Module 3 - Disciplines Part 2

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DISS 12 Name___________________________________ Score ____________ 1st Q

3 The Disciplines of the Social Sciences (II)

This is a branch of knowledge that attempts to ascertain, record, and explain facts and events that happened in the past.
It originated from the Greek word historia meaning “inquiry”. It is one of the oldest social sciences tracing its origin in the
myths and traditions of early people that were passed from generations. Greek writers may have treated history as an art in
their ancient works but quite a number of historians have also tried to be scientific in their methods of writing historical
accounts or historiography.

Branches of History
History pertains to the totality of occurrences in the past mainly obtained from written records. Historical works may
vary on themes and topics depending on the gathered data and the historian’s perspective.
 Social History- experiences of common people
 Cultural History- customs, arts, traditions
 Political History- political ideas, events, movements, parties, leaders
 Economic History- economic occurrences, way of living, distribution of goods
 Diplomatic History- international relations between states
 Military History- military affairs, strategies, doctrine, armed conflict
 History of Women- women’s role in history
 Environmental History- human interaction with nature and environment
 History of religion- religious experiences and ideas

Linguistics is a field of knowledge the scientific study of language as universal and recognizable aspect of human
and capacity. Linguist study changes that have taken place on various languages over time as well as their modern variations.
As a broad field study of language in all its forms, it can be divided into three:
1. Morphology- involves the study of language form
2. Syntax- the study on how these words are formed into phrases
3. Phonology- the study of sounds of language

Branches of Linguistics
General Linguistics Concepts and categories of language or languages;
theory of language
Micro Linguistics (Phonetics, Phonology, Morphology, Structure of language systems
Syntax, Semantics)
* Phonetics- how humans produce and perceive sounds
*Phonology- speech of sounds
*Morphology- word formation
* Syntax- sentence formation
* Semantics- meaning/vocabulary

Macro Linguistics (Stylistics, Developmental External view of language

Linguistics, Historical Linguistics, Language Geography,
Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, Clinical Linguistics)
*Stylistics- examines the creativity in the use of
*Developmental- development of linguistic ability in an
*Historical- describe the languages that changes across
*Language geography- geographic distribution of
*Psycholinguistics- investigates the psychological
process that make it possible for human to master and
use language
*Socio-study of the link between the language and
society, language variation and attitudes of language.
*Clinical- theories/methods to the study of language
Primary concerns of political science include the study of governments, and the need for the institution, its form, and
its processes. Key concepts within the consist of the state, politics, power, and ideology, as well as the effects of these notions
on individuals and groups. Political scientists deal with both theory and practice of politics, including analysis on public
Branches of Political Science
1. Comparative politics-Comparing of other countries citizen, difference in political units
2. Policy studies and analysis- study of making and adoption of new implementation
3. Political theory- political ideas, justice, power, democracy
4. Political economy- interrelationships among individuals, government, and public policy

Sociology is a field of study dealing with the systematic study of patterns of human interaction. These patterns are
oftentimes affected, controlled, or arranged by historical events, beliefs and practices, or various social influences on an
individual, a family, or a larger group of people. Sociologists attempt to unravel patterns in group behavior and not on specific
expressions of individual being.

Branches of Sociology
 Social Organization- social institutions, groups, inequality, mobility, stratification, bureaucracy, ethnic groups, family,
education, politics and religion
 Social Psychology- human nature as outcome of group of life, social attitudes, collective behavior, personality
formation; individual’s traits, beliefs, attitudes
 Social Change and Social Disorganization- changes in culture and social relations and the disruptions occurring in
society; ecological changes, population, migration, technological change, culture change, modernization, mass
 Human Ecology- nature and behavior of a population in relation to social institutions
 Population or Demography- population dynamics, change, composition, quality
 Sociological Theory and Method- principles and theories about the social environment
 Applied Sociology- resolution of social problems through research in social work, counseling, criminology, and others

It deals with the nature of the human behaviors, and both internal and external factors that affect these behaviors.
From the
Latin word psychologia combining psych meaning “spirit” or “soul” and logia for “study”. It is said that psychology has four
important goals, namely, to describe, explain, predict, and change behaviors. Many psychologists devote their time in the
diagnosis and treatment of mental health concerns.

Branches of Psychology
Abnormal Psychology Looks at the psychopathology and abnormal behavior, depression to obsession-
compulsion to sexual deviation
Behavioral Psychology A theory of learning based upon the idea that all behaviors are acquired through
Biopsychology Focuses on internal states, such as motivation, problem solving, decision-making,
thinking, and attention
Comparative Psychology Study of animal behavior
Cross-cultural Psychology Looks at how cultural factors influence human behavior; investigate how behavior
differs among various cultures throughout the world
Developmental Psychology Looks at development throughout the lifespan, from childhood to adulthood; includes
all aspects of human growth, including physical, emotional, intellectual, social,
perceptual and personality development
Educational Psychology Concerned with schools, teaching psychology, educational issues and student concerns
Experimental Psychology Utilizes scientific methods to research the brain and behavior
Forensic Psychology Deals with issues related to psychology and the law
Health Psychology Focuses on how biology, psychology, behavior, and social factors influence health and
Personality Psychology Focuses on the patters of thoughts, feeling, and behavior that make a person unique
Social Psychology Seeks to explain and understand social behavior and looks at diverse topics including
group behavior, social interactions, leadership, nonverbal communication, and social
influences on decision-making
Demography is the science and statistical study of human population. The term came from the French word
derived from the Greek demos meaning “people” and French graphie. By investigating the three demographic processes (1)
birth, (2) migration, (3) aging (including death), demographers attempt to comprehend the mechanisms behind human


Anthropology The rise of Western imperialism in the 18th century prompted interest in the study of culture of the
Economics Economics became separate discipline with the publication of Adam Smith’s “The Wealth of Nations”
in 1776
Geography It became an academic discipline in Europe during the 18th and 19th centuries while many geographic
societies were founded in 19th century
History The Greeks were the first writers of history and history is one of the oldest of the social sciences
Linguistics Modern linguistics started to develop in the 18th century with philology reaching its zenith in the 29th
Political Science As an academic discipline, political science is a relatively new field that was principally worked on by
American scholars in the 19th and 20th century
Sociology It is a formal academic field of study was founded by Emile Durkheim during the late 19 th century with
the establishment of the first sociology department in Europe
Psychology In 1879, Wilhelm Wundt established the first psychological laboratory in Leipzig thereby effectively
making psychology a formal field of study
Demography The 19 century saw the emergence of demography when it separated from statistics as a field of study

DISS Page 3 1st Q

Anthropology Teacher/professor, social researcher, project managers, development worker, local government
officer, museum worker, community development worker
Economics Financial analyst, bank officer, appraiser, investment analyst, business consultant, auditor,
Geography Cartographer, travel agent, market researcher, photo analyst, location analyst, teacher/professor
History Historical researcher, teacher/professor, archivist, foreign service officer, museum worker, tour
Linguistics Writer, journalist, editor, foreign service officer, translator, interpreter, speech therapist,
Political Science Researcher, urban planner, labor relations specialist, political adviser, foreign service officer,
Sociology Criminologist, community organizer, market research analyst, statistician, demographer,
Psychology Academic counselor, career counselor, advertising agent, criminal investigator, child care worker,
art therapist, college admissions officer, animal trainer, teacher/professor
Demography Social researcher, urban planner, statistician, research programmer, teacher/professor, community
development worker, market research analyst.

FT1. Identify what discipline has the following objective.

HISTORY 1. To accumulate and definite knowledge about the rise and fall of civilizations in the past
POLITICAL SCIENCE 2. To produce better citizens by having a well-grounded knowledge of all governmental agencies
GEOGRAPHY 3. To understand how the natural environment, affect the lives of people
ECONOMICS 4. To effectively allocate goods and services for the consumption of goods
SOCIOLOGY 5. To comprehend the differences in social relationships and expectations between groups or socities
ANTHROPOLOGY 6. To discover how humans have physically changed or evolved in the past
DEMOGRAPHY 7. To appreciate how the population dynamics of birth and aging affect the society
PSYCHOLOGY 8. To learn more about the attitudes and thoughts of a certain individual
LINGUISTICS 9. To fully understand the mechanisms behind the human language
HISTORY 10. To systematically organize written accounts or narrative facts in the past in order to discover meaningful
relationships among them
FT2. With the following stated social problem, classify which discipline/s may be inclined to address the issue.
1. There is a need to know what happened to the once mighty Khmer Empire in Cambodia. ANTHROPOLOGY
2. Divorce rates are increasing tremendously in the United State of America. DEMOGRAPHY/ PSYCHOLOGY
3. A college student have a difficult time dealing with school stressors that results in anxiety and tension. PSYCHOLOGY
4. A high level of underemployment is being exercised by newly graduates despite having baccalaureate degrees.
5. Overpopulation has become a threat for most Asian countries, like China and India. DEMOGRAPHY/GEOGRAPHY
6. The quality of air we constantly breathe affects our general health and well-being. GEOGRAPHY
7. There are 38 languages around the world whose affiliation has yet to be established. LINGUISTICS
8. The Callao Man may be the ancestors of early people in the Philippines. ANTHROPOLOGY/ HISTORY
9. Foreign aids are integral for development assistance to developing nations. ECONOMICS
10. Ebola outbreak in West Africa is the most complex outbreak in the history of disease. HISTORY/ ANTHROPOLOGY
FT3. Access www.nndb/people/320/000099023/ and read the life of Bronislaw Malinowski. Can you highlight the important
contributions of Malinowski in terms of developing anthropology as discipline as well as the on the various anthropological

FT4. Answer thoroughly.

1. How are the demographic processes of birth, migration, and aging integral in the study of human population? How is
demography closely connected to the discipline of sociology? Expound your answer.

2. Why is there a need for political scientists to know how power is being allocated and transferred in the public realm? How
is human behavior and actions related to political sphere? Explain your answer.


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