Lesson Plan UEM Final

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Lesson Planning

Topic of the lesson: Natural disasters in Mozambique Lesson nº. 1 Grade: 11

Objectives: Grammar focus:

By the end of the lesson students will be able to:  Giving contrast clauses using:
 Identify natural disasters that occur in Mozambique; But, Although, However
 Distinguish Floods from Droughts and Cyclones.
 Use contrast clauses to talk about activities we can do during natural disasters.
Droughts, floods, epidemics, storms, cyclones, soil erosion, hurricanes, interchangeably, seasonal
Warm-up: Resources Needed:
 Teacher brings three pictures to be used as visual aids; Chalkboard, chalk, grade 11 English
 Explores the pictures playing a guessing game with the students: book, Portuguese - English dictionary,
 Asks what do they see in the pictures A(Floods), B(Droughts)and C(Cyclones). handouts, pictures.
 They say it aloud and teacher points it out on the board .
Contents (Presentation):
Speaking activity
In this section the teacher divides the class into groups of 6 and they discuss the followings activities
1. Between Floods(Picture A), Droughts (B), Cyclones (C), which calamity occurs in your community ?

Afterwards, the students are set to discuss about the activities that can be done during calamities.
A. Floods B.Droughts C. Cyclones
1.We can go fishing 1.We can go hunting 1. Play football in a safe area
2._________________________ 2______________________ 2_________________________
3__________________________ 3.______________________ 3._________________________

 Calls up group to read the answer aloud, the other will be writing the answer on the board.

II. Writing activity

1. Groupwork(ORAL EXERCISE )
 Teacher will now enhance their writing skills and vocabulary expansion.
1. Form sentences about things you can still during natural disasters.
Try to make these sentences a clause(two sentences in one)
Eg: We can go fishing , will be : Although it is raining we can go fishing .

Writing exercise two

 In this section the students are going to discuss in pairs which option they find more moraly correct and write a
paragraph about it and then share the paragraphs between themselves. They will lean on course books,
dictionaries and teacher will be assisting them.

1.Imagine it's raining and winding day and you have an exam at secondary school. At the same day,you have to visit
your sister that is going to study abroad and could be the last day you'd see her for the next 5 years so you definitely
have to pick one out of these two.
1. Which one would you go for? 2Pairwork (WRITTEN EXERCISE)
2.Write us a 5 line paragraph telling us about your journey from home to school your sister's house. Detail us about the
difficulties you encountered going there .

1. Read your paragraph aloud to the class.
1.Groupwork ( Speaking ).
 The teacher will assist, asses their grammar and check pronunciation and correct if need be.
 Will assist them while writing helping them with the most suitable contrast connector and vocabulary.
3. Individual (READING)
 Teacher will listen to their reading and correct eventual mistakes. Will collect their works to mark home and
bring in the following lesson. 3. Individual (READING)

Teacher’s name: Miguel Sérgio Belarmino

Date: 20/11/2023

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