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The Importance Of Political Socialization

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The main task of political socialization is to shape an individual’s political

orientation, attitudes, and behaviors so that they fit into a particular political
system (Lee & Zhan, 1991). Existing literature assumes one’s most important
political attitudes are shaped relatively early in life, and that they remain stable
in subsequent phases of life (Quintelier & Hooghe, 2011). As political
participation is a habit shaped early in life (Valentino, Gregorowicz &
Groenendyk, 2009; Aldrich, Montgomery, & Wood, 2011), political
socialization should be studied at the phase in which it develops, namely
adolescence (Youniss & Yates, 1997; Campbell, 2006). Flanagan (2004) and
others have argued that a civic identity can develop relatively early in …show
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However, these political socialization studies, most of which were conducted

in North America and Europe, have difficulty accounting for Marxist
ideology’s decreased presence in China’s basic education, despite its enhanced
presence at the college level in recent years, and do not explain why China has
not stressed political socialization at an early age. Moreover, due to China’s
massification of higher education since the 2000s, the divide between basic
education’s and higher education’s approaches to political education has
sharpened. Therefore, this study aims to determine how the difference in how
Marxist political economy is taught in basic and higher education in China
impacts university students’ political education learning.
This article first reviews the literature on political education in basic education
and higher education in China, especially the divide in approaches to Marxist
ideology education, and describes the design and implementation of the study.
The major patterns of its findings are presented next, after which some
possible explanations for these patterns are proposed, specifically in terms of:
the importance of political education in the earlier stages of life; the role of
formal and informal university political education in shaping students’ positive
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attitudes toward Marxist political economy and informing their political


The Political Of Political Socialization

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Polls: How Do People Get Their Political Knowledge?

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short, this is how Americans get their political knowledge from those four sources. The family plays the
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they learn their parental attitudes. This shapes later of how they will think politically in life. Schools teach us 431 Words
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Political Socialization
Most people are exposed to the same principals and agents of political socialization. Families spread values
that support political authorities and can heavily contribute to children's initial political ideological views, or
party preferences. Families influence political knowledge and identification depending on variables such as
family demographics, life cycle, parenting style, parental level of political skepticism and frequency of
political discussions. Demographics such as gender and age also attribute to political socialization. School is
another agent of political socialization. Spending numerous years in school, children in the United States are 712 Words
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and high schools, students are taught key principles such as individual rights and property, personal
responsibility and duty to their nation. Another is mass media. Mass media is not only a source of political
information; it is an influence on political values and beliefs. Various media outlets, through news coverage
and late-night programs, provide different partisan policy stances that are associated with political
participation. Religions, beliefs, and practices play a role in political opinion formation and political
participation. The perspective offered by religious institutions shape judgement regarding public policy, and
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interested in politics nowadays. I know better now that it does affect me and I should care about it. I had
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political efficacy in government class and how they affect my political beliefs. My personal political belief has
been shaped into what it is today and is still being shaped because of those six concepts.…

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and values(Steffen, Mack, Barbara, American Government and Politics Today, Page117). Americans are very 3 Pages

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party is run, and explores the question of how they have continued to stay in power for so long. While other
strong socialist powers, such as the Soviet Union and Eastern Germany, fell at the end of the 20th century,
the CPC was able to stay in control and ultimately come out of that period even stronger. In McGregor’s own 1015 Words
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words “the party picked itself up off the ground, reconstituted its armor and reinforced its flank. Somehow, it 5 Pages
has outlasted, outsmarted, outperformed, or simply outlawed its critics, flummoxing the pundits who have
predicted its demise at numerous junctures.” Instead of letting its own ideologies weaken its power, the CPC
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become quite rigid during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Communist thinkers also joined this anti-Confucian
trend, so by the time of the Communist victory in 1949 Confucianism in mainland China seemed virtually
dead. (Adler 7)” “After the Communists took power their anti-Confucian rhetoric only increased. In addition
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