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Cultural Center or Cultural Centre is an establishment for a community or a complex building that
represents the traditional or culture and arts, along with local talents to showcase their rich cultural
activities. Talents such as dance, music, and theatre wherein it encourages aspiring artist on this platform.
Cultural centers are utilized by the public in several ways wherein, cultural centers are venues in public use
that create a platform for people to both practice and take part in cultural activities. (Stenlund, 2010).
Public cultural centers commonly describe their primary mission as to producing (by prioritizing and
coordinating) exclusive cultural offerings to the community. They may for instance provide commercial
concerts, theatre productions, standup comedy, musicals, or even be the home of the city’s symphony
orchestra (Lambert & Williams, 2017).


According to a report by The Ilocos Times (2015), The Ilocandia Batac Cultural Center, located in
Ilocos Sur, is a significant cultural hub in Northern Luzon. The center was established to preserve and
promote the rich cultural heritage of the Ilocos region.
The Ilocandia Cultural Center often hosts cultural events, performances, workshop, and exhibits
that highlight the unique traditions and talents of the Ilocano community. These events provide an
opportunity for Ilocanos to share their cultural practices and for visitors to immerse themselves in the
vibrant Ilocano culture. Moreover, the center also serves as a venue for research, documentation, and
academic studies related to Ilocano culture. It houses a library and archives that contain valuable resources
on Ilocano history, language, literature, and other cultural aspects. It plays a vital role in preserving
and promoting the Ilocano cultural heritage, fostering a sense of pride and identity among the Ilocano
people, and creating awareness and appreciation for their rich traditions among visitors and future

The researchers aim to study on The Ilocandia Cultural Center, it is well-known as the first cultural
center Northern Luzon located at Batac City, Ilocos Norte and it started its construction on July 2015. The
Cultural Center is a two- storey building with a mezzanine, it has a 1,022-seater located at the ground floor,
and it emphasizes its roof design as the traditional Ilokano hat known as “salakot.” On this aspect, the
researcher’s consideration on addressing the problems and gaps found on the cultural center is to expand
and modify its interior and exterior features.


Building expansion is a major undertaking in the fields of urban planning and architectural
development, with the goals of satisfying improving utility, and mirroring changing social conditions.
However, a number of difficulties and complications arise in the context of these expansion projects,
requiring a careful analysis to properly handle any possible problems. The possible difficulties regarding the
Ilocandia Cultural Center’s expansion are listed below.

1. How does the design express its purpose? What strategies were employed to construct the form
while incorporating its requirements?
2. What benefits will the Ilocandia Cultural Center's expansion bring?
3. What architectural features identify this structure from others in the region which makes it stand


Batac is a landlocked component city in the coastal province of Ilocos Norte.

The city has a land area of 161.06 square kilometers or 62.19 square miles which constitutes 4.71% of
Ilocos Norte's total area. Its population as determined by the 2020 Census was 55,484. This represented
9.10% of the total population of Ilocos Norte province, or 1.05% of the overall population of the Ilocos
Region. Based on these figures, the population density is computed at 344 inhabitants per square kilometer
or 892 inhabitants per square mile.



Ilocos Sur has two congressional districts with two (2) component cities, thirty-two (32)
municipalities and seven hundred and sixty-eight (768) barangays. Vigan City, a component city of the
province is the provincial capital. Candon City is the second component city located in the second district.
Both districts depict two World Heritage Sites a) Vigan City and b) Santa Maria church, “Nuestra Señora de
la Asuncion.” The population of the province is 658,587 as per latest national census on August 2010.

The province of Ilocos Sur is classified as a first-class province in Region 1 with 2 congressional
districts, 2 component cities, 32 municipalities, and 768 barangays. According to the 2020 Census of
Population and Housing (2020 CPH), it has a total population of 706,009 persons. Of this total, the
household population comprised 99.75 percent or 704,218 persons.

Cultural centers are often important hubs for preserving and promoting local arts, crafts, music,
dance, and other aspects of cultural heritage. If the Ilocandia Cultural Center exists, it likely serves as a
venue for various cultural activities, performances, and exhibitions that showcase the traditions and
heritage of the Ilocano people.

The Ilocandia Batac Cultural Center has a total land area of 11,655 square meters, which would
have its total floor area of 4,911 square meters. The first floor has 2,746 square meters and the 2 nd floor
going to the mezzanine has an area of 165 square meters. In regards to its geographical area, it is
prominent to consider its accessibility, circulation, and safety.

Started construction: July 2, 2015

Lot area: 11,655sqm
Floor area: 4,911 sqm
First floor: 2,746sqm (event area)
Second floor: 165sqm
1,022 seaters



The Ilocandia Batac Cultural Center has many features to explore from interior to its exteriors,
regarding on its interior the 1,022-seater could a great amount of area for the people to watch. In terms of
this, a prospective of population would arise along with its aspiring local artists, the 1,022-seater would be
not enough to accommodate of all the people to watch and witness the cultural performances. On its
exterior features, the entryway is narrow for the people to enter and exit, and it is not accessible enough
which may occur traffic or a chaotic situation.




Solution architecture provides the ground for software development projects by tailoring IT
solutions to specific business needs and defining their functional requirements and stages of
implementation. It is comprised of many subprocesses that draw guidance from various enterprise
architecture viewpoints.

To better understand the role of solution architecture in the context of software development, you
first need to think about what a solution is. Even though this might seem quite basic, it illustrates why
solution architecture is one of the most important processes when re-designing your IT landscape. At its
core, a solution is a way to describe an answer to a problem. In the corporate world, this means evaluating
client needs or problems and addressing them with systems that replace or improve the existing system.
In solution architecture, the client needs are expanded to business needs that in one way or
another are related to technology. These needs usually crystallize through re-assessing existing systems
and finding out how they benefit or harm the organization in the long run. Sometimes, these evaluations are
run by business analysts who also provide a definition of the problem. In the next step, solution
architects take this problem and start crafting a description of solutions that appropriately address this


Introduction to Solutions for the Expansion of Ilocandia Batac Cultural Center:

As we navigate the complex landscape surrounding the expansion of the Ilocandia Batac Cultural Center, a
thoughtful and strategic approach to addressing the identified issues is paramount. This section explores innovative
solutions that aim to overcome the challenges associated with financial constraints, community involvement,
authenticity preservation, infrastructure utilization, community impact during construction, accessibility, technological
integration, and long-term sustainability. Recognizing that the success of the expansion project hinges on a
collaborative effort, these proposed solutions are rooted in a holistic perspective that values community input, cultural
preservation, and sustainable development. By delving into each challenge and offering viable solutions, we strive to
chart a course that not only ensures the seamless expansion of the cultural center but also fosters a lasting and
positive impact on the community of Ilocos Sur.

Through a blend of financial strategies, community engagement initiatives, technological innovations, and sustainable
practices, these solutions aim to create a blueprint for a culturally enriched, accessible, and thriving Ilocandia Batac
Cultural Center. As we explore these solutions, it is crucial to keep in mind the overarching goal: to propel the center
into a new era of cultural prominence while safeguarding the authenticity and heritage that make it a cherished
symbol of Ilocano identity.





The Ilocandia Cultural Center represents its function as a cultural institution by

showcasing and preserving Ilocano heritage. It does this through various methods such as
hosting exhibits, performances, workshops, and events that highlight the traditions, arts,
crafts, music, and dance of the Ilocano people. In terms of creating the form incorporating its needs, the
center is designed with spaces and facilities that cater to the diverse activities and functions it hosts. It
typically includes exhibition halls, performance venues, classrooms, storage areas for artifacts,
offices, and other necessary amenities. W h e t h e r o r n o t t h e f o r m j u s t i f i e s t h e f u n c t i o n a n d
needs can be subjective
andd e p e n d e n t o n i n d i v i d u a l o p i n i o n s . H o w e v e r , i f t h e d e s i g n e f f e c t i v e l y
f a c i l i t a t e s t h e preservation and promotion of Ilocano heritage, provides suitable spaces for variousa
ctivities, and attracts both locals and tourists, then it can be argued that the form does
indeed justify the function and needs of the Ilocandia Cultural Center. What makes it a piece of work is it
can gather a large number of people with a different personality, kind,
andmindset but apparently shows up with the same purpose which is to appreciate the arts and culturethat
the structure can offer. It can basically offer the forms to functions and it’s needs. The
function of the Ilocandia Cultural Center is to further expand the tradition in the work
of s h o w c a s i n g e v e r y a r t , c r a f t s a n d m u s i c w i t h e a c h r e s p e c t i v e i d e n t i t y w h i c h
h a s f i r m l y something to do with its functions as well, which is to promote the traditional Ilokano hat.
Issues is to conform to the local arts and design which would simply resembled into a ‘salakot’.
Methods used to create the form of a cultural center include:
1. Site analysis: A thorough analysis of the site, including its physical characteristics, surrounding
environment, and local cultural context, is conducted to determine the most appropriate form of
the building.

2 . F u n c t i o n a l r e q u i r e m e n t s : T h e n e e d s a n d f u n c t i o n s o f t h e c u l t u r a l c e n t e r a r e car
efully studied, including the spaces required, such as exhibition halls, performance venues, libraries, and
administrative areas.3. User experience: The design process takes into consideration the experience of
thev i s i t o r s a n d u s e r s o f t h e c e n t e r . T h e c i r c u l a t i o n p a t t e r n s , s i g h t l i n e s , a c o u s t i c
s,l i g h t i n g , a n d s p a t i a l q u a l i t i e s a r e c a r e f u l l y c o n s i d e r e d t o e n s u r e a n o
p t i m a l experience.4. Cultural symbolism: The form of the building incorporates elements and
symbolst h a t r e f l e c t t h e l o c a l c u l t u r a l h e r i t a g e o r e m b r a c e c o n t e m p o r a r y c u l t u r a l t r
e n d s , creating a sense of identity and connection to the community. Now, the methods that have been
used to create its own form which help
incorporatedi t s n e e d s a r e m a n a g i n g i t s s i t e a n a l y s i s , t h e d e m a n d o f f u n c t i o
n a l r e q u i r e m e n t s , t h e experiences of its users, and the significant of cultural symbolism. The site
analysis has been one of the factor to create the form with its needs because of the location.
the physical characteristics of the site, the environment surrounding it and the local culturalc o n t e x t of
the residents. These methods are managed to be done to determine the most
appropriate form of the building. Next
i s t h e d e m a n d o f f u n c t i o n a l r e q u i r e m e n t s . T h i s method has something to do with its
needs to functionality. It was studied carefully to see what spaces are required to the exhibition
halls, the performances venues, the libraries and its administrative areas. The third method that have been
used to create form is the experiences of the users where it was processed in the making of consideration
by the experiences of the visitors which are going to be eventually the users of the Ilocandia
Cultural Center. The factors in incorporating the needs are the circulation of the patterns, the
importance of sightlines, its acoustics and lightings and the spatial qualities which concerns
the ensurement of the optimal experiences of the viewers. The last method used is the significant of the
cultural symbolism within its unique form. Its form has this element reflects a symbol of the
loca lh i s t o r y w h i c h s h o w s h o w e m b r a c i n g t h e c u l t u r e m e a n s b y c r e a t i n g i t s o w n
i d e n t i t y i n connection to its own community. As a result, I believe that the forms that are used justifies
its functions and its need to be the structure who promotes the Ilocandia Cultural
Center through building a modern piece that will attract, pleased and appreciated by the people.

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