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Nature and

Communication skills,
including writing, are one
of the most important
transferable skills that
workers possess.
Most business professionals, such
as marketing, finance, and
research and development
managers, need excellent writing
skills to properly convey ideas and
There are many reasons that
writing skills are important in
the business world:
1. Saved
Time and
Effective communication, on the
other hand, eases and facilitates
the business processes, making
sure each involved party
understands what the others
expect and desire.
2. Professional
Good writing demonstrates your expertise and
High Tech Peers
use acronyms and abbreviations, usually
without any definition.

Accounts receivable (AR)

Accounting (ACCG)
Accounts payable (AP)
Balance sheet (BS)
Capital (CAP)
Cash flow (CF)

Benign: Not cancerous

Malignant: Cancerous
Anti-inflammatory: Reduces swelling, pain
Body Mass Index (BMI): Body fat measurement based
on height and weight
Biopsy: A tissue sample for testing purposes
Hypotension: Low blood pressure
Hypertension: High blood pressure
Lesion: Wound, sore, or cut
Low Tech Peers
high-tech terms must be explained
3. Persuasion
Sales and marketing professionals are particularly
skilled at using the written word to persuade customers to
purchase the company’s products and services--or at least pay
attention to its advertisements.

But everyone in the

business world finds it
necessary at times to
persuade someone else to
take an action based on
written material they have
4. Clarity
When’s the meeting?
Where’s the meeting?
Who’s the meeting for?
How much information is “very detailed”?
How will the presentation be made?
Why is this meeting being held?
What does the manager want to be
conveyed about sales?
5. Professional
In this age of text messaging, business
communication increasingly comes in a
shorthand fashion. Even email has a
much less formal style in many
companies than a letter.
6. Completeness
Business communication can be
ineffective if a document does not
completely express its intention.
An instruction manual on how to operate
machinery, for example, must not have
gaps in the sequence of steps or the how-
to explanations.
A financial report that has the quality of
completeness would be one that
answers the reader’s questions before
he has time to ask them.
7. Inspiring
Supervisors and business associates who
express themselves well in writing inspire
a feeling of confidence in their abilities
from employees or colleagues.
Sharp writing
conveys the impression that a sharp
mind composed the words.
Sloppy writing,
on the other hand, can make others
conclude that the creator is not
intelligent. Some might even question
their job-related competence.
8. Team Building
to employees
is one way a company shows
that it values their contribution
and appreciates their efforts.
is particularly important.
If it is energetic and positive,
the employees will respond to it in an
equally positive fashion.
Simple and easy language should
be used for writing business letters.

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