ACt 1 and 2

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Activity 1: Object in Motion: Horizontal Dimension

Objective: Describe the linear motion of the object

Material: Picture
Procedure: Analyze the figure below and answer the following guide questions.

Figure 1. A rolling ball on an inclined plane

Guide Questions:
1. What is observed on the velocity of the ball as it rolls down an inclined plane?
2. How much is the change in velocity in every second?
3. Does the ball accelerate?
v 1−v 2
4. What is its acceleration? Note: a=
t 1−t 2
5. Describe the acceleration of the object by completing the statement. If a body maintains a constant change in
________ in a given time interval along a straight line, then the body is said to have a uniform ____________.
Activity 2: Object in Motion: Vertical Dimension

Objective: Investigate the motion of a free-falling object

Material: Picture
Procedure: Look closely at the picture. Analyze the motion of the ball dropped at a certain height using the
given data. Answer the guide questions.

Figure 2. A ball is dropped from the top of a cliff

Guide Questions:
1. What can you say about the objects distance travelled as it falls down?
2. What is the velocity of the ball before it is dropped?
3. What is the stone’s velocity before it hits the ground?
4. What is the change in velocity as the stone falls down every second?
5. Describe the acceleration of the object by completing the statement. Objects thrown upward or dropped,
always fall back to the ground at a constant ____________ which has a magnitude of _________ due to

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