Sci 10 Chap45

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An antenna farm is an area with more than three

antennae that is generally built for television or Learning Objectives ---------- V

radio telecommunications. The Chung Li VHF
Antenna Farm at the National Central l)niversity in • Exploin how an electromagnetic wave is produced

Taiwan is used for microwave research in Earth's Compare the relative wavelengths of different types
'. middle atmosphere and ionosphere. of electromagnetic waves
• ·cite the uses of electromagnetic waves
Electromagnetic Waves, • Enumerate and explain the effects of Ir
Their Uses, and Effects electromagnetic waves on humans and the a
Electromagnetic waves IS
have many applications Sf
in science and everyday al
life. w
� A Closer Look

Be Sun Smart!

rngage Earth is protected from the sun's harmful The Montreal Protocol of 1987 is a global
ultraviolet (UV) radiation by a layer of ozone agreement that imposed restrictions on the
molecules found in the lower portion of the use of CFCs and HBFCs.. This means that the
stratosphere. However, this protective layer amount of these ozone-depleting substances
has been damaged due to ozone depletion, will continuously decrease in the years to come.
which is a result of excessive release of. chlorine However, it will not be until the end of the
and bromine from humanmade compounds twenty-first century that most ozone depletion
such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and will be reversed and the ozone layer will be able
hydrobromofluorocarbons (HBFCs). As a result of to recover. In line with this, how do we cope with
this depletion, an ozone hole was formed, allowing UV radiation? Know the ways in A Closer Look
UV rays to enter Earth. An ozone hole is not a hole Explained near the end of this chapter.
in the literal sense but is geographically defined
as an area where the total ozone amount is less Values----------
than 220 Dobson units. The Dobson unit (DU) • Show care and concern for one's health
is a unit of measurement of atmospheric ozone, and the environment
specifically in the stratosphere. The unit is named • Exercise caution when dealing with
after G. M. B. Dobson, one of the first scientists electromagnetic waves
who studied the atmospheric ozone. One • Promote the use of wireless technology
Dobson unit refers to a layer of ozone that would
be .10 µm thick under standard temperature and

Chapter 4 Waves of Cha�ge

Q Concepts in a Box
accelerating -+- produced by
I vacuum
classified according to their
of I
+ wavelength biological
changing or frequency effects
electric and I I
magnetic fields comprised of may be
♦ I
• radio waves

. microwaves
infrared waves
ionizing nonionizing

• visible light

. ultraviolet rays
• gamma rays
arranged in an


Lesson 4.1 Main Idea: Electromagnetic waves are produced

by acce_lerating charges.

The Nature of What makes a wave electromagnetic?

Electromagnetic Waves

Recall that an electric field is produced by a charged particle. A m9ving charged particle generates
a magnetic field, and a changing magnetic field produces an electric field. The interplay of changing
electric and magnetic fields leads to the production of electromagnetic wavej_ An electromagnetic wave is
produced by accelerating charged particles or particles oscillating about an equilibrium position, with
the electric field and the magnetic field vibrating perpendicularly to each otl:ter and to the direction of
wave propaga,tion. Hence, electromagnetic waves are transverse waves. Figure 4-1 shows the magnetic
and electric components of an electromagnetic wave, with the z-axis as the equilibrium position.

Exploring Life Through Science I S�ience 10

y E

Fig. 4-1. The electric field and the magnetic field of an
electromagnetic wave are perpendicular to each other and to
the direction of motion of the wave. In the diagram, E stands z
for electric field, B for magnetic field, v for the velocity of the �
electromagnetic wave, and 'A for wavelength.

In 1862, Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell predicted the existence of electrom_agnetic
waves. But i_t was only _in 1887, through the efforts of German physicist Heinrich Hertz, th�t tho�e
waves (other than light) were observed to exist.
Electromagnetic waves follow the basic wave equation that relates speed of propagation v,
frequency /, and wavelength A.

V = jA
In a· vacuum, all electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light, which is equivalent to
299 792 458 mis or approximately 3 X 108 mis. This speed is represented by a small 1-etter c.

Pillar of Science · ---------------------------------------------�---------------,,

Jame:s Clerk Maxwell ( l 831-1 879) was considered the Father of I
Electromagnetic Theory for having formulated laws on electricity and magnetism. I
I .
These laws are now called Maxwell's equations. He also predicted the existence of I
electromagnetic waves, which was successfully proven by Heinrich Hertz eight years I
after Maxwell's death. Maxwell's papers on oval curves and rolling curves were I
written when· he was 14 and 16 years old, respectively. His professors presented I

these papers at the Royal Society of Edinburgh on his behalf because he was too
young to present them himself. His other .works include kinetic theory of gase� and
color perception.
'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, I

Chapter 4 Waves of Change

- Lesson 4.2 · . ·· · ·
. '
-. .
' Idea:. Electromagnetic waves are classified
according to their wavelength or frequency.

_ The_ Regions of the EQ: How do electromagnetic waves affect you?

Spectru� and Their Uses

The electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is the continuous range of electromagnetic waves arranged
. in order of frequency or wavelength. It is divided into regions based on a certain frequency or
wavelength interval. The names assigned to these regions are only for convenience· in locating the
position of the wave in the spectrum. There is no sharp dividing point between one type of wave
and the next. Figure 4-2 shows the different regions in the spectrum arranged in order of decreasing

wavele:ngth. Some familiar objects are included to give you an idea of how. long a particular wave is.

Visible Light
EM Form: Radio Wave Microwave Infrared Ultraviolet X-rays Gamma Rays


-j \ II \I/I
I "\IV


Wavelength: 103 nn 10-2 m 0.5 X 10· 6 m 1O-s m 10-10 m 10-12 m

About the
size of:
building human butterfly pinpoint virus molecules atom atomic nuclei

Fig. 4-2. The electromagnetic spectrum arranged in order of decreasing wavelength

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Exploring Life Through Science J Science 10

Radio Waves
Radio waves are the longest of all electromagnetic waves, ranging from 10-1 to 104 m. The frequency
of radio waves ranges from 3.0 X 104 to 3.0 X 10 12 Hz or from 300 to 3000 MHz. This frequency range
is divided into specific bands for wireless communication. Table 4-1 fists the radio frequency bands,
range, and common applications.
I" . .
1F-1:, F':I'_l!!IIJ I:rr-u•Jln..U.;__ :.J - ;f;T,T,�

Type of
Frequency Range Common Applications

Low frequency 30-300 kHz Long-distance communication and navigation

Medium frequency 300-3000 kHz Amplitude modulation (AM) radio broadcasting

Shortwave broadcasting, tags for use in building access, public transportation,

High frequency 3-30MHz
and electronic-payment systems

Very high Frequency modulation (FM) radio broadcasting, ground-to-aircraft and

30-300 ty1Hz
frequency aircraft-to-aircraft communication

Ultra high Police radio communication, military aircraft and television transmission,
3Q0-3000MHz _
frequ.ency modern cell phones, and global positioning system

Radar is an acronym for radio detection and ranging. It makes use of radio waves for the detection
of objects, weather forecasting, military surveillance, and air traffic control, as well as monitoring speed
in highway patrol and tracking satellites and debris.
Automatic doors, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth are familiar technologies that make use of radio waves.
Global positioning system (GPS) and radio frequency identificati_on (RFID) are other applications of
radio waves that have revolutionized today's technology. All new cell phone models have GPS as a
built-in feature. GPS locates positions within a 10-m to 100-m accuracy. RFID can store and transmit
data, which is similar to the universal product code (UPC) or bar code that is seen on grocery items. In
the Philippines, an example of RFID is the easy tag, commonly known as EC tag, that is used to pay
the toll in expressways. Moreover, some schools in the country already use RFID to lend books in
libraries and to track the attendance of students at gates that have RFID scanners. The Philippine
e-Passport also uses RFID.
Medical applications of radio waves include
the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for viewing
internal parts of the human body without invasive
exploratory surgery. Radio waves are also ideal for
reducing cellulite on the body and wrinkles and
fine· lines on the face, and for tightening sagging
or loose skin.

= Fig.4-3. An MRI machine

provides a real-time scan of
different parts of the body.

Chapter 4 Waves of Change

Radio waves were discovered by Heinrich Hertz in 1887. They are generated by an alternating
current (AC) circuit attached to an antenna. Radio waves are also generated by electronic devices such
as LC oscillators, which are electrical circuits composed of inductors (L) and capacitors (C) that are used
to produce arid pick up signals at a certain frequency. The sun and the planet Jupiter are extraterrestrial
sources of rad10 waves.

The microwave region in the EM spectrum lies somewhere
between 3 x 108 Hz and 3 X l0 u Hz, which is from 300 MHz to
300 GHz, with a wavelength ranging from 10-3 to 10-1 m. James
Clerk Maxwell is credited for discovering microwaves in 1864.
Microwaves are high-frequency radio waves mainly used for
communitation, especially from 2 to 40 GHz. They were mostly
used for long-distance telephone calls before the introduction
of optical fibers. They are also used to send signals for cable
television, as well as video or audio feeds from production vans
to broadcast stations. Microwaves are used in remote sensing for
disaster management and mapping, Microwave Doppler radars Fig. 4-4. Telecommunication tower with
are used in weather forecasting. antennae of cellular communication and
radar systems.
A microwave oven is a common kitchen appliance. It uses
2.45 GHz microwaves to cook food by transferring energy into the water molecules in the food. In
addition to heating leftover food, microwaves are used in industrial processes for drying and curing
Microwaves are also used iri the medical field. Microwave ablation uses the heat of the micro-waves
to shrink or destroy tumors. Microwave imaging is used to assess and monitor progress of treatment of
breast cancer via microwave tomography.

Practical Science ·--------------------------· ----------------------------------, ' I

· Two common applications of infrared radiation are seen in an ear

thermometer and an autofocus camera. The pyroelectric thermometer was
developed based on the fc;:ict that the human body generates heat that is
dependent on its temperature. It is inserted into the ear because the ear is near
the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that controls body temperature. On
the other hand, an autofocus camera sends infrared radiation to the subject
to be photographed. The camera determines the distance of the subject from
the time) lapse between the sending of infrared radiation to the detection of its
reflected radiation. The camera then automatically adjusts its focus. >8,;.'!;: rt

'---------------------------------------------------------�--------------------------------- r

Exploring Life Through Science Science 10

s Ci Bit . - -- - - -- - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - .- --- - -- - - - - - - . - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --'..'

An infrared grill uses an electric or gas element to heat a solid surface

(usually ceramic) to a very high temperature. The ceramic surface radiates
infrared waves directly to the food to cook it. Shawarma, a popular Middle
Eastern food, is cooked by means of an infrared grill.
Bill Best, founder of Thermal Electric of Columbia (TEC) in South
Carolina, USA, is considered the inventor of the gas-powered infrared burner
and all infrared cooking equipment used today. ;� ic;::
I .':-t

� I

� '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4

Infrared Waves
Infrared literally means "below red." Infrared radiation (IR)
has a lowe·r frequency than the red part of visible light.
The frequency of infrared radiation ranges from 3 X 10 1 1 co
4 X 10 14 Hz, with a wavelength ranging from 7.5 X 10-7 co
10-3 m. Sir W-illiam Herschel, a British astronomer, discovered
these rays in 1800. Infrared radiation cannot be seen by the
naked eye but it can be felt as heat. People, places, objects, Fig.4-5. Devices using IR must
and animals give off infrared radiation proportional to their have a clear line of sight between
them. For example, one has to point
tempera.cure·. Objects with higher temperac_ures produce infrared a remote control directly at the
rays of shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies than objects television to make it work.
with 'lower temperatures.
Infrared rays are used in remote controls of television secs, burglar alarm systems, night vision
cameras, and certain types of thermometers. Most computers, laptops, palmcops, and printers are
equipped with infrared data association ports that enable you to transfer and print data without
connecting them with a cable. Food can also be cooked using infrared radiation.
Physiotherapists use heat lamps to heal sports injuries. Medical infrared imaging is used for
diagnosis and prognosis in areas such as oncology, rheumatology, sports medicine, and orthopedics. It
is also used co monicor progress in therapy and rehabilitation.

E -
Visible Light
Electromagnetic radiations in the _range of 4 X 10 14 co 8 X 10 14 Hz with corresponding wavelengths
of 4 x 10-7 co 8 x 10-7 m are the only ones seen by· the naked eye. This part of the electromagnetic
£ spectrum is called visible light or, simply, light. Isaac Newton discovered the range of wavelength in the

= visible light spectrum when he refracted white light with a prism. The sequence of colors of visible
light from longest co shortest wavelength may be remembered through the acronym ROYGBIV:
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. In modern usage, however, indigo is not usually
distinguished as a separate color.

Chapter 4 Waves of Change

Table 4-2 shows the approximate wavelengths in ·

I 1-
nanometers (nm) of the different colors of light.
Visible light has many applications in daily life. l_ ----+-------
It helps you see qbjects. · It is also used in traffic lights, e
____R_ d___________---1
commercial displays, car headlights, and taillights. Every Orange 610 nm

devirn that has a viewable screen makes use of visible Yellow 590 nm
light such as televisions, liquid crystal displays (LCDs), Green 550 nm
and touchpad devices. Visible light is also used by plants Blue 470 nm
in photosynthesis. Violet 41 O nm
Visible light communication (VLC) using light-emitting diodes (LED) is an emerging form of
wire,less communication technology. It can be used for simultaneous audio·and video streaming. The
optical fibers that replaced telephone wires use visible light to transmit signals at high speeds and/or
long distances.
One source of visible light is laser. Laser is an acronym for light amplification by stim�lated
emissfon of radiation. Tagged as "a solution looking for a problem," laser is used in many medical
procedures such as optical imaging, surgery, endoscopy, and creatmem. Laser is also used in biomedical
research and microscopy.

Fig. 4-6. Laser beam reshaping the cornea during LASIK surgery.

. . .
lJ ;;./() . . .
cience Connections ----------------------------------------------------


Incandescence and luminescence are two ways by which light is emitted by

objects. Incandescence is the emission of light when an object is heated to a high
temperature. Examples of incandescent bodies are burning wood or charcoal and
electric bulbs. On the other hand, luminiscence is the emission of light by objects
without a significant increase· in their temperature. Bioluminescence is a form of
luminescence exhibited by living organisms possessing a light-producing substance

called luciferin catalyzed by the enzyme luciferase. Fireflies and glow worms are

�--------------·----------------------------- ·---------------------------------------------
familiar examples of bioluminescent organisms.· �t;:rt

Exploring Life Through Science I Science 10

Ultraviolet Radiation
�lain The region next to visible light is ultraviolet radiation, with frequencies ranging from
8.X 10 14 to 10 17 Hz. Ultraviolet radiation is more popularly known as UV, which was discovered
by German physicist Johann Wilhelm Ritter. UV rays have wavelengths ranging from 6 x 10- 10 to
4 x 10-7 m. There are three kinds of UV rays: UVA, UVB, and UVC. UVA has a wavelength range of
315 nm to 400 nm; UVB, from 280 nm to 314 nm; and UVC, from 60 nm to 279 nm. UVC is almost
completely absorbed by the atmosphere and does not reach Earth's surface. Most UVB is filtered by the
ozone in the atmosphere. UVA accounts for 95 percent of the solar UV reaching Earth. UVA may be
less intense than UVB, but UVA penetrates the skin more deeply than UVB. UVB affects the topmost
layer (epidermis) of the skin, while UVA penetrates the dermis.
A major source of UV rays is the sun. Special lar:nps also emit UV rays. UV lights, more popularly
known as black light, are used to detect forged bank notes. Black light makes the security marker ink
that is used in signing bankbooks visible. It is used during forensic investigations at crime scenes,
specifically in procedures such as searching for traces of blood and other body fluids, fingerprints, and
footprims. Black light is also used to sterilize medical equipment and purify water. It is also used in
I. pest control devices and fly traps, as well as in performances to produce the glow-in-the-dark effect.

Fig. 4-7. Dancers wearing glow-in-the-dark costumes for their performance

UVA is used to treat skin conditions such as psoriasis and vitiligo that cause depigmentation of
the skin. UV stimulates the production of vitamin Din th� body.


/' Love of Lab·-----------------------------------------------------·-------------,


Conduct a survey to determine the sun-protection measures being practiced by the students in your
school. Make your own questionnaire that includes the demographic profile of your respondents (e.g.,
I age, gender, ethnicity). Present an analysis of the survey results through tables and graphs. (§jp
I : iore
'· \

Chapter 4 Waves of Change

Proudly Fi Ii pino · -- -------------------------------------------------- .,----- � ---,,
Dr. Parami is the head of the Licensing, Review, and Evaluation
Section of the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI), a position she has held
since 1993. She works for the regulation of radioactive materials and associated
activities in the Philippines through licensing requirements.
Dr. Parami obtained her bachelor's degree in physics from Foundation
University, Dumaguete City; her master's deg ree in radiation and environmental
protection from the University of Surrey, United Kingdom; and her master's and
doctorate degrees in environmental science from the University of the Philippines,
',�------------------------------�----------- ◄-----· -----------------------------------�-----�!

X-ray is sometimes called Roentgen ray, in honor of its discoverer, German
physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen. Since the letter x is normally used to
represent an unknown quantity, Roentge_n called the rays x because he did not
· know their nature and origin. He was awarded the 1901 Nobel Prize in Physics
for his accidental. discovery of x-rays.
Classified as either soft or hard, x-rays have �avelengths ranging from
10- to 10-S m. Soft x-rays have lower energy than hard x-rays and can penetrate

soft substances such as flesh and bones, whereas hard x-rays have higher energy
and are thus more penetrating than the soft ones. Hard x-rays are used mainly
in industries.
X-rays are produced by the sun and other stars. They are also produced
Fig. 4-8. It was said
when accelerated electrons hit a metal and some medical equipment. that one of the first
X-rays are used to detect abnormalities in the skeletal system such as x-ray photographs that
Roentgen produced was
fractures and tumors. They are ;ilso used in dental imaging. Aside from taking
that of his wife's hand.
photographs of the internal body parts such as in computer axial tomography Note the wedding ring
(CAT or CT scan), x-rays are used in airport security checks to scan passenger on her finger.
luggage. X-rays are also used to study the �rrangement of atoms in a crystal in
a process called di/fraction.

Gamma Rays
Gamma rays are given off by radioactive elements such as cobalt-60 and cesium-13 7. Astronomical
objects such as the sun, interstellar clouds, and remnants of supernova are sources of gamma rays.
Gamma rays are highly penetrating because of their very short wavelengths, ranging from less than
10- 14 to 10- 10 m. Paul Villard, a French chemist and physicist, is recognized as having discovered
gamma rays in 1900.

Exploring Life Through Science I Science 10

Gamma rays are used in industries ro detect cracks in
metals and to sterilize equipment and commercial products.
Noncontact industrial sensors using gamma sources are
· employed in the refining, mining, chemical, food, and soap
and detergent industries, as well as pulp and paper industries·
t0 control volume levels, density, and thickness. Food
irradiation using gamma rays kills bacteria, insects, and
parasites that can cause foodborne diseases. In agriculture,
gamma radiation.helps breed new seed varieties with higher
yields. Examples of these are the "miracle" rice that has
Fig. 4-9. nre Philippine Nuclear Research
greatly expanded rice production in Asia and some varieties Institute (PNRI) is the government agency that
of cashew, mangosteen, and pineapple. Gamma radiation is oversees the safe and peaceful use of high-
also used to eradicate pests such as fruit flies. energy radiation:
Gamma rays are used to destroy cancer cells in a process called radiotherapy. The procedure may be
external or internal. In external radiotherapy, the patient is exposed to a beam of radiation. Gamma knife
surgery and stereocactic radiotherapy are examples. In internal radiotherapy, radiation comes from implants
or liquids placed inside the body. This is sometimes called brachytherapy. In a nuclear medicine scan, a small
amount of radioactive material called tracer is injected to or taken orally by the patient. A specia} camera
chat detects radioactivity is moved along the part of the body to be scanned to cake images of it.

�i, !� k I What characterizes the different regions in the electromagnetic spectrum?


Science Patrol ·-------------------------------------------------------------,, . \


Cauliflowei A Menger sponge box antenna inserted into a cell phone

A fractal is a shape that repeats itself in a pattern. It is self-similar-that is, it is made of several
copies of itself at different scales. A cauliflower is a perfect example of a fract';ll that can be found in
Gone are the days when we had to pull out a large antenna in the form of a metal rod from cell
phones to make a call. Most cell phones today have a built-in fractal aritenna.
A fractal ant�nna has a fractal design. It can be made by iterating a fractal design or shape, printing
the design in copper, and then laminating the design onto a nonconductive substrate. A fractal antenna
is flat and compact and looks like a circuit board. Since a fractal antenna is self-similar, it can operate in
a similar manner at different frequencies. The Menger sponge box antenna, a three-dimensional version
of a Sierpinski carpet, is a common type of cell phone antenna. A Sierpinski carpet is a fractal made by
dividing a large square into smaller ones and removing the central square. ��";�
�------------- .--------------------------------------------------------�--------------------�
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. y Future
. c1ence -------------------------�------------------------------,
. . \
. I
According lo the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (MPM), medical physicists "assure I

the safe and effective delivery of radiation" in the diagnosis or treatment of a patient, as prescribed by
a physician or other trained practitioner. Safe and effective delivery of radiation involves the following:
(a) quality assurance of all diagnostic devices by periodically calibrating and ensuring that the equipment
is functioning correctly, (b) treatment planning by calculating the proper dose and dose distribution to
the patient, and (c) patient preparation, including proper positioning and making sure that the patient
remains in that position during treatment.
At present, medical physics is being offered as a master's degree in the Philippines. After obtaining :
, the graduate degree, some schools require a residency traineeship. :
\ • I

Lesson 4.3 · Main Idea: Electromagnetic waves can

have adverse effects on humans and the
Effects of EQ: How can you protect yourself and the
Electromagnetic environment from the harmful effects of
electromagnetic waves?

Most of the technology used roday emit electromagnetic radiation. These radiations can penetrate
and affect you, seriously compromising your health and disturbing the environment. This is the adverse
effect of t.echnology; the price of modernization and convenience.
Just like their uses, the hazards brought about by EM waves depend on their frequency. The
_energy of an electromagnetic radiation is dependent on its frequency. The higher the· frequency, the
greater the energy of the radiation. Specifically, the energy (E) of a wave is related t0 its frequency(/)
by the foilowing equation,
E lf
where his the Planck's constant that is equal t0 6.63 x 10-34 Js. OJ

Sample Problems 4.1

1. The wavelength of the red part of visible light is 760 nm. What is its energy?
Given: A= 760 n� = 760 X 10-9 m


Exploring Life Through Science Science l 0

You need to solve first for the frequency corresponding to red light. Use 1:he basic wave
equation, then the energy of a wave formu_la.
c 3Xl08 m/s '
/=, = =3.95xl0 14 Hz
/\ 760xl0-9 m
E =hf= 6.63x 10-34 J · s)(3.95X 1014 Hz)= 2.6x 10-19J
2. A radar in an airport detects that an airplane is 30.0 km away from it. How long will it take for a
puise of radio waves to reach the airplane and return to the radar?
Given: distance (d) =30 km=3 x 104 m
Solve for the time (t) it would cake for the radio pulse to reach the plane using the formula,
d 3Xl04 m
t =- = = 1X 10-4 s.
v 3Xl08 mis

Therefore, total travel time=2 x 10-4 s.

Pradice Exercises 4.1

1. The x-ray used by your dentist has a wavelength of 15 nm. What are its frequency and energy?
2. It takes 3.8 x 10-5 s for a pul_se of radio waves from a radar to reach a plane and bounce back.
How far is the plane from the radar?

Electromagnetic Radiation and Life

Based on its energy, electromagnetic radiation may be ionizing
or nonionizing. An ionizing radiation has sufficient energy to induce
ionization. Ionization is the process of removing electrons from neutral
atoms. Exposure to high-level ionizing radiation may cause either an
immediate effect or a delayed effect. An immediate effect can be death
or radiation burns. In addition, ionizing radiation can produce molecular
changes that can lead to damage in biological tissues, including effects
on DNA. Delayed effects can be cancer or mutation, which may affect
the person exposed to radiation or their offspring. This is evident in the
higher incidence of cancer and deformity experienced by survivors of
atomic bombings and nuclear fallouts. Ionizing radiations include x-rays
Fig. 4-10. A child born with
and gamma radiation. deformed and underdeveloped
Nonionizing radiation includes the other parts of the electromagnetic limbs, a defect linked to the
Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster
spectrum. Although considered less dangerous than the ionizing type,
in 1986.
nonionizing radiation still poses certain health issues.

Chapter 4 Waves of Change

Both radio waves and microwaves can interfere with a pacemaker, a medical device that uses
electrical impulses t0 help regulate the beating of the heart. Microwaves are known to cause cataracts
so you should avoid looking at a microwave while cooking or reheating food. Overexposure t0 infrared

Ii waves can lead to burns and pain. Excessive exposure t0 visible light, especially in the blue region,
c;an cause eye damage. Lasers can cause blindness. Exposure to sudden bursts of intense light, such
as those from flashbulbs in a camera, can lead to flash blindness that can last for ·seconds up t0 a few
minutes. Prolonged exposure tO UV rays burns the skin and produces the so-called sun tan. UV rays
can also cause skin cancer. UV rays can damage the retina so make sure thai: your sunglasses provide
UV protection.
These are some of the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation
_ on humans. The probability of
experiencing these effects depends on how much radiation you are exposed tO and for how long.

Electromagnetic Radiation and the Environment

The greenhouse effect resulting from the increased concentration of greenhouse gases as a result

II of human activity is called enhanced effect. I: is also known as anthropogenic greenhouse effect. The more
greenhouse gases there are in the atmosphere, the greater the amount of trapped infrared waves and
the greater the .rise in temperature. It is the enhanced greenhouse effect chat leads tO global �arming.
With the thinning of the ozone layer, high levels of UV rays can penetrate Earth. It can also
disrupt the org�nisms 'that depend on them. Plankron sinks deeper into the water when exposed t0
roo much UV. This decreases the amount of visible light that plankron receives, thereby hindering
photosynthesis and growth. Interference from electronic;s and AM radio signals can disrupt the internal
magnetic compasses of migratory birds.
Ionizing radiation that comes from a nuclear ·material may result in the weakening of plant seeds
and mutations.

��t'!�)< I What are some harmful effects of radiati�n on humans and the e�vironment?

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video Is Radiation
• • Dangerous?

Exploring Life Through Science I Science 10

� Chapter Recap

• Electromagnetic (EM) waves or electromagnetic radiations are produced by accelerating charges.

• Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves. They can travel in a vacuum and in a material
medium. They move at 3 X 108 mis in a vacuum.
• The electromagnetic spectrum is the firrangement of EM waves in order of decreas'ing wavelength
or increasing frequency. The different types of EM waves are radio waves, microwaves, infrared
waves, ·visible light, ultraviolet rays, x-rays, and gamma rays.
• All EM waves follow the basic wave equation
• The energy of an electromagnetic wave is proportional to its frequency and may be computed
using the formula
E =hf
• Electromagnetic waves can be ionizing or nonionizing. X-rays and gamma rays are ionizing, while
the other waves are nonionizing.
· • Electromagnetic waves can be both beneficial and harmful to humans and the environment. The
adverse effects depend on the level anc! duration of exposure to the EM radiation.

Chapter 4 Waves of Change

'A Closer Look Explained

While the ozone layer· is recovering, how can you cope with UV radiation? Take precautions
First, be aware that the intensity of UV radiation is greatest around midday-that is, when the sun
is directly overhead. Observe the shadow rule: Watch your shadow: When there is no shcidow, seek
shade. If possible, avoid the midday sun or limit midday sun exposure.
Do not just wear-dark sunglasses. Wearing dark sunglasses will dilate the pupil of the eye, causing
more light and UV to enter. Wear sunglasses that have UV protection. Remember that the amount of
UV protection sunglasses provide is unrelated to the color and darkness of the lenses. Wear sunglasses
even if you ore under a shade. UV can be reflected from the ground, buildings, and other surfaces.
You may wear a hat or head cover, or use an umbrella instead. Having a dark, norireflective
underside in hats or umbrellas is advisable. It can also help lower the amount of UV rays reaching your
face from reflective surfaces such as the ground or water.
Protect your skin with clothing. Cl0thing is the body's first line of defense against UV rays. Clothing
protects by blocking or absorbing UV rays. The more skin covered, the better. Although it may be
uncomfortable, it is advisable to wear long pants and a long-sleeved shirt with high neckline or collar
that shields the back of the neck, rather than collarless shirts and shorts.
Apply sunscreen with a sunscreen protection factor (SPF) of at least 15. SPF is the measure of the
ability of a sunscreen to block UV rays.
If you detect a patch of skin or a mole that is changing in size and color, or that is red and does
not heal, consult a dermatologist. Such may be a result of UV exposure and may need treatment.

Exploring Life Through Science I Science 10

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