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‫‪Preparing Technical Reports‬‬

‫المحاضرة الرابعة‬
‫مراحل تصميم واعداد التقارير الفنية‬
The Good design to Technical Report Writing is:
1. Visually simple and uncluttered. ‫بسيط ومرتب‬

2. Highlights structure, hierarchy, and order. ‫تسلسل المحتويات‬

3. Helps readers find information they need. ‫ايجاد المعلومات بسهولة‬

4. Provides easy transitions between sections.

5. Looks professional in style and appearance.

6. Inform readers of research results precisely, concisely, and specifically.

‫البد ان القارئ تصل اليه المعلومة بسهولة وبايجاز وبدقة وتكون واضحة‬

7. They shouldn’t have to read whole report to get essential points.

‫ليس من الضرورى قراءة التقرير كامال حتى تصل الى النقاط الرئيسية‬
Steps to preparing successful technical writing:-

1. Select problem (objective).

2. Preparation
3. Collect information
4. Organization
5. Analysis
6. Writing
7. Revision
Characteristics of Good (Effective) Technical Writing are:

1.Clarity it is easily understood by your intended audience.

2. Accuracy ‫دقيق‬- correct, factual ‫واقعى‬, free from bias ‫لتحيز‬.
3. Accessibility ‫الوصول‬- headings, indexes, table of contents.
4.Comprehensiveness - all necessary information included
5.Conciseness ‫موجز‬-it is clear without excess verbiage.
6.Correctness - it is grammatical and follows conventions.
7. Useful ‫مفيد‬
8. Complete. ‫متكامل‬
 Characteristics of Good (Effective) Technical
Writing are:

9. Documentation ‫التوثيق‬
10. Methodology ‫المنهجية‬
11. Consistent. ‫متناسق‬
12. Targeted. ‫هادف‬
13. Interesting. ‫مثير لالهتمام‬

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