Q-Assess The Marketing Philosophy of Marketing

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Ethiopia, being one of the developing countries, has its own take on this.

The country had enjoyed a

quasi-market economy pre 1975 during which the financial sector was free to some extent; but the
development of the financial sector devolved with the taking over of private banks in 1975 by the
military government immediately after regime change. This government had exercised the command
economy till the early 1990s. The financial sector was under the rigid and pervasive government
surveillance, earmarked by centrally determined interest rates, control by public financial
institutions, low financial into mediation, low saving mobilization. This enervated the financial
sector depth and development.
After the change of the regime in 1991, to tinker with the ailing economy, different policy
measures were undertaken towards the market-led system. The government Initiated financial
reforms as components of the whole liberalization program to transmogrify the status quo. The
policy shift ought about a considerable improvement in the status of the financial Sector. It opened up
the door for private involvement which has been increasing since (Geda, 2006).
Needless to say, the incidence of poverty that has beset the country is pathological. The
macroeconomic fundamentals are weak, per capital income is among those at the nadir, the
private sector is at a relatively infant stage, and the economy is less monetized. It is to address
these gravy phenomena that market-friendly policy measures have been introduced. The Commercial
Bank of Ethiopia (CBE) was legally established as a Share Company in 1963 to take over the
commercial banking activities of the State Bank of Ethiopia.
 The bank has about 9170 employees who works in the headquarter &
inch offices. CBE opened its 620 The Inch in South Gander zone on
January 15, 2013
 The inches are positioned in the main cities and regional towns.
 Corporate Citizenship Our role in national development endeavor & step-up for commitment.
Abide by the law of Ethiopia & other countries we do business with.
 Care about society's welfare and the environment. Customer Satisfaction
 Strive to excel in our business and satisfy our customers.
 Quality Service
 Committed to offer quality service to our customers
 Aspire to be added with quality in the minds of our customers & the general public.
 Innovation
 Encourage new ideas that can improve customers experience & the bank's performance.
 Teamwork
 Recognize the importance of teamwork for our success.
 Respect diversity of viewpoints.
 Integrity
 Committed to the highest ideas of honor & integrity.Employees
 Recognizing our employees as valuable organizational resources.
 Public Confidence
 Sustainability of our business depends on our ability to maintain & build up the public's
B. Key Strengths CBE Distinctive Competences Size of the company
Heritage/ Reputation built Brand image & Recognition Location & convenience
C. Key Weakness
Poor technological innovation and differentiation Service Failures and delay
Low market research activities Employee turnover Bureaucratic nature to get a loan Key
Threats in banking Sector
Total number of banks operating in the country 19.
Competitors are coming with new business strategy & service offerings in the banking sector in order
to attract customers with a better...

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