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SOCIAL SCIENCE- is the study of people: as individuals, communities and

societies; their behaviors and interactions with each other and with their built,
technological and natural environments. Social science seeks to understand the
evolving human systems across our increasingly complex world and how our planet
can be more sustainably managed.


 Anthropology:Edward Burnett Taylor

- Coined the term “Culture”
- “Researches into the early history of mankind and the development of civilization”

 Psychology: Wilhelm Wundt

- opened the institute for experimental psychology at the university of leizpig in
- “Principles of Physiological Psychology”

 Sociology: Auguste Comte

-Coined the term “sociology”
-Advocated the applicatioon of scientific method to social life and positivism
- “Course de Philosophie Positive”

 Political Science: Aristotle

-Laid down the foundation of governance and leadership
- He said “man by nature is a politcal animal”
- He wrote “The Politics”

 Geography: Eratosthenes
- Accepted the concept that the earth is round and calculated its circumference to
within 0.5 percent accuracy.
-Describes the known areas of the world and divided the earth into five climatic
-Prepared the earliest maps of the known world.

 Linguistic: Ferdinand de Saussure

-Posited that linguistic form is arbitrary and therefore that all languages function in
similar fashion
- “Memoire sur le systeme primitifdes voyelles dans les langues indo-europeenes”

 Economics: Adam Smith

-Founer of Classical school
-Saw a world where each person sought their own-self interest but was constrained by
mmorality, markets, and government.
-Wrote “Wealth of the Nations”
Old babylon
- Who first created linguistic called Sumerian.

General Psychology- Deals with the basic principle of human behavior. It attempts to
explain why and how people behave in a way under certain psychology.

Clinical psychology- it deals with scientific solution to a psychological problem

through the process of psychotherapy or counseling.

Abnormal psychology- it deals with individuals with psychological problems.

Evolutionary Psychology- it focuses on the psychological stimuli in human beings.

Cognitive psychology- Deals with capability to solve problem which includes the
process like thinking, analyzing, etc.

Al biruni
- is an islamic medieval scholar who documented the lives of early population in the
midddle east, south asia and the mediterranean.
- “The remaining signs of the past century”

Ibn Khaldun
- He attempted to reconcile mysticism with theology by dividing science into two
different categories, the religious science that regards the scinece of the Qur an and
the non-religious science.

Thomas Hobbes
- one of the founders of modern political philosophy. He developed the idea that
absolute monarchs are essential to enforce the will off the people, but argued that the
monarch’s power came from the people and not from the divine right.
-He is best known for his book Leviathan

John Locke
-He is the founder of school thought known as the British Empiricism, and he also
made foundational contribution to modern theories of limited, liberal government.
- He argued that the power of the state to govern is the power given by the people for
the protection off their inalienable rights.

Baron de la Brede et de Montesquie

- He is the principal source of the theory of separation of powers , which is
implemented in many constitutions throughout the world.
-He developed a system of check and balances and the separation off government
powers (Executive, Legislative, Judicial)
-He wrote the Spirit of the laws
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- He attempted to explain that a social contract exists, which enables a society to
function toward a general will or common good.

-Used Critical thinking and scientific inquiry to address the shifting socioeconomic
condition in their time.

David Emile Durkheim

- He argued in his work. The rules of sociological methods that everything in the
social realm could be quantifiably.
- He documented annd compared his work Suicide(1897) the suicide rate between the
catholic and protestant populations.

- Uses sources to provide and accurate and complete vision of the past. Also embraces
and empathetic approach towards people in the past.

Narrative Chronology
- The creation of narratives of the past

- Often look at the agency off one individual in history.

- The synthesis becomes the new thesis or paradigm and the process of clashes

Meta-Narrative/ total history

- There’s an effort to explain large amounts of human history through the
applicationoff theory and social sciences.

- This outlook focused on breaking down mental processes into the most basic

- A general psychological philosophy
That considers mental life and behavior in terms of active adaptation to the persons

-Studies the unconcious mind

- focuses on observable behavior.
-The school of psychology that studies mental processes.

- Studies the mind and behavior as a whole. A school of psychology based upon the
idea that we experience things as unified whole.


-Known as the father Sociology in thee philippines

- The father of demography
-He looked at the rate of population growth and conclude that food production could
not possibly increase fast enough to be sufficient.

- are patterns, norm rulles, and schemes that govern and direct social thought and

-is an approach that aims to understand and analyze how actionns, thoughts, and
meanings penetrate into the social conciousness deeply enough to embeded
themseslves into social psyche.

-refers to the

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