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SUBJECT: Basic Technology

CLASS: Year 9
DURATION: 80mins
DATE: 30-03/11/2023
TOPIC: Introduction to Orthographic drawing (first angle orthographic drawing)
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to
do the following:

1. Define Orthographic drawing

2. State methods of presenting orthographic drawing
3. Draw in first angle orthographic drawing

 Engineering drawing with worked examples volume 1, chapter 4, Page 43-64.
Parker and pickup. Rhombic concept publication
 Technical drawing for school certificate and GCE. JN GREEN, Spectrum
 Standout basic technology for Jss3. Oladinika Gbenga
 Basic technology for schools an colleges book 1,2&3. Micheal Olaniyan
 Basic technology made easy for Jss2 Agejevwie Benaiah. O
 New Excellence in Basic science and Technology. NERDC Cambridge
university press. Jss3
 French curves, tee-square, a pair of compass, a pair of divider, metre rule.
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNICS: demonstration method, tee-square, set-square,
student centred method.
ENTRY BEHAVIOUR: students might have seen a building plan before, they use
to drawing in pictorial drawing.
INTRODUCTION: Orthographic is a multi-view drawing. It requires more than one
view to fully describe an object. It is a working drawing.
Orthographic drawing gives detailed and accurate information of an Object or
article that is to produce or fabricated in the workshop.

CONTENT: Orthographic is a multi-view drawing. It requires more than one view

to fully describe an object. It is a working drawing.
Orthographic drawing gives detailed and accurate information of an Object or
article that is to produce or fabricated in the workshop.
It has two methods of presentations namely
1. First angle orthographic drawing
2. Third angle orthographic drawing
First angle orthographic drawing
In first angle orthographic drawing, the plan is drawn direct below the front view,
while the end view is drawn adjacent to the right hand side of the front view.
i. The topic is introduced to the students by explaining and defining the concept
to the students.
ii. The methods of presenting orthographic drawing is stated and explained to the
students. The students listen, take notes and ask questions.
iii. The step procedure for drawing first angle orthographic drawing is explained
and demonstrated on the board for the students.
iv. The students listen, take notes, draws and ask questions.
Average students; defines orthographic draw drawing, first angle orthographic
drawing and state the methods of presenting orthographic drawing.
Above average students: draws engineering components and blocks in first angle
orthographic drawing.
Orthographic drawing is multi view drawing that’s why its use as a working. It is
bedrock of architectural drawing.
1. What is orthographic drawing?
2. State the methods of presenting orthographic drawing.
1. Draw the orthographic view shown below.
2. Technical drawing for school certificate and GCE. JN Green.
Pg. 162-171, nos. 14-29

Remarks: _____________ H.O.D’S SIGNATURE & DATE: __________________

SUBJECT: Design and Technology
CLASS: Year 9
DURATION: 80mins
DATE: 6-10/11/2023
TOPIC: Introduction to Orthographic drawing (first angle orthographic drawing)
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to
do the following:

1. Define Orthographic drawing

2. State methods of presenting orthographic drawing
3. Draw in third angle orthographic drawing

 Engineering drawing with worked examples volume 1, chapter 4, Page 43-64.
Parker and pickup. Rhombic concept publication
 Technical drawing for school certificate and GCE. JN GREEN, Spectrum
 Standout basic technology for Jss3. Oladinika Gbenga
 Basic technology for schools an colleges book 1,2&3. Micheal Olaniyan
 Basic technology made easy for Jss2 Agejevwie Benaiah. O
 New Excellence in Basic science and Technology. NERDC Cambridge
university press. Jss3
 French curves, tee-square, a pair of compass, a pair of divider, metre rule.
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNICS: demonstration method, tee-square, set-square,
student centred method.
ENTRY BEHAVIOUR: students have seen a building plan before, they use to
drawing in pictorial drawing.
INTRODUCTION: Orthographic is a multi-view drawing. It requires more than one
view to fully describe an object. It is a working drawing.
Orthographic drawing gives detailed and accurate information of an Object or
article that is to produce or fabricated in the workshop.
CONTENT: Orthographic is a multi-view drawing. It requires more than one view
to fully describe an object. It is a working drawing.
Orthographic drawing gives detailed and accurate information of an Object or
article that is to produce or fabricated in the workshop.
It has two methods of presentations namely:
1. First angle orthographic drawing
2. Third angle orthographic drawing

Third angle orthographic drawing

In third angle orthographic drawing the plan is drawn direct above the front view
while the end view is draw adjacent to the right hand side of the front view.
i. The topic is introduced to the students by explaining and defining the concept
to the students.
ii. The methods of presenting orthographic drawing is stated and explained to the
students. The students listen, take notes and ask questions.
iii. The step procedure for drawing third angle orthographic drawing is explained
and demonstrated on the board for the students.
iv. The students listen, take notes, draws and ask questions.
Average students; defines orthographic draw drawing, third angle orthographic
drawing and state the methods of presenting orthographic drawing.
Above average students: draws engineering components and blocks in third angle
orthographic drawing.
Orthographic drawing is multi view drawing that’s why its use as a working. It is
bedrock of architectural drawing.
1. What is orthographic drawing?
2. State the methods of presenting orthographic drawing.
1. Draw the orthographic view shown below.
Technical drawing for school certificate and GCE. JN Green.
Pg. 162-171, nos. 14-29

Remarks: _____________ H.O.D’S SIGNATURE & DATE: __________________

SUBJECT: Basic Technology
CLASS: Year 9
WEEK: 10
DURATION: 80mins
DATE: 13-17/11/2023

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to
do the following:

1. Define the following: (a) Blue print reading (b) Location plan (c) Site plan (d)
Floor plan

2. Identify any elevation in a building plan.

3. Identify roof plan, window and door schedules.

4. State the functions of the following: (a) Septic tank (b) Soak away pit (c)

5. Identify at least twenty building symbols.

 Engineering drawing with worked examples volume 1, chapter 4, Page 43-64.
Parker and pickup. Rhombic concept publication
 Technical drawing for school certificate and GCE. JN GREEN, Spectrum
 Standout basic technology for Jss3. Oladinika Gbenga
 Basic technology for schools an colleges book 1,2&3. Micheal Olaniyan
 Basic technology made easy for Jss2 Agejevwie Benaiah. O
 New Excellence in Basic science and Technology. NERDC Cambridge
university press. Jss3
 French curves, tee-square, a pair of compass, a pair of divider, metre rule.
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNICS: demonstration method, tee-square, set-square,
student centred method.
ENTRY BEHAVIOUR: students might have seen a building plan before, they use
to drawing in pictorial drawing.
Blue print is defined as a photographic print of a building plan drawn

in black and white lines on a blue background.

Blue print is defined as a photographic print of a building plan drawn

in black and white lines on a blue background.

Plan: This is a detailed drawing of a building by an architect, showing the size,

shape and measurements of the building.

Building Plan: This is a line diagram showing the various apartments or rooms

drawn to scale showing the architectural symbols.

Location Plan: The location plan shows all the buildings and areas

surrounding any particular house to be constructed.

Site Plan: This is a drawing showing the length and breadth of the plot of

land for the required building and the length and breadth of the particular

building or flat to be erected. It also shows the access roads and its distance

to the location.

Floor Plan: This is plan that shows the detailed apartments including the

sanitary equipment in a proposed building. The floor plan is usually

sectioned (cut) as AA, BB, CC, DD, etc.

Sections on a Floor Plan: This is a plan showing the exact outlook of a

sectioned (cut) part of a building. The sectioned portion on any building

varies from one to the other.

Foundation Details: In this drawing, an architect shows the detailed

dimensions from floor level of a building to the ground level and to the

foundation. The different parts of the foundation, the materials and their

details are well analyzed in this drawing.


i. Front Elevation: This is a view of a building looking at the floor plan

directly from the front. It shows the height of the wall and the roof pattern.

ii. Rear (Back) Elevation: This means looking at the floor plan from the

back (rear) view. This view also shows the height of the wall and the roof


iii. Right Elevation: If one looks at the floor plan from the right side, the

height of the wall and the roof pattern, then we are talking about the right


iv. Left Elevation: This means looking at the floor plan from the left hand

Roof Plan
This is the plan view of a building as seen vertically from the top. This roof plan
shows the pattern of the building completely.

Doors and Window Schedule

This is a drawing that shows all the details and dimensions of every door and
window to be put in a building construction. It shows type and materials of every of these openings.

Septic Tank Details: A septic tank is a large tank designed to store sewage waste. It usually built

Basic Building Symbols

i. The topic is introduced to the students by explaining and defining the concept
to the students.
ii. The students are taught how o identify elevations of a building. As the
demonstration is shown on the board. The students listen, take notes and ask
iii. The step procedure of identifying window, roof plan and door schedules is
explained and demonstrated on the board for the students.
iv. The functions of septic tank, soak way pit and manhole are stated and explained to the
v. The students draw building symbols as shown on the board.
vi. The students listen, take notes, draws and ask questions.
Average students: defines blueprint, location plan, site plan and floor plan.
Above average students: draws building elevations, roof plan, window and door
schedules of a bungalow.
In this drawing, an architect shows the detailed dimensions from floor level of a building to the
ground level and to the foundation.

1. Define the following: (a) Blue print reading (b) Location plan (c) Site plan (d)
Floor plan
2. Draw the elevations a building plan 2 bedroom bungalow
3. Draw a roof plan, window and door schedules of a 2 bedroom bungalow
4. State 5 functions of the following: (a) Septic tank (b) Soak away pit (c) Manhole
5. draw 20 building symbols.

1. Define the following: (a). Blue print reading (b). Location plan (c). Site plan (d). Floor plan

2. Identify any elevation in building plan

3. Identify roof plan, window and door schedules

4. State the functions of the following: (a). Septic tank (b). Soak away pit (c). Manhole
5. Identify at twenty building symbols.
Remarks: _____________ H.O.D’S SIGNATURE & DATE: __________________

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