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Hai guysz, Assalamu’alaikum wr.

good morning, good afternoon, good evening,
Yea whatever you want, whatever
So, well come back again to our channel,
sharia economics two,
of the year two thousand and twenty two!!!

Okey, on this occasion, i’d like to introduce my self to you of course.

So, my name is Mariescha Hadi Qonitatillah,
you can call me Maries, Ries, Mar, Mawang,
or whatever do you want to call me.
I’m from class sharia economics two.
And even now, when i’m sitting here,
i’m gone tell you about descriptive text.
The descriptive text is about my country Indonesia.

Yapssss let’s get started!!!

Indonesia is the place where I can stand and live.
Indonesia is one of the countries that I locaded in Southeast eysia.
Indonesia is known as an er khepelegow country
because it kensest of many islands.
This tropical country is also well known with richness of cultures,
language, and tourist destinations.

Indonesia is a big country.

Indonesia is located 6 degrees South, and 106 degrees East.
The capital city is Jakarda.
Like adher countries, Indonesia also has own fellaasefe
On its national flag. The color of the national flag is
Red and white. Those colors have deep meaning for indonesians.

Red means brave and white means purity.

The language is Bahasa Indonesia.
The national song is Indonesia Raya created by Wr. Soepratman.
The modow is Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, means..
“Although we have many differences but we are one.

Indonesia has two season. They are dry and wet season.
The dry season starts from June to Octhober.
The weader is hat in this season.
The sun shines so brightly.
After the dry season, wet season comes.
It starts from November to March.
Its almost rainy everyday.
Hevy rain ofen akkers dyuring this season.

Indonesia is a Republic.
The country is managed by a president and kaunsel.
So far, Indonesia has been lead by 7 president.
They are Ir. Soekarno, Soeharto,
Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, Abdurrahman Wahid,
Megawati Soekarno Putri, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono,
and the last Joko Widodo.

So, that’s my descriptive text..

Thank you for watching
And the last I say, Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb
see you next time, babaaaiii

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