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Bluebook 21st ed.

9 AM. L. & LAW. 1 (1947).

ALWD 6th ed.

, , 9 Am. L. & Law. 1 (1947).

APA 7th ed.

(1947). American Law and Lawyers, 9, 1-8.

Chicago 7th ed.

"," American Law and Lawyers 9 (1947): 1-8

AGLC 4th ed.

'' (1947) 9 American Law and Lawyers 1.

OSCOLA 4th ed.

'' (1947) 9 Am L & Law 1

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Established 1939

Vol. 9 Cincinnati, Ohio, February 18, 1947. No. 7

Blight Falling Legal Publication

Commended for
Ohio Bar President
Pledges Lawyers to Wants Public
Nuernberg Record Protect the Profession
on Institution Philadelphia. Akron, 0.
Given Aid in
of Inheritance Current issue of the Temple Law
Quarterly contains a special foreword
by Supreme Court Justice Jackson
Every member of the legal profes-
sion is "the unbounded trustee of
1,000 trusts," according to Howard
Saving Rights
commending that periodical upon Guthery, Marion, president of the
Question Now If It Is to completion of its publication of the Ohio State Bar Association.
Would Advise People to Get .
Be Allowed to Survive at important documents in connection Counsel before Making Any
All, Trust Officer Asserts with the Nuernberg war crimes trial. Mr. Guthery told the Akron Bar Statements, Commitments
association that the profession is
As a project believed to be un- justified by two attributes: One, its
SEEKS TO REVERSE TRENDS precedented in the history of law service to the publie, and two, its ASK JUDGES' CO-OPERATION
school publications, the quarterly has integrity.
New York. now published the agreement and Des Moines, Ia.
"An almost obliterating shadow charter for establishment of the tri- He said the profession generally Drafting of a recommendation to
upon the institution of inheritance" bunal, the indictments, reports, state- holds "the respect of the body poli- all judges, magistrates and law en-
is being cast by current inheritance ment and comment by Mr. Justic Jack- tic," and warned its members, in the forcement officials in the county
tax rates, which may amount to as son as chief of United States counsel courts as well as private practice, to against permitting persons from mak-
much as 77 per cent for estates in in the prosecution, commentaries by guard against circumstances that ing commitments affecting their
the higher brackets, Evans Woollen William J. Conlen and Walter Lipp- might break down that respect. The rights, without first having the pro-
Jr., president of the Trust Division of man (all in the January 1946 issue); community's respect for the profes- tection of legal advice, has been au-
the American Bankers Association, an article "The Law Under Which sion, he said, "depends on your wis- thorized by the Buena Vista County
told the group's midwinter confer- Nazi Organizations Are Accused of dom, counsel and judgment." Bar Association.
ence here. Being Criminal," by Mr. Jackson The speaker was introduced by Mu- A committee composed of Charles
Woollen, who is also president of (April 1946 issue); closing arguments nicipal Judge Thomas M. Powers, E. Pendleton, chairman; Z. Z. White
the Fletcher Trust Co., Indianapolis, for the prosecution (July 1946 issue); member of the State Bar's executive and W. B. Perry has been appointed
declared that the question "of to and, in the current issue, the judg- committee, after opening remarks by to draft the recommendations.
what extent, if -at all, the institution ment of the tribunal, including the William M. Giffen, president of the
dissent of the Soviet member as to Akron Bar. What Recommendations Cover
of inheritance should be allowed to
survive must always be a, confused certain portions -of the judgment, and The recommendations, to be deliv-
and confusing one." Mr. Justice Je.ckson's final report to ered to all judges, magistrates, pub-
President Truman. lic officials and law enforcement offi-
Trust Men Concerned Tax Savings for Vets
The current issue also contains an cers in the county would protect the
"I believe that the conservation of Hartford, Conn.
index to all of the items previously public in such matters as:
properties for families is an import- Gov. James L. McConaughty recom- Taking of pleas, commitments,
ant concern to the trust man," he published. All of the items mentioned
have been published in complete text. mended in his inaugural address here coroner's findings and inquest jury
said. "He is concerned whether his the adoption of "a veterans rental verdicts, criminal cases, insane pro-
capgoity be that of. administrator, This project of the quarterly has
housing program whereby the state ceedings, determination of suicide, or
executor, or trustee; whether the pro- attracted wide and favorable atten-
assumes the payment of local taxes any other charges or conditions affect-
cess of conservation for the family be tion among international lawyers and
the Bar generally by reason of mak- on such new housing, up to five years, ing their rights and liberties.
by inheritance under the statute, by
ing so readily available.the complete provided that the tax savings revert
bequest, or by use of a trust. All of Would Have Attorney
these processes of family conserva- documentary history of this outstand- to the veteran-tenant in the form of
tion suffer from the crippling effect ing landmark in the jurisprudence of a reduction in the amount of monthly That no action be taken in such
of taxation; and for the purpose of humanity. rent." proceedings until the interests of the
discussion, all may be grouped under ............ ....... ,,,,f,
.......... . . . N ,........
. .*Sf.
.I!........ ............
individual or his dependents are re-
the loosely employed term inheri- presented by a qualified attorney of
tance." LEADING NEWS ARTICLES-- their own selection, or one appointed
by the court, or other officials quali-
Woollen said an argument for taxa- Four Proposals in State-Local Relations 2 fied to make such appointment.
tion on inheritance is that it may Bar to Curb Solicitation of Negligence Cases ---------- 2 The draft of the recommendations
limit excessive personal power in so- Security Needed for Autoists 3 will be submitted for final approval
ciety. He also note5 the argument World Bar Representatives Form New Organization 3 at the next meeting of the County
for a so-called fairer distribution of Bard PlaniBenefits Big Taxpayers -------------------------- 4 Bar Association, and if sanctioned will
wealth, which, he said, "seems to be State Agency Asked as Aid to Trade 5 be promulgated to the designated
based upon the unwarranted assump- Measure to Bar Strikes by Utility Workers 5 officials.
tion that the total wealth is a static Tax Free Land Investigation ------------------------------ 6
pool." The fact is, he added, that Stiingent Fire Laws Seen Probable __ 7
the total wealth is indefinitely ex- Veterans Comprise 93 Per Cent Harvard Law Students 8
pansible and it is enlarged by the
Would Ban Checkoff
action of management and labor upon EDITORIALS AND FEATURES- Columbia, S. C.
capital resources so that "it cannot Legislative Trends in the States -------------------------- 5 A bill to outlaw the checkoff system
be assumed that the wealth available Letters to the Editor ---------
has been introduced in the South
___----------------- 4
for redistribution would have been Carolina Legislature by Senator E.
(Continued on Page Four) fiNN . W. Cantwell of Williamsburg.

Bar Begins Prosecution to Put Curb on

Four Proposals Great Increase
in Work of Soliciting Negligence Cases for Attorneys
Legal Aid Society Philadelphia.
in State-Local New York.
Scrap Pay Boost Bill
Helena, Mont.
The Philadelphia Bar Association's
campaign to curb lawyer-running has
resulted in a prosecution in Central
Relations Made Need for the extension of the bene-
fit of legal counsel to an increased
number of persons who lack funds to
A proposal to boost the pay of
future state solons in Moitana was
scrapped by the State Legislature.
Police Court.
Howard Kessler, 59, was -held in
$500 bail for court by Magistrate
hire counsel was stressed by Gov.
Greater Home Rule Powers Thomas E. Dewey in giving his en-
The Montana House adopted an Thomas Connor.
Urged with Streamlining of adverse committee report to kill the Alexander Weiland, member of the
dorsement to the campaign of the pay-raise bill, which would have
City-County Governments Legal Aid Society of New York for raised legislators' pay from $10 to
Bar association's board of censors,
$200,000 to. meet such needs here. said the group is determined to halt
$15 a day, and that of the House ambulance-chasing.
COMPARE GROWTH OF UNITS In presenting his own contribution speaker and Senate president from Weiland said Kessler's activities
to William B. Given Jr., chairman of $12 to $17 a day. were investigated and a warrant
Chicago. the -campaign, Dewey noted the in- sworn out after which Kessler was
A four-point program for reorgan- creased demands -on this philanthropic arrested by a county detective.
izing relations between states and organization that has completed 70 Kessler was arrested under an act
local units of government is suggest- years of service here. Curb on Strikes in of June 9, 1939, which makes it a
ed in a report just published by a
"Ten years ago, during the year Essential Industry misdemeanor for any person not a
committee -of the Council of State member of the Bar to solicit or pro-
1937," Dewey said, "more than 26,- Urged by Governor cure through solicitation a retainer
With the twin objectives of 000 people received free advice and
representation in civil cases alone. Jefferson City, Mo. or power of attorney to institute a
strengthening local units of govern- suit for damages in which the com-
Today that total has arisen to more State legislation to -cunrb strikes in
inent and improving state supervision pensation of the attorney shall de-
of local affairs so that state-wide than 41,000. If our system -of jus- essential industries and to hold unions
tice under law is to reach its fullest legally responsible for their contrac- pend upon the sum recovered.
governmental activities can be carried Maximum penalty for violation of
flower, the Legal Aid Society must tual obligations was urged by Gov-
out on a high level of performance at the act is $200 fine or not more than
be supported so that there shall be ernor Donnelly in his biennial mess.
all local units, the report of the two years in jail.
justice for every person whether or age to the Missouri Legislature.
Council committee on state-local re- James A. Bowen, a Negro, said
not he -has the funds to hire counsel." "During recent years," he said,
lations suggests that states (1) grant Kessler visited his home last June the
Given, who also is president of the "labor has won many long overdue
greater powers to local units; (2) day after Bowen's daughter was hit
subject these powers to flexible states American Brake Shoe Co., said that rights to which they were entitled.
But all rights carry with them cor- by a car and suffered a broken leg.
administrative supervision; (3) a 96 per cent increase in the number According to Bowen, Kessler said
strengthen local revenue systems; and of cases handled by -the society in responding responsibilities and dut-
ies. he had a lawyer who would take a
(4) streamline local government 1946 over that of the preceding year dam-age case for one-third of the
through consolidation. had necessitated the slight increase "Labor unions should recognize
and live up to these responsibilities, amount received in settlement. Bowen
of $30,000 in the goal set in the cam- said he agreed to a power of attor-
Present Trend to Continue and should be held legally responsible
paign. ney but never heard anything about
The committee describes the world- for their contractual obligations.
wide trend toward broader and more The campaign director further de- "In addition, I recommend that a settlement.
complex governmental activity and clared that since the public makes legislation be enacted to prevent
predicts this trend will continue. only a fraction of the contribution labor strikes which affect the lives, Raise for Legislators
One index of governmental growth toward the $4.88 average cost -of a health, or safety of the general pub- Topeka, Kans.
cited is the rise in expenditures. single case handled by the society, lic, or challenge the sovereignty of Higher pay for state lawmakers was
From 1903 to 1940 expenditures of more individuals should be made state government." urged by Gov. Frank Carlson in his
local government mounted 522 per aware of this public contribution "to
help the poor man" who is entitled message to the Kansas Legislature.
cent. In the same period, state ex- He suggested that the solons who now
penditures jumped 1700 per cent to legal service in court.
from $200 million to $3.6 billion. "In a city as large as New York
When Jeep Becomes receive $3 a day should submit a
constitutional amendment to in-
One of the chief reasons for the nobody knows where to go for legal Truck Determined by state crease this to $10 a day.
boost in expenditures is the increas- help, if he is not acquainted with New Rules in Kentucky
ing number of functions assumed and his neighbors," Given said, "whereas
services rendered by states and locali- in a small town the practicing attor- Frankfort, Ky.
Prediction of Major
ties. One major city for example, neys are well known to all the resi- Instructions as to when a jeep is to
carried on 24 activities in 1824. By dents." be registered as a truck and when Depression in Next
1942, this number had grown 1,500 The society retains a staff of 24 it is to be classified as a passenger Five Years Is Heard
per cent to 396 activities. full-time lawyers at the office at 11
car have been sent to county clerks
in Kentucky by the State Revenue Washington.
New Activities Named Park Place, and in addition has an A major depression within the next
additional staff of four who serve for Department.
Among the 247 new activities add- If all the seats are still in the jeep five years with the possibility of an
ed by this municipality from.1900 to one or two months at a time, in the
and the owner declares it is used pri- overthrow of the present form of gov-
1940 are serving of school lunches; criminal courts building at 100 Cen- ernment was predicted for this coun-
ter St. under the direction of Martin marily as a passenger car, the license
smoke inspection and abatement; es- fee is $5. try by Robert R. Nathan, economist,
tablishment and maintenance of an V. Callagy, a former Justice of the
If all but the driver's set is re- at a luncheon meeting of the District
aquarium, a conservatory, a fine arts Domestic Relations Court. Louis Junior Bar Association recently.
library, playgrounds, tuberculosis Fabricant is attorney-in-chief at the moved and the jeep is used for com-
mercial hauling or delivery, it is a Fascism, socialism and communism
clinic, a police training school, high society's headquarters. Whitney N. "commercial truck" and the fee is offer "tough competition" to demon-
school evening classes, technical higt Seymour is president of the organi-
zation. $10.50. racy in the United States because
school education, a city college and most Americans "stick their heads in
-Of course, some farmers use them
junior college, a clinic and school the sand" instead of attempting to
for epileptic children, a. pre-natal both -as light trucks and as passenger
single type of local government cars, with only the rear seat removed. find a solution to present economic
nuring program, an ambulance ser- whose duties and responsibilities have problems, the speaker declared.
These "farm trucks" must pay the
vice, and a camp for tubercular chil- generally decreased in recent decades. same $5 required of regular car own- A voluntary decrease in prices on
Except during war years, the com- ers. the part of industry or widespread
The report notes that other cities
mittee notes that the growth -of state A farmer who uses his jeep to pull wage increases which would be ab-
have experienced similar growth and
that counties too haxe maintained as governments is more rapid and con- his plow or as a substitute tractor on sorbed by industry and not passed on
sistent than either the federal gov- his farm, doesn't have to pay any in the form of higher prices would
important role in most states. Mid.
ernment or the local units. license at all, under state law. prevent a depression, he said.
west townships, however, stand as the

More Security Right to Arrest on

Strength of Police
Bar Representatives from All over World
to Gather to Complete New Organization
Request Is Sustained
Seen Needed Washington.
Municipal Court has upheld the
New York.
A meeting of representatives of the f already approved the constitution.
national Bar associations from all The following will represent that as-

for Autoists right of police to arrest a suspect on

the strength of a teletype message.
Defense Counsel James J. Laughlin
nations of the world will be held in sociation at the meeting:
the building of the Association of the President Carl B. Rix, Milwaukee,
Bar of the City of New York, 42 W. Robert N. Anderson, Washington,
When Insurer Goes out of 44th St. beginning at 10 a. m., Mon- Frederic M. Miller, Des Moines,
brought out testimony of two detec-
day, February 17, and continuing George Maurice Morris, Washington,
Business Man of 'Financial tives of the Metropolitan Police De- through Tuesday, February 18. Amos J. Peaslee, Clarkaboro, N. J.,
Responsibility' Is Victim partnent that the arrest of Samuel A draft of the constitution sent to William . Ransom, New York City,
J. Hanna, in nearby Berwyn, Md., the national associations last Decem- Charles Ruzicka, Baltimore, Willis
was effected with no warrant. The
CONTRIBUTIONS SUGGESTED ber will be offered for final adoption, Sith Raleigh, N. C., Edgar Trling-
detectives testified they arrested Han- as well as proposed by-laws. ton
na on a fugitive charge on the basis
Albany, N. Y. The inauguration of the representa- lance, Washington.
of a "lookout" received by teletype tives present as the first House of
Establishment of a security fund Names of representatives from
from New Jersey police. The notice Deputies will follow adoption of the other countries will be announced as
to protect automobile - owners and said that Hanna was wanted in At-
traffic accident victims from the col- constitution, with addresses by promi- soon as available by Robert N. Ander-
lantic City for armed robbery. lawyers. son,
Wnentchairman of the Organizing co-
lapse of casualty insurance companies Judge Margold's ruling, upholding
is proposed in a bill introduced in the The American Bar Association mittee. Rhas
the right to arrest the suspect on the
New York State Legislature to carry basis of the teletype "lookout", was
out recommendations by State Insur- given after the detectives revealed
ance Superintendent Robert E. Din- arrest warrants were received by lo- Convention to Draw Authority for City
Pointing out that 18 automobile
cal authorities later the same day on
which Hanna was removed from
New Constitution in i to Acquire Land
insurance icompanies had gone out of Maryland to the District. The court
Jersey Is Proposed for Parking Urged
business between 1931 and 1937, Din- had also ruled, at the outset of the
neen said failures of such companies argument, that the testimony regard- Trenton, N. J. Harrisburg, Pa.
produce distressing consequences. In- ing the Maryland arrest was "imma- New Jersey's first constitutional Philadelphia would be authorized
Jured persons or their dependents, he terial." convention since 1844 will open June to acquire, procure or obtain by pur-
said, must press claims for death and The case was continued to March 12, if the voters authorize it at an chase, lease or condemnation, any
injury against individuals who are no election June 3, as the result of a land, including buildings, as sites for
12 to grant defense time to contest
longer insured and the policyholder, extradition to New Jersey. bill given final passage by the State city-owned parking lots and public
in turn, is confronted with claime, Legislature and sent to Governor garages to relieve traffic congestion
lawsuits, or judgments against which Driscoll, who had advocated such under a 'bill introduced in the Penn-
Pay Raise -for Judges action.
he has no protection. sylvania Legislature by Represents
Manchester, N. H. The convention, if held, will have tives Charles C. Smith and Frank A.
Faces Dismal Prospect A "substantial increase" in salaries 81 delegates, selected in the same
"If he has a home or has money Costa, co-chairman of Philadelphia's
of New Hampshire Supreme and Su- ratio as counties are now represented
or other resources," Dinneen added, perior Court jurists was urged in a in the State Legislature, and Republican House delegation.
" they are subject to levy and attach- it will Under the bill, such action could
resolution adopted at the midwinter be restricted from changing
ment. If he is less fprtunate in pos- the ter- be taken, "whenever in the judgment
meeting here of the State Bar Asso- ritorial limits of
any of the state's of 'City Council acquisition of such
session -of worldly goods he is faced eiation. 21 counties.
with garnishees, installment payments lands may be necessary, desirable or
and other legal procedure. The convention will be required to useful for the relief or abatement
"The failure of any company writ- Automobile Victims complete its deliberations by Sept. of congestion," on streets or high-
12. It may offer an entirely new con- ways.
ing automobile insurance tende to im- Would be Insured stitution or could offer various al-
pair public confidence in the efficacy Although the bill is presumably de-
of the financial responsibility law.
Under Proposed Law ternative proposals. It could also signed to permit Philadelphia to de-
Furthermore, it tends to destroy pub- Dover, Del . Iting a revision by sections, permit-
uter the velop underground parking centers,
voters a choice, with the it does not preclude the possibility of
lic confidence in the institution of A stringent motorists' financial re-
anone Guaansbility
insurance. Certainly the citizen who aponsibility bill has.beenrint
has been introduced derstanding that each Proposed surface parking areas in the mid-city
t sectional revision would tie in with or outlying areas near transit facili-
obtains financial irresponsibility un- in the Delaware Legislature by Rep. every other proposal whether it was
der a financial responsibility law has Edwin A. Prettyian, Houston. app ties.
a just grievance." The measure would require a The city would have the option of
motorist to show financial responsi- operating the parking lots or garages
How Fund Accumulated bility ranging up to $21,000 once he Kills Limitation Measure itself, or by ordinance could lease
The 'propened security fund would has been convicted of negligence in the facilities for private operation.
be accumulated out of contributions an accident wherein the damage is Indianapolis, Id.
by insurers at the rate of two per $50 or more, or where there is any A bill to curb portal-to-portal pay
cent per annum for three years and bodily injury whatsoever, claims was killed by the Indiana Community Property
one per cent per annum thereafter Any person, whether convicted of House of Representatives by a vote
of automobile liability premiums writ- negligence or not, would be required of 64 to 27. Idea Is under Study
ten in this state. At the end of the to show that he is financially able to The measure proposed a limitation Providence, R. 1.
flirst year it would amount to $1,500,- pay any damages done by the opera- of two years on the period a claimant Envisioning a saving to Rhode Is-
000. ~
ance ~ ~ i theant
e.Lgsltr by Rep. Chre
tion or ownership -of a vehicle involv- for portal-to-portal ut pay landers of $10,000,oo a year in their
might wait
Dinneen said the cost of the ad- ed in an accident in which the dam- before filing suit. The present limi- federal income tax payments, Rep.
ditional protection to policyholders age exceeds $50 or where someone is tation in Indiana is six years. Leon W. Brower, introduced in the
would be only nominal and it would'hurt. Rhode Island Legislature a measure
be comparatively simple to make pro- Proof of financial responsibility, to calling for appointment of a legisla-
vision for it in the rate structure. The be filed with the state motor vehicle -x Would tive committee to investigate laws
principle involved, he added, is in line, department, would include evidence Pierre, S. D. covering "the institution of commun-
with the policy of the state as ex- i of the driver's or owner's ability to A bill to increase South Dakota's ity property."
pressed in the Korkmen's Compensa- Ipay up to $10,000 for bodily injury sales tax from two to three per cent, Representative Brower pointed out
tion Security Funds, the Public Motor to one person, up to $20,000 for in- with two thirds of the tax revenue to that the "community property law,"
Vehicle Liability Security Fund (cov- jury to two or more persons in any be apportioned to public schools, was
ering taxicabs) and the Life Insur- one accident and $1,000 for property makes it possible for a husband and
introduced in the State Legislature wife to declare themselves legal part-
ners and thus secure tax advantages.

Big Taxpayers Lawyers Could Not

American Law and Lawyers Would Keep More Solicit Business
Under Bard Plan Under Proposed Law
Published weekly except on the
last Tuesday of the year and on Chicago. Raleigh, N. C. TAX WORK BY LAWYERS
alternate Tuesdays from July 1 to "Congress can reduce the taxes of A bill to -outlaw the solicitation of By James Eddy McCann,
September 30. Forty-four issues the little fellow by any formula it legal business in North Carolina was Of the Philadelphia Bar.
annually. chooses, but if it does not grant some introduced in the State Legislature
relief -to the big taxpayer, the little here by Senator 0. L. Richardson of I noted with interest your article
fellow will have nobody to pay him Union, chairman of the committee "Want Tax Work Left Entirely To.
Office of Publication: Attorneys."
a salary and his relief will be of no on Courts and Judicial Districts, who
534 Sycamore St., Cincinnati 2, 0. I think your article is definitely
benefit to him," F. N. Bard, Chicago said the measure was supported by
ROWLAND SHEPARD, Editor. business man and author of the Bard the North Carolina State Bar. on the right track and much more
Tax Plan, said in a letter to mem- The proposed legislation would au- should be done by lawyers in tax
American Law and Lawyers bers of the Senate Finance commit- thorize the Council of the State Bar work. The bookkeeping work of
welcomes communications on all tee and the House Ways and Means to investigate charges of solicitation. corporations is performed by account-
questions of law and government, committee. Violation of the statute would be a ants, etc., but the legal consequences
the administration of justice, Bar of bookkeeping figures is a lawyer's
"It if the big taxpayer who buys misdemeanor, punishable within the
organization work, professional job.
the machinery and takes all the risk discretion of the court.
welfare and other subjects of in- A similar situation exists in the tax
which results in the salary and in- It would be made unlawful to- so-
terest to lawyers. field. It is all right for accountants
come of the little fellow," Mr. Bard's licit legal business ether to be per-
letter pointed out. formed in the state or elsewhere or to do the bookkeeping work in con-
Subscription Price - $4.00 a Year "There is a vast difference between to solicit a retainer or contract to nection with tax figures, but the legal
Single Copies 10 cents. the income which a man derives from perform such legal services. effect of such figures should definitely
his venture capital, used for the pur- be passed on by lawyers. Practically
Inheritance Tax To implement .this, the bill also
chase of materials 'and the employ- would make it illegal for attorneys every tax question has an underlying
(Continued from Page One.) ment of men, and the income which to divide or receive fees for referr- legal problem involved such as "when
the same in the absence of the insti- a man derives from investments in ing claims, except "in cases or mat- did the contract terminate", or, "is it
tution of inheritance." stocks and bonds," Mr. Bard contin- a partnership", and thousands and
ters legitimately, lawfully and prop-
Should Voice Protest ued. "I am therefore suggesting to erly received by them." thousands of other legal questions.
"We should be heard in every state you that you may find it possible to
of the Union saying to the public and advocate the Bard Tax Plan, as a part
to our senators and representatives," of any plans which may be considered Legislative Measure
Woollen continued, "that the trend by tax fixing bodies." Summer School for
in estate taxation should be reversed. The Bard plan provides for an
Credit Executives Would Promote
We should urge, as we can with deep amendment to the Internal Revenue Economic Ethics
conviction, that private property and Code which would allow the individ- at U. of Wisconsin
its inheritance work for the good of ual operating as a proprietor or part- Providence, R. I.
all people. We should point out that ner to -divide his income into two New York,
A summer school for credit and A bill designed to stop practices
capital, though productive in private classes:
1. Income derived from venture financial executives will be held at which "constitute unfair and fraudu-
banks, too often feeds consumption lent competition and unsound and un-
without promoting production once it capital, or, in other words, income the University of Wisconsin from
August 17 to 29, it was announced economic methods of distribution"
is in governmental hands. We should from the direct operation of his busi-
ness. by Dr. 'Carl D. Smith, director of edu- was introduced in the Rhode Island
make it known that an excessive tax
2. Income received from invest- cation of the National Association of Legislature by Deputy House Speak-
upon inheritance is a penalty to all
ment capital in stocks, bonds or other Credit Men. er Alfred U. Menard, Lincoln.
purely investment items. This school will provide a profes- Under terms of the legislation,
-Upon so doing, the business man sional program of credit education which was referred to the judiciary
would pay corporate tax rates on in- for credit, financial and other execu- committee, it would be unlawful for
Gloucester Registering come derived from capital risked in tives. The purpose of the program a retailer to represent himself as a
Indignation over State the operation of his business in com- is to interpret economic and financial wholesaler and merchants would be
petition with corporations, and indi- policies; to broaden the perspective prohibited from showing prices which
Fishing Inveqtigation vidual tax rates on his invested, or of business executives; to aid them are fictitiously in excess of actual
non-business, capital. in the development of their mana- prices for the purpose of conveying
Gloutester, Mass. gerial and administrative abilities; to the impression that an article has
An investigation to -determine encourage the improvement of leader- been substantially marked down.
whether a monopoly exists in the $14,- Closed Shop Measure ship qualities; to provide for a broad- The bill also would prohibit cor-
000,000 fishing industry of Glouces- Salt Lake City, Utah. er knowledge and to stimulate habits porations from selling to their em-
ter is being conducted by Assistant A resolution proposing a state con- of --orderly thinking upon business ployes at wholesale any goods which
Attorney General George Goldfin. De- stitutional amendment to outlaw the problems. they do not manufacture.
tectives have been at work for several closed chop has been introduced in the This new program is a revival and
weeks fereting out information in this Utah Legislature. enlargement of the Summer Institute
city and nearby communities, and as of Credit held in 1941 and 1942 at Reject City Sales Tax
many as 20 indictments may be Babson Institute of Business Admin-
sought under state law charges of re- Wage Rate Discrimination istration, of which Dr. Smith was Denver, Colo.
straint of trade. Continued high Austin, Texas. then president. In the face of strong public oppost-
prices of fish, in the face of record A bill to prohibit discrimination tion, the Denver City Council killed a
catches by trawlers, led to starting in wage rates based on sex has been proposed one per cent municipal re-
the investigation by Attorney-General introduced in the Texas Legislature Would Cut Loan Rate tail sales tax when it came up for
Clarence A. Barnes. by two women representatives, Eliza- final action.
There is indignation here over the beth Suiter of Winnsboro and Mrs. Boston.
A bill to reduce the interest rate Rejection of the measure was
state's inquiry, spokesmen asserting Rae Files Still.
on small loans from two per cent to unanimous, with five councilmen re-
that the question is one of unemploy- The -proposed legislation would re-
ment rather than monopoly. Since one per cent a month was introduced versing their earlier stand in favor
quire like wage rates to be paid em-
in the Massachusetts Legislature by of the proposal. Business, labor, con-
the local freezers are jammed to ca- ployes' of both sexes for work of
pacity and no other freezing facilities comparable character and operations. Senator Michael LoPresti of Boston. sumer, civic and veterans' groups op-
posed the proposed tax. There were
available, trawlers have been laid up Penalties on employers would be a The Massachusetts Legislature last warnings that Denver residents would
rather than sailing for the fishing fine of $25 to $500 and liability for year reduced the rate from three per have avoided the levy by shopping in
grounds. double the amount of unpaid wages. cent to two per cent. nearby communities.


State Agency Legislatioe Trends in the States

A Guide to What's Coming in Laws and Regulations, Based on
Measure Would
Is Asked As a Continuing Study and Appraisal of Trends Developing
Already Established-This week, Aviation
8a Strikes of
Aid To Trade By BETHUNE JONES ing authority in the state's 1945 avia-
New York. tion law.
Bills relating to aviation taxation,
lULility orkers
Gov. Ernest W. Gibson of Vermont
Wide Regulatory and Price- regulation and airport development urged encouragement of airport de-
Fixing Authority Would Be are being widely considered in cur- velopment by private capital, but Public Service Commission
Accorded Proposed Bureau rent state legislative told
sessions through- the Vermont legislature, "The time Would Get Broad Power to
out the country. may come when the state will have
WOULD LICENSE MERCHAN' 3 Many of the measures anticipate to help municipalities on their
Investigate, Issue Orders
participation in the federal-aid air- transportation problems even as it OTHER PROVISIONS OF BILL
Olympia, Was port construction program provided has had to help municipalities on
A bill to create a state trade co, under a 1946 Congressional act to highway problems."
mission with broad regulatory a I authorize $500,000,000 federal aid Annapolis, Md.
Pointing out that approximately Strikes or threats of strikes against
price-fixing powers over all types over a seven-year period, not to ex- $700,000 in federal airport funds had public
retail trade has been introduced utilities would be outlawed un-
ceed $100,000,000 in any one year, been allocated to New Mexico
the Washington State Legislature I for matching state and local funds for current fiscal year, Gov. for the der a bill introduced in the Maryland
Thomas J. Legislature by Senator P. G. Strom-
Representative Arthur L. Callow , airport construction and development. Mabry told the legislature
that "state berg, Howard.
Elma, Harold B. Kellogg of Mont State Aid Necessary aid, in many instances, will be neces-
sano and Charles A. Richey of Seatti Legislation has been proposed in I sary before we can obtain full Providing for enforcement by the
The commission would be compo . many states to require that the fed- vantage ad- State Public service Commission, the
of the federal act." proposed legislation would give that
'ed of three members, appointed I eral aid be channeled through
state Wantc F no a es s
the governor for five-year terms i agencies rather than direct to mu-
Wants Full Benefits casges oflbrdipowes, toeivstigfate
salaries of $6,000 a year. It woul nicipalities. State assistance in pro- Colorado's Gov. Lee Knous advo-
be authorized to employ a secreta viding local matching funds for air- cated a program which will enable tory solutions, issue temporary or-
and also attorneys, experts, examil ders, and make and enforce final de-
port construction also is being con- the, state, county and municipal gov-
ers and clerks. cisions.
sidered in a number of instances. ernments to realize full benefits of
Unfair Competition "The state must, with other levels the federal-aid airport program. Could Ask Special Board
"Whenever the commission sha of government, continue to help pro- Chairman Alan R. Phipps
have reason to (believe any merchar vide adequate ground facilities and Aeronautics Commission of the State In instances where it failed to reach
had earlier a decision satisfactory to the parties
has been using or is using or is shot navigation aids that are of a public revealed a proposal
for legislative involved in a dispute, the commission
to use, any unfair method of compc nature and responsibility," Gov. Luth- authorization of the
issuance of $3,- would be authorized to ask the Gov-
tition or unfair or deceptive act o er W. Youngdahl told the Minnesota 000,000 in
bonds over a seven-year ernor to appoint a special board of
practice in conducting his business, legislature, period to provide state assistance in arbitration. The same right would
the bill provides, the commission coul Terming airports "the key to the airport construction, with federal be
call him to a 'hearing. aid given either party involved if dissat-
full potential development of avia, to be channeled through the
Any ierchant violating a "cease tion," Gov. Thomas E. Dewey, in his agency, state isfied with a commission decision.
and desist" order issued, by the com address to the New York State legis- If the commson, either through
Governor Osborn asked the Arizona its own studies or through a
mission would be liable to fines o: lature, pointed out that although the legislature report
to enact "fair and suit- from arbitrators, found that an in-
not less than $1,000 nor more thai growth in their number has been able"
legislation to effect an aviation crease in the wages of employes was
$5,000 for each violation. rapid, "the increase has failed to keep tax and other controls over
the in- indicated, it would be empowered to
Every merchant in the state wouk pace with the growth of the demand dustry. Enactment of
be required to be licensed by the for commercial air service." He ad valorerb an "equitable" order an increase in the rates charged
tax on all aireraft oper- by the utility to produce sufficient
commission and to pay license and
ugerald al at d itohrir thststa
registration fees. The commission, eral funds allocated within this state raise ating in and through the state, to funds to pay the increased compensa-
revenue to match federal air- tion, provided the earnings of
with an appropriation of $25,000, in aid of airport construction and port funds, was the
earlier recommended utility were not already sufficient to
would, be given price-fixing powers development be used in a manner by the
Arizona Advisory Committee pay the increases and
and could attempt to determine prob- yield a fair re-
able cost of doing business and over- ey.,, on Aviation Development. turn on investment.
head expense of merchants. Proposals in Maine
The measure would specify that
Airport Financing
Army of Snoopers In his message to the Indiana legis- such increases would be retroactive
"Under this bill," said Representa- lature, Gov. Ralph P. Gates In Maine, Gov. Horace A. Hildreth to the date when the commission
urged supported a proposal be-
tive Blodgett, who runs a grocery legislation to provide
for financing Aeronautics Commissionof the State gan its investigation.
store in Spokane, "an army of in- the construction of municipal air- that munici-
spectors would be turned loose to pry ports, correcting tlie omission of bond- palities provide the land and that Could Operate Plant
into your books under the pretext of the towns and the state match funds In the event of the suspension, limi-
eliminating misleading and unsound equally to meet federal-aid airport tation or cessation of the operation of
practices. I don't believe in that State Wage-Hour Law allocations. He cautioned, however, a public utility because of a labor dis-
that the problem as pute, the commission would be em-
sort of business, nor do I subscribe
to such a program." Proposed in Bill Before well as constructionof maintenance costs should be powered, for the period of the emer-
The measure was said to be backed Maryland Legislature considered. gency, to take over control, direct and
by a strong group led by I. W. Ring- Development of an adequate system operate the utility, paying a "fair
er of Seattle, secretary of the Wash- Annapolis, Md. of public airports, financed wage" to the workers and providing
A state wage-hour law is proposed through "a fair return or compensation"
ington Grocers and Meat Dealers' As- state-federal co-operation, subject to for
sociation. in a bill introduced in the Maryland State Aeronautics the owners.
Commission ap-
Legislature by Senator George D. proval, was
Della, 'Baltimore Democrat. advocated in Wisconsin A preamble to the bill declares
t U

se l-- that "the state hereby asserts that

The measure would provide a mini-

Raleigh, N. C. mum wage of 65 cents an hour and a public utilities . . . are so imbued
Creation of a California Aviation
North Carolina's recently adopted maximum work week of 44 hours, Commission to direct a master with a public interest that it is
plan against public
state constitutional amendment grant- with time and a half for all hours for construction policy to
of airports by cities health, welfare, safety permit the
ing women the right to serve on jur- worked thereafter and counties, and through which all of and interest
les would have a limited effect under The bill was introduced at the re- federal aid funds would be channeled, the people to be endangered
a bill pending in the State Legisla- quest of the Maryland Association of was proposed by a state legislative strikes or threatened strikes for the
ture which would give women the University and the Maryland League purpose of adjusting or settling dis-
interim enmmittee with the backing putes between
right to decline to serve. of Women Voters. the employes and own-
of Gov. Earl Warren. ers" of public utilities.

Opportunity Beckons
Seek Thorough Explosive Bill
Introduced in Buffalo, N. Y.
George W. Wanamaker, sec- Making the Record
Inquiry into State Legislature
Raleigh, N. C.
retary of the Erie County Bar
Association, is publishing the
following notice:
(This is the sixth of a series of ar-
ticles reprinted by- permission from
Tax Free Land Co-operatives and mutual market-
ing associations would be brought un-
der North Carolina's income and fran-
The Hon. S. B. Merritt, mayor
of Prattsburg, Steuben county,
the copyrighted booklet "Making the
Record" published by the National
Shorthand Reporters Association).
chise tax laws under a bill introduced New York has notified the Bar
Believe Much Property not in the State Legislature by Rep. Hen- Association that a lawyer would
Longer Used for Purposes Objectivity of counsel must also ex-
ry G. Fisher of Buncombe. be a welcome addition to the tend to the witness. The ordinary
for Which Exemption Given In serving notice on the joint leg- population of that thriving but witness in a lawsuit cannot be ex-
islative finance committee that such lawyerless community of 700 pected to possess the same degree of
'ALARMING INCREASE' SEEN a measure had been drafted for House persons. It is the center of a poise, intelligence and orientation as
introduction, Fisher said the same prospersous farming district. A court and counsel. Difficulties en-
Con-cord, N. H. proposal would be handed to the lawyer will serve Poultney, countered by reporters with witnesses,.
. A legislative resolution calling for committee as an amendment to the Wheeler and Italy, the mayor resulting from the latter's nervous-
investigation of tax exempt property 1947 state revenue bill. A hearing says, in addition to Prattsburg. ness, desire to tell the whole story in
in New Hampshire was strongly sup- on the amendment was scheduled for The village enjoys Rotary, a one breath, language peculiarities and
ported at a hearing conducted here by Feb. 12. Central School, Masonic Lodge defects, make it necessary for counsel
the House Ways and Means com- Referring to his measure as and four prosperous churches. to adjust trial methods and tactics
mittee. "pretty explosive," Fisher explained to the exigencies of the occasion,
it would put co-operatives and mar- bearing in mind that failure to do,
The measure would provide: "That
keting associations "into the same this places a greater burden upon the
a thorough and impartial investiga-
class with regular business enterpris-
Longer Residence reporter and his ability to record and
tion be made o( the whole subject of es." Requirement Urged transcribe.
tax exemption in New Hampshire, in-
asmuch as the total amount of such Although anticipating strong op- in Divorce Actions These difficulties are accentuated in
tax-exempt property is now estimat- position from every co-operative in the case of the unlettered and the
ed to be in excess of $150,000,000- the state, he declared his bill would Lansing, Mich. foreign-born witness. Between the
although no figures have ever been have the staunch support of North Tighter -Michigan divorce laws are resonant utterances of the gifted
compiled to show the worth of gov- Carolina merchants who are being sought by a bill introduced in the orator and the almost inaudible
ernmental real estate, institutional forced to compete "at a disadvantage State Legislature here by Rep. Sher- mumblings of the incoherent witness
holdings, properties of various socie- with these outfits." man Littlefield, Detroit. lies a wide range of speech man-
ties and associations, and of certain 'The state revenue department had nerisms and peculiarities. To the
no immediate figures on what the Supported by Wayne County's Cir- reporter in the North, for example,
industrial establishments now tax cuit Court Bench and Board of Super-
exempt." bill would mean in added state reve- the liquid speech of a Southern at-
nues, but 'State Revenue Commission- visors, the bill would require a two- torney is often difficult to under-
Church Used As Theater er estimated off-hand the state would year instead of a one-year residence stand. Rhetorical speakers often rise
Asserting that the purpose of the receive an additional $8,000,000 to ahd set up a six-month "cooling off" to heights of forensic eloquence, sud-
measure "is to determine if any prop- $4,000,000 annually if the proposal period in which no evidence could be denly to descend to a whispered, in-
erty is escaping its 'fair share' of the were enacted. taken. audible completion of the thought
tax burden," Rep. Fred A. Jones of Fisher declared that co-operatives "Divorces are mounting alarmingly cycle. Some attorneys in their fervor
Lebanon, author of the proposal, and marketing associations do an an- and the cost of supervising the child- will lean across the jury-box to con-
said: "We do not question tax exemp- nual business in excess of $50,000,- ren of broken homes is disturbing," vey, the more intimately and confi-
tion for religious and educational in- 000 a year in North Carolina, and Representative Littlefield declared ,in dentially as it were, the impress of
stitutions as long as the property is that under present laws they are re- offering the measure. "About $1,500,- their personality; othqrs will from
still being used for the purpose for quired to pay only a flat $10 franchise 000 a year in alimony now is being time to time turn their backs upon
which it originally was exempted. I tax. "They pay no more than that, administered in Wayne county alone court, witness, jury and reporter, ad-
know of a church now used as a while engaging in direct competition and a large staff of investigators is dressing their remarks to the opposite
theater. We should find out if all with merchants who can rely on no required. I'm sure Michigan doesn't wall; while still others require the
-property whose use has changed is such privileges," he said. want to compete with Reno or Las stimulus of ambulation to perfect
now being taxed." He said his measure would affect Vegas as a marriage mart." their thoughts.
Citing the "alarming increase" of all co-operative orgaqizations selling The accents of foreign witnesses,
taxes in the past few years, Jones merchandise, either retail or whole the use of solecisms and colloquialisms,
charged that "many inequities, many sale, but would not affect associa- Investor Bears Loss the swallowing of words, the incor-
abuses" have crept into the exemption tions relying upon assessment of reet choice of language, the elision of
members to operate. Burial associa- Omaha, Neb. material words, and generally the use
picture. He and other speakers out- District Judge Jarges English ruled
tions, the REA and telephone chains of unclear, inaudible and even blatant
lined a number of types of tax ex- here in favor of the investment firm speech, all necessitate a distinct and
would not be affected, he explained.
emption which they thoukht should be of Burns, Potter & Co. in a suit independent mental operation on the
As to the co-operatives which would brought by Mrs.- Marian O'Connor
investigated. be affected by the measure, Fisher part of the reporter in transmuting
charging she lost $96,000 because of the sound heard into words convey-
One Way to Boost Income asserted: "These outfits list them- injudicious investing of her money
selves as non-profit organizations, but ing some degree of intelligibility.
"We thought, for example," Jones by the firm. The company contended
said, "that if we could put back say I'll bet that everyone of them would that whatever losses were suffered
go out of business if the profit ele- were common to all security holders
$15,000,000 worth -of property in the Liquor Sales outside
mnent really were eliminated. They during the depression and in the reces-
state on the taxable list, we would exist for profit alone, and they are sion of 1987 and 1938. of Towns Condemned
have quite a bit of new revenue. In- running our merchants out -of busi-
ness." The case had been viewed with in- Bismarck, N. D.
stead of looking for new sources of terest by investment and banking men
He declared that the co-operatives, A bill to prohibit the retail sale of
taxation, we thought this might be who wanted to know if they were to alcoholic beverages outside incorpo-
and he named the Farmers Co-opera-
one way of helping add to our state be held liable for losses in a client's rated cities and villages has been
tive Exchanges as the principal one
income." i- 7Nf th Croli, n dont na their
investment where bad faith had not introduced in the North Dakota Leg-
been proved. islature.
As a result of a similar investiga- members cash dividends, but rather
The measure was recommended by
tion made a few years ago, Connecti- gye them additional stock in the Attorney General Nels G. Johnson,
cut placed several million dollars in themselves," "usingt it to
added, "sn
he ade to sell everything, use a nefarious, hypo- who said there is insufficient law en-
valuations back on the tax list, he [expand their operations so they may critical scheme in order to avoid forcement personnel to handle many
said. put competition out of business. They taxation." of the roadside nightclubs.

More Stringent Tax on Real Estate

Would Finance Bond
Named Art Trustee
Breckinridge Long, lawyer, art con-
Strikes of Utility Workers
(Continued from Page Five)

Fire Laws Are Issue to Pay Bonus noisseur and former diplomat, has
been elected to the Board of Trustees
*of the Corcoran Gallery of Art.
"The State of Maryland," the bill
further asserts, "exercising herein its
police and sovereign power, declares
.Seen Probable Annapolis, Md .

A state bond issue of $100,000,00 0

Mi. Long is the owner of a number that the right to strike or to threaten
to pay bonuses up to 4300 to Worl d
of notable art works. and about 35 to strike in connection with disputes
War II veterans is proposed in s a years ago he and Mrs. Long added between the owners of public utilities
Effective Enforcement of measure introduced in the Maryland d a private art gallery to their resi- and their employes in order to secure
8Present Measures Also Is Legislature by Delegates Bertorelli ,
dence in St. Louis. a settlement for adjustment of com-
Silk and Duffy, all of Baltimore, and plaints or demands, is hereby with-
Demanded to End Disasters McGrath of Prince Georges. drawn, and that procedures for the
The bonds would be amortized. by above the mezzanine floors, of public
adjustment of such disputes with due
SURVEY OF RECENT ACTION real estate taxes, ranging from 4.75 buildings.
regard to the respective rights of the
cents on each 4100 valuation in 1950 Thorough Inspection Ordered employes and employers are hereby
New York. (the year of payment) to 27.5 cents A new fire prevention ordinance to provided, regardless of the questions of
Adoption of more stringent state from 1958 to 1964 inclusive, and to fault and to the exclusion of every
13.75 cents in 1965, when the last replace one declared invalid last year
and municipal fire-protection laws, as was being drafted in Providence, R. I. other remedy, except as provided by
well as more effective enforcement of bond would mature. this act."
Meanwhile, as a result of the Atlanta
.existing measures, is being widely The proposed bond issue would be fire, Providence authorities called for
urged throughout the country, a sur_ submitted to the voters in 1948. thorough inspections of "all hotels,
iey discloses. taverns, rooming houses and all build.- Earlier Treatment
A joint committee. of the Georgia regulations to eliminate fire hazards. ings occupied as living quarters such
legislature was appointed to investi- New Jersey State Labor Commis- as the YMCA, private clubs, such as for Mentally Ill Is
gate fire prevention laws of other sioner Harry C. Harper, whose de- the Elks Club, and hospitals, for the Purpose of Measure
states and 'draft protective measures partment now administers fire pre- purpose of insuring the safety of all
for introduction in the 1947 state leg- vention measures in industrial build- such buildings and their occupants Albany, N. Y.
islative session. Meanwhile move- ings, has announced he will urge the against fire." State aid to permit expanded local
ments for revision of city fire and 1947 legislature to enact a law to In Phoenix, Ariz., Mayor Ray psychiatric care for the mentally ill
building codes and safety measures, regulate the construction of hotels Busey said he would recommend the is proposed by New York State Sena-
or drives for tighter enforcement of and provide for adequate fire escapes appointment of an advisory citizens' tor Seymour Halpern, Queens.
present safety laws, were launched and fire prevention practices. committee to study the need for im- He asked in one of a series of
in several Georgia cities. May Revise Iowa Code proved methods of enforcing building bills, designed to improve the situa-
codes for the protection of human tion in the state's crowded mental in-
Study Drastic Proposals Revision of housing codes to pro- life. Emphasis was laid on the exist-
vide improved fire protection is un-
ence of "large flimsily built night ititutions, that a temporary state corn-
Mindful not only of the Atlanta der consideration nission be named immediately to de-
in Iowa, where the clubs" adjacent to the city which
holocaust, but also of the recent tene. subject was recently termine the need for expanded local
ment fire tragedy in New York City, meeting of fire chiefs discussed at a
have but one inadequate exit.
from nearly mre and to frame a program for state
the New York State Joint Legislative 70 Iowa towns. With a A new fire prevention code in Kan- Lid.
Dubuque fire
Committee on Housing and Multiple tragedy fresh in as lCity is expected to be adopted Senator Halpern, calling attention
their memory, mem early in 1947.
Dwellings is studying proposals for hers of the 1947 to the overcrowding in mental hos-
Iowa legislature may
new, drastic legislation to provide enact more stringent Five New Ordinances pitals which now house well over 100,-
greater fire-protec 9on. Spokesmen curbs.
An ordinance requiring emergency
for the committee said it has found fire protection measures In Birmingham, Ala., Public Safe- )00 patients, stated that, in advane-
that New York City hotel conditions mercantile establishments, in hotels, ty Commissioner Eugene Connor in- In the program, it was his avowed
and other structed the city legal department to Lope that many could be cured with-
in moat respects afford no cause for buildings used by the
public was draw up five new ordinances which he ut being certified to the state insti-
that huX'dreds of ram- der consideration at this writing un- said he
shackle resort hotels and year-round Chicago, where 61 in would recommend for adop- utions.
persons lost their tion as necessary to safeguard Birm- "An example is provided in the
hotels in other cities not covered by lives in the LaSalle
fire last summer. ingham citizens and visitors against Grasslands Hospital in Westehester
multiple dwelling laws drafted spe- Places affected by ounty which, even with present lim-
cifically for New York City, are po- nance would include proposed ordi. disasters. ted treatment facilities is able
1,385 hotels and First of the proposed new Birming-
tential danger spots. One of the first apartment hotels with
a total capacity ham ordinances would classify all hrough intensive early treatment to
objectives of proposals to be present- f 135,400 rooms. ave about 20 per cent of its psychist-
ed to the 1947 New York State legis- would require the enclosure measure hotels with 20 or more rooms into ic patients
of stair- three types, depending on construe- from certification to state
lature, it was indicated, will be to ways, and elevator shafts, and therin- tion, and provide
that those classified mental hospitals," the Senator said.
bring all hotels in the state under stallation of fire doors between floors, as Type I put all furniture repair
and paint work in a fireproof room,
equipped with a sprinkler. Type II Tax Attack Fails
SUBSCRIPTION BLANK hotels would be required to encase
elevator shafts and stairways, asd Tamps, Fla.
($3.75 if check accompanies order)
(.3.75i........................194.. to
cut off halls with fire doors, as well esFour motor transportation compan-
made an unsuccessful attempt in
as to meet the furniture repair and ircuit Court to
,American Law and Lawyers, aint work requirements. Type 11
obtain exemption
534 Sycamore Street. hotels would have to close elevator f rom Tampa's new municipal 10 per
Cincinnati Z Ohio. shafts and stairways, and install a ent utility tax.
sprinkler system throughout the en- Circuit Court Judge Harry N.
Gentlemen: ire building. Eandler rejected the companies' con-
Please enter my name for a three months' trial subscrip- Another proposed Birmingham or- t ention that the state law setting up
tion and bill me for one dollar. linance would require flame-proof n ileage taxes exempted them from
nattresses in hotels. A third ordi- n unicipal levies other than strictly
......................................................... ance would call for display in all P roperty taxes.
t oom of a floor plan of the building, The firms were Tamiami Trail
..................................................... howing fire exits. Smoking would T ours, Central
Truck Lines, Fogarty
e prohibited in hotel beds and de- B rothers Transfer and Hun Truck
--- ------------
----- --- ------------ --- ........... .. ... artment stores under a fourth ordL I ines.
lISend paper for a year at $()()0 ance, while the fifth would abolish Similar local utility taxes are lev-
evolving doors in Birmingham hotels ie
d by more than two dozen other
nd office buildings. I F lorida municipalities.

Harvard Law's Nuremberg Judge

Appointed to Head
Legal Aspects of Housing Are Treated by
Various Authorities in Duke Symposium

Students 93 Special Bar Committee

Appointment of Federal Circuit
Vallance Honored
New York.
The various aspects -of housing
N. C.

constitute the subject matter for the

current Duke Law School symposium
Per Cent Vets Court Judge John J. Parker of Char-
lotte, N. C., alternate American judge
at the Nuremberg trials, as chairman
William Roy Vallance, of the
U. S. State Department's legal
staff, secretary-general of the
"Law and Contemporary Problems."
There are twelve articles in the
publication by such eminent authori-
Even Accepting Only One in of the special committee on Improv- Inter-American Bar Associa-
ties as Philip Hauser, A. J. Jaffe, Rob-
Four Qualified Applicants ing the Administration of Justice of tion and widely known in the
ert Davison, Miles Colean, Shirley
the American Bar Association, was work of the American Bar, has
School Is Packed, Dean Says announced here by Carl B. Rix, pres- been awarded the medal of the
Siegel, Lee Loevinger, George Thomp-
son, Edwin Yourman, William Thomp-
ident. Alumni Federation of Columbia ington, and Robinson Newcomb.
HAD TO SET UP A NURSERY Vice-chairmen of the committee University for "Conspicuous Col- These men represent an excellent
are: Chief Justice James P. Alexan- umbia Alumni Service." Said the cross-section of current American
Los Angeles. der, Austin, Tex.,; Judge Edward R. citation: opinion 'and policy as regards this.
The postwar problems of Harvard Finch, New York, and Judge Bolitha "Staunch and faithful alumnus very pressing problem. The articles
Law School have been complicated by J. Laws, Washington, D. C. The other who by his admirable gifts and are so arranged as to present not
a deluge of war veterans, accompani- members are: Leland L. Tolman, ability has served Columbia only the scope and intricacies of legal
ed by wives and children, and all sad- Washington, D. C., secretary; George with warm affection and notable questions arising from the housing
ly in need of housing accommodations E. Brand, Detroit; Judge W. Calvin persistence in the nation's capi- shortage, but also their economic and
and eating facilities, Dean Erwin N. Chesnut, Baltimore; James 'P. Econ- tal as member and president of sociological ramifications.
Griswold told a luncheon of local omos, Chicago; James D. Fellers, Ok- the Washington Alumni Club;
distinguished lawyer, diplomat, Such matters as real property law,
graduates of the school. lahoma City; Arthur J. Freund, St.
Dean Griswold told the luncheon author, lecturer, and worthy difficulties in home construction, and
Louis; Judge Laurance M. Hyde, mortgage finance are treated from
the law school enrollment had jump- Jefferson City, Mo.; Chief Justice representative and guardian of
our citizenry through his emi- both the practical and theoretical
ed from a wartime low point of 47 Robert G. Simmons, Lincoln, Neb.;
nent place in the Department standpoints. Also there are two in-
until the registration at the spring Charles B. Stephens, Springfield, Ill.; teresting treatises on proposed chang-
term beginning of 1950. and Dean T. Vanderbilt, Newark. of State."
es in real estate law by Professors
93 Per Cent Veterans Corwin Edwards of Northwestern,
During the term now closing en- File Wage-Hour Measure State Bar Plan for and Spencer Parratt of Syracuse.
rollment has been 1747, of whom 93 Special problems such as the present
per cent are war veterans and the
Hartford, Conn. Raising Salaries of veteran's emergency housing pro-
A state wage-hour bill has been
other seven per cent are from the
introduced in the Connecticut Legis- Judges Introduced gram, building code improvement,
merchant marine and similar services. and the mass housing need are dis-
"I am the only law dean who has at lature by Senator Dominick Pedace, Harrisburg, Pa. cussed and analysed fully by writers
the same time been dean of a nur- Norwich. A one-third increase in salary for who are close to the hearts-of these
sery school," the Harvard legal sa. Applying to all intrastate business- judges in all Pennsylvania courts from questions.
vant said. es, the bill would establish minimum the Supreme to county courts is pro-
hourly wage scales of 50 cents an vided in a bill introduced in the State The symposium thus may be seen
Babies interfered with the orderly to contain as complete a develop-
study of law, he explained, and so 'hour in the ueb year of the act's Senate by Sen. John M. Walker, Oak-
operation, 60 cents an hour in the mont. ment of legal aspects of the housing
dignified Harvard had to establish a situation as may be found anywhere.
nursery, where, five days a week, from second year, and 70 cents an hour The measure, backed by the Penn-
9 to 12, the youngsters are cared thereafter. The bill also would es- sylvania Bar Association, raises the
for. This permits the mothers to tablish a standard eight-hour work Supreme Court justices' pay from
day and 40-hour work week, with $19,000 to $26,000 a year, and the Minimum Wages Hiked
shop-otherwise the wives forced the
husbands to care for the family pride time and a half for all overtime Supreme Court justices" pay from
Madison, Wis.
and joy when they (the husbands) work. $18,000 to $24,000.
An order increasing minimum
should have been in the study hall. The proposed schedule calls for this
pay in these judicial districts: wages for women and minors, effective
Discrimination Studied February 10, has been issued by the
Takes One in Four Sacramento, Cal. Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, $19,-
Despite overflowing enrollment, 000'; those with populations ranging Wisconsin State Industrial Commis-
During his second inaugural mess- sion.
the law school has been accepting between 250,000 and 1,000,000, $17,-
age to. the California Legislature,
only one out of four qualified ap- 500; between 100,000 and 250,000, The new rates are: 45 cents an hour
Gov. Earl Warren resubmitted his
plicants, Dean Griswold disclosed. plan for a state commission on po- $16,000; between 65,000 and 100,000, minimum in cities or villages with a
Those adepted must have high marks litical and economic equality to in- $13,500 and less than 65,000, $12,- population of 3,500 or more; 40 cents
-even those entering from Harvard vestigate racial discrimination prob- 000. an hour in communities with a popu-
College must have an avenge grade lems and report to the governor and Dauphin county (Harrisburg) court lation between 1,000 and 3,500, and.88
of straight B's, and those entering legislature. justices would beceive an additional cents elsewhere. Present minimum
from some schools must have straight $4,000 for being the commonwealth's rates in Wisconsin are 22 cents an
There is no place now, he said,
A's. where "objective" information on court of original jurisdiction. hour in cities and villages with a
"Housing has always been one of this subject is available. population over 5,000, and 20 cents
our problems," Dean Griswold said, elsewhere.
"and it is unsolvable." He said bar- basic legal concepts and a traditionax
of respect for the law are well-ground-
racks had been erected as one contri- Charleston, W. Va.
ed in Harvard law graduates--that the
bution to caring for 700 married law An increase of one per cent in West State Liquor Stores Sought
graduates "have their feet on the Virginia's consumers sales tax is one
students, and that in addition the
school has rented a hotel in downtown
ground." of several new or added taxes pro- Atlanta, Ga.
Boston. There are no cooking nor "I hope you have not overlooked posed to the 1947 State Legislature A bill proposing a system of state-
that the dissenting justices in the re- by the West Virginia Farm Bureau
nursery facilities in the hotel, how- owned liquor stores, which it was
cent portal-to-portal decision of the to contribute to the proposed expen-
ever, and if babies arrive the tenants claimed would double the state's reve-
must move. U. S. Supreme Court were Frankfur- diture of $33,900,000 annually for nue from the sale of alcoholic bever-
Graduates Well-Grounded ter and Burton, - both graduates improvement of the state's secondary ages, was introduced in the Georgia
Dean Griswold emphasized that of Harvard," Dean 'Griswold said. Iroads. Legislature.

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