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Educational System in Ancient India:

Ancient India had a rich educational system dating back to several
millennia. Education was primarily imparted through the Gurukula
system, where students lived with their teachers (gurus) in ashrams
or hermitages. The curriculum included a wide range of subjects such
as Vedas, scriptures, philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, medicine,
and the arts. Students received holistic education focusing on both
intellectual and moral development. The Gurukula system
emphasized personalized learning, oral transmission of knowledge,
and practical training through observation and experience.

Evolution Trends and Development:

Over time, the educational system in India evolved with the rise and
fall of various empires and the influence of different cultures and
traditions. Key developments include the establishment of
universities such as Nalanda, Taxila, and Vikramashila, which
attracted scholars from across the world. The medieval period saw
the emergence of Madrasas for Islamic education and the spread of
Persian and Arabic learning. During British colonial rule, the Western
education system was introduced, leading to the establishment of
modern schools, colleges, and universities based on British models.

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