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Proceedings of the ASME 2018

Dynamic Systems and Control Conference

September 30-October 3, 2018, Atlanta, Georgia, USA




Sean R. Sanchez Sean B. Andersson

Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering
Boston University Division of Systems Engineering
Boston, Massachusetts 02215 Boston University
Email: Boston, Massachusetts 02215

ABSTRACT data at each robot position. As the robot moves through the en-
Robotic mapping and simultaneous localization and map- vironment, a large volume of data is collected and analyzed (typ-
ping (SLAM) typically rely on sensors that produce a large num- ically on-line) to produce accurate and useful maps. If, in addi-
ber of measurements at many locations in an environment to pro- tion, the pose of the robot is unknown a priori, then the problem
duce an accurate map and, in the case of SLAM, the pose of the is one of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). The
robot in that map. However, with the advent of small, low-power literature on SLAM is vast and a comprehensive overview of its
robots with insect-scale features, there is a need for techniques many incarnations and variations can be found in [2].
that can produce useful maps using limited capability sensors This paradigm of acquiring large sets of data to produce
and a small number of measurements. In this work, we focus maps, however, is not applicable in every robotic scenario. In
on the use of compressive sensing to extract local environment recent years, there has been increasing interest and ongoing de-
reconstructions from ultrasonic sensor measurements. We first velopments in very small, low power robots such as autonomous
examine a simplistic setting where a square pulse is emitted and flying micro-robots (RoboBees) [3], micro air vehicles [4], bat-
use the returned echoes in a compressive sensing scheme to re- like robots [5], and insect-scale flapping wing robots [6]. It is
construct the locations of objects inside the sensing cone. We not feasible to carry or to power large sensors on such platforms
then extend this to the more practical setting, accounting for the nor to handle or store large sets of data. Even without the ability
wave nature of the acoustic signal and corresponding issues of to synthesize large numbers of sensor measurements into maps,
interference, showing that these can be accounted for in design- autonomous navigation can feasibly be done with very limited in-
ing the measurement matrix of the compressive sensing descrip- formation using techniques such as optical or echoic flow [7, 8],
tion of the problem. We demonstrate the performance of our landmarks [9], or similar approaches. However, it is conceivable
approach though several simulations. that one would like to deploy one, or more likely, many such
robots in an environment to collect data and then return to a cen-
tral hub to generate a large scale map. Because of limited storage
1 INTRODUCTION and power on-board, ideally one needs a light, low-powered sen-
Robotic mapping is an important component in the develop- sor and algorithms that can generate the most information out of
ment of autonomous robots. There are various of algorithms that each sensor measurement while also producing good maps from
allow robots to reliably use on-board sensors to map their envi- heavily undersampled data.
ronments [1]. Typically, mapping is done using laser rangefind- In this work, we focus on ultrasonic sensors. These are low-
ers, cameras, or other powerful sensors that provide a wealth of cost, light-weight sensors that have been used in both mapping

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and SLAM [10]. They are typically used to measure a range curate images in atomic force microscopy (AFM) [19–21]. In
to the nearest target, but, unlike laser rangefinders, their signal this setting, a sharp tip (with an end radius on the order of
expands through an approximately conic domain in space. As nanometers) is brought into contact with a sample surface and
a result there is significantly more information in the received an image is generated by scanning the tip and measuring each
signal about the environment than simply the range to the near- pixel in sequence. Significant improvement in imaging time
est target. This can certainly be seen in the medical environment can be achieved by replacing the scanning with appropriate sub-
where ultrasound is often the modality of choice for safe, in-body sampling combined with CS-based reconstruction. These results
imaging [11]. However, the propagation medium, scale, and set- give some credence to the belief that CS can be used in the
ting of ultrasonics for robotic mapping are quite different than robotic mapping framework despite the inability of the sensors
in the medical setting. Perhaps a better motivation for extract- to acquire linear combinations in pixels.
ing more information from these acoustic signals is the ability of This view is further supported by recent work on using CS to
some people to produce clicks with their mouths and to use the reconstruct depth scans and perform SLAM with a limited num-
echoes to learn the local environment around themselves [12]. ber of measurements [22]. The essential idea in this work is to
This idea was expanded upon in recent work to infer the shape reconstruct an entire depth profile (such as is typically measured
of a polyhedral room from a single source and multiple sensors by a lidar scan or camera) from a small number of depth mea-
(that is, to “hear the shape of a room” ) [13] and on performing surements. This profile can then be sent to any SLAM algorithm
SLAM using these echoes [14]. These results, however, assume to produce a map and robot trajectory. There is, however, an
fairly simplistic room geometry and uncluttered environments, assumption of a regular environment (that is, one with many pla-
focusing on echoes from the bounding walls. nar surfaces and few edges) in their reconstruction scheme. In
For any sensor modality (or combination of modalities) there addition to assuming regular environments, the number of mea-
are various ways to represent the world, including the broad cat- surements used at a given time are fairly minimal, and the recon-
egories of occupancy grids [15], semantic maps [16], and topo- struction time doesn’t suffer. However in [23, 24] in the context
logical maps [17]. In this work we focus on occupancy grids of radar-based imaging, a very large (or even infinite) signal is
because they are common, effective, and simple to work with. reconstructed by breaking up the problem up into smaller sub-
An occupancy grid is a discrete, gridded map of the world where problems. Both works take advantage of the idea that the signal
each cell is either occupied (in which case it is assigned a one) will have finite support over a given time window, and the banded
or not (in which case it is assigned a zero) or, more generally, matrix structure this assumption creates allows the reconstruction
where each cell contains a probability that it is occupied. By assurances of CS to be extended to these otherwise prohibitively
thinking of each cell as a pixel, an occupancy grid can be con- large signals.
sidered as an image. The problem we formulate, then, is one of In this paper, we assume a robot is outfitted with an ultra-
reconstructing an image from a small number of samples of that sonic sensor and is moving through a two-dimensional environ-
image. One powerful paradigm for reconstructing signals from ment. Due to the physics of ultrasonic sensors, each measure-
undersampled data is that of Compressive Sensing (CS). ment acquires information in a cone. We focus here primarily on
The essential idea of CS is that many signals of interest are the question of how to reconstruct the environment inside that
sparse when represented in an appropriate basis. The vector of cone as effectively as possible using a single pulse of sound,
coefficients describing the signal in that basis consists primarily though we do also briefly consider how to merge information
of zeros (or, more generally, of primarily very small coefficients). from multiple pulses at multiple locations, whether from a sin-
Reconstruction takes advantage of this through solving a nonlin- gle or from multiple robots. We begin in Sec. 2 with a brief
ear optimization problem that can, under certain assumptions, overview of compressive sensing to set notation and concepts
exactly recreate the original signal [18]. Typically, a measure- and in Sec. 3 we formulate and solve the problem of environ-
ment in the CS framework is an inner product between a signal ment reconstruction in the measurement cone. There we begin
and a measurement vector. If that signal is an image, for exam- with a simple, abstract setting before introducing some of the
ple, each measurement is a linear combination of the values in physical complexities encountered in the practical application of
many pixels. the technique.
Unfortunately, in robotic mapping with occupancy grids the
sensors used typically return values of individual pixels, not lin-
ear combinations of pixels. This single pixel scenario does not 2 Overview of Compressive Sensing
naturally fit into the standard CS framework. However, this does There are several good tutorials and overviews on the sub-
not imply that accurate reconstruction can not be done from such jects of sparse representation and compressive sensing (CS) in
single pixel measurements. In related work, one of the authors the literature, including [25–29]. We give here a brief overview
has successfully developed CS-based schemes for dramatically sufficient to motivate our approach and refer the interested reader
reducing the number of measurements needed to produce ac- to those sources for more information.

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Compressed sensing [18] is a signal processing technique models the physical nature of the measurements taken. In order
which aims at signal reconstruction with significantly fewer mea- to guarantee exact reconstruction, the combined A matrix should
surements than the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem requires. satisfy the restricted isometry property (RIP) [32]. Satisfying
It takes advantage of the approximate sparsity of real-world sig- RIP is very specific and, for a given sensing modality, impractical
nals, that is, of the observation that many coefficients of such sig- or impossible, so a more relaxed requirement is that Φ is inco-
nals are close to zero when represented in an appropriate basis. herent with respect to the chosen basis Ψ. In essence, this means
In CS, a signal is reconstructed from measurements by solving that the rows of Φ cannot sparsely represent the columns of Ψ
an `1 minimization problem given by, and vice versa, and intuitively it means that the m measurements
contain sufficient information about the sparse (or compressible)
min kqk1 subject to y = Φx = ΦΨq , Aq (1) representation of the signal to enable its accurate reconstruction.
To illustrate the need for this relaxed requirement, we briefly
consider the domain of AFM, where the goal of using CS is to re-
where x ∈ Rn is the true signal, y ∈ Rm is the collection of obser- duce the amount of time it takes to measure the topology a nano-
 Φ = φ1 φ2 . . . φm is an m × n measurement nmatrix,
vations, scale sample. One approach to ensuring incoherence is to choose
Ψ = ψ1 ψ2 . . . ψn is an n × n orthonormal basis for R (often Φ as a random matrix from a suitable distribution (e.g., choos-
referred to as the sparsity basis, and q is the sparse representation ing each entry according to a uniform Bernoulli distribution or
of the true signal x in the domain of Ψ. We define the product a zero-mean, 1/n–variance Gaussian distribution [33]) which en-
ΦΨ as the m × n matrix A. sures incoherence (and RIP) with high probability. However, a
The signal x is said to be k–sparse if only k of the elements measurement in AFM involves moving the tip of the instrument
of q are non-zero. In practice, few real signals are truly sparse, to a particular location and, as a result, only a single pixel of
and the choice of basis has a nontrivial effect on sparsity. Many an image can be acquired at any given time. Thus, translating a
signals however, are approximately sparse or compressible, such random matrix into physically meaningful measurements would
that the sorted magnitudes of the elements of q decay rapidly effectively lead to randomly measuring every point of the sample
[30]. Mathematically, a signal x is compressible in the basis Ψ if and mixing the measurements. Since every pixel was measured,
it satisfies, it would be faster to just perform a standard raster-scan of the
tip across the surface. Instead, one selects a random subset of
x = Ψq, |qsort |(i) ≤ R · i−r the pixels to measure to reduce the overall imaging time with the
tradeoff of increasing the coherence of the measurement matrix
with the sparsity basis.
where |qsort |(i) is the ith largest magnitude entry of q, r is a con- In general, it is also important to note that the measurement
stant that defines the speed of the decay and R is a constant. process is non-adaptive; the measurement matrix is selected be-
Given a signal x, it has been shown that the k–sparse approxi- forehand and remains fixed. There is, however, existing work on
mation x̂ that minimizes the error developing adaptive measurements [34, 35]

kx − x̂k p 2.2 Signal reconstruction

The reconstruction of the signal x from the measurements
for any ` p norm is the one given by thresholding, that is retaining y is achieved by solving a nonlinear optimization problem (1).
just the k largest elements [31]. It has been shown that under appropriate assumptions, the so-
Under standard data acquisition, the full n–sample signal x is lution to the `1 optimization problem will exactly reconstruct
first acquired. It can then be compressed by calculating the basis a k–sparse vector and well approximate a compressible vector
coefficients and then storing only the k largest. The fundamental using O(k log(n/k)) measurements. This convex optimization
idea of CS is to directly acquire a compressed signal without problem can be solved using a variety of different algorithms,
first sampling the full set of n samples. The challenge, of course, including basis pursuit and greedy, stochastic, and variational al-
is that the location of the significant coefficients is not known gorithms [26].
a priori. Surprisingly, despite this, it is possible to produce an In the presence of noise, it makes sense to relax the con-
accurate, even exact, reconstruction of the original signal using straints somewhat. In that setting, a common approach is to solve
far fewer than n measurements. the optimization problem given by

2.1 Measurement acquisition q̂ = arg min kqk1 subject to ky − Aqk2 < ε (2)
As stated above, m measurements are taken from the true
signal x through the measurement matrix Φ. Ideally, Φ exactly where ε is a user-defined parameter establishing an upper limit

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on the magnitude of the noise. This is once again a convex pro-
gramming problem that can be solved by a variety of techniques.
If the underlying data set represents an image, one often uses
a variant of the `1 minimization which relies on the fact that typi-
cally the gradient in an image is sparse. In that setting one defines
a gradient operator Di j on each pixel and then solves the problem

q̂ = arg min ∑ kDi j qk2 subject to Aq = y. (3)

i, j

This example fits into a broader class of CS approaches, (a) A single robot (b) Multiple robots/perspectives
the analysis model, which seeks sparsity in the product of the
weighting coefficients with some analysis operator, whereas the FIGURE 1: Simple illustration of two sensing scenarios. (a) A
more common synthesis model seeks sparsity directly in the co- single robot with four objects; three objects are in the sensing
efficient vector. As before, the analysis problem (3) can be mod- cone and will return echoes to the receiver. (b) Two robots look-
ified to account for noise by relaxing the constraints as in the ing at the same scene from two vantages. Two of the objects are
synthesis case in (2). seen by both, allowing the symmetry inherent in a single mea-
surement to be broken.

3 Ultrasound sensing and CS

As discussed in Sec. 1, our goal is to create images (specif- reflections, measurement noise, potential anisotropy of target re-
ically, occupancy grid style maps) of an environment from mea- flection and absorption, the effects of shadowing (walls or other
surements in the form of echoes, bouncing off nearby objects, of objects in the foreground obscuring or completely shadowing
an ultrasonic signal emitted by a robot. While eventually, it may those in background), out-of-plane objects, and objects in motion
be possible to expand the reconstruction to include target char- or the notion of a dynamically changing map. While it is likely
acteristics such as size, shape, orientation, reflectivity, etc., here necessary to include at least some of these issues in practice, in
we focus purely on determining the object location. this section we focus on the core ideas and ignore these physical
A simplified motivating example to look at is the case of a complications. In Sec. 4 we will discuss the impact of at least
unit pulse radiated out into the environment which reflects off of some of these considerations while others will be considered in
targets at known locations as shown in Figure 1a. In this sim- future work.
ple setting, the pulse travels through the air, bounces off each In our simplified setting, we assume we have a robot in a
target and returns to the sensor as a time-delayed pulse. The de- sparse environment, that is one with only a small number of ob-
lay of each received pulse is simply dependent on the speed of jects. In general the main tasks are to choose a sparsifying basis
sound and twice the distance to the target, as sound must travel Ψ and a measurement matrix Φ, but since the environment is it-
to and back from the target. In terms of acoustic intensity decay, self sparse, Ψ can be taken to be an identity matrix. For more
sound is assumed to travel as a spherical wave with power obey- complicated simulations and realistic environments, the addition
ing the inverse-square law. That is, the intensity decreases with of an analysis operator (e.g. finding a sparse number of walls
the square of the distance (i.e. I ∝ 1/r2 ). Additionally, in prac- using a difference operator, as in [22]) and/or the right sparsity
tice the receiver will have frequency- and angle-dependent at- basis could better aid in capturing certain features or to more
tenuation characteristics. For the purposes of these simulations, sparsely capture the desired map image, though finding the right
a simple linear relationship is taken for the beam pattern (the combination of these is also left to future work.
attenuation profile as a function of angle with respect to the sen- To build the sensing matrix, we must discretize the space by
sor). Sound from directly in front of the sensor experiences no describing it using an occupancy grid and discretize the time sig-
attenuation, there is complete attenuation beyond the angle spec- nal by regularly sampling the waveform at the receiver. Note that
ifying the sensing cone, and the points inside the sensing cone the received signal is the sum of each target’s reflected signal in
follow a linear interpolation between these extremes. The simu- the sensing domain. The choices of discretization size in both
lated receiver is also assumed to be frequency invariant. Figure 2 space and time are related to the achievable (or desired) resolu-
shows the simulated pattern and an example experimental beam tion in the map. A signal that is sampled too slowly with respect
pattern. to the grid size or, equivalently, an overly fine grid, would lead to
There are many other physical considerations in properly a lack of sensitivity to occupancy in some of the cells. Similarly,
modeling sound propagation, including floor and wall multi-path a sampling rate which is too fast (or grid size which is too large)

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(a) Linear pattern with inset showing corresponding polar plot

(b) Experimentally determined beam pattern

FIGURE 3: Log plot of observation matrix. Each column corre-
FIGURE 2: Example beam patterns. (a) A linear beam pattern
sponds to a grid cell in the cone. The inset illustrates the stepped
with a sensing cone width of 80 degrees. (b) Experimental beam
delays and the presence of identical columns.
pattern of Series 600 Instrument Grade sensor from SensComp
at 50kHz.

objects at some cutoff distance. The organization of pixels by

implies that there is more information in the signal than is being distance from the sensor leads to the banded-like structure seen
taken advantage of in the mapping. in the figure. Note that there are many such observation matri-
For each grid cell, an idealized object occupying it would ces, depending on the choice of emitted signal, sampling time,
produce a time-delayed version of the input signal, which is also grid spacing and other factors.
attenuated by an amount that reflects the object’s distance from In this setting, it is immediately worth noting that if the sen-
(due to the 1/r2 law) and angle to (due to the angle dependence sor’s beam pattern is symmetric, pulse delay timing and signal
of the receiver) the sensor. Sorting each of the cells in the sens- attenuation are insufficient to distinguish between two targets
ing cone by distance away from the sensor, and putting each symmetrically located about the centerline in front of the re-
cell’s time-delayed reflected signal as a column vector into a sin- ceiver. This shows up in the sensing matrix by having two or
gle matrix leads to our ultrasonic sensing observation matrix, the more columns that are the same as can be seen in the inset of
columns of which serve as elements of a basis for expressing the Figure 3. As a result, when the reconstruction algorithm selects
true received signal. Applying the `1 reconstruction algorithm in the optimal weighting coefficients, it may select either cell or
(2) (or a greedy, approximating approach) will yield the spars- both. While this is at first problematic, it does help underscore
est vector that best matches the observations. While there is no the usefulness of non-uniform beam patterns in discerning targets
guarantee of exact reconstruction (and, as discussed below, such directly in front of the robot from those nearer to the periphery,
exactness is not expected), our results indicate reasonable results. and to orient the sensor obliquely to the grid to reduce or even
A specific example of a sensing matrix is shown in Figure 3. eliminate the number of cells that are equidistant from the sensor.
Here the sensor axis is aligned with the y−axis of the map grid. When there is redundancy, integer constraints can be imposed on
In interpreting the sensing matrix, it helps to think of the rows the coefficients to encourage the algorithm to only choose one of
as the time axis and the columns as the space axis, in terms of the cells. Of course, this does not address the symmetry problem
distance out from the robot. The height of the A matrix is dic- and there is no guarantee that the correct cell will be selected,
tated in part by the sampling rate, and its width is dictated in part only that a single cell will show up in the reconstruction.
by the grid sizing, but both height and width are capped by the An environment with only three objects is shown in the in-
notion that after enough time, the sound will decay so much that set of Figure 4 together with the corresponding train of received
it can be ignored. In essence, it’s not worth listening past some pulses. Each of the objects is inside the sensing cone, and so
point in time, and it’s not worth considering sound reflection past three pulses are reflected, attenuated and received with different

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FIGURE 4: Received pulse train and occupancy grid of the work- FIGURE 5: Map reconstruction using CoSaMP in motivating ex-
ing environment. ample.

delays. A reconstruction from the received signal and the Φ ma- symmetric, the algorithm cannot distinguish between cells that
trix was generated using the greedy algorithm Compressive Sam- are equidistant. This shows up in the two closer objects; the re-
pling Matching Pursuit (CoSaMP) [36] implemented in Matlab. construction indicates that either of two cells is possible for each
It should be noted that in the absence of additional constraints target. There is, in fact, an entire family of equivalent solutions
in the optimization problem, the reconstruction coefficients can where the weighting of the reconstruction is spread between all
take on any real value. It is relatively straightforward to impose the symmetric possibilities in any convex combination. In gen-
additional constraints to ensure either non-negative, integer or eral however, the sensor will not be aligned with the grid and
even binary coefficients. It is also important to note that the re- thus in practice very few cells will share an exact distance with
construction considers each grid cell in its entirety; there is no another.
possibility of “partial” occupancy. However, by changing the There are various ways to resolve this symmetry issue. As
model and the corresponding Φ matrix, it should be possible to the goal is to generate a map of the entire environment, it is nat-
encode additional information in the reconstruction, such as re- ural for the robot to move through the environment, collecting
flectivity or object size relative to the cell resolution. information from multiple viewpoints as shown in Figure 1b,
In using CoSaMP, the user specifies the desired sparsity level and, possibly, to have multiple communicating robots working
(that is, the number of coefficients which may be nonzero), the together to generate a map. By combining overlapping measure-
vector of observations, and the combined A matrix. Outputs in- ments, ambiguity due to symmetry can be resolved. Note that
clude the vector of optimizing coefficients, the residual, and its under this approach, it is advantageous to have a reconstruction
norm. The residual is computed as the difference between the ob- that indicates all possible object locations rather than commit-
servations and the product of the selected coefficients with the A ting to any particular choice to avoid “false negatives”. This may
matrix. Greedy algorithms such as CoSaMP reconstruct one co- be particular beneficial when combined with a Bayesian environ-
efficient at a time, selecting the one that minimizes the residual. ment model to account for noise in the measurements.
This coefficient is then removed from the reconstruction problem When looking at a single set of measurements, one straight-
and the process repeated. forward way to break the symmetry is to use a pair of sensors
In our working example, the reconstruction found by with different orientations. This would address the problem in
CoSaMP is shown in Figure 5. In this figure, the three true targets several ways. First, it would enable the use of two simultane-
are shown as black dots and the reconstructed values are shown ously emitted pulses of different lengths (or more complex sig-
in grayscale. For consistency across this work, all reconstruc- nals in general) to propagate through the environment creating
tions use a 1m grid sizing and impose a sparsity level of 15 and a more unique signature for received signals. Second it would
non-negativity constraints. mean that the set of two sensors would now be able to discern
In this example, the sensor is aligned with the map grid and right from left based on intensity differences (note that in a three-
as a result there is a symmetry about the centerline of the sensing dimensional setting, a third sensor would be required to break the
cone. Because the outgoing pulse and receiver characteristics are up-down symmetry). One could conceivably also use time delays

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FIGURE 6: A simple schematic showing two-ray path propa-
gation. The propagated and reflected signals traverse two paths
each, for a total of four paths over which they may lose power (a) Single path.
through reflection, scattering and atmospheric losses.

between detection at the two sensors to measure direction [37].

However, the distance between the sensors must be sufficiently
large relative to the sample rates to detect the time difference.
Using multiple sensors has multiple drawbacks, especially when
considering small, low-power robots. Beyond the fact that the
robot must carry additional payload, the use of additional sen-
sors increases the number of measurements to consider (as does
increasing the sample rate). This adds more rows to the Φ matrix
and drives up the computational complexity of the reconstruction
problem. Of course, the use of two (or more) sensors may aid in
performing cheap navigation based on echoic flow, and if map (b) Multi-path.
reconstruction is to be done offline, concerns related to compu-
FIGURE 7: Received pulse train (a) with single-path sinusoidal
tational complexity become less important.
pulses and (b) with multi-path sinusoidal pulses experiencing in-
4 Bringing in some reality
In this section we address one of the biggest physical sim-
plifications up to this point, namely the (non-physical) assump- paths have a unique distance and so a unique effect on Φ.
tion that sound travels as an amplitude pulse, rather than a sig- To deal with the effects of interference of the reception of
nal at a given frequency (or frequencies) propagating as a sound these signals from these paths, we take advantage of the fact that,
wave. Treating the signal as one that has an amplitude and fre- given we are receiving echoes from an object in a specific pixel,
quency and including the effects of signal phase in the simula- the path lengths in Figure 6 are known and thus the details of the
tions introduce significant complications. With multiple objects received signal can be encoded into the structure of Φ. Figure
located close enough to each other, their individual signal reflec- 7 shows the received sets of sinusoidal pulses with and without
tions would cause interference with one another at the receiver. floor reflections in the same environment as before. An arbitrar-
Not only that, for a robot traversing the ground, flying at a fixed ily chosen robot height of 1 m was used for the simulations. The
height or moving along and near enough to a wall, signal reflec- interference pattern is found by calculating each object’s multi-
tions bouncing off the surface travel a greater distance than that ple path distances and summing the resulting set of sinusoids,
of the signal reflected straight back to the robot, causing the sin- each of which is delayed in phase and contracted in amplitude
gle object’s multi-path reflections to interfere with each other. according to the corresponding path length. This pattern is then
To keep the discussion focused, we consider only the case of in- sampled at a predetermined rate.
terference arising from ground reflections. There are four paths Figure 8 shows the results of a simulation with the floor ef-
involving one object and the floor, as shown in Figure 6: 1) direct fects in place, comparing the reconstruction results using a sim-
line-of-sight, 2) floor first then object, 3) object first then floor, ple measurement matrix (accounting for only the sinusoidal na-
and 4) floor, then object, then floor again. Only three of these ture of the signal) and one that addresses floor reflections. Figure

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(a) Ground truth map (b) Reconstructed map with simple Φ (c) Reconstructed map with multi-path Φ

(d) Received signal (e) Error with simple Φ (f) Error with milti-path Φ

FIGURE 8: Results with wave-based pulse and floor reflections. (a) True environment and (d) actual received signal. (b) Environment
reconstruction and (e) the error between the true and reconstructed signal pulse (i.e. y − Φq) if floor reflections are not accounted for.
Notice the many spurious object positions in the reconstruction and the distinct lack of coefficients which acknowledge the near and far
objects. (c) Environment reconstruction and (f) the error if floor reflections are accounted for. Notice the accuracy of the environment
reconstruction is again limited primarily by symmetry. The non-zero error reflects the difference between the grid locations (as captured
in Φ and the actual object positions.

8a is the true environment and Figure 8d is the measured signal Adding object-ground interference to the observation matrix
used in the subsequent reconstruction. Note that this is the same is simple enough, but in doing so there is still some assumption
environment as is used in Figure 7b. Figure 8b is the recon- about the relative strength of signals coming from the ground re-
struction using the single path model. The residual error signal, flections to those from the object itself. The major factors here
calculated as rerr = y − Aq, is shown in Figure 8e. Finally, Fig- are the ground and object surface and angle-dependent reflection
ure 8c is the reconstruction and Figure 8f is corresponding error properties. Clearly carpet and concrete floors would generate no-
signal using the multi-path model. Because of the strong de- ticeably different reflections and therefore different Φ matrices.
structive interference patterns that exist in the near and far object Note that this same essential description holds even in more
pulses, the simple sinusoidal basis elements of the single-path complex environments composed of many walls (like an office
measurement matrix are not suited to representing an object in space) or objects. However, the number of angles at which sound
the neighborhood of each target while also driving the residual can bounce off various surfaces before reaching the robot in-
error down. This is obvious in the case of the far object for which creases dramatically, complicating the analysis presented above.
the pulse has two large spikes but a small average amplitude, and The possibility of unknown multi-path modes of interference
the reconstruction algorithm prioritizes the residual error caused make the construction of a physically representative Φ matrix
by the larger amplitude pulse from the middle object. Though much more difficult. However, as long as multi-path or other
it may be hard to see in the multi-path reconstruction map, each phenomena can be modeled, they can be incorporated into the
reconstruction uses the maximum allowable number of nonzero observation matrix. It is also important to note that because the
coefficients. time duration of the signal is short interference is only an issue

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from objects that are close relative to the pulse length. [4] Scaramuzza, D., Achtelik, M. C., Doitsidis, L., Friedrich,
Ideally, for including arbitrary wall- or object-based multi- F., Kosmatopoulos, E., Martinelli, A., Achtelik, M. W.,
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