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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna

College of Arts and Sciences

Yusores, Ann – Jeniel A.

BS Psychology 2 – B
Remember the Titans
Long lasting friendship every individual is expected to have appropriately and collaborate
with other people with respect. It does not matter what country someone came from, nor what
race he or she might be. These factors also affect how someone can deal and create a
harmony and relationship with others despite of racial and demographic differences. In the
film Remember the Titans, it illustrates the unity and teamwork of a football team regardless
of every player’s race. When differences are set aside and people will work together,
everything will work out as planned. The first obstacle that the Titans had to face was
difference. In the time period that the movie is set in there were very few high schools that
were mixed with black and white students. On top of all of that the football teams coach was
also black for the first time ever, which enraged everyone. First, lesson that I learned in the
movies was that, change is inevitable. We aren't ones to welcome change. We like things how
they are because it keeps us safe and inside our comfort zones. Once change happens we tend
to have the worst attitude about it. You can complain, do things to twist it into your favor, but
in the end change will happen regardless. Next is what Julius Campbell said, “attitude reflects
leadership". No matter how good you are, if you have a bad attitude then you won't get very
far. Attitude creates long-lasting impressions that can last you a lifetime. No one wants to be
around someone who is a Debby Downer or a Negative Nancy. It isn't fun and people lose
respect for you. Third lesson is the part where Coach Boone led them to the Gettysburg
Cemetery, where he tells his team that 50,000 men died during the Battle of Gettysburg. This
shows that sometimes we have to go back to our roots to see how far we have made it. It is
easy to forget where we came from. Sometimes we believe it is better to leave the past behind
because we have progressed far enough to forget it. There comes a time when we have to go
back to where we started to see how blessed and lucky we are to be where we are now.
Lastly, family isn't always about blood. Sometimes your family will fail you, but there is a
friend who is by your side through the thick and thin. Just like how Julius Campbell always
have Gerry Bertier’s back. They have your back regardless of what happens to you. Their
parents even claim you as their own child. No matter what happens you always have a home
with them.

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