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Tutorial questions:

1. Define the following with examples (1) Isotopes (2) Isotopes (3) isobars (4) isobars.

2. List and explain the nuclear properties.

3.what did you understand by atomic mass.

4. Explain Binding energy with the aid of well label diagram.

5. What is radioactivity decay

6.Define Radioactivity and state the difference and similarities between Artificial and Natural

7. Define Nucleon and explain in details what Nucleon have in common mass differences.

8.what are the applications of Radioactive decay.

9. List and explain fundamental particles.

10.Explain the following (1) Nuclide (2)Atomic structure (3)Atomic mass unit(4)Avogados numbers.

11. Explain liquid drop model and the shell model of the atom has relate to nuclear particles Physics.

12. Consider a radioactive element N(t) that disintegrate at T dt so that each of the atom is given by
N(t)=Noe^-\ and the half life of the elements is given by T¹/²= . Where all parameters have usual

13. What did you know by Nuclear Fusion and Fission

14.Explain two classes of fundamentals particles.

15. Briefly write on the following (1) Atomic number (2) Atomic mass number (3) Atomic Mass

16. With the aid of a curve, Explain Nuclear stability.

17. According to the theory of Nuclear synthesis, state the number of delicate inequalities particles
Physics as observed from each element.

The purpose of this project is to investigate the potential cancer implications of background
ionizing radiation exposure to sensitive organs in gashua main market, yobe state Specifically, we
will focus on the presence of primordial radionuclide’s and their impact on human health.

Ionizing radiation can affect the atom in living things, so it poses a health risk by damaging tissues
and dna in genes, has a sufficient energy to affect the atoms in lining cells and thereby damaging
their genetic materials (DNA)


1. Quantify the levels of background ionizing radiation in gashua main market, Yobe State.

2. Identify and assess the primordial radionuclide’s present in the area.

3. Determine the potential health risks associated with exposure to these radionuclides.

4. Investigate the correlation between radiation exposure and the development of cancer in
sensitive organs.


1. It helps us understand the potential health risks associated with radiation exposure in that
gashua main market, Bade local government Yobe state.

2. The study contributes to our overall understanding of the relationship between radiation
exposure and the development of cancer, particularly in sensitive organs.

3. The findings of this study can provide valuable insights for future research and contribute to the
scientific literature on radiation and cancer. It's important to continue studying and raising
awareness about these issues for the well-being of gashua main market community prevention and
treatment strategies.


The scope of the study on the cancer implications of background ionizing radiation exposure to
sensitive organs in gashua main market, Yobe State, would involve conducting research to assess
the level of radiation exposure in the area. This would include collecting data on the presence of
primordial radionuclide and measuring their impact on sensitive organs of the body. The study
would also aim to investigate the potential health risks associated with this radiation exposure,
particularly in relation to the development of cancer. By examining these factors, researchers can
gain a better understanding of the specific implications of background ionizing radiation on the
health of individuals in gashua main market. It's an important study that can provide valuable
insights into the potential risks and guide future measures to protect the community.

Common sources of background ionizing radiation include natural sources such as cosmic radiation
from space, radon gas from the soil and rocks, and naturally occurring radioactive materials in the
Earth's crust. Additionally, background radiation can also come from man-made sources such as
medical procedures (like X-rays), nuclear power plants, and certain industrial activities. It's
important to note that while background radiation is present everywhere, the levels can vary
depending on geographical location and other factors.


1. Conduct a survey of radiation levels using appropriate dosimeters in various locations within
gashua main market.

2. Utilize relevant statistical analysis to establish the relationship between radiation exposure and
cancer incidence.

3. Collaborate with medical professionals to gather data on cancer cases in sensitive organs among
the population of gashua main market.


1. A comprehensive understanding of the levels and sources of background ionizing radiation in

gashua main market.

2. Identification of specific primordial radionuclide’s contributing to radiation exposure.

3. Insight into the potential cancer implications of long-term exposure to these radionuclide’s.

4. Recommendations for public health interventions and policies to mitigate radiation-related

health risks.


This project aims to shed light on the cancer implications of background ionizing radiation
exposure to sensitive organs in gashua main market, Yobe State. By understanding the potential
risks and developing appropriate interventions, we can work towards safeguarding the health and
well-being of the community.

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