Ca Module 4

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Module 4: The Jail and the Bureau of Jail

Management and Penology Institutional


4 The Jail and Bureau of Jail
Management and

The content of this module is the Punishment. As you read this material,
Jail Defined
Are institutions for the confinement of persons who are awaiting
final disposition of their criminal cases and also the service of those
you will be able to know the origin of jail and what the role of jail. convicted and punished with shorter sentences, usually up to three (3) years.
Likewise, you will know more about the function of Bureau. Major
principles will also be part of this module so that your ideas in the General Origin of Jail
principles of jail management and also the jail position and corresponding The jail is said to have originated in Medieval England. When
ranks etc. After the content discussion, you are given exercises to work on. Henry II ordered that the sheriff in each of the institutions spread through
Towards the end of this module, you are tasked to give your own England in 1166 originally conceived as a place for detaining suspected
reflections. All these activities will deepen and strengthen your offenders until they could be tried, jails eventually came to serve the dual
understanding about the lesson presented. Do the task honestly coupled with purposes of detention and punishment. The concept of the English jail was
high interest so that you can benefit the most of it. brought to the colonies soon after the settlers arrived from the Old World,
the jail was used to detain those awaiting trial and those awaiting
punishment; the stocks and pillory and the whipping post being located
nearby. At the start of the nineteenth century, children, debtors, slaves,
mentally-ill and physically ill were usually sent to other institutions, Both
pre-trial and began to be housed in jails.
 Can Discuss the
Learning Significance of the Jail and Types of Jails in general
Outcomes Bureau of Jail Management 1. Lock-up - is a security facility for the temporary detention of persons
held for investigation or waiting preliminary hearing.
and Penology
2. Ordinary Jail houses both offenders awaiting court action and those
serving short sentences usually up to three (3) years.
3. Work Houses - jail farm or Camp-houses minimum custody offenders
serving short sentences with constructive work programs.

 Can Discuss the origin of Jail Types of Jail based on inmate population
Learning 1. Type A - with population of 100 inmates or more
and its concept
Objective 2. Type B- with population of 21-90 inmates
 Identify the function of the 3. Type C- with population of 20 inmates or less
Jail bureau
 Can create organizational Types of Jail based on its Jurisdiction
chart of Bureau of Jail 1. Municipal Jail
Management and Penology 2. City Jail
and its functions
Module 4: The Jail and the Bureau of Jail
Management and Penology Institutional
3. District Jail The Jail Bureau shall exercise supervision and control overall district, city
4. Provincial Jail and municipal jails to ensure: a secured, clean, sanitary, and equipped jail
for the custody and safekeeping of city and municipal prisoners, any
fugitive from justice or persons detained awaiting investigation or trial
and/or transfer to the National Penitentiary, and any violent, mentally-ill
BUREAU OF JAIL MANAGEMENT AND person who endangers himself or the safety of others.
(The Jail Bureau) Functions of the Jail Bureau
The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology  Formulate policies and guidelines on the administration of all
also referred to as the Jail Bureau was created district and municipal jails nationwide.
pursuant to Section 60, RA 6975, and initially  Formulate and implement policies for the programs of correction,
consisting of uniformed officers and members of rehabilitation and treatment of offenders.
the Jail Management and Penology Service as  Plan and program funds for the subsistence allowances of
constituted under PD 765. offenders; and Conduct researches, develop and implement plans
and programs for the improvement of jail services throughout the
Brief Origin of BJMP
On January 2, 1991, the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology Organization of BJMP under RA 6975
was created thru Republic Act 6975 as a line Bureau under the Department The Jail Bureau shall be headed by a Chief who shall be assisted
of Interior and Local Government. The Jail Bureau is the upgraded version by a Deputy Chief.
of its forerunner, the Office of Jail Management and Penology of the
defunct Philippine Constabulary-Integrated National Police (PC-INP). The Jail Bureau shall be composed of city and municipal jails, each
headed, by a city or municipal jail warden: Provided that in case of large
As mandated by RA 6975, the BJMP shall operate under the reorganized cities municipalities, a district jail with subordinate jails headed by a
Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG). District Jail Warden may be established as necessary.

Starting from scratch with 500 personnel in 1991 the BJMP Organization and Key positions of the BJMP under RA 9263
weaned from its mother PC/INP as a mere component to become a full- The BJMP shall be headed by a Chief who shall be assisted by two
fledge bureau. Director Charles S. Mondejar took his oath of office on July (2) deputy chiefs, one (1) for administration and one (1) for operation, all of
1 of 1991 as the first Chief of the BJMP. The Bureau of Jail Management whom shall be appointed by the President upon the recommendation of the
and Penology supervises and controls all district, city and municipal jails Secretary of DILG from among the qualified officers with at least the rank
nationwide. of senior jail superintendent.

Mission of the Bureau Notes:

The Jail Bureau shall direct, supervise and control the  In no case shall any officer who has retired or to be retired with
administration and operation of all district, city and municipal jails to affect six(6) months from his/her compulsory retirement age be
a better system of jail management nationwide. appointed as Chief of Jail Bureau.
 The chief of Jail Bureau shall serve a tour of duty not to exceed
Powers of the Jail Bureau four (4) years.
Module 4: The Jail and the Bureau of Jail
Management and Penology Institutional
 BJMP is under the Department of Interior and Local Government 12. When conducting routine custodial (in dormitory compound) guarding
ratio of 1:7 or one (1) guard for every seven (7) inmates shall be observed.
GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF JAIL MANAGEMENT 13. When an inmate is in transit the ratio of 1:1+1 every inmate shall be
1. It is the obligation of jail authorities to confine inmates safely and observed.
provide rehabilitative programs that will negate criminal tendencies, and In case of high-risk inmate that demand extra precaution, additional guards
restore their positive values to make them productive and law-abiding shall be employed. This manning level shall be national in scope for
citizen. effective jail administration in all regional, provincial, district, city and
2. No procedure or system of correction shall deprive any inmate of hope municipals jails.
for his ultimate return to the fold of the law and full membership in society.
3. Unless proved, otherwise, any person accused of a criminal offense shall
be presumed innocent and his rights as a free citizen shall be respected,
except for indispensable restraints during his confinement in the interest of
justice and public safety.
4. Inmates are human beings entitled to the same basic rights and privileges
enjoyed by citizens in a free society, except that the exercise of these rights
are limited or controlled for security reasons.
 Under the recent ruling of the COMELEC, detainees are allowed
to exercise rights to vote.
5. Health preservation and prompt treatment of illness or injury are basic
rights of every person confined in jail. It is the duty of the jail authorities to
arrange for their treatment subject to security measures.
6. Members of the custodian force shall set themselves as example by
performing their duties in accordance with the rules and shall respect the
laws duly constituted authorities.
7. No jail personnel shall use abusive, insulting, and indecent language on
8. No jail personnel shall use unnecessary force on inmates, except
legitimate self-defense or in cases of attempted active passive physical
resistance to lawful order.
9. No penalty shall be imposed upon any inmate for violation of
rules/regulation unless in accordance with the duly approved disciplinary
10. Penalties to be imposed shall not be cruel, inhuman or degrading. No
physical punishment shall be employed as a correctional measure.
11. Members of the custodial force must understand that inmates need
treatment and counseling and the primary purpose of confinement is for
safekeeping and rehabilitation.
Module 4: The Jail and the Bureau of Jail
Management and Penology Institutional
POSITION RANK (under RA RANK (under RA 9263) 2) Jail Inspectorate Section - inspect the jail facilities, the personnel and
6975) prisoners/ detainees and submits reports of deficiencies noted.
1. Municipal Jail Warden Senior Jail Inspector Senior Jail Inspector 3) Public Relations Office - task with the maintenance of good public
relations to obtain the necessary and adequate support of the public.
2. City Jail Warden Senior Jail Inspector Chief Jail Inspector

3 District Jail Warden Chief Jail Inspector Jail Superintendent OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT WARDEN- he undertakes the
development of a systematic process of the treatment for this individual
4. Provincial Jail Jail Superintendent Jail Superintendent inmates and determines the degree of custody for such individual in his
Administration capacity as chairman of the Classification Board. He is al automatically
5. Asst. Regional Director for Jail Superintendent
Administration serve as chair of the Disciplinary Board
1) Classification Board- is tasked with the gathering and collating of
6. Asst. Regional Director for Jail Superintendent information and other data of every prisoner into a case study to determine
Operation the work assignment, type of supervision and degree of custody and
restriction under which an offender must live in jail.
7. Regional Chief of Jail Superintendent
Directorial Staff 2) Disciplinary Board- hearing disciplinary cases involving violation of
8. Regional Director of BJMP At least Jail Superintendent jail rules and regulations by the inmates.
9. Director of the Directorate At least Jail Superintendent
of National Headquarters ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP - charge of all administrative functions of
Office the jail.
1. Personnel Management Branch task for the assignment of personnel,
10. Deputy Chief for Chief Jail Superintendent
Administration of the Jail procedures of selection, preparation of personnel reports and individual
Bureau record files.
11. Deputy Chief for Chief Jail Superintendent 2. Records and Statistics Branch- Keep and maintain booking sheets and
Operation of the jail Bureau arrest reports, keep an orderly record of fingerprints and photographs,
12. Chief of the Directorial Chief Jail Superintendent prepare and presents statistical data inmates.
Staff of the Jail Bureau
3. Property and Supply Branch- take charge of the safekeeping of
13. Chief of the Jail Bureau Jail Director Jail Director
equipment’s and supplies and materials needed for the operation of the jail.
4. Budget and Finance Branch take charge of all financial matter such as
budgeting, financing, accounting and auditing.
JAIL OFFICES AND OPERATING UNITS FUNCTIONS, DUTIES 5. Mess Services Branch prepare the daily menu, prepares and cook the
AND food and serve it to the inmates.
RESPONSIBILITIESS 6. General Services Branch-maintain and repair of jail facilities and
OFFICE OF THE WARDEN - the warden is responsible for direction, equipment’s. It is also task with cleanliness beautification of the jail
coordination and Control of the personnel, the inmates and the programs of compound.
the institution. 7. Mittimus Computing Branch receive court decisions and compute the
date of the full completion of the service sentence of inmates.
Under the Office of the warden are the following:
1) Intelligence and Investigation Team - collates and submits intelligence Note:
information to the warden on the matters pertaining to jail conditions.
Module 4: The Jail and the Bureau of Jail
Management and Penology Institutional
MITTIMUS - is a warrant issued by a court bearing its seal and signature 3) Property Receiving and Safekeeping
of the judge, directing the jail or prison authorities to receive the convicted 4) Briefing
offender for service of sentence imposed therein.
REHABILITATION GROUP- provides services and assistance to
SECURITY GROUP-- provides a system of sound custody, security and prisoners and their families to enable them to solve their individual needs
control of inmates and their movements and also responsible to enforce and problems arising from the prisoner's confinement. Correction and
prison or jail discipline. Rehabilitation it's the primary interest of this group.
1. Medical and Health Services provides medical and physical
1. Escort/Subpoena Platoon examination of inmates upon confinement, treatment of sick inmates. Also
 Escort Section produce inmates under proper guard, to Proper conducts psychiatric and psychological examination.
authority upon proper summons. Transfer the prisoner to penal 2. Work and Education Therapy Services - in-charge of the job and
institution on proper order of the court or authority. educational programs needed for rehabilitation of inmates by providing
 Subpoena Section- receives, distributes, and/or serve subpoenas, them job incentives so they can earn and provide support for their families
notice orders summons and other court processes directed to while in jail.
inmates confined in jail.
2. Security Platoon responsible for proper system of security and control 3. Socio-Cultural Services- it takes care of the social care of the social
procedures of inmates in confinement, and the searching of all personnel casework study of the individual prisoners by making interviews, home
and visitors entering the jail compound to check and prevent the smuggling visits, and referral to community resources, free legal services, and liaison
of contraband. works for inmates.

Notes: 4. Chaplaincy Services it takes charge of the religious and moral

 Contraband was commonly described in the past as any material upliftment of the inmates through religious services. This branch caters to
that might be used for an escape or used to take advantage of other all religious sects.
inmates. Such items as matches, money, pornographic pictures, 5. Guidance Counselling Services - responsible for the individual and group
guns, drugs and tools are generally considered as contraband. Any counseling activities to help the lead a wholesome constructive life.
item can be placed on the list of contraband if it is perceived as a
threat to orderly operation of jail or prison. Reference
 At present, contraband is described as any item found on the  Bureau of Jail Management and Penology Operational Manual
inmate or in his possession or in his dorm that is not specifically  Republic Act No. 6975
authorized by the rules.  Republic Act No. 9263
3. Custodian Section - Conduct regular custodial functions over inmates 
4. Admitting and Releasing Section- part the security platoon. It is tasked 
with receiving of person committed to the jail and the proper release of
prisoners who have served prison sentence or are released on orders of
competent courts or authority.

Process of Admitting Person in Jail:

1) Booking
2) Identification
Module 4: The Jail and the Bureau of Jail
Management and Penology Institutional
___________10. Provides a system of sound custody, security and control
of inmates and their movements and also responsible to enforce prison or
jail discipline.

1. Identify the process of admitting person in Jail and kindly discuss

___________1. Tasks to direct supervise and control the administration and
operation of all district, city and municipal jails to affect a better system of
jail management nationwide.
___________2. When conducting routine custodial functions within the jail
facility, what is the prescribe personnel-inmate guarding ratio?
___________3. What is the corresponding rank of a city jail warden?
___________4. Who is the jail officer responsible for direction,
coordination and control of the personnel, the inmates and the programs of
the jail?
___________5. This jail office is tasked with the gathering and collating of
information and other data of every prisoner into a case study to determine
the work assignment, type of supervision and degree of custody and
restriction under which an offender must live in jail?
___________6. When an inmate is in transit, what is the standard personnel 2. Create organizational chart of Bureau of Jail Management and
inmate guarding ratio that shall be observed? Penology and its functions. (please write your answer in clean
___________7. It is known as a warrant issued by a court bearing its seal short coupon)
and signature of the judge, directing the jail or prison authorities to receive
the convicted offender for service of sentence imposed.
___________8. Described as any item found on the inmate or his or her
dorm that is not specifically authorized by the rules.
___________9. Authorize to conduct disciplinary hearing of cases
involving violation of jail rules and regulations by the inmates.
Module 4: The Jail and the Bureau of Jail
Management and Penology Institutional

Let’s Reflective Analysis

1. Discuss the Significance of the Jail and Bureau of Jail Management and
Module 4: The Jail and the Bureau of Jail
Management and Penology Institutional

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