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Financial Inclusion of Street Vendor after Digitalisation

Name of the Vendor (Optional) :- _______________________________________________

1) Gender : Male : Female : Prefer Not to say :

a a
2) Age: 18-25 yrs 26-35 yrs v36-45 yrs 46 – 55 yrs v 55 yrs and above
a a a a
a a
v v v v
3) What Type of Business you are carrying: v v
a a a a
a) Retailer v v v v

b) Street Vendor
4) Education Background:

a) No Formal Education:
b) Primary School
c) Secondary School
d) Higher Secondary School
e) Vocational Training
f) College University
5) How many years you have been working as Street Vendor / Retailer

a) Less than 1 year

b) 1 year – 5 year
c) 6 year – 10 year
d) More than 10 years
6) Do you have formal Bank Account for your business:
a) Yes
b) No
c) If No, Specify the Reason: ____________________________________________

7) Do you use any digital payment method for your business:

a) Yes
b) No

8) If you are accepting digital payment, specify the method:

a) Mobile Wallet
b) UPI
c) POS
9) Have you experienced any changes in your income since incorporating Digital Payment methods?

a) Increased

b) No Change

c) Decreased

10) What Factors Influence your decision to use or not to use digital payment method? (Select all
that applicable.
a) Accessibility
b) Ease to Use
c) Trust in Technology
d) Transaction Fees
e) Lack of Awareness
f) Internet Connectivity
g) Other Pl Specify: ____________________________________________

11) Are you interested in accessing credit or loans to expand your business:

a) Yes
b) No

12) Have you already enjoying any loan, overdraft or other credit facilities from your Bank

a) Yes
b) No

13) Do you need loan for your business, if yes, Loan amount required for your business:

a) Less than 1 Lac

b) 1 Lac – 3 Lac
c) 3 lacs – 5 lacs
d) 5 Lacs and above

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