dimensional
Σym D (y)
y0 = (8) inaccuracy and inner layer cracking (Figure 7) or de-­
Σm D (y)
lamination [15]. The reasons for the beneath case are
­explained as follows:
where m D (y) is the membership function of the output of 1. In FDM, heat is dissipated by conduction and forced
fuzzy reasoning, y is output variable (range → 0 to 1) and convection and the reduction in temperature caused
in this study, y0 is the non-fuzzy value which is called a by these processes forces the material to quickly solid-
multiresponse performance index (MRPI). ify onto the surrounding filaments. Bonding between

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Table 3: ANOVA for ΔL

Source DOF SS MS F %P

A 2 100.892 50.446 2.76 10.67

B 2 226.056 113.03 6.19 23.91
C 2 95.39 47.695 2.61 10.08
D* 12.376 6.188 0.33 1.34
E* 62.016 31.008 1.69 6.55
A × B* 68.116 17.029 0.93 7.2
B × C* 76.581 19.145 1.04 8.1
B×D 4 169.326 42.331 2.32 17.91
B×E 4 134.642 33.66 1.84 14.24
Error 12 219.089 18.257
Total 26 945.393 100

* Pooled

Table 4: ANOVA for ΔW

Source DOF SS MS F %P

A 2 150.35 75.175 34.22 44.44

B 2 52.264 26.132 11.89 15.44
C* 9.932 4.966 2.26 2.93
D* 2.248 1.124 0.51 0.66
E* 0.593 0.297 0.14 0.21
A×B 4 53.452 13.363 6.08 15.79
B × C* 15.277 3.819 1.74 4.51
B × D* 2.703 0.676 0.31 0.79
B×E 4 51.534 12.883 5.86 15.23
Error 14 30.753 2.197
Total 26 338.353 100

* Pooled

Table 5: ANOVA for ΔT

Source DOF SS MS F %P

A 2 322.682 161.341 169.3 83.17

B 2 34.031 17.016 17.86 8.77
C* 0.529 0.265 0.28 0.18
D* 2.52 1.26 1.32 0.64
E* 0.249 0.125 0.13 0.06
A × B* 5.973 1.493 1.57 1.53
B × C* 5.644 1.411 1.48 1.45
B×D 4 14.091 3.523 3.7 3.63
B × E* 2.246 0.561 0.59 0.57
Error 18 17.161 0.953
Fig. 6: Main effect plot (a) ΔL, (b) ΔW and (c) ΔT for S/N ratio Total 26 387.966 100
(smaller is better)
* Pooled

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192 R. K. Sahu et al., Dimensional Accuracy of FDM Processed Parts

Table 6: Optimum factor level with significant factors and


Factor Change in length Change in width Change in


A 3 3 1
B 1 1 1
C 3 2 1
D 2 2 3
E 3 3 2
Significant A, B, C, B × D, B × E A, B, A × B, B × E A, B, B × D

Fig. 8: SEM image showing air gap

Fig. 7: SEM image of crack between two rasters Fig. 9: Orientation of part with respect to the base

the filaments is caused by local re-melting of previ- desired temperature for regaining its original shape
ously solidified material and diffusion. This results in and in the mean time new material will be deposited
uneven heating and cooling of material and develops and contraction of previously deposited material will
non-uniform temperature gradients. As a result, be constrained.
uniform stress will not be developed in the deposited 5. The gap between two rasters in a single layer and
material and it may not regain its original dimension voids between rasters of two adjacent layers as shown
completely. in Figure 8 also effect the heat dissipation and thus
2. Speed at which nozzle is depositing the material may may decrease the residual stress. Note that the surfaces
alter the heating and cooling cycle and results in of the test part are examined by scanning electron
­different degree of thermal gradient and thus also ­microscope (SEM) JEOL JSM-6480LV in the LV mode.
affects the part accuracy [6].
3. The pattern used to deposit a material in a layer has a But in case of thickness, it seems that increase is
significant effect on the resulting stresses and defor- mainly caused due to prevention of shape error and
mation. Higher stresses will be found along the long ­positive slicing method [12, 20]. Consider Figure 9, which
axis of deposition line. Therefore, short raster length shows that height of test part (H) is function of its inclina-
is preferred along the long axis of part to reduce the tion (θ) with respect to build platform, length (L) and
stresses [16]. thickness (T). Height of part consider in this work at
4. Stress accumulation also increase with layer thick- maximum orientation of 30° will be 43.48 mm. If we slice
ness and road width [6]. But the thick layer also means it with minimum thickness of 0.127 mm, total 342.36 slices
fewer layers, which may reduce the number of heating will be required by simple arithmetic. Material flow rate is
and cooling cycles. Also, a smaller road width will constant, so 0.36 has no meaning and it will be rounded
input less heat into the system within the specified off to nearest whole number. But to prevent shape error it
period of time but requires more loops to fill a certain will round off to one and machine will deposit 343 slices.
area. More loops means more time required for depo- This argument is true for any orientation of part.
sition of single layer and more non-uniform nozzle Diffusion of material between neighboring rasters
speed. This will keep the deposited material above its also produces the bump because of overfilling at contact

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Table 7: Inputs and output with their linguistic values and fuzzy

Serial System’s Variables Linguistic Fuzzy interval

no. linguistic values

1 Input S/N ratio of Small 16–26 (dB)

change in Medium 18–38 (dB)
length Large 30–40 (dB)

2 Input S/N ratio of Small 21–27 (dB)

change in Medium 22–34 (dB)
Fig. 10: SEM image of part showing overfilling at the contact of two width Large 29–35 (dB)
3 Input S/N ratio of Small 6–12 (dB)
change in Medium 7–19 (dB)
thickness Large 14–20 (dB)

area which results in uneven layer as shown in Figure 10. 4 Output Multiresponse- Tiny 0–0.1125
As a result, the next layer which will be deposited on this performance Very small 0.0125–0.2375
layer will not get the even planer surface and may result in index Small 0.1375–0.3625
Small medium 0.2625–0.4875
increase in dimension along the part build direction.
Medium 0.3875–0.6125
These observations show that large number of factors,
Medium large 0.5125–0.7375
independently or in combination with each other are Large 0.6375–0.8625
­influencing the dimensional accuracy of FDM part. From Very large 0.7625–0.9875
Table 6, it is observed that significant factor and inter­ Huge 0.8875–1
actions are different for different dimensions. Further,
optimum factor levels are different in three directions.
However, actual fabrication of part is to be done in a
manner so that all the dimensions should reach a target
value simultaneously, at the common factor level setting.
For this, fuzzy decision making logic is used. Fuzzy logic
approach has ability to combine all the objectives and
transform them into single performance index and give
the factor levels which satisfy all the considered objectives
simultaneously [32]. In the present study, S/N ratio for ΔL,
ΔW and ΔT is taken as system’s input linguistic variables
and MRPI as output linguistic variable for fuzzy logic Fig. 11: Membership functions for change in length
­approach. Table 7 shows the linguistic variables, their lin-
guistic value, and associated fuzzy intervals derived from
Table 2 and range of output as mentioned above. From
this, graphical representation of input membership func-
tions are shown in Figures 11 to 13 in which three fuzzy
subsets are assigned in the three inputs and output mem-
bership functions is shown in Figure 14 in which fifteen
fuzzy subsets are assigned in the output (Multiresponse
performance index). Various degrees of membership of
the fuzzy sets are calculated based on the values of x1, x2,
x3 and y.
Twenty-seven fuzzy rules (Table 8) are directly derived Fig. 12: Membership functions for change in width
based on the fact that the larger the signal-to-noise ratio
is, the better the performance characteristic. By taking the Suppose x1, x2, x3 are the three input values of the
maximum-minimum compositional operation [32], the fuzzy logic unit, the membership function of the output of
fuzzy reasoning of these rules yields a fuzzy output. fuzzy reasoning can be expressed as:

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194 R. K. Sahu et al., Dimensional Accuracy of FDM Processed Parts

Based on the above discussion, the larger the MRPI is,

the smaller the variance of performance characteristics
around the desired value. Table 9 shows the experimental
results for the Multi-response performance index using
the experimental layout (Table 2).
Main factor plot for multiresponse performance index
(Figure 16) gives the optimum factor level as A2, B1, C1, D2,
E3. ANOVA for multiresponse performance index is shown
in Table 10.
Fig. 13: Membership functions for change in thickness Results of the analysis of variance for MRPI indicate
that A, B, C, E and B × C, B × D, B × E are the significant
factors and interactions for affecting the multiple perfor-
mance characteristics, where part orientation is the most
significant. In addition, the change of raster width (D) in
the range given by Table 1 and interaction A × B have
­insignificant effect on the defined multiresponse perfor-
mance index. Therefore, based on the above discussion,
the optimal combination of FDM process parameters are
the layer thickness at level 1, the orientation at level 1, the
raster angle at level 1, the raster width at level 2, and the
air gap at level 3. This result is consistent with the experi-
mental result reported in Sood et al. [23] at optimal setting
Fig. 14: Membership functions for Multiresponse performance index parametric combination. Further, an optimal setting of
parametric combination – A2, B1, C1, D3 and E3 is taken
beyond the domain of the experimental layout (Table 2)
for prediction and verification in the improvement of the
m D (y) = ( m A1 (x 1 ) ∧ m B1 (x 2 ) ∧ mC1 (x 3 ) ∧ m D1 (y))
performance characteristic. Since part orientation seems
∨ ( m An (x 1 ) ∧ m Bn (x 2 ) ∧ mCn (x 3 ) ∧ m Dn (y)) (10)
to influence to a great extent as compared to other factors,
therefore selection of orientation is very important for
where ∨ is the minimum operation and ∧ is the maximum ­obtaining accuracy in part dimensions and higher quality
operation. in dimensional accuracy of FDM processed part can be
Finally, the defuzzifier transforms the fuzzy inference achieved with minimum part orientation. However, the
output mD(y) into a non-fuzzy value y0, which is known as relative importance of the different FDM process parame-
multiresponse performance index by using equation 8. In ters for the multiple performance characteristics must still
this study, the rule base implementation in fuzzy logic be known so that the optimal combination of the parame-
toolbox in MATLAB was represented in Figure 15. ter levels can be determined more accurately.

Table 8: Fuzzy rule table

Multiresponse S/N ratio of ΔL

performance index
Small Medium Large

S/N ratio of ΔT Small Medium Large Small Medium Large Small Medium Large

S/N ratio Small Tiny Very Small Small Small Medium Small Medium Large
of ΔW Small Medium
Medium Very Small Medium Small Medium Medium Medium Large Very Large
Small Medium Medium Large
Large Small Medium Medium Medium Medium Large Medium Very Huge
Large Large Large Large

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Fig. 15: Creating rule base for fuzzy system by fuzzy logic tool box of Matlab

Table 9: Results for the multiresponse performance index the final step is to predict and verify the improvement of
the performance characteristic using the optimal combi-
Experiment no. Multiresponse performance index nation level of the significant process parameters. The
1 0.549 predicted S/N ratio (ηpre ) of multiresponse performance
2 0.473 index using the optimal level of the process parameters
3 0.36 can be calculated as:
4 0.521
5 0.364
6 0.500 ηpre =ηm + (A i − ηm ) + (B j − ηm ) + (C k − ηm ) + (Dl − ηm )
7 0.645 + (En − ηm ) + [(A iB j − ηm ) − (A i − ηm ) − (B j − ηm )]
8 0.303
9 0.346
+ [(B j C k − ηm ) − (B j − ηm ) − (C k − ηm )]
10 0.963 + [(B j Dl − ηm ) − (B j − ηm ) − (Dl − ηm )]
11 0.498
+ [(B j E n − ηm ) − (B j − ηm ) − (En − ηm )] (11)
12 0.446
13 0.505
14 0.406 where ηm is the total mean of the multiresponse perfor-
15 0.438
mance index, A i , B j , C k , Dl , En are the mean of multire-
16 0.572
17 0.358
sponse performance index for significant factor A, B, C, D,
18 0.566 E, at the optimal level i, j, k, l, n (i, j, k, l, n = 1, 2, 3), respec-
19 0.564 tively. Factors and interactions which are insignificant
20 0.407 will be omitted from equation 11.
21 0.307 Based on Eq. (11), the predicted multiresponse perfor-
22 0.556
mance index using the optimal process parameters can
23 0.442
24 0.446 then be obtained. Table 11 shows the results of the confir-
25 0.669 mation experiment.
26 0.433 Table 11 clearly shows that the S/N ratio of change in
27 0.563 length, width and thickness of FDM processed parts at the
optimal setting has increased as compared with the initial
setting of parametric combination and thus, the change in
6 Confirmation tests dimensions has decreased through this study. Small error
in the tune of 4–5% indicates that the Taguchi experimen-
Once the optimal level of the process parameters is se- tal plan has proceeded in a smooth manner and proposed
lected and significant factors and interactions are known, predictive equation (Eq. (11)) is valid.

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196 R. K. Sahu et al., Dimensional Accuracy of FDM Processed Parts

Fig. 16: Main factor effect plot for multiresponse performance index

Table 10: ANOVA for Multiresponse performance index

Source DOF SS MS F %P 7 Conclusions

A 2 0.0266 0.0133 8.87 5.56
B 2 0.2227 0.1114 74.27 46.59
In the present work, application of fuzzy logic reasoning
C 2 0.0089 0.0045 3.00 1.90 using the Taguchi method for improvement of ­dimensional
D* 0.0026 0.0013 0.86 0.56 accuracy of FDM processed part is studied. The optimiza-
E 2 0.0117 0.0059 3.93 2.45 tion of the process parameters for minimum change in
A × B* 0.0066 0.0016 1.06 1.38 length, width and thickness has been performed individu-
B×C 4 0.0697 0.0174 11.6 14.58
ally. But, it has been observed that a large number of con-
B×D 4 0.0807 0.0202 13.47 16.88
B×E 4 0.0483 0.0121 8.07 10.10 flicting factors independently or in interaction with others
Error 6 0.0092 0.0015 may influence the dimensional accuracy. Few of them
Total 26 0.478 100 have more influence in comparison to others. Therefore,
* Pooled
instead of considering factor settings in an arbitrary
manner, it is proposed that fabrication process must be
based on optimum settings obtained through a structured
Table 11: Results of the confirmation experiment methodology. It is desirable to fabricate the parts in such a
manner that all the dimensions should show minimum
Initial FDM Optimal FDM parameters deviation from desired value simultaneously, at the
Parameters common factor level setting. As a result, fuzzy logic
Prediction Experiment
method is adopted and the performance characteristics
Level A1B1C1 D1E1 A2B1C1D2E3 A2B1C1D2E3 such as change in length, width and thickness can be
ΔL 26.7448 40.0873
simultaneously considered and improved through this
ΔW 24.4515 33.9794
ΔT 18.666 19.4449 ­approach. After carrying out experimental investigations
MRPI 0.549 0.925 0.963 for selecting optimum combination of process parameters
(Improvement in MRPI = 0.414, % of prediction error = 4.00) on FDM part dimensions, the following conclusions can
Level A1B1C1 D1E1 A2B1C1D3E3 A2B1C1D3E3
be drawn:
ΔL 26.7448 39.0156 1. The optimal levels of process parameters for minimum
ΔW 24.4515 32.8413 change in length, width and thickness are: Layer
ΔT 18.666 19.3396 thickness of 0.178 mm, orientation of 0°, raster angle
MRPI 0.549 0.793 0.828 of 0°, raster width of 0.4564 mm and air gap of 0.008
(Improvement in MRPI = 0.279, % of prediction error = 4.22)

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