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Manajemen Kesuburan Tanah

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SRI RAHAYU UTAMI, Jurusan Tanah, Fakultas Pertanian UB

Unsur hara esensial vs fungsional
• Unsur hara esensial: unsur hara yang dibutuhkan
oleh tanaman
• Unsur hara fungsional: unsur yang berfungsi
dalam tanaman, walaupun peranannya tidak jelas.

Bu CHO daN PaK Cahyo hari Minggu

Shopping dengan Bu Clara yang Cuantik,
FeMinin, meNarik, dan Niki yg Molek dan
General Characteristics

 A. Micronutrients are required by all

plants but in smaller amounts compared to
the macronutrients.
 Deficiencies of micronutrients can reduce
growth just as much as deficiencies of
macronutrients. Remember the “Law of
the Minimum”.
General Characteristics

B The amount of micronutrient that is

needed by the plant can have a narrow
range. If the amount of micronutrient is too
high, it is possible for toxicity to occur.
Available forms
1. Cations: Fe2+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Zn2+, Cu2+
2. Anions: MoO42-, Cl-
3. Neutral: H3BO3
Sumber hara makro dan mikro
Dari Atmosfir dan Air C, H, O
Dari Tanah
Unsur hara makro N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S
Unsur hara Mikro Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, B, Mo, Cl,
Unsur yang Co, Na, Si, F, Br, Sr, Sc, Va,
menguntungkan J
Mo digantikan V di Azotobacter
Cl digantikan Br pada konsentrasi tinggi
Na tidak esensial tapi dapat meningkatkan produksi bit
gula, seledri, lobak
Si dibutuhkan tanaman padi-padian
Micronutrients in Soils and Crops
Nutrient Soil Content (kg/ha) Corn Removal (kg/ha)

Boron (B) 22-225 0.07

Copper (Cu) 2-450 0.06

Iron (Fe)
11,200 – 224,000 0.12

Manganese (Mn) 112-11,200 0.09

Molybdenum (Mo) 1-8 0.03

Zinc (Zn) 22-675 0.17

Kandungan Unsur Hara
Mikro dalam Tanah
Hara Kisaran Normal Hasil analisis Kons. dlm
(%) (ppm) jaringan
kering (ppm)
Fe 0.500-5.000 5 000-50 000 100
Mn 0.020-1.000 200-10 000 50
Zn 0.001-0.025 10-250 20
B 0.001-0.015 5-150 20
Cu 0.0005-0.015 5-150 6
Mo 0.00002-0.0005 0.2-5 0.1
Cl 0.001-0.1 10-1 000 100

Penghambatan pertumbuhan tanaman karena unsur hara

mikro kemungkinan besar terjadi pada: tanah berpasir,
tanah organik, tanah sangat alkalin
Typical Concentrations in
⚫ Micronutrient Range Average
⚫ Iron (Fe2+, Fe3+) 0.5 – 50% 3 – 4%
⚫ Manganese (Mn2+) 20 – 3,000 ppm 600 ppm
⚫ Nickel (Ni2+) 2 – 750 ppm 50 ppm
⚫ Zinc (Zn2+) 10 – 300 ppm 50 ppm
⚫ Copper (Cu2+) 2 – 100 ppm 9 ppm

⚫ Boron (H3BO3) 2 – 200 ppm 50 ppm

⚫ Molybdenum (MoO42-) 0.2 – 5.0 ppm 1.2 ppm

⚫ Chloride (Cl-) highly variable
Micronutrient function in plants

1. Enzymes and coenzymes

a) Structural component of enzymes
b) Involved in the activation and regulation of

2. Oxidation and reduction reactions

Micronutrients are involved in electron transport
Peranan Unsur Mikro
Fungsi dalam reaksi enzim
⚫ Table 1. Micronutrient sufficiency ranges in diagnostic tissue of selected crops.**

⚫ Element Corn Wheat Alfalfa Soybeans Potatoes Sugar Beets

⚫ - - - - - - - - - - ppm - - - - - - - - - -
⚫ Boron (B) 4-25 6-40 31-80 21-55 15-40 26-80
⚫ Copper (Cu) 6-20 6-50 11-30 10-30 7-30 11-40
⚫ Iron (Fe) 21-250 11-300 31-250 51-350 30-300 51-200

⚫ Manganese (Mn) 20-150 16-200 31-100 21-100 30-200 21-150

⚫ Molybdenum (Mo) 0.1-2.0 0.03-5.0 1.0-5.0 1.0-5.0 0.5-4.0 0.15-5.0
⚫ Zinc (Zn) 20-70 21-70 21-70 21-50 30-100 19-60

⚫ Chloride (Cl) 2,000-20,000 (0.2-2.0%)

⚫ Nickel (Ni) 0.1-1.0

⚫ ** Ranges taken from MSU Bulletin E-486, page 2, except general range for Cl and Ni taken from
Havlin et al, 2005.
of Nutrient
Micronutrient deficiency Nutrients used in
symptoms tend to show up abundance tend to be
on new leaves easily moved around

Boron • adsorbed as boric
(B) acid (H3BO3) small
amounts as
Monocots dissociated ionic
6 - 18 ppm borates
• involved in transport
Dicots of sugars across
20 – 60 ppm cell membranes
and in carbohydrate
• important in cell
development and
• important in
nodulation in
• immobile in the
Iron • adsorbed as Fe2+ and
(Fe) Fe3+ may also be Iron
adsorbed as
10 – 1000 ppm organically
complexed Fe
• involved in redox
reactions in cells
• involved in
• involved in
chlorophyll and
protein synthesis
• important in
respiratory enzymes
• immobile in the
Mangane • adsorbed as
se (Mn) Mn2+
• involved in Manganese
20 – 500 redox
ppm reactions in
• involved in
is (formation
of O2)
• can
substitute for
in activating
Copper • adsorbed as
(Cu) Cu2+
• involved in Cu
5 – 20 redox
ppm reactions in
• activates many
• involved in cell
wall formation
• immobile in
Zinc • adsorbed as
(Zn) Zn2+
• involved in
25 – 150 enzyme
ppm synthesis and
• component of
auxin (growth
• immobile in
Molybden • adsorbed as
um (Mo) MoO4 2- Molybdenu
• component of
< 1 ppm enzymes systems m
important in the
reduction of NO3
to NH4 and in N2
fixation by
• involved in Fe
adsorption and
• immobile in the
Chlorin • adsorbed as Cl-
e • involved in
(Cl) photosynthesis Chlorine
• plays role with K
0.2 – 2 in the water
% balance of the
• not a constituent
of any
• may be important
in disease
• mobile in the
(a) (b)

Typical dose-response curves for

(a) essential elements (macronutrients & micronutrients)
(b) non-essential elements. (Alloway,1995, p. 31)
Transformations in the soil

❑ The transformations that micronutrients undergo in the

soil vary depending on the nutrient, but overall, the
reactions are similar to what has already been discussed
for macronutrients.
a) Mineralization and immobilization
b) Adsorption and desorption to clay or organic matter
c) Precipitation and dissolution of secondary minerals
Transformations in the soil
-chelation process

❑ One transformation is quite different from

transformations associated with macronutrients--
✓The word chelate means “claw”. Chelation refers to
the process in which organic molecules in the soil
form a complex with micronutrient ions.
✓ The chelated micronutrients are carried by mass
flow and diffusion to the root surface.
The chelation process in the soil

✓ The chelate is broken down in rhizosphere . The

micronutrient is taken up by the root and the organic
molecule diffuses away.

✓ The organic molecule can complex with more

micronutrients and the process is repeated.
The chelation process in the soil
✓ a lot about the chelation of micronutrients is still
unknown. The organic molecule that forms the chelate
may be derived from:
Natural chelates
(1) Organic compounds released by the plant roots
(phytosiderophores) or soil microorganism,
(2) Compounds released during the decomposition of
soil organic matter, such as fulvic acids
(3) Man-made chelates: EDTA, DTPA EDDHA etc
The chelation process in the soil

✓ Soluble chelates increase the availability of

micronutrient cations: Fe, Zn, Mn, and Cu.
The chelates help protect the ions from
precipitation or adsorption reactions.
Factors that affect micronutrient availability
❑ Solubility of the micronutrient (affected by
factors such as pH)

❑ Percent of exchange sites that are occupied by

the micronutrient)

❑ Soil organic matter

(1) Affects the balance between adsorption and
(2) Organic matter is also involved in the
chelation process
Micronutrients deficiencies are normally
associated with one or more of the following
five situations:

(1) highly weathered soils

(2) coarse-textured soils
(3) high-pH soils
(4) Organic/muck soils
(5) soils that are low in organic matter because
erosion or land-shaping processes have
removed the topsoil.

If one or of these situations applies and soil test

levels and/or plant tissue levels are low, evaluation
of micronutrient fertilizers is recommended.
N Soil pH &
P nutrient
K availability
Mg and Ca
Cu and Zn
Bacteria & Actinomycetes
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Soil pH
Faktor lain …..
Plant Deficiency vs Toxicity

Examples of Values
Plant Tissue Concentration in mg/kg or ppm
Element Deficient Sufficient Toxic
Zn <15 15-150 >250
Mn <25 25-200 >250
Cu <4 5-20 >20
B <20 20-50 >100
Kelancaran penyerapan unsur tergantung
keberadaan unsur lain …
Bagaimana mengelola ….

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