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Allyn :Welcome to all shopping enthusiasts, and a special greeting to entrepreneurs joining us for

today's insightful discussion on brand awareness.

My name is Allyn E. Siobal

I am Almira Lorinne J. Zuniga
Both: We are thrilled to be your speakers for today!

Almira: Think about Starbucks, McDonald's, and Nike –aren't they all well-known? Besides being
global giants, they all excel in one key area: brand awareness. But what does it imply, and how can
you mimic their success even if you're just starting out or trying to build your brand?

Allyn: Now, let us guide you for today’s talk.

When we say brand awareness it is how customers identify and remember a specific brand. Brand
awareness isn't just about getting your brand name out there; it's about creating a lasting impression
that resonates with your audience. This is the extent to which the majority of the population is aware
that a company, its products, and services are available on the market.
When you come right down to it, people can't buy from you if they don't know that you exist. So the
purpose of increasing brand awareness in the general marketplace for your brand is to eventually
create more sales, but we need to get the attention of a new audience first.
Think about it like this: in a sea of options, how do you know which brands you can trust? How will
your business stand out? That's where brand awareness comes in.

Almira: It's the measure of how well a brand is known and recognized, and more importantly, how
much it's trusted. You don't just want people to know your brand; you want them to recognize how
you differ from your competitors. What you need to do is try to grab that awareness so that people
will be aware of your brand when they're considering which brand to go with
However, increasing brand recognition is not easy. In an overcrowded marketplace, cutting through
the noise and gaining consumers' attention is an uphill struggle it requires continual work and

Almira: So, despite these barriers, how can we successfully raise brand awareness?
Almira: Brand awareness encompasses both recognition and recall. Brand recognition refers to the
ability of customers to recognize a brand when presented with its name, logo, or other identifying
characteristics, without necessarily remembering any further information about it. For example, The
bitten apple logo of Apple Inc. is so distinctive that when people see it, they immediately recognize
the brand behind it, showcasing strong brand recognition. On the other hand, brand recall refers to a
consumer's capacity to recall specific information or experiences associated with a brand from
memory. For example, if I sing "brush brush brush three times a day," you will remember the brand
Colgate because of their well-known jingle. This is known as brand recall, and it occurs when you
remember specific facts or associations associated with a brand, such as its tagline or advertising
Allyn: As mentioned earlier, building brand awareness requires a strategic approach that encompasses
various tactics aimed at increasing visibility and recognition among target audiences. One key strategy
is to leverage multiple channels for brand promotion, including digital platforms. In today's digital
age, where much of our lives revolve around the internet, we are easily influenced by what we see
online. Therefore, advertising on digital platforms can significantly help in building brand awareness.
Traditional advertising, such as television commercials, radio spots, or print media, can also be
effective in reaching target consumers, especially in rural areas where internet access may be limited.
Lastly, experiential marketing, such as sponsorships, events, or product demonstrations, allows for
personal interaction with consumers, helping to build their trust in the brand.
Almira: In conclusion, brand awareness isn't just a buzzword; it's the lifeblood of successful
businesses. By investing in strategic branding efforts and cultivating positive connections, you can lift
your brand above the noise, winning customers' trust and loyalty. So, let's strive to not only make our
brands known but also remembered and treasured by everyone who comes across them. It's not just
about being seen; it's about being remembered, trusted, and chosen.

Allyn: we hope that our insights have left a lasting impression. Thank you all for your time and
attention. Wishing you all the best as you embark on your own brand awareness endeavors. Good
luck, and may your brands shine brightly in the hearts and minds of consumers everywhere.

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