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Prototyping is like making a mini-version of a software before building the real one. It’s a way to
show customers what the software will look like and how it will work. This helps make sure the
software will meet their needs before too much time and money is spent.

Steps in Prototyping Model

1. Find Out What’s Needed:
Talk to the people who will use the software to understand what they want.
2. Sketch a Quick Plan:
Draw a simple outline of what the software will do.
3. Create a Mini-Version:
Make a basic version of the software that has some of the important parts.
4. Get Feedback:
Show the mini-version to the users and see what they think.
5. Make It Better:
Use the feedback to improve the mini-version.
6. Finish and Keep Up:
Complete the software and make sure it stays in good shape.

Types of Prototypes

Throwaway: Make it, show it, get feedback, and then start over with a better plan.
Evolutionary: Keep improving the mini-version until it becomes the final software.
Incremental: Build the software in small pieces, improving each one along the way.
Extreme: Mainly for websites, start with a rough look, then make sure it works well, and finally,
make it look good.

Advantages / Good Things About Prototyping

User Involvement: Users help shape the software, so it’s more likely to be what they want.
Less Risk: Find problems early, so they’re easier to fix.
Saves Money: Avoid spending on features that aren’t needed.

Disadvantages / Not-So-Good Things

Changing Plans: Users might keep asking for new things, making the project bigger than
Confusion: Users might think the mini-version is the final product.
Delays: Making lots of changes can slow down the project.

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