Ding 2021

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Research Article

Received: 24 November 2020 Revised: 26 January 2021 Accepted article published: 31 January 2021 Published online in Wiley Online Library:

(wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI 10.1002/jsfa.11132

Daily Brazilian green propolis intake elevates

blood artepillin C levels in humans
Jiangli Ding,a Tomoh Matsumiya,a* Ryo Hayakari,a Yuko Shiba,a
Shogo Kawaguchi,a Kazuhiko Seya,a Kayo Uenob and Tadaatsu Imaizumia

BACKGROUND: Propolis is a natural product collected by worker bees from a variety of plant species. As a type of propolis, Bra-
zilian green propolis contains a large amount of artepillin C. Artepillin C is a cinnamic acid derivative and has been shown to
have a wide variety of biological functions, including anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antitumor activities, in both cell culture
and animal models. However, how propolis is digested and absorbed remains to be elucidated. Moreover, blood artepillin C
levels after propolis intake have not been shown in human studies.
RESULTS: A randomized, single-blind placebo-controlled study on the effect of Brazilian green propolis on serum artepillin C
levels was conducted with healthy volunteers. The participants (n = 133) were randomly allocated in an approximately 2:1 ratio
to two groups: propolis (n = 91) and placebo (n = 42). The participants took daily propolis or placebo, and blood tests were
performed on day 0 (before propolis intake) and days 1, 3 and 7. Artepillin C was detected in serum in almost all individuals
in the propolis groups. No serum artepillin C was detected in the placebo group. Serum artepillin C levels in the female group
tended to be higher than those in the male group. In the female group, menstrual status was unrelated to serum artepillin C
CONCLUSION: These results suggested that propolis intake might be more effective for females than for males.
© 2021 Society of Chemical Industry

Keywords: propolis; artepillin C; human study

INTRODUCTION in the human body. Moreover, no study has measured blood arte-
Propolis, referred to as bee glue, is produced by honey bees (Apis pillin C levels after propolis intake.
mellifera) to seal their hives.1 This salivary and enzymatic In the present study, we measured the daily artepillin C level in
secretion-enriched material is used by bees to cover hive walls, fill serum from volunteers taking Brazilian green propolis. We also
cracks or gaps, and embalm invader insects that have been killed.2 addressed the influences of sex on serum artepillin C.
A constituent of propolis is derived from bud exudates collected
by worker bees from a variety of buds of different plant species,
including palm, pine, alder, poplar, beech, conifer and birch.3 MATERIALS AND METHODS
The constituent also varies depending on the climatic and geo- Participants
graphical regions it was collected. Therefore, propolis from Because of future analyses that will be conducted using data from
Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa is altered with the present study, the study protocol basically followed the CON-
respect to its chemical composition.4 For example, poplar-type
SORT 2010 statement guidelines for randomized clinical trials.13 A
propolis is derived from the poplar tree (Populus nigra) and is
randomized, single-blinded control study was conducted in Hiro-
found in North America, Europe, nontropical regions of Asia and
saki City, Japan. Participants with missing data, a medical history
New Zealand.5 Similarly, the main source of Brazilian propolis is
of cancer, stroke, ischemic heart disease or Parkinson's disease
Baccharis dracunculifolia leaf resin.6
were excluded from the analysis.
To date, more than 300 compounds have been identified in
propolis.7 The biological activities of propolis are mainly attrib-
uted to its flavonoids and cinnamic acid derivatives, such as caf- * Correspondence to: T Matsumiya, Department of Vascular Biology, Institute of
feic acid phenethyl ester and 3,5-diprenyl-4-hydroxycinnamic Brain Science, Hirosaki University Graduate School of Medicine, 5 Zaifu-cho,
acid (artepillin C).8 Brazilian green propolis contains a large Hirosaki 036-8562, Japan. E-mail: tomo1027@hirosaki-u.ac.jp
amount of artepillin C.9 Artepillin C has a wide variety of biological
effects, including anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antitumor a Department of Vascular Biology, Institute of Brain Science, Hirosaki University
Graduate School of Medicine, Hirosaki, Japan
properties.10–12 Such effects of artepillin C have been extensively
studied with in vitro cell culture and in vivo animal models. By con- b Department of Pharmaceutical Science, Hirosaki University Graduate School
trast, limited information is available about the role of artepillin C of Medicine, Hirosaki, Japan

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Inclusion criteria for volunteers were (i) healthy male or female; Statistical analysis
(ii) aged > 18 years; (iii) no history of allergy to flavonoids; (iv) no Data are shown as the mean ± SD or the median and the lower
history of propolis intake; (v) all related biomedical parameters in and upper quartiles (defined as the 25th and 75th percentiles).
the normal range; (vi) ability to provide informed consent and Data gathered were statistically analyzed using the Mann–
willingness to take propolis; and (vii) agreement to follow up for Whitney nonparametric U-test. P < 0.05 was considered statisti-
the duration of the study. Exclusion criteria included cally significant. Data were analyzed using Origin Pro 2020
(i) volunteers' unwillingness to have their biomedical parameters (Lightstone, Tokyo, Japan).
assessed and (ii) being pregnant. In total, 200 volunteers were
recruited. The participants were free to decide whether to volun-
teer for the study and written informed consent was obtained RESULTS
from all volunteers before starting the study. Study population
Following the approval of this study by the ethics committee, the
recruitment of volunteers began on 4 September 2017 and the
Procedures study ended on 11 September 2017. In total, 134 subjects
Only one investigator was involved in the randomization process, (72 males and 62 females) were enrolled in the study (Fig. 1). After
which employed the random number generator in Excel implementing the evaluation and exclusion criteria, 133 volun-
(Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA, USA). The participants were ran- teers were randomly assigned to either the propolis group
domly allocated in a two-to-one ratio to receive Brazilian green (n = 91) or the placebo group (n = 41). One hundred and eighteen
propolis tablets (4 tablets day−1) or placebo (4 tablets day−1) participants completed the study. The demographics of the par-
(Yamada Bee Farm Company, Inc., Okayama, Japan). Four propolis ticipants who completed the study are shown in Table 1. The
tablets contained 406.8 mg of propolis powder. The propolis mean age of all the participants was 42.3 years and the median
powder (lot. LY-009), standardized to contain 10.4 mg per 4 tab- age was 41 years (range 20–66 years). There was no significant
lets of artepillin C, was obtained from Yamada Bee Company, difference between the placebo group (median age = 44 years)
Inc. The detailed compounds in the propolis that we were pro- and the propolis group (median age = 40 years) (P = 0.66) or
vided with have been reported previously.14 At the first visit, between males (median age = 41 years) and females (median
blood samples were collected from the participants (day 0). After age = 42.5 years) (P = 0.96). Additionally, no significant difference
blood collection, the participants received either propolis or pla- between the placebo group and propolis group in the number of
cebo tablets in white and opaque small packages. For 1 week, males (P = 0.75) or females (P = 0.4) was observed.
starting on the following day, the tablets were taken within
30 min after breakfast, and blood was collected within 2 h after Serum artepillin C levels are dependent on propolis intake
propolis intake on days 1, 3 and day 7. Artepillin C is a major active component of Brazilian green propo-
To monitor adverse reactions, the levels of serum lactate dehy- lis.16 Therefore, we measured serum artepillin C levels to monitor
drogenase (LDH), alanine transaminase and aspartate amino- the absorption and digestion of propolis. At the start of the study
transferase (liver); total cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density (i.e. before propolis intake), serum artepillin C from all participants
lipoprotein, high-density lipoprotein and glucose (metabolism); was undetectable (data not shown). Additionally, no artepillin C
and C-reactive protein and leukocytes (immunity and inflamma- was detected in blood samples from the placebo group during
tion) were monitored in all blood samples. the study. By contrast, serum artepillin C was detected in the sam-
ples in the propolis group on at least 1 day during the study,
except in one female whose artepillin C levels were below the
Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry detection limit (Fig. 2). The ranges of serum artepillin C concentra-
Quantification of serum artepillin C was conducted as described tions on days 1, 3 and 7 were 0 to 115.5 ng mL−1 (median
by Sparidans et al.15 Briefly, artepillin C (molecular weight = 300.39) 5.0 ng mL−1), 0 to 357.6 ng mL−1 (median 12.0 ng mL−1) and
was separated on an Acquity UPLC I-class system (Waters, Milford, 0 to 274.1 ng mL−1 (median 12.2 ng mL−1), respectively. We
MA, USA) with an Acquity UPLC HSS C18 column (1.8 μm, found that alterations in blood artepillin C levels were dependent
2.1 × 100 mm; Waters). The column temperature was maintained on individual participants. For example, the serum artepillin C
at 40 °C. Gradient elution was employed using a mobile phase of concentration in a participant on day 1 was 23.1 ng mL−1,
0.1% formic acid in water (buffer A) and 0.1% formic acid in CH3CN whereas the concentration on day 7 showed the highest serum
(buffer B) as: buffer A = 95% at 0–1 min, then from 95 to 5% over artepillin C level (274.1 ng mL−1). Similarly, the concentration in
5 min, and held at 5% for 2 min. The entire flow rate was a participant on day 1 (111.5 ng mL−1) was the highest, whereas
0.4 mL min−1. Xevo TQD tandem quadrupole mass spectrometry the concentration on day 7 was 11.7 ng mL−1.
(Waters) was used for artepillin C detection in positive mode using Next, differences between males and females in the level of
the optimum transitional daughter ion mass: m/z 301.2 → 189.1 serum artepillin C were examined (Fig. 3). The ranges of serum
(retention time = 4.86). artepillin C concentrations in males on days 1, 3 and 7 were 0 to
Serum samples (100 μL) were added to 150 μL of CH3CN and 70.2 ng mL−1 (median 6.4 ng mL−1), 3.0 to 62.4 ng mL−1 (median
centrifuged at 17500 × g for 5 min at room temperature. The 11.1 ng mL−1) and 0 to 110.6 ng mL−1 (median 11.0 ng mL−1),
obtained supernatant was diluted with water. Aliquots (10 μL) of respectively. Similarly, the ranges of serum artepillin C concentra-
diluted supernatant were injected into the analytical system tions in females on days 1, 3 and 7 were 0 to 115.5 ng mL−1
described above. An external standard was applied to generate (median 4.8 ng mL−1), 0 to 357.6 ng mL−1 (median 15.2 ng mL−1)
a calibration curve for artepillin C by measuring serum containing and 0 to 274.1 ng mL−1 (median 12.3 ng mL−1), respectively.
serial dilutions of standard artepillin C (Wako, Tokyo, Japan), cov- We further analyzed the data and found that there were two
ering the concentration range of 10–100 ng mL−1. Analysis was patterns of serum artepillin C levels after propolis intake. In the
performed in triplicate. transient pattern, serum artepillin C reached its maximal level on

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Figure 1. Flow chart showing the number of participants in the enrollment and allocation phases and the final number of cases analyzed in the present

Table 1. Participant population

Placebo (n = 35) Propolis (n = 83)

Age (years)
Mean 43.9 41.7
Median 44 40
Range 26–62 20–65
Sex Male Female Male Female
(n = 18) (n = 17) (n = 43) (n = 40)
Age (years)
Mean 43.8 43.9 42.9 40.5
Median 44 44 41 37.5
Range 26–62 28–66 23–65 20–65

day 1 and gradually decreased (Fig. 4A). For this pattern, the difference between males and females on day 1 (P = 0.03). In
ranges of serum artepillin C concentrations in males on days 1, 3 the incremental pattern, the serum artepillin C concentration
and 7 were 10.1 to 57.1 ng mL−1 (median 25.5 ng mL−1), 3.0 to increased gradually and reached a maximal level on day 3 or
30.5 ng mL−1 (median 14.2 ng mL−1) and 1.2 to 44.8 ng mL−1 day 7 (Fig. 4B). For this pattern, the ranges of serum artepillin C
(median 11.6 ng mL−1), respectively. Similarly, the ranges of concentrations in males on days 1, 3 and 7 were 0 to 11.8 ng mL−1
serum artepillin C concentrations in females on days 1, 3 and (median 3.5 ng mL−1), 3.1 to 48.2 ng mL−1 (median 10.9 ng mL−1)
7 were 6.2 ng mL−1 to 99.7 ng mL−1 (median 57.3 ng mL−1), 4.4 and 0 to 22.0 ng mL−1 (median 7.3 ng mL−1), respectively. Simi-
to 54.3 ng mL−1 (median 20.3 ng mL−1) and 5.0 to 75.5 ng mL−1 larly, the ranges of serum artepillin C concentrations in females
(median 14.3 ng mL−1), respectively. There was a significant on days 1, 3 and 7 were 0 to 115.3 ng mL−1 (median 4.4 ng mL−1),

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Figure 2. Box plots of serum artepillin C levels (ng mL−1) on days 1, 3 and
7 in the total propolis group.

Figure 4. Box plots of transient (A) or incremental (B) patterns of serum

artepillin C levels (ng mL−1) on days 1, 3 and 7 in the male and female
propolis groups. P values were calculated using the Mann–Whitney non-
parametric U-test.
Figure 3. Box plots of serum artepillin C levels (ng mL−1) on days 1, 3 and
7 in the male and female propolis groups. P values were calculated using
the Mann–Whitney nonparametric U-test. glucocorticoid metabolism, in females.17,18 The demographics of
the female participants based on menstruation status are shown
in Table 2. The mean age of premenopausal participants
6.1 to 357.6 ng mL−1 (median 17.8 ng mL−1) and 2.6 to (n = 44) was 37.1 years, and the median age was 35 years (range
122.9 ng mL−1 (median 12.2 ng mL−1), respectively. 20–55 years). The mean age of postmenopausal participants
(n = 13) was 59.3 years and the median age was 55 years (range
Effect of menstruation state on serum artepillin C levels 50–66 years). There was a significant difference in age between
Because the serum artepillin C levels at almost all time points were the pre- and postmenopausal groups (P < 0.01).
higher in females than in males, we further analyzed the kinetics Figure 5 shows the effect of menstruation status on the serum
of serum artepillin C levels in females. We focused on the effect artepillin C level in females. The ranges of serum artepillin C con-
of menstruation status because menstruation status has been centrations in menopausal women (n = 9) on days 1, 3 and 7 were
known to influence nutrient uptake, such as iron absorption or 2.5 to 115.5 ng mL−1 (median 5.7 ng mL−1), 3.9 to 163.3 ng mL−1

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Table 2. Female participants' menstruation status

Placebo (n = 17) Propolis (n = 40)

Premenopause Post menopause Premenopause Post menopause

Menstruation status (n = 13) (n = 4) (n = 31) (n = 9)

Age (years)
Mean 39.4 58.8 36.1 55.6
Median 42 57 34 55
Range 26–62 55–66 20–65 50–65

has also been shown to decrease lipid peroxidation and increase

glutathione levels.24 In both reports, artepillin C and p-coumaric
acid in propolis were speculated to exert the anti-oxidative effects
of propolis. Indeed, in vitro studies have shown that such cinnamic
acid derivatives contribute effective anti-oxidant properties.12,25
In addition, only a single clinical study has examined the effect
of pure artepillin C on colorectal adenoma polyps.26 In that study,
the patients took artepillin C (165 μmol) for 3 months. It was con-
cluded that the results of the study did not provide evidence for
artepillin C being effective in preventing changes occurring dur-
ing early stages of colon cancer. By contrast, elevated
8-hydroxy-20 -deoxyguanosine and creatine phosphokinase (CPK)
levels were observed in blood tests from the propolis group, indi-
cating the detrimental side effects of artepillin C on muscle tissue,
including myocardial cells. Although our study was able to follow
up participants for 1 week, we did not observe any side effects,
including elevated blood CPK levels, in the propolis group during
this study (data not shown). Furthermore, no such detrimental
side effects of propolis have been reported. Therefore, it is sug-
gested that, with respect to consuming artepillin C, crude propolis
Figure 5. Box plots of serum artepillin C levels (ng mL−1) on days 1, 3 and
might be a better option than pure components when aiming to
7 in the premenopausal and postmenopausal propolis groups. P values
were calculated using the Mann–Whitney nonparametric U-test. avoid severe side effects.
Artepillin C has been extensively studied using cell culture and
animal models rather than clinical studies. Indeed, artepillin C
has been shown to have anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, antimi-
(median 17.1 ng mL−1) and 3.0 to 70.3 ng mL−1 (median crobial and immunomodulatory properties in both in vitro and
15.8 ng mL−1), respectively. Similarly, the ranges of serum artepil- in vivo studies.27 In many in vitro studies, artepillin C concentra-
lin C concentrations in females on days 1, 3 and 7 were 0 to tions greater than 25 μmol L−1 have been shown to function as
100.5 ng mL−1 (median 4.4 ng mL−1), 0 to 357.6 ng mL−1 (median anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant agents.27 In a rat model, arte-
14.7 ng mL−1) and 0 to 274.1 ng mL−1 (median 12.5 ng mL−1), pillin C levels in blood withdrawn from the portal vein and
respectively. These results suggested that menstruation status abdominal artery were measured after the administration of arte-
did not affect serum artepillin C levels. pillin C by gastric intubation.28 In that study, artepillin C was
shown to have a lower absorption efficiency and higher hepatic
Adverse events clearance than other phenolic acids, including p-coumaric acid.
During the study, neither propolis, nor placebo influenced the In the present study, the range of blood artepillin C concentra-
levels of routine blood tests we conducted. Additionally, no seri- tions after daily propolis intake was found to be 0 to
ous adverse events were reported. 357.6 ng mL−1 (0 to 1.19 μmol L−1); therefore, the effects of arte-
pillin C in such in vitro studies might be overestimated by the high
doses of artepillin C. On the other hand, 0.72 μmol L−1 artepillin C
DISCUSSION was able to inhibit lipid peroxidation in rat liver mitochondria,29
Clinical trials of propolis have been reported. More than half of allowing us to consider physiologically relevant levels of artepillin
them focused on the effect of propolis on oral diseases, including C that still have biochemical functions.
dental caries,19 stomatitis20 and periodontitis.21 Topical usages of In the present study, we found that serum artepillin C levels in
propolis, such as in mouthwash,19 are likely effective as a result of females were higher than those in males after propolis intake.
its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. By contrast, To date, no study has examined sex differences in the absorption
only a few studies have demonstrated the effect of propolis intake of artepillin C after propolis intake. On the other hand, a few stud-
on human metabolic disorders.22 According to previous reports, ies have investigated sex differences in the absorption of poly-
propolis affects oxidative stress in type 2 diabetes patients.23 Oral phenols in humans.30–32 Polyphenol theaflavin consumption
administration of commercially available propolis solution in Chile resulted in maximum theaflavin concentrations of 1.0 and

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0.5 μg L−1, respectively, being detected in the plasma of the ETHICAL APPROVAL
female and male volunteers. By contrast, oral consumption of This study was approved by the Hirosaki University School of
unprocessed apple juice resulted in higher total polyphenolic Medicine Ethics Committee (approval no. 2016–260 and
content in male plasma than in female plasma.33 Although both no. 2018-178) and all residents voluntarily provided written,
studies were conducted to collect plasma samples only up to informed consent to participate. This study was conducted in
8 h after each intake, sex differences in the efficiency of polyphe- accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.
nol metabolism and absorbance may be dependent on individual
polyphenols. Because no study has been conducted on long-term
alterations in serum/plasma polyphenol concentrations in
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